Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1)

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Blood Bound: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 1) Page 13

by Idella Breen

  “Relax.” She whispered as she leaned down and gently kissed the girl. It was slow and light at first, but Snow responded quickly, and moved to deepen the kiss by slipping her tongue into the werewolf’s warm depths. Cait moaned and began drawing circles on Snow’s thighs.

  Snow could feel herself heating up as the werewolf swirled her tongue in her mouth dominating every part she touched. She moaned and pushed up to meet Cait’s chest. Suddenly, the woman pulled back causing Snow to groan in annoyance.

  “Just a minute.” The werewolf chuckled as she pulled off her button up and slowly slipped Snow’s dress over her head throwing it to the floor. Their bras came next leaving only their underwear. Cait hovered over the girl taking in every inch of her.

  “Beautiful.” She breathed. The brunette blushed and moved to cover herself, but Cait stopped her.

  “Don’t. I want to see you.” She whispered. She raised her hand up to circle the girl's left nipple. It beaded up at the attention and Cait bent down to capture it in her mouth. Snow groaned and buried her hands in the woman's hair.

  “Cait.” Snow breathed as she felt teeth tease her breast. When the woman bit gently, electricity shot straight to the girl's sex. It throbbed for attention.

  The redhead settled fully between Snow’s legs groaning at the feeling of the girl's hot center touching her abs.

  “Oh, Snow.” She moaned and trailed hot kisses up from the breast to settle on her neck.

  The brunette moaned and began grinding. The werewolf could feel her getting wet. She grabbed the girl's ass and pushed into her, hard. Snow gasped.


  “Cait will do.” The werewolf chuckled and captured the neglected nipple giving it the attention it demanded.

  “Shut up.” Snow breathed.

  Cait bit down eliciting a moan from the girl beneath her. “Be nice.”

  Snow groaned as she ground harder into the woman and dug her nails slightly into her back.

  “Cait!” She whined.

  The werewolf could feel how soaked the girl was and could feel her throbbing through her underwear. She moaned as she trailed hot kisses down Snow’s stomach, stopping to dip her tongue into her belly button, making her gasp. She continued until she reached her destination, and hooked her fingers under the band of the girl's panties, pulling it down. Snow lifted her hips to let the werewolf undress her and watched as the last barrier was tossed over the side of the bed. The brunette was looking at her through hooded eyes and noticed when the werewolf’s flashed gold. Cait nudged her way between pale thighs, hovering over her mate carefully. Her pupils dilated from the smell of arousal.

  Cait groaned. “Snow.” Then her tongue slipped between silken folds.

  Snow gasped. Her hands going straight for the werewolf’s tresses and burying her fingers into them. She watched the werewolf raptly. All of her attention was drawn to the eyes that were flickering between gold and electric blue. She knew the red head was changing, merging, both the wolf and woman were one. Cait trailed her tongue along the soft flesh, stopping at the little nub at the top. She sucked it in between her teeth then circled it with her tongue. She heard a low groan.


  Cait hummed and bit down gently on the hard nub. Snow moaned, jerked, tightening her thighs around the werewolf’s head, as tingles of pleasure began to build in the form of heat at her center. It throbbed, and she found herself wanting something more, but she wasn’t sure what exactly. She wanted to be closer to the werewolf, whole, one.

  “Please!” Snow breathed and began to grind harder into Cait.

  The werewolf sucked once more on the hard nub and could feel the girl was wet and ready. She brought her hand up and gently parted Snow’s moist folds, dipping a single finger inside her mate. The girl gasped, arms clutching Cait’s shoulders tightly. Her mouth open slightly.

  The werewolf slowly thrust forward, watching her finger slowly disappear inside the silky depths. About halfway through she felt a thin layer of flesh block her. Snow gasped. Cait paused the implications of what it meant hit her, making her heart swell with love. She drew herself up and met Snow’s lips again, pouring her gratitude, and love into the kiss.

  The girl moaned, hips undulating with want. The feel of Cait inside of her was wonderful.


  The werewolf nodded, her body trembling with want and the need to mate growing stronger. Mine! She felt her teeth lengthen and with a forceful push, she broke Snow’s hymen, filling the girl to the hilt. The girl cried out and tensed, the combination of pain, and sweet pleasure mixing.

  Cait deepened the kiss, splitting her attention, allowing the pleasure to begin to dominate the pain. Cait paused allowing Snow to settle into the discomfort and begin to relax again.

  “I got you.” She whispered against the girl's lips.

  Snow nodded and broke the kiss.”It’s okay.”

  Cait smiled and began to move, slowly thrusting in and out. She groaned as Snow’s velvety walls constricted around her fingers, the wetness coating her hand. Snow whimpered from the pleasure assaulting her in waves. She moved her hips in time with her lovers, sending Cait deeper within. Soon the werewolf picked up her pace adding a third finger. Snow clutched at the red head groaning in pleasure. She dug her nails into Cait’s back, raking them down desperately, as the werewolf slammed into her again and again.

  Together they moved, their bodies a blur of movement, and pleasure. They thrust together wildly. Snow could feel her peak building. She whispered Cait’s name, again and again, slamming her hips up to meet the wet fingers that slipped easily into her over and over again. Cait felt Snow’s walls flutter around her fingers, her own sex tightening in sympathy.

  She thrust once, twice, and on the third Snow screamed and came undone in her arms screaming her name.

  Cait felt the werewolf slam against her mental cage and burst forth. Mine! Cait burst into her wolf form. She was suddenly hovering over Snow on all fours. Snow was weak from her orgasm, but she could remember what Gwen had told her to do. She picked herself up, so she was laying back on her elbows and bared her throat in submission.

  “I am your’s, from the break of dawn to the descent of night, from now until the end of eternity.” She gasped out and tensed as the teeth descended on her shoulder and bit down. Snow screamed in pain, but the teeth were gone as soon as they had been there. She dropped from her elbows to the bed. The feeling of a tongue trailing along the bite settled her and eased the pain.

  “It’s a knot.”


  Cait smiled at the girl beneath her who had been so brave only a second ago.

  “The bite heals in the form of a Celtic knot. I had always wondered how my mother got the mark. I always just thought it was a tattoo, but she told me it was the Fallon clans symbol.”

  “What does it look like?” Snow asked.

  “It’s the Quaternary knot.”

  “Mmm?” Snow hummed, and moved to try and look at it, making Cait chuckle.

  “It’s the four-cornered Celtic knot, so it’s kind of hard to explain what it looks like, but I know what it means. My mother told me.”

  “What?” Snow asked meeting her gaze.

  “It’s a symbol of protection. I will always protect you, Snow.”

  Snow smiled at the finality of everything and spoke meeting the gaze of soft blue eyes. She whispered. “I love you Cait.”

  The werewolf smiled. “And I, you. I am your’s for eternity. You are my heart.”

  A tear trailed down Snow’s cheek, and Cait leaned in to capture it with her tongue. The two lay in each other’s arms as they fell asleep.


  Snow was nervous. Cait could feel the anxiety coming off her in waves.

  “Everything will be fine.”

  She turned to the werewolf. “Are you sure I should be here? It’s supposed to be special.”

  Cait chuckled. “It’s fine. You’re my mate. You go where I go even to the m
oon festival.”

  “But-“ Snow was cut off when a voice called out to them. Gwen met them at the door.

  “Hey, you’re finally here! The moon is almost to its peak.” She grabbed Snow’s hand and dragged her through the house and out into the backyard.

  All the werewolves of the Lander clan had transformed and were seated, scattered across the lawn, staring up at the sky. Gwen pulled Snow to a soft patch of grass and sat them down. “You don’t want to miss this. Don’t worry; I’ll be your interpreter.” The omega smiled and faced the sky.

  Snow looked up in time to see golden eyes watching her. Her white wolf had joined the ranks and turned to face the sky as well. A moment of silence passed, and she heard Gwen mutter beside her. “They are going to begin, now!”

  Suddenly, a large russet wolf with white patches rose his muzzle and let out a booming howl. He was by far the largest one there.

  Gwen leaned over to her and whispered. “That’s Remus.”

  Snow nodded and listened to his howl as Gwen interpreted.

  He sang, “I sing a song to the great full moon. Let all who hear it answer. Another cycle has completed. I sing a song with my clan. The Strong Lander’s. I sing a song with a friend, the great protector, Fallon. Let the moon hear our chorus, let our friends answer our call, our journey is long and hard, but our clan is strong. Sing Lander, sing Fallon.”

  All the wolves lifted their heads and sang in chorus as one mighty sound. It sent a shiver down Snow’s spine from the sheer power behind the howls. The wolves slowly began to taper off until only one wolf was howling. It was Cait. The white wolf drew in a breath and sang.

  “I sing a song to the great full moon. Let all who hear it answer. I stand among the honorable Lander’s as the lone Fallon. I sing a song of my devotion. I, the surviving Fallon, sing to my clansmen from up above. Snow Bennett is your new sister. She is my mate and my love. I sing an oath to her. Hear this oath. I, Cait Fallon, shall live on and continue the Fallon legacy. The Fallon’s will be strong once more. I am no longer the child without heart, and I devote all of it to my mate. We will be strong. We will live long. We will be blood bound.”

  The wolves lifted and answered her song in chorus. Each singing with their own unique voice. As Gwen translated Cait’s song, Snow felt tears trailing down her cheeks. She was the happiest she had ever been. For so long, she had felt lost and alone. Now, she had a family and a lover. She was part of something bigger. She was in love, and she was whole.

  Author’s note

  Dear Reader,

  I want to personally thank you for taking the time to read this story. This book has been sitting in a closet gathering dust for years, and it wasn’t until a good friend asked about it over dinner and demanded that I publish it, that I decided to pull it out and fix it up. This story has always been near and dear to my heart as I wrote it after a really bad break-up. At that time this story gave me great joy and helped me pull through a dark time.

  I hope you, Reader, have found some joy in reading it and I hope it made your heart flutter at moments. I know it did for mine when I dusted it off and read through it after all these years.

  Thank you,

  Idella Breen

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  Fire& Ice Series

  Blood Bound

  Soul Awakened

  Eternal Soul Trilogy

  Bone Walker




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