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Chained Cargo

Page 6

by Lesley Owen

  Swift brought the whip cracking onto Danielle’s back. She flinched but made no sound, almost resigned to what was to come.

  “One!” Swift yelled and the crew cheered.

  Fletch followed with a lash to her front.

  “Two!” Swift yelled and the crew cheered again.

  The lashes followed one after another and Danielle jumped and writhed in her irons. After the sixth lash she yelled out and her cries got louder at each stroke. Her eyes were transfixed on Fletch.

  Quinn turned to Sarah. “Don’t you think the bitch was made to be whipped? Just look at her. She’s got the filthy body of a whore!”

  Sarah was mesmerised at the sight. The count had now reached ten and Danielle was already soaked in sweat. She yelled loudly now as each lash bit.

  “Eleven!” Swift yelled once more and the crew cheered again.

  Quinn again turned to Sarah. “You seem to like watching her getting whipped?” Sarah was still transfixed and just nodded. Quinn grinned. “You and I have a lot in common.”

  “Twenty!” Swift’s count continued and the crew cheered again.

  Danielle’s body shone in the light from the fading sun. She jerked her body and head in different directions as the whip hit. Beads of sweat from her face and body flew off in all directions.

  “Just ten to go!”

  Danielle continued to take the whip until the end. Then she hung limp in her irons breathing heavily. More thick crimson welts crisscrossed her sweat soaked body.

  Quinn yelled to the crew. “Enough for tonight! Take her down Fletch and put her below!” She turned to Sarah. “Come and I’ll fist you.”

  Three days later Danielle had been roped tightly by her wrists and ankles to the main mast root in her compartment. Her front was pressed against the mast and she hugged it tightly. A rope had also been wound several times around her waist. It was hot and humid below deck and she sweated in the heat. Fletch was also looping a rope around her knees and the mast.

  She grumbled. “Why so much rope today? What are you going to do to me zis time? Another whipping per’aps?”

  “The cap’n’s got something in store for you. Just youz keep quiet and wait.”

  Fletch went up top leaving Danielle alone. She was held tight and could only move her head slightly from side to side against the mast. Fletch returned with a heavy metal object and he placed it to one side. Danielle strained her head to look and caught the glimpse of the glow of coals in a fire.

  “Mon Dieu Fletch! What’s zat for?”

  “Just wait bitch.”

  Fletch had a cloth in his hand and he used it to move a number of irons around in the fire.

  “Oh no! Not zat! You’re not going to brand me!”

  Quinn’s footsteps clattered on the companionway down from the main deck. She entered the compartment where Danielle had been kept.

  “Well Danielle it’s time for you to be marked and I’ve come to witness your branding, just as you did mine.”

  “Non non! Je vous en supplie! Ne me marquer pas!”

  “Fletch here will apply the irons and I shall enjoy watching it very much. You will be branded several times. Also we’re going to ring your breasts. Better gag her Fletch; she’s going to scream her head off. Let’s start with the French national prison and slave mark, the fleur-de-lys.”

  Danielle was silenced with the gag and a look of sheer horror crossed her face. Fletch took out a white hot iron from the coals and took it over to her. He placed it so that she could see it and he allowed it to cool to red and then blue-red. It was a good two inches high, the symbol of the French state. The iron disappeared behind Danielle and Fletch pressed it hard on to the left side of her backside and held it firm. She screamed as it burnt into her left cheek. The iron sizzled as it seared deeper into her flesh, a thick cloud of smoke rose into the air. After a few seconds she passed out. A few seconds later Fletch withdrew it.

  Quinn looked closely at the mark. “Excellent mark Fletch! That’s burnt really deep into this bitch’s fat arse! Wake her up! Do the same on the other side.”

  Fletch threw a bucket of sea-water over her and she came to, groaning.

  “Has that jogged your memory Danielle de Moncey?”

  Fletch took out another white hot iron from the coals and brought it over to show Danielle. The letters TF glowed in the half light. The iron cooled to red and then blue-red.

  “I want you to know what it’s like to be treated as a prisoner by the French. But you know already. This is what you get when you’ve been sentenced to ‘travaux forcées’.”

  Fletch pressed the hot iron hard on to the right side of her backside and held it firm. The iron sizzled as it seared deeper into her flesh, a thick cloud of smoke rose into the air. She screamed and then passed out again.

  Fletch threw another bucket of sea-water over her. Danielle was still half conscious when Fletch returned with a white hot number thirty-eight. He applied it, still red hot, to the mound at the base of her spine. He held it firm for a good ten seconds and let it burn deep into her flesh. She screamed again through her gag and passed out once more.

  Quinn inspected it. “That’s a fine mark too; it’s cut nearly a quarter of an inch deep all over. Well done. We’ll leave her for now and proceed to her front this afternoon. Whip her arse a few times when she wakes up to prolong the pain. I’m going to my cabin, I’ll call you later.”

  Fletch doused the brazier with sea water and took it back up to the main deck. He returned down below to find Danielle conscious, breathing heavily, her teeth clenched against her gag and the pain. He removed the gag, took another bucket of sea water and started splashing it over her backside.

  “Thatz to cool your arse. The salt will help.”

  “Why have you branded me Fletch? Why?”

  “Cap’nz orders. Youz know by now I think.”

  “Christine Cartwright! I zought she’d died on Île Saint-Joseph?”

  “If she did it was youz who killed her. Maybe she’s back from dead.”

  “Zat explains zee way I’ve been treated, zee whippings and now zis.”

  “Everything youz did to her, so youz knows whatz to come.” Fletch undid the rope around her waist. “Iz gonna let you rest while cap’nz restin’.” He untied her legs then her wrists. She slumped to her knees trying to see the marks on her behind. Fletch reattached the chain to her collar. “Lays down on youz front, youz stretchin’ them wounds. Iz give youz more coolin’, then youz can rest a while.”

  Fletch left her and went back up top to the weather deck. He sat down on the steps up to the quarter deck, head in his hands.

  That evening after supper Fletch returned to Danielle and roped her tightly to the mast root once more. This time her back was firmly pressed against it. Fletch roped her well with ropes around her waist, shoulders and knees. He went back up to the weather deck and returned with a fresh brazier. He took out a number of irons from the canvas bag once more and placed one into the hot coals.

  Quinn arrived with a tankard of rum in her hand. She appeared half drunk.

  “Let’s proceed to her nipples.”

  Fletch got out a pair of tongs. These were identical to the ones used by the French penal colony. They had flat round ends with a quarter inch hole in them. He took hold of Danielle’s left nipple with his free hand and pulled it out as far as he could. Danielle cried out in pain. He then clamped the tongs either side of the end of her breast aligning the holes in the middle of the stretched areoles. He let go of the nipple, which was well clamped in the tongs. Quinn handed him a thick red hot needle from the brazier. He let it cool to blue and pushed the hot needle through the holes in the tongs through to the other side, piercing and burning a hole through the base of Danielle’s nipple. Danielle screamed, watching it burn through her breast. Fletch and Quinn pierced the other nipple in the same manner. Danielle hung her head panting from her ordeal. Fletch took two heavy two inch iron rings. These were open slightly by nearly an inch, one open e
nd was pointed and the other had a matching hole for the pointed end to fit into when the ring was closed. He threaded the pointed ends through the holes seared into Danielle’s nipples and left the open ends at the bottom. Quinn inspected the rings twisting them two and fro. Danielle grimaced in pain.

  “Close these rings Fletch. Then untie her, yoke her and chain her.” Quinn left.

  Fletch placed each ring between the jaws of a small vice and turned the screw to force the rings shut. He melted a small pot of solder on the brazier and then holding each ring in turn with a gloved hand he applied solder to seal the rings.

  After clearing away the brazier he started to untie Danielle.

  “Fletch, what’s going to happen to me?”

  “Youz see. Cap’ns got it worked out. Sheez tell you.”

  Danielle slumped to her knees, both hands holding her breasts.

  “Iz cool youz soon, just need to yoke ya.”

  Danielle kneeled and offered no resistance as Fletch assembled the yoke on her neck and wrists. He attached the roof chain to it and pulled Danielle to her feet. He then washed her with cold sea water.

  “Zat’s good Fletch, it eases zee pain. My tits feel strange after you pierced and ringed zem. Zey ‘urt, but in sexual way. I zink I need fucking.”

  “Youz goin’ crazy!”

  “No. Put zat leg iron on me and pull it up on zee other chain level with my yoke just like you did zee first time you fucked me.”

  Fletch did not argue but prepared her as asked. He held her hips and slid his huge cock into her vagina. “Youz really ready!” She had taken his full length. “Thems pierced nipples have really turned on youz heat!” He started to thrust hard, his pubis hitting her crotch each time with a slap.

  “Aaaaah! Fuck me black boy and ‘ard! I need it!”

  Fletch established a rhythm and shafted her grunting at each thrust. She writhed in her bonds as she came, yelling and squealing. Fletch continued to shaft even harder.

  “Yes Fletch! I’m coming again! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!”

  Fletch stopped this time. Letting her writhe on his cock.

  “Youz a crazy white bitch that likes to be treated hard! Iz let you down and you can suck my cock.”

  He removed his cock and unfastened the chain holding her legs lowering her feet to the floor. He then lowered her yoke so that she was on her knees and positioned himself so that his cock was ready for her mouth. She moved her head forward and opened her mouth. Fletch moved forward and holding her head inserted it into her mouth. She moved her head up and down letting as much of it move to her throat as she could. She pulled away to catch her breath, spit dripping from her half open lips.

  “Hmm, I can taste my cunt juice on you.”

  Then her mouth was back once more. Fletch’s eyes were closed and he moaned. She sucked his cock enthusiastically. Fletch was close to coming and she pulled back slightly, half of his cock still in her mouth. She remained still sucking and squeezing it with her mouth. Fletch grunted and started to come. She did not pull back but let him come inside her mouth, squeezing, sucking and swallowing as he did so.

  Fletch was spent and withdrew his cock. She licked her lips.

  “Hmm, your come tastes good. Why don’t you hang me by my ankles and whip my cunt?”

  “Youz really goin’ crazy! Iz liked to but it’s time for youz to rest.”

  Fletch slackened her chain and left her for the night.

  A week later Quinn was standing leaning on the quarter-deck rail, watching Danielle down below scrubbing the main deck. Danielle was on all fours, naked, wearing only an iron collar and chain. Fletch held the free end of the chain, leading her like a dog around the deck. Her large breasts with their iron nipple rings swung to and fro underneath her as she moved around. As she scrubbed backwards and forwards her crotch became exposed for all the crew to see.

  Sarah moved next to Quinn and watched with her. “Those brands on her arse look deep and she looks as though she’s been freshly whipped. I know she got you imprisoned and you suffered badly but how can you be so harsh?”

  “Look you can’t imagine how hard it was on that infernal French island and it was all because of her. For six long years I was flogged, used and made to labour, day and night. Because I was young and good looking the guards would chain me up much like we do to Danielle and fuck me until they’d had enough. They would often torture me. She hasn’t endured anyway near what I have, but that will come.”

  “Why were you tortured?”

  “Because they enjoyed doing it and because I wasn’t supposed to survive.”

  “What did they do to you?”

  “I’ll give you one example. They erected a heavy wooden x-shaped cross near my hut. It had a short thick piece of wood sticking out at its centre that was v-shaped at its top. They would lift me on to it and attach my wrists and ankles to the cross. I would be left spread-eagled on this thing with my crotch on the V for hours. They would sometimes flog me on it as well. Once a month my warden would put me on it facing it and then give me my regular evening whipping. Afterwards he’d leave me on it all night.”

  “My God! That must have been terrible!”

  “Yes it was; but I survived. Now I want my revenge. Expect Danielle to suffer more lashings and torment whilst she remains in my hands, so have no pity for her. No one had any pity for me”

  7. Port Royal

  The Scorpion anchored in Riply Bay late one morning. Port Royal was bustling with activity. Dozens of ships were in port and the Scorpion was lost in a forest of masts. Quinn and Swift went ashore to look around for anyone with any news of Captain Booth’s ship. They finally found an old pirate Will Tucker in one of the taverns, the Happy Hog. He recognised Quinn immediately.

  “Jacqueline! Long time, no see! What ya doin’ in Jamiaca?”

  “I thought I’d try and get a chunk of Spanish gold and see my mate John! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with him?”

  “Arrrrh, I lost me lower left leg to a cannon ball last year up near Tortuga. I’m still not too steady on this peg leg of mine. I’ve been shore bound ever since. I’m getting’ used to it though. Should be able to dance a gig soon!”

  “Is the Fortune here?”

  “No. Captain Booth sailed north a good month ago. He’s been operating around the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Spanish treasure fleet pass by on their way to Spain and he hopes to take one.”

  Swift was listening intently. “Why not operate from Tortuga?”

  “The French have taken to controlling it; it’s part of San Domingue now. Only French pirates and privateers can use the island. British pirates in this region are all now centred here. The Governor turns a blind eye. It’s not ideal for attacking and plundering Spanish ships leaving Habana.We have to sail a good distance north to intercept them. It’s all getting more difficult. Spanish treasure ships laden with gold and tobacco are now escorted by Spanish men o’ war as far as the Bahamas.”

  Quinn looked concerned. “Is John going to be back any time soon?”

  “No one knows.”

  “Do you know where he’s likely to be?”

  Tucker grinned. “Yes. But let’s move to somewhere more private, have some drinks and talk about it.”

  They found an enclosed wooden cubicle with a table at the back of the inn. Tankards of ale and rum arrived along with some jerk chicken and potatoes to eat. The inn had filled up and was humming with conversation. No one would overhear the three of them.

  Tucker leant forward. “I know of a particular cay that Captain Booth likes to use to hide. We were there eighteen months ago and there’s a good chance that that’s where he’ll be. If I were to join the Scorpion, I could take you there.”

  Swift was enjoying the chicken and looked up at Tucker. “How far is it to this cay?”

  “About four hundred miles, it’ll take over a week. We’ll have to go through the Windward Passage between Cuba and San Dominique; that takes time.”

Swift grimaced. “Another four hundred miles and the Fortune may have left by the time we get there!”

  Tucker was unmoved. “I doubt it. In any case it’s unlikely she’d be too far away. It’s worth the risk for you. It could be months before Booth comes back here.”

  Quinn took a swig of ale. “Alright Will. Welcome to the Scorpion, you’re now part of the crew!” She held out her hand and Tucker shook it grinning from ear to ear. “We also need about ten more for our crew. Can you find some good sailors for us?”

  “Aye captain! I know a good few reliable hands hereabouts.”

  “Good, bring them here tonight so that I can see them. We’ll sail in two days.”

  Quinn got up to leave. A drunken man had been watching her since she arrived.

  He stumbled forward. “Want a good fuck wench! I like your tits!”

  Her hand moved like lightening. She drew her pistol and swiped its barrel across the man’s face. He collapsed unconscious to the ground. “No thanks.” Then she looked around her, pistol pointing. “Anyone else want to ask me anything?”

  Swift gently nudged her to the door and they were gone.

  That evening they returned to the Happy Hog. This time they were thirty strong and out for a good time. Sarah was with them, but Fletch stayed with the ship. The ale and rum flowed freely.

  Quinn turned to Sarah. “You be careful tonight, there’s a lot of rampant cock about!”

  “Oh you care captain! Don’t worry, I can handle myself.”

  Quinn did not look convinced. “I should have put you in a chastity belt!”

  Tucker arrived with a group of men and joined Quinn.

  “Here are some men for you to meet captain.”

  Quinn signalled to Swift to check them out. She noticed a man with a bruised and swollen face amongst them. It was the drunk who had accosted her earlier.

  “Tucker what’s this arsehole doing here?”

  “Er, he’s a good man captain. He once served on the Fortune too. He was drunk earlier and is sorry.”


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