Chained Cargo
Page 3
Fletch did as requested. Quinn removed her jacket and then her shirt in front of Françoise and Sarah. Her large breasts swung free under Françoise’s nose. Françoise’s eyes widened and she grunted at the sight. Through each of Quinn’s nipples were thick gold rings. Whip stripe scars cross-crossed her chest. She turned around to face Danielle and exposed her whip scarred back to the two women. Quinn’s firm shapely arse was also well exposed in her tight velvet britches. Sarah was also staring, transfixed at the sight of Quinn, but she kept quiet, hoping not to be noticed.
“I’ve a French prison whip here. We’ll see how you like the feel Danielle. Forty lashes should give you a good taster.”
Quinn walked around to Danielle’s back. She took aim and laid the whip on. The reaction was immediate; Danielle flinched and yelled as it bit her flesh. Quinn brought the whip around, looping over her head and gave a backhand stroke to lay a stripe the other way on her back. She continued this figure of eight movement, working down Danielle’s back to her backside. Danielle writhed and yelled as the whip cracked on her skin. Quinn’s breasts bounced and swayed as she worked the whip, the gold rings flashing as they caught the morning sun shining through the grills on the ships side. After twenty lashes Quinn stopped and moved back to stand in front of Françoise. She lifted her nightdress and put her hand between Françoise’s legs.
“Ah! The young woman is aroused!” Quinn moved forward, removed the gag and kissed Françoise full on the lips. Françoise responded opening her mouth and letting Quinn’s tongue penetrate. Quinn moved her hand up and down in Françoise’s slit. She moaned.
Danielle reacted at the sounds. “Laissez ma fille! Ne la touchez pas! Fouetez-moi si vous le désirez! But leave ‘er alone!”
Quinn continued to kiss Françoise and stroke her clitoris. Françoise pulled her mouth away to catch her breath. “Aaaaaaaagh!” she moaned as she came.
Quinn winked at Fletch, whose grinning white teeth shone in the shadows.
“Right, another twenty lashes Danielle! I’ll whip your front this time!”
Quinn put Françoise’s gag back in place and turned her back on her. She continued the figure of eight movement, her breasts bouncing. This time she worked on Danielle’s breasts, working downwards to her stomach and then to the front of her thighs. Danielle writhed and cried. Quinn stopped after delivering the full twenty lashes. Danielle’s head hung down and she was breathing heavily. Thick crimson welts rose on her flesh, several stripes filled with blood. Her sweat glistened in the morning light.
“I’ll leave you and Swift to amuse yourself here. Don’t touch Françoise; remember we don’t want to spoil the merchandise.”
Just before sunset, the Scorpion was passing Deshaies to the north of Basseterre, Guadeloupe. They would pass well to the north of the island some-time during the night and head north-east towards the east coast of Antigua and the Atlantic. It was a beautiful evening and they were making good progress, even though they were now beating to windward.
Danielle and Françoise had been taken up in their yokes to the weather deck. Françoise was still wearing her nightdress, which was now looking dirty and worse for wear. She was taken up to the quarter deck and positioned close to the rail so that she could have a good view. Danielle was made to kneel with her back to the capstan. When in use the capstan would have a dozen spars inserted, like the spokes of a wheel, for the men to turn it. Two of the wooden spars only were readied and put under each side of her yoke. They were lifted, lifting Danielle slightly and inserted into their square holes on the capstan. Danielle’s yoke was pulled forward until her wrist rings stopped against the diverging spars. Her yoke was secured in place with rope. Then her ankles were lifted to join her wrists and were also roped in place. Her wide spread legs were now open and available at the right height for the crew.
Quinn appeared from her cabin aft and stood next to Françoise. The whole crew, except for the helmsman, came over to watch.
Quinn addressed them all. “Crew! I’ve organised some entertainment for you tonight! We have a French whore roped to the capstan spars! You can all take your pleasure on her on deck! Break out the rum!”
A cheer came from the crew. They filled their tankards and stood in line. The first man was Swift who took up his position and started to shaft Danielle. Then the men followed one after another. Danielle laboured and writhed in her bonds.
Quinn turned to Françoise. “Any remorse for your mother? Should I spare her?”
“Non! Just look at ‘er. She’s just a filthy whore!”
Quinn stood even closer to Françoise. “You seem to like watching her getting whipped this morning?”
“She’s been a real bitch to me and deserves to be whipped for it. Anyway she’s my step-mother not my mother - my real mother died giving birth to me. I zink she was one of my father’s mistresses at zee time. ‘E married ‘er ‘oping for a son. But she’s barren and ‘e lost interest in ‘er some time ago.”
Quinn was surprised. “Your step-mother?” She had not realised that they were not mother and daughter. Quinn smiled to herself; from what Françoise had just said, no one would shed a tear for what was to be done to Danielle.
Quinn laughed. “Mistress, whore and step-mother!”
Françoise was breathing heavily. “Seeing her getting fucked like zis is making me wet!”
Danielle’s body shone in the light from the setting sun. She jerked her body and head in different directions as she was fucked. Her belly was soaked in come and sweat, it had trickled onto the deck.
Françoise was trembling. “Mon Dieu! Zis is a ‘ell of sight! My own step-mother!”
“Just a bit longer! Then I’ll relieve you.”
A little later Quinn led Françoise to her cabin and laid her down on her table. She lifted each leg in turn and roped her ankles to her wrists so that her legs were spread wide. Thick clear liquid had tricked from Françoise’s vagina and the inside of her thighs glistened with it. Quinn slid her four fingers into the wet crease and then into her open vagina.
“Oh! Merci captain. Zat’s what I need!”
Quinn worked her fingers in and out as Françoise laid back and moaned. Her fist slid into Françoise and she gasped.
“Mon Dieu! Zat’s good! Aaaaagh!”
Françoise came for the first time, but Quinn continued.
“You’re no virgin my young one! Who’s been here before?”
“My father’s friends and especially Sarah. Aaaaaaagh!”
Françoise came for a second and third time. She writhed, but Quinn’s fist was still inserted and Françoise just kept on coming. Eventually Quinn eased off and removed her hand. She left Françoise laying there and undid her own britches. She slid her hand down to her clitoris. Leaning on the edge of the table with her other hand, she rubbed vigorously and then came violently.
Françoise watched. “I could have done zat for you.”
“It doesn’t matter. Another time maybe.”
Quinn left Françoise on the table in her cabin and went on deck to check on the crew. A few of them were still milling around watching as the remainder shafted Danielle. Danielle was soaked in sweat and come from the fucking she’d received. It glistened on her front and dripped from between her legs. Fletch was managing the end of the proceedings.
Quinn approached. “Well Fletch, I can see you lot are still at it! And your cocks about to break out of your pants!”
“Itz was a good sight cap’n! This bitch’s taken most of the crew, some more than once!”
Quinn took Fletch aside. “Where are we?”
“About ten miles north of Guadeloupe cap’n”
“I can feel the sea’s getting rougher.”
“Yes cap’n. It’s a swell from the Atlantic. Could slow us down tomorrow.”
“When you’re done with her, take her below then come and see me.”
Fletch dismissed the remaining crew and swilled sea water from a bucket over Danielle, rubbing off the mess on her front
and between her legs
“Youz some woman to take that fuckin’. Iz gonna put youz to rest now.”
Danielle lifted her. “You didn’t fuck me tonight big man?”
“No, Iz leavin’ youz to them. Iz already fucked youz today.”
“But I like your big black body and your dick. Some of zee crew made me come, but I really need you to finish me off.”
Fletch undid his britches and released his cock. He sighed with relief; it had been hard for some-time. He slid it into Danielle and she groaned, closing her eyes.
“Merci mon étalon noir. Aaaaaagh!”
Danielle, eyes shut, took a deep breath and clenched her teeth. She started to shake as Fletch slid in and out.
“Oh Fletch! Don’t take it out just come inside me, I want to squeeze it and feel you pump. Aaaaagh!”
Danielle was still coming as Fletch came.
“Ugh! Iz can feel you squeezin’! Ugh! That’s good!”
They both relaxed down panting, Fletch still inside her.
Danielle lifted her head. “Kiss me Fletch.”
Fletch lowered his head and met her open mouth. They gorged on each other for over a minute, then Danielle fell back.
“Merci. Je suis crevé.”
Fletch un-roped her and removed the capstan spars. She fell to the deck exhausted. He picked her up in his arms and carried her back down below deck. This time he removed the yoke and attached her by a slave collar and long chain. Sarah was in the shadows silently watching.
“Iz get youz some food and drink now.” He disappeared and returned with a plate of stew and vegetables, a tankard of ale and a blanket. “Youz worked hard tonight. Enjoy it, thatz good food. Therez some ale with a tot o’ rum in it for youz as well. Iz got somet’ing to rest youz head on - help youz sleep.”
“Merci, tu es gentile. I’m not too hungry right now; maybe I’ll eat it later.”
Sarah stirred. “Hey what about me? All I’ve had all day was some bread and water.”
“Youz keep quiet or youz get fucked by crew as well. Seez you in mornin’.”
Early the following morning the Scorpion encountered heavier seas as it sailed north between Guadeloupe and Antigua. The ship had slowed to five knots and was pitching with the waves. Quinn was in high spirits.
“Fletch, let’s have some fun! Get those women below in those exercise irons! This sea will test them!”
Fletch grinned, he knew exactly what she meant. He went below and got out three tee-shaped metal bars. These were very similar to the leg irons that they had been using, but they had been modified to include uprights at their centres that terminated in what looked like sword handles or hilts. The grips to the hilts were ten inches in length and two inches wide, rounded at their tops with a pommel. They had guards or quillians that stuck out at right angles and curved upwards.
Fletch started with Sarah, who was still sitting naked chained by her yoke. He pulled her up by her chain and transferred it to the ring in the ceiling beam. He pulled on the chain forcing her to stand and move to the centre of the compartment. The ship pitched as she moved making her lose her balance. When the chain was tight she was more stable against the ship’s movements. He attached its other end to one of the many rings on the ships side.
“You’re not going to whip me are you? I’ll do whatever you want.”
“No whippin’s yet. Youz see.”
“Please wash me Fletch, I stink.”
Fletch gave a long look then got a sponge and soap and washed her. She spread her legs to let him wash her crotch. Once this was over he took one of the tee bars and laid it on the deck in front of her. She stared at it wondering what he was going to do with it, but she was in no position to resist, Fletch put her ankles into the iron ankle loops at each end of the iron, spreading them by the same distance as her wrists. He then picked up the upright with its sword handle and swung it up close to her crotch. It was telescopic and he extended it until the entire thick handle disappeared into Sarah’s vagina and the quillians were aligned and almost touching her groin and vulva. He secured the tee in its position and went over to adjust the chain attaching her to the beam in the roof. He pulled it until her heels were off the deck but no higher, then he reattached it to the ships side. The ship pitched and swayed violently and she had to move her legs to balance. The tee bar moved as well, pushing further into her vagina and groin.
“Ah! You devil! This thing’s fucking me as the ship moves!”
“Let’s seez how youz rides these waves!”
Fletch moved to where Françoise was chained and attached her in the same way. Then he went over to Danielle. She was still lying on her back asleep when he approached her.
“Oh Fletch, please don’t whip me again zis morning. I just can’t take it today. I’ll wash and suck your cock if you want. But don’t whip me.”
“My cock needs a good suckin’. ‘Twas rock hard when I woke. Iz was thinkin’ of last night.”
Danielle got onto her knees and started to undo the front of his tight britches. His erect black cock bulged inside. Once released, it stood out rigid in front of her. She took hold of it and admired it.
“You’re zee biggest man I’ve ever seen.”
She spat on it and washed it carefully with water from the bucket.
“It’s nice to see it close up. You fuck me really well, I like it.”
She moved her head forward and opening her mouth took its end sucking gently. Fletch moved forward to help her. She moved her head up and down letting as much of it move to her throat as she could. She pulled away, spit dripping from her half open lips and moved both her hands up and down on his shaft. Then her mouth was back once more. Fletch’s eyes were closed and he moaned. She sucked and pumped his cock enthusiastically, almost lovingly. Fletch was close to coming and she pulled her mouth away staying close as she pumped quick and hard on the shaft. He grunted as the first squirts of white come hit her face. She bent her head back to receive it. She squeezed his shaft and squirt after squirt fell either on her face or on to her chest and breasts.
He was spent and he took her head in his hands. “The cap’n decides on youz whippin’s, not me. Iz justs has to doos it. Iz gonna chain youz now for the storm, just like the others.”
During the morning the ship had been tossed about by the waves of the Atlantic and Quinn descended to the middle deck to see how the women were taking it. Françoise and Sarah were looking exhausted, their heads bowed. Françoise’s nightshirt stuck to her sweat drenched body and Sarah’s body shone in the half light. The deck underneath each of them was wet where they had relieved themselves. Thick liquid had trickled down from the shaft of the hilt that had been inserted into Sarah’s vagina and on to the rod below it.
Quinn was quick to notice it. “Ah Sarah! Enjoying it I see?” Sarah grunted and her eyes rolled. “You’re not finished yet? How many times have you come?”
Sarah regained her breath. “I’ve lost count – dozens of times. Have mercy captain.”
Quinn approached Françoise and peeled her nightdress from her sweaty thighs and lifted it. “What about you Françoise?” Again thick liquid had trickled down the shaft, this time almost to the bottom of the rod. “You’re enjoying it as well! You drool more than Sarah!”
Quinn went forward to Danielle. She was vigorously gyrating against the rod, grunting and shaking. Her whip-striped back shone with sweat. The deck beneath her was also wet and her rod glistened with her vaginal fluid. It had oozed all over its entire length and on to the floor. Quinn watched for a few minutes then went back up top.
Fletch was on the weather deck and Quinn called him over. “You’d better take the women off those shafts soon, they’re enjoying it too much!”
The following morning the Scorpion anchored off the northern shore of uninhabited Green Island, just east of Nonsuch Bay, Antigua. A small landing party went ashore with the three women. All of them were in their iron yokes and were being led by chains. Françoise still had her fil
thy nightdress on; Danielle and Sarah were both still naked.
The women were made to bathe in the sea off a small beach. Fletch went in with them with some soap and washed them thoroughly. His hands went all over the women’s bodies, particularly between their legs, but they were in no position to complain. Danielle and Sarah seemed to enjoy it, Françoise had some difficulty with it. Fletch soaped her nightdress well to try and get it clean.
“Therez ya are girls! All nice and clean for tomorrow.”
They came back onto the beach and were allowed to dry in the sun.
Meanwhile the rest of the landing party had set up a camp for the night close to Man Of War Point. Two short posts each with a top cross bar were constructed and sunk deep into the sand at the edge of the beach at the point. When all was ready, all except three men returned to the ship. The women were left chained on the main deck for the rest of the afternoon and night. They were thankful for the sun and the fresh air.
4. The Exchange
The morning came and a small landing party led by Swift went ashore with just Sarah and Françoise. This time the girls had their hands roped behind their backs and were gagged. Françoise still had her nightdress on and Sarah was still naked. Two of the men who had been there overnight were watching nervously for the approach of any ships from the south. The other man was acting as a signaller on the top of the hill behind them. He was there to keep in touch with the Scorpion hiding on the other side of the island.
Eventually a sailing ship was spotted several miles away, they warned the Scorpion and prepared for the ship’s arrival.
Françoise and Sarah were taken to the tee posts and made to kneel upright in front of them with their backs to the posts. Their arms, still tied at the wrists were forced behind them over the crossbar. Ropes were then wrapped tightly around their waists and the posts. Finally their ankles were tied together and then tied to their wrists behind the post, immobilising them completely. They were now both on display for Françoise’s approaching father and neither of them was going anywhere until he arrived