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Page 3

by Roxy Mews

  I smiled. First Paisley gave me clothes and now Quinn gave me liquid.

  “I just saw you drink. I know you can consume. Drink with me.” Quinn tipped the bottle to his lips, and I watched in fascination as his large laryngeal prominence moved up and down with his consumption. He drained half the bottle and then clinked his vessel against mine. “It’s a common custom for humans to drink together.”

  “Oh. Okay.” I tipped the bottle and emptied the contents into my storage compartment.

  I nearly dropped the bottle when I heard the loud cheers behind me from a large group of men with short cropped hair and metal tags around their necks. One of them approached and thrust his body next to mine blocking my view of Quinn.

  “Damn! Girl can drink a brew. You got a name, sweetheart?”

  “I am called Coral. But I don’t believe I am sweet.” I was about to say I didn’t have a heart either, but the gentleman slapped his hand behind me on the bar we were next to. He had me blocked from going anywhere but into his body.

  “I happen to like ladies who’re a little less than sweet. Dance with me.”

  He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me onto the floor. I looked back to Paisley and Quinn. Paisley was extending her thumbs and smiling at me. At least she was, until another one of the group of men approached her and redirected her attention. Quinn drank the rest of his beverage and watched. He was forgetting to blink. And he was worried about me not looking human. I pointed to my eyes to remind him as I allowed myself to be taken to the dance area. Quinn shook his head and blinked a few times. Then he raised his finger to the bartender.

  “Is that your boyfriend?” The sound of the man’s voice was very near to my auditory sensors. I turned and he was within inches of my face.

  I made sure to expel air from my mouth in a pattern that matched my companion’s. I didn’t practice the technique much, but I appeared real enough for this man’s eyes, although he was far more fascinated with my breasts than the rest of me. The song that played from the large speakers increased in volume.

  “I’m Dan, by the way. We’re on the dance floor, sweetheart. Don’t make me beg to see this heavenly body of yours move.” His hands grabbed my waist. His fingers slid along the bit of skin between my shirt and my jeans.

  A quick look around and I was able to coordinate my movements to match those around me, and from the smile on Dan’s face, I was obviously doing a good job.

  I increased my core temperature to match my level of exertion. I found the sway of my hips beneath Dan’s hands had him smiling the most. The smooth movements were very pleasing. I spun around and let the rhythm guide me. I flicked my hair back and someone grabbed my hand.

  Paisley pulled me towards her and began to thrust and undulate against me like I saw the males doing with the females. Our moves mirrored and the more delicate nature of our frames was a nice contrast to the hard and soft of our bodies against the men.

  “You’re great at this! We need to come dancing more often.” She yelled at me over the music before leaning back and waving her arms around me.

  I thought of the flower petals in the garden blowing in the breeze. Paisley was like my breeze right then, and as she wrapped her arms around me and encased me I blossomed. I felt much like a flower right then. I felt pretty and at the mercy of the influences around me. I was grateful for Paisley being there.

  “I rather enjoy this.”

  “So do all the guys around us.” Paisley winked at me and then undulated, bending backward at her waist. She revealed at least five males standing there and watching us.

  She slowly, and in small rhythmic moves, brought her body back upright and wrapped her arms around my neck to speak to my auditory sensor. No one around us would notice she was talking to my neck rather than my ear. “You are so my wing woman. This is what girls do. We help each other look hot, and if either of us can’t shake an overly aggressive guy we don’t want to end the night with, we pretend we’re together…sexually.”

  “But you always tell me you aren’t gay. Why would we pretend?” I wrapped my hands around her waist and felt her hips. The way that she moved was very pleasing to the eye and by feeling her hips I could calibrate my joints to mimic the movements.

  “I can tell by the look on your face that you’re figuring something out. I should stop you, but this is the most play I’ve gotten in months, and I think if you keep touching my hips, mister military back there will be willing to take me home and touch me too.” Paisley turned her body in my arms and leaned up against me.

  My hands floated around her body, and I was momentarily distracted by her shape until she gripped my hands and placed them on her stomach. She leaned back against me and smiled. A lot of these people were admiring Paisley and me. I was being admired for my dancing. Maybe I could dance while I worked at the palace.

  “Let’s score a drink and then we’ll do what tradition demands we do next.”

  “What’s that?” I didn’t really want to leave the dance floor.

  “We go to the bathroom together.”

  We both consumed two beverages that were purchased for us before making our way to the bathroom.

  “Coral!” Paisley shut the door behind me. I had to empty my receptacle. While I did not technically urinate, I did empty my retention vessel through a small opening connecting to my vagina. Apparently I was supposed to shut the metal door surrounding the toilet while I did so.

  “I’m sorry. I consumed a lot of liquid.”

  “I have to piss like crazy too, but I can take the five seconds it takes to shut the door.”

  I heard Paisley urinate next to me. We both flushed and then began washing our hands.

  “So…we never finished the conversation we started before Quinn interrupted us.”

  I opened my mouth to replay what we had said, but Paisley covered my mouth. Damn. I had forgotten we were in public again.


  She just smiled at me. “That’s why I’m here. I was going to ask how you were doing and if you would be okay with me going home with one of the sexy soldiers who bought us a drink. Or a few of them if fate really does like me.” She mumbled the last part. But I didn’t know why. More sex partners would be able to see to her needs better. From what I understood, women had many more erogenous zones that needed attention. Multiple partners would be a good thing for Paisley. She deserved to be satisfied.

  “Your tone tells me that you don’t think that is a possibility.”

  She dried her hands on paper towels, and tossed them into the wastebasket. “I’m cool with it, Coral. I thought we would both come out and score a few drinks. I thought for a second we could have some happy slappy sexy fun, but I don’t want to leave you with these guys.”

  Paisley wanted to have sex. Sex would make her happy. I thought on it for a moment. “Why don’t I ask Quinn to take me home?”

  “I thought he left. I haven’t seen him all night.”

  “He didn’t dance with us, but he has been at the bar.”

  Paisley looked at me and gave me her evaluation stare. “Is this some mechanical tracking thing you do that I wouldn’t understand?”

  “No. I find Quinn visually appealing, and I enjoy watching him. I simply watched where he was. Do you want to go have sex with the soldiers, Paisley?”

  “God, yes. If I don’t get some soon, I have a feeling I may not be straight enough to handle you rubbing oil on yourself again.”

  “Okay. Go have sex. I will find Quinn.”

  Paisley hugged me, and I enjoyed the embrace. The skin I maintain had so many sensors. Paisley’s affection seemed to ignite far more than she touched.

  “I owe you another night out. And I promise the next trip will be all about girl time.”

  “Can we come back tomorrow?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  Paisley’s smile was larger
than normal. “You had fun.” She sounded so pleased.

  Was this fun that I was having? She wanted me to have fun. I wanted to return, so obviously the data was pleasing to my sensors. “Yes. I am having fun. So we can return?”

  “Absolutely. Wait until you see what your other clothes look like.” Paisley leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. For someone who claimed not to like the touch of females, she sure did touch me quite frequently. “Can you find Quinn by yourself?”

  “Yes. Go have sex.”

  Paisley nearly ran from the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the spotted mirror above the sinks. I’d never be happy with my work if the bathrooms in the palace looked like this. I had to command my feet to move away from the unsatisfactory cleaning. I was not here in a service capacity. I still wiped away the streak from the middle with a piece of the paper towel. It left smudges. I turned before my programming made the suggestion of using my soft shirt as a cleaning cloth sound any more appealing.

  I exited the urination station. Paisley was already leaving the bar. Her hand was in the rear pocket of a man. Quinn was sitting at the large wooden shelf surrounded by stools. There was a woman next to him. He had to take me home. I walked up to tell him.

  “Quinn. I want you to take me home please.”

  Quinn’s shoulders tensed. He downed a small glass of amber liquid before turning around to meet me.

  “I thought you were here alone. Who is this?” The woman next to him leaned back and looked upset.

  It occurred to me that Quinn might want to have sex with this woman. “Oh, don’t worry. If you want to have sex with Quinn, I won’t interrupt. We live together, and I just need a ride home.”

  “I’m not into kinky shit.” She eyed me as if considering something. “If you offered to participate, you would stand a better chance. You’re smokin’, sweetie.”

  Then the woman got up and left.

  “Did I prevent you from having intercourse? Should I go and offer to participate in a sexual setting with her to make her come back?”

  Quinn grabbed my arm. Normally I’d have to allow myself to be pulled due to the strength of my musculature, but Quinn’s hand was obviously mechanics and he held me in place all on his own.

  “Don’t do that. This has been awkward enough. I’ll take you home. Where’s Paisley?” He dropped more money onto the counter. Men seemed to have to pay more money at these places than women.

  “Paisley went to have sex. I told her you could take me home.” I leaned in and whispered, “She said she was likely to take advantage of my body if she didn’t find release. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.”

  Quinn shook his head and stood. He wobbled a bit. “We’re taking a cab. I can’t drive back to the palace.”

  The cab ride was very quiet. Quinn kept his eyes out the window and I mirrored his action. Paisley was a lot more talkative. I had many questions, but I knew I needed to keep them to myself until we were alone.

  Chapter Three

  I was nearly bursting with recordings to replay when we made it to the palace. Walking up the steps, Quinn made his way to open the door for me.

  “I’ll see you later, Coral.”

  “Wait. Paisley usually answers my questions. Can you answer my questions tonight? Please?”

  “Coral, I’m really tired. I need to do a maintenance check on some of my mechanics and get some sleep.”

  This wouldn’t do. I wanted to evaluate my data. “I can help with the mechanics. Can I come to your room and assist?”

  “You’re going to bug me until you get your way, aren’t you?”

  “I won’t put any insects on your body. I just want to ask some questions.”

  He sighed and waved me forward. I waited for him to pass and then followed him up the stairs and into the west wing. Paisley was right. The cleaning was magnificent up here. I didn’t see a single robotic helper either.

  When we made it to Quinn’s room I found out why. A cleaning cart was parked in the corner of his room.

  “You have been cleaning the house?”

  Quinn glared at me. “I don’t exactly have a job any longer. I need to do something to occupy my time.”

  “You are out of microfiber cloths.” I understood the desire to feel useful. I wouldn’t take that away from anyone. So instead of reminding him he wasn’t an employee, I would simply provide his supplies. “I will bring you some in the morning.”


  “Do you mind if I get comfortable? Paisley always lets me get comfortable before she answers my questions.”

  Quinn walked to his dresser. “I don’t have much in the way of sleep clothes, but you can borrow…whoa. What are you doing?”

  I stopped undressing at his increased volume. I had only gotten my shirt removed and folded and my jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped. I looked at him with a question and he turned his back to me.

  “Am I being inappropriate? Paisley lets me get comfortable.”

  “You didn’t tell me comfortable meant naked.” Quinn leaned over his dresser and gripped the edge. The antique wood inlay cracked under his hands and he mumbled words I had been told never to repeat outside of my vocabulary lessons with Paisley.

  “I am not naked. I am wearing my skin. Although that doesn’t come off without activating the pain sensors.” Since he didn’t say I was being inappropriate I finished taking off my clothes. I had to readjust my stance when I took off the heels.

  With his back still facing me he asked, “You took off every bit of clothing, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. Now can I ask you about dancing?” I sat at the edge of his bed and crossed my legs to get them off the floor and out of his way in case he needed a path.

  “I don’t believe this is my life.” Quinn looked at me through the reflection in the mirror atop his dresser. His mouth hung open. “And you have to be stunning. Do you know how long it’s been since a woman was naked on my bed?”

  I wanted to discuss dancing and the bar, but I also understood that humans enjoyed a back and forth discussion. “How long?”

  “It was a rhetorical question. But too damn long. Listen, Coral, I’m a bit drunk, and I’m a man, and I can’t concentrate on anything you’re saying when you’re naked.”

  “Why?” I asked as he turned around.

  Oh. His symmetry was off again. His penis was pointing sideways in his pants. It was much larger than normal, and it was straight now instead of curved.

  “It is criminal to let you be so clueless.” Quinn walked up to me and I could tell it took him much effort to keep his eyes on mine. “I want to have sex with you, Coral. I’m attracted to you. Your body is very appealing to me, and sitting naked on my bed is making me think of nothing but plunging my cock inside you and making you scream in pleasure.”

  Oh. What was that? I looked down at my vagina. Why was my blood supply in my skin changing focus? I hadn’t commanded those sensors to activate. I also felt the inside of my center begin to self-lubricate.

  “Coral, what are you doing?”

  “Your words made my body react strangely.” I reached my hand downward and pressed against the skin at my opening. Electric bolts of sensation raced over the entirety of my skin. “Quinn, touching myself here is causing strange reactions in my whole body.”

  “Coral.” His words were quiet. It sounded like he was having trouble getting air, so I looked up to see if his breathing mechanism was malfunctioning.

  He was staring at my hand. For some reason that caused the sensations around my core to intensify. I liked that he was watching me. I wanted him to do more than watch, but I had no idea what I wanted him to do. Something was building along my skin, and even deeper. I knew my skin had begun to penetrate my mechanics. The live tissue was working its way throughout my form, and I had no idea how much of me was impacted, but deep inside my lower
abdomen I felt it. I felt where I had to have more of these sensations.

  “Quinn, I’ve never felt this before. What is it?”

  “Coral, I shouldn’t do this with you. You don’t understand any of it.”

  I grabbed his hand and pressed it where the brightest fires were burning. His fingers trembled against me and I cried out. The pressure built higher under the mere presence of his touch.

  “I need something more to happen. There’s something down there, and you make it so much better. Touch me, Quinn. Please. I want you to.”

  He looked like he was in pain. I saw why when I looked down his body. His penis was swollen. No, his cock. Quinn had called it a cock.

  His cock pushed against his pants but the fabric acted as a restraint as he pulsed against it. It looked uncomfortable and very unsymmetrical. As he was focused on making some decision that was difficult for him regarding how to touch me, I opened his button and zipper. I was about to push aside his undergarments when Quinn’s hands left me and went to grip mine.

  “You can’t do that.” Quinn’s tone almost implied pain. “Please, this isn’t right.”

  “You’re uncomfortable. I was trying to help.” I wiggled my hips like I had done on the dance floor at the bar.

  Quinn’s bedding brushed against my skin, and it seemed everything was heightened. The brush of the fabric continued the need inside me. My circuits had to be shorting out. There was something wrong. My internal cooling system must be malfunctioning because the room was so much warmer. My body was warmer.

  “Something is wrong. I’ve never malfunctioned like this.” I looked up at Quinn. He was mostly mechanics at this point. Maybe he would know. “Quinn, do you know what’s happening? Can you help me?”

  Quinn’s hands smelled different as they cupped the sides of my face. They were tangy and sweet and far more human of a scent than had ever come from my pores before.

  “Nothing is wrong. You are aroused, Coral.” He looked down at my core and his cock flexed. “You are stunningly human there, and you are aroused.”

  “Is my genitalia going to grow like yours?” The idea that my vulva would inflate exponentially like Quinn’s cock was not appealing. No. It was a pussy. That was one of the words I’d heard from Paisley, and I liked that word better.


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