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Half the World Away

Page 14

by Rebecca Banks

  She remembered the morning after she arrived, walking in to discover this ridiculous bedroom and throwing herself on the bed, squealing. And she remembered how she had finally christened it a few nights before with Kyle in the most spectacular of fashions. She’d definitely never forget this place. For old time’s sake, she took a run and jump at the bed and threw herself on it.

  If Kyle said she looked like a toddler in her dungarees, she might as well act the part.

  The doorbell sounded, and she scrambled up to answer it. She was met by a tall, willowy blonde in a two-piece grey skirt suit, the type who looked like she got out of bed with her hair blow-dried to perfection and never got a broken nail. Abbie was immediately intimidated by this put-together woman, but felt more at ease when the estate agent gave a wide smile that reached all the way to her piercing blue eyes and introduced herself as Karen Warren.

  After inviting her in, Abbie stood in the kitchen. ‘I’m so sorry I can’t make you a coffee. All my stuff is packed and gone already.’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Karen smiled. ‘I’ve already had two espressos this morning. I can go thirty minutes without.’

  Karen briskly walked around the apartment with her iPad, while Abbie sat feeling like a spare part in the kitchen. She texted Kyle as she was waiting:

  If the furniture arrives before I get there please build the bed first x

  Karen walked into the kitchen as Abbie was giggling at his reply. She put her phone on the counter.

  ‘Abbie, the place is perfect. Thanks for making my job easy. It’s such a shame you couldn’t stay on longer. We love having tenants like you and now I have to try to find someone who’ll appreciate it as much as you clearly have.’

  Abbie frowned in confusion. ‘I thought you already had someone moving in here next week.’

  Karen sighed. ‘Unfortunately not. The person who originally rented this place for you said right at the start that she was pretty sure you’d stay on longer, so we didn’t market the place. Then we were informed a couple of weeks ago that you wouldn’t extend. It’s a great place, though, I’m sure it won’t take us long. We have some viewings over the next few days.’

  ‘I did want to stay. There must have been some miscommunication because we were told it was rented. I don’t understand what happened.’

  She looked back at her phone as a text pinged in, and then had no more time to think about whatever was going on with the apartment as it was Kyle telling her the furniture was arriving. She said her goodbyes to Karen, wishing her luck in finding someone quickly, then hopped in her car and drove over to her new house.

  She would talk to Kitty at work and try to figure out what had happened. But no matter where the confusion lay, she didn’t care because needing to move had brought her closer to Kyle, and she had found her dream home.

  ‘You thought you needed to save this damsel in distress, but you had no idea that she was, in fact, the Queen of Flatpack in disguise.’ Abbie stood next to the bed brandishing a Phillips-head screwdriver after securing the final base slat. She had found a gorgeous Cotswold cream wooden bed frame with a high cushioned cream headboard at the warehouse that looked as perfect as she’d imagined it would in the turret room.

  ‘Well, let’s see if it’s still in one piece when we’ve finished with it and then decide how good at building you are.’ He winked at her as he started removing the plastic from her new memory foam mattress.

  They lifted the mattress onto the base, then she shrieked as he grabbed her and threw her down on the bed.

  ‘Stop! Stop!’ She giggled through his kisses. ‘As much as I could lie here all day, this place will never be liveable if we don’t get a move on.’

  ‘Spoilsport,’ he teased as he jumped up and left the room.

  As she put sheets, pillows and a duvet on the bed, she could hear Kyle downstairs moving her sofa into place. She had picked a soft dusty-grey corner couch and a whole lot of lighter grey cushions. It was one of those sofas that you melted into, and she couldn’t wait to get the house in order so she could enjoy some serious Netflix time.

  She emptied her suitcases of clothes onto the bed. She knew that would be a great incentive to get them sorted so she could get into her bed. Sure enough, she stepped up the pace and put everything away in the built-in closet and in the chest of drawers and beautiful dresser with huge mirror she had bought to match her Cotswold cream bed. Putting the throw cushions she had bought for the window seat in place, she looked around, proud of her work.

  Then she joined Kyle downstairs. He had fixed her new TV to the wall and built her bookshelf. It was all coming together fast, and the furniture looked even better in the spaces than she’d imagined when they went shopping.

  She had bought a table with four chairs for the open plan kitchen/diner in the same light cream as the kitchen cupboards and, as she pushed the chairs underneath, she sighed with happiness. It already felt like home.

  Kyle brought the kitchen boxes in and together they unpacked them, putting everything away in cupboards and drawers until the job was complete.

  ‘We make a great team, hey?’ He pulled her toward him with the belt loop of her dungarees.

  She smiled. ‘Any two people who can be in a room together while doing flatpack and not have a massive argument are obviously meant to be together.’ Jesus, what did she just say? What was it about him that made her lose any kind of filter? What idiot talks out loud about being meant to be together when they’ve been dating for all of three minutes?

  He silenced her thoughts with a kiss and she felt relieved he hadn’t yet gone running for the mountains.

  By nine o’clock they had everything else unpacked and in cupboards and drawers, and were sitting at her kitchen table eating Chinese delivery food straight out of the boxes. Dirty food was just what the doctor ordered after smashing the move out of the ballpark. She was doing really well learning her American sport clichés, she mused, as she dug into beef and broccoli in oyster sauce.

  They spent their second night together that evening and it was even better than the first. She woke up in the early hours to find his arms wrapped tight around her and his head nestled in the crook of her neck. She watched him sleep for a few minutes before falling back asleep in his arms, only to be woken the next morning by the sun shining in through her new bay window.

  He wasn’t next to her but she heard him clattering around downstairs. Pulling on a t-shirt, she went into the kitchen where he was frying bacon and a plate on the table was piled high with pancakes.

  She could get used to this.

  ‘Why don’t I drive you into work, England?’ he asked as he speared a fork into the bacon, transferring it onto a dish then setting it on the table next to the pancakes. ‘We can get a coffee on the way, and then I’ll drop you home tonight?’

  ‘You’re on,’ Abbie said, as she hungrily loaded her plate. She wasn’t sure she took a breath as she wolfed it down.

  Wondering whether to go for seconds, she caught sight of the time and the decision was made for her. She raced upstairs to get dressed. If she was going to roll in with Kyle, it was probably better not to make it completely obvious by being late.

  Sitting in front of Kitty, Abbie was practically bursting as she explained the plan with London Town Football Club and the youth team trip overseas, for the training camp and to play a match against her old team. She and Kyle had pitched it to Hank earlier that day and he’d practically leapt out of his chair in excitement. He told them to go full steam ahead on it, and to use Kitty to plan logistics and help out wherever needed.

  Then he had asked Abbie to stay behind after and told her how happy he was with her work. ‘You’re making waves with the board,’ he said. ‘Everyone is impressed with the positive changes you’ve made in just a few short months, and the board feels their decision to bring you here from England, with your experience, is paying dividends. If you need anything, come directly to me.’

  She was buzzing as she explained it
all to Kitty, who seemed very excited at the prospect of a trip to London to chaperone the boys.

  After discussing the plan so far and what she needed Kitty’s help with, she went to make a move back to her own office, but Kitty stopped her.

  ‘I guess you must have moved by now? Did it all go okay? I’m sorry I couldn’t help but I had some family commitments the last few days that clashed with your moving date.’ She looked so apologetic, Abbie didn’t have the heart to tell her that she would have paid her not to help so she didn’t take away the opportunity for one-on-one time with Kyle.

  ‘It all went fine, thanks. I found a nice place and I’m all moved in. No drama whatsoever. I couldn’t have asked you to help after everything you’ve done for me.’

  Then she remembered the strange conversation with the estate agent.

  ‘There is one thing, though, Kitty.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, smiling her wide toothy beam. ‘How can I help?’

  ‘I don’t need anything. It was just a bit weird. When the estate agent came to do the final inspection yesterday, she said that they didn’t have anyone moving in and she wished I could have stayed. I said there must have been some confusion or misunderstanding, as they told you they had tenants?’

  Kitty looked frozen momentarily then put her hand to her chest, tears springing to her eyes. ‘Abbie, I’m sorry, you have to forgive me. I’ve done something awful.’

  Shocked, Abbie sat back down in the chair. ‘What on earth is wrong?’

  Kitty looked down at her hands, wringing them together on the desk. ‘I lied to you. Or rather, I didn’t tell you something. You see, they did have a new tenant but then that person pulled out. I knew by that time you had already found somewhere else so I didn’t want to tell you and upset you. I know how much you loved the apartment. And now they’ve inconvenienced you by making you stay for the inspection when I told them to come to me. I’m so sorry, Abbie, this whole situation is far from how I wanted it to go down.’

  Abbie breathed a sigh of relief. She’d had no idea what Kitty was about to confess to, but it wasn’t all that bad, and she clearly felt guilty.

  ‘Honestly, don’t worry. It really isn’t a big deal and it did me a favour. I thought I loved it but I love my new place even more. It’s a beautiful house with views of the mountains, a bit closer to the city centre. I moved yesterday and I promise you I’m happier than ever. I only mentioned it as I was a bit confused.’ She gave Kitty an encouraging look and saw the worry start to fall from her face.

  ‘I really am sorry. I should have told you when I found out. Can you forgive me?’

  Abbie laughed this time. ‘Please don’t worry, it’s not a drama. You’ve been nothing but helpful since I started and you’ve sorted out so many things for me. You, of all people, I am grateful to. And I really do love my new place even more than the apartment. You’ll have to come for dinner to see it sometime.’ The words were out of her mouth before she was even sure she meant them.

  Kitty clapped with excitement and then paused, a flash of hesitation crossing her face.

  ‘I know you’re getting yourself sorted now, but I did wonder if you needed any help with your car. It’s on a lease so I can get the dealer to fix it quickly and provide you with a courtesy car while it’s in the shop.’

  ‘My car is fine,’ Abbie said, confused.

  ‘Oh. It’s just I happened to be passing the window when you arrived this morning and I saw you get out of Kyle’s truck. I know he helped you move so I figured maybe he picked you up if he knew you were having car trouble.’

  Abbie felt a pang of anxiety, and she knew this wasn’t the moment to tell Kitty about her and Kyle. It was too soon, and she still wasn’t sure how she would take it, given what Kyle had told her.

  ‘He’s helping me pick up a piece of furniture after work later and he thought it would be easier if we just had one car, so he picked me up on the way to work this morning.’ She scrambled for an explanation, hoping she sounded calm and collected as the lie fell out of her mouth.

  ‘You’ve been spending a lot of time with him, haven’t you?’ Kitty looked nervous as she quietly asked the question and Abbie felt guilty. She didn’t want to hurt someone who meant well, even if she was quite intense.

  ‘A bit, but he’s just been really helpful. He knew someone who helped me find the new house quickly, and he’s been great with some of the heavy lifting. He’s been a good friend about it all,’ she said definitively, hoping the statement would stop this conversation becoming even more awkward than it already was.

  Kitty rubbed her hand over her face, her usual unflappable manner gone as she looked visibly agitated. ‘That’s Kyle, alright. Mr Helpful. You remember what I told you, right? I’m just trying to look out for you.’

  Abbie squirmed inside. The conversation was going in exactly the direction she didn’t want it to.

  ‘You don’t have to worry, we’re just friends. I don’t know many people out here and you’ve both been so good to me. I’m a foreigner, thousands of miles from home, and meeting the two of you has really helped me settle in.’ She went to stand, but Kitty held her hand up and told her to sit down.

  ‘I wasn’t going to tell you this because it’s extremely personal. But I can’t watch as he takes you for a ride.’

  Abbie felt sick. This conversation was happening whether she liked it or not, and she knew she didn’t want to hear whatever was about to come out of Kitty’s mouth. She crossed her legs tightly and felt the muscles in her thighs and calves tighten as she waited.

  ‘He was Mr Helpful at high school too. Our parents knew each other and I think our moms got talking and he found out, somehow, I didn’t have a date to prom so he decided to invite me. We went to prom and it was the most amazing night. I had this baby blue dress that my grandmother had bought for me. He bought me a corsage and picked me up in his dad’s car and we danced all night, and talked, and I got to know him more than I had in four whole years of high school.’ Kitty looked straight at Abbie. ‘I really liked him, and he said he wished he’d gotten to know me better earlier too.’

  She clasped her hands together and her voice got harder.

  ‘He was my first that night. He knew how important and special that was to me. And then he completely screwed me over.’

  Abbie felt the blood drain from her body and a knife twist in her gut. He had lied to her.

  She pulled herself together enough to get some words out.

  ‘Kitty, I’m so sorry that something like that happened to you, it’s awful. But you have nothing to worry about. I’m not interested in Kyle that way. Sorry to dash out but I must get back to my work, I’ve got a whole stack of things to do.’

  Heading down the corridor, she swerved into the walk-in stationery cupboard and sat down heavily on a stool, tears pricking at her eyes.

  She’d been a complete idiot, falling for the stereotypical charming, handsome guy who swept her off her feet. He must be laughing at how stupid she was. How had she not read the signs?

  She furiously typed out a text.

  Violet, I have no fucking clue what’s going on with you but I’ve been sleeping with a complete prick over here and it’s all gone tits up. I have so much to tell you. So many good things are happening here, but I also need my best friend right now. Please, please call me. A xxx

  She pressed send then ordered an Uber. She’d work from home that afternoon as there was no way she was getting in a car with him.

  After she’d gathered her things from her desk and waited for the taxi to arrive, she tapped out another text.

  Michael, please can you get Violet to call me. I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve had nothing but one-word answers from her, if anything at all, for weeks now and I’m worried. If you can tell her I really need to talk to her I’d be really grateful.

  Getting into the taxi as it pulled up, she roughly pulled on the seat belt and clenched her jaw as she thought about what to do next.


  Picking up the remote control from beside her on the sofa, Abbie turned up the volume on the TV even more. She didn’t even know what she was watching, she was just trying to drown out the noise of Kyle knocking on the door and calling her name.

  She’d been flicking through channels for the past hour, not able to focus on anything as she tried to process her anger. This was a new feeling for her. With Josh, he made her feel so worthless and she was desperately sad for years after he left her.

  With Kyle, she was angry as hell.

  He had duped her, pulled the wool over her eyes, played her. However you wanted to say it, he purposefully didn’t tell her the truth, despite having every opportunity. Now she couldn’t believe she had trusted him, and she was embarrassed like crazy about being made a fool of.

  It hurt because she had opened up for the first time since Josh and yet, here she was, back on a sofa, fighting back tears and alone again. Without even Violet to meet and get drunk with and verbally pull Kyle to pieces.

  He’d been trying to call her for the past hour, she guessed ever since he went to meet her for lunch and she wasn’t there. She refused to read the texts he was sending and had turned her phone to silent. Then, five minutes ago he turned up at the door, knocking and calling for her to open up. He knew she was there because the curtains were open, so he could see her through the window. She refused to turn around to look at him.

  ‘Abbie, let me in. I’m really worried,’ he called through the door. ‘I don’t understand what’s going on, but if you’re hurt or upset or something has happened to someone, let me help.’

  She snorted.

  Let him help? That’s what got her into this situation in the first place. Letting him help her with her housing problem. Letting him help her get to know the area. Letting him help her get her heart broken all over again.

  It fell silent and, a few moments later, she heard his pickup fire up. Her head whipped around to look out of the window, where she saw the rear of the truck pulling away at breakneck speed. She didn’t think he would give up that easily. At least she could turn the TV down again, with the reality stars currently screaming at each other.


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