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Not a Prison Ship

Page 5

by A. C. Ellas

  Cai went through his docking checklists, shutting down the systems that didn’t need to be powered up. The tender took care of most of it for him. He idled the engines to the level required to keep the singularity contained then exited the Chamber to fall right back into Nick arms.

  The Guild arrived the next morning. Cai had already turned the other pirates over to admiralty, explaining that the man named Mouse was being held for the Guild. Admiralty hadn’t cared for that, but since Mouse had proven psionic ability, they couldn’t protest. The Guild was, by law, the ultimate authority over all psions, registered or not.

  When the collection team came aboard, Cai limped down to the brig with them and formally released Mouse to them. Mouse gave him such a pleading look that Cai was almost moved. But he recalled very clearly how Mouse had betrayed his trust before, and besides, even he was powerless in the face of Guild action like this.

  It is no more than he deserves, Cai told himself as the collection team dealt with Mouse’s attempt to break from their grasp by rendering him unconscious. The team produced a stretcher, placed Mouse’s limp body on it and carried him out. They left to take Mouse to Earth and the Guild Labs.

  Cai left to return to his chambers and await the medical team, which would deal with his knee. He’d already sent the records of the injury to them, so they knew what to expect. Nick slipped into his chambers as Si-el was attempting to position him comfortably on the couch. “I hate this,” Cai grumbled.

  “What? You don’t like being waited on hand and foot?” Nick grinned appealingly as he helped the adjunct position Cai just so.

  “Oh, I like that part,” Cai admitted airily, “I just don’t like the pain and not being able to use my leg.”

  Nick gently kneaded Cai’s thigh, relaxing the muscles there, which did help with the pain some. “It’ll get better. The Guild medics will fix you up good as new.”

  “You’re such an optimist.” Cai let Nick soothe him. Before long, Nick was relaxing beside him, pressed against him in a form of tactile comfort and love. His husband had been nothing but gentle and loving since he’d been injured, a display of care and love that went far beyond words. Cai appreciated Nick more than he could ever express. The fingers of his right hand interlaced with Nick’s, and he let the drugs take him off into a hazy place of clouds and not feeling. That’s how the Guild medics found them.

  * * * *

  Nick opened his eyes as the medics walked in and made a beeline for Cai. He carefully disentangled himself and stepped aside to give them space. Cai woke up long enough to acknowledge them and consent to allowing them to touch him and treat him. They then shooed Nick out, explaining that they would have to set up an operating theater there in Cai’s chambers and he’d be in the way.

  He didn’t like it, but he understood. He went to his quarters and checked his messages. The first was from Admiral Nbuntu, authorizing the crew a full month’s leave. The next one was from Evie; it had been sent weeks ago and held until Laughing Owl made port, which was standard for non-urgent messages. She asked that the next time Nick got leave or was in Earth orbit long enough, if he could come visit them.

  Nick immediately opened a communication channel and fed it the contact information Evie had provided. A moment later, Evie was facing him via com-screen, her impish smile making her eyes sparkle. “Hello, Nicky. Did you get my message?”

  “I did,” Nick told her. “We’re getting a month of leave; I’d love to have you come up here.”

  Evie cocked her head. “You don’t want to come down here? Mom misses you, and I wanted to show off the garden.”

  “I’ll come down to pick you both up for dinner here in a few days. How’s that sound?” Nick saw her surprise, so he gently explained, “Cai can’t leave Laughing Owl, you know. And I want Mom to meet him.”

  “You’re still dating the Gator?” Evie’s grin widened. “You wicked boy. The Guild won’t like it if they find out.”

  “They already found out,” Nick replied dryly. “Evie, I married him.”

  “What?” Evie sat bolt upright. “You didn’t invite us? Niiiick!”

  “Sorry, Evie. I had to, and I wasn’t in a place where I could invite you or you know I would have. It was sort of spur of the moment, but the Guild accepted it, and I couldn’t be happier with him.”

  “Dinner will be very interesting,” Evie predicted. Nick could only agree.

  They made the arrangements, then Nick read some reports and the newsbytes from the station feed. After several hours went by, he was starting to worry. Before he could contact the medics, they called him.

  “We’re done. Cai is recovering nicely. He’s awake and asking for you. He needs to take it easy for a few days to give the knee a chance to heal.”

  Nick promised he’d make sure Cai did nothing to strain his knee then launched himself for Cai’s chambers, arriving at the door before the medics had even finished packing up their equipment. He nodded to them and went directly into Cai’s bedroom.

  Cai was propped up against a pile of pillows. There were more pillows elevating his knee, which still bore a brace. He smiled when he saw Nick. “They claim I’ll be back to normal in a few days.”

  “Good, that’s what they told me.” Nick sat down beside Cai and carefully said, “If you don’t mind, I would like to bring Evie and my mom up here for dinner; we’re getting a month of leave.”

  “I would like that,” Cai agreed. His eyes sparkled. “A whole month of leave? However shall we fill the time?”

  “Oh, I can think of something,” Nick replied, grinning ear to ear. “We’ll garden.”

  Chapter Seven

  Two things lurked in the heart of every starship. A singularity, a point of infinite density trapped in electromagnetic and gravitational fields generated by three massive fusion reactors and a balancing null-gee spot, usually enclosed for safety reasons. In the case of Laughing Owl, the null-gee chamber was forward of the Astrogator’s chambers but aft of the bridge. Very few people had access to it, and at the moment, Cai had the single access hatch locked to his personal code.

  Every evening, after the stresses of the day, Cai took to the null-gee spot as a way to unwind. Naked, he would float in the center of the chamber for up to an hour, surrounded by projected holographic images of space. He usually chose to observe the local space about Laughing Owl but not always. This evening, he had chosen to project the star-forming region of the Eagle Nebula, but he wasn’t paying any attention to it. The warm, wet rasp of Nick’s tongue as it slid over his balls was the cause of his distraction.

  Nick was floating head down between Cai’s spread legs. Nick’s body was bare, lean muscle over bronze skin, his penis long and thick and perfectly curved. Nick wore a locked black leather collar around his neck and a matching locked black leather cuff around his scrotum. They had the ship to themselves, almost the entire crew was planetside, enjoying their shore leave. Cai’s knee was no longer in the brace, and though it twinged oddly from time to time, it was functional. The two of them were enjoying what amounted to free rein to play. Nick’s tongue felt very good, and the view Cai had of Nick’s body was very nice.

  Reaching out with his psi, Cai tweaked Nick’s nipples and balls. Nick’s gasp caused him to smile. He caressed the trapped orbs in their taut covering of stretched skin with an electric touch, observing how Nick’s cock engorged further from the stimulation. Nick always seemed to like it when Cai added the extra power to his mental touch. Cai stroked the long, muscular thighs next, admiring Nick’s physique for the work of masculine art it was. Nick, in turn, left off licking his balls in favor of sucking on them. He’d worked Cai’s entire sac into his mouth, and the suction was deliciously enjoyable.

  As he always did, Cai watched everything Nick did, not only with his eyes, but also with the optical sensors of his ship. The sight of Nick’s dear face, so distorted with the effort of pleasuring him, was even more enjoyable. Cai focused a sensor on Nick’s lip
s, watching them pulse around the base of his scrotum with the effort of maintaining a seal as he rhythmically sucked.

  He continued to toy with Nick, delivering tweaks, caresses and electric shocks very specifically and intentionally. Nick went from hard to ragingly erect and from quiescent to wildly humping in midair under Cai’s telekinetic ministrations. Nick moaned around his mouthful of nuts as he came, his cock pulsating as it shot spurt after spurt of creamy white jism into the air between them.

  Cai dampened the velocity of the spunk before it could reach him, and it quickly solidified into an orb. He imparted a spin on the globe, amused as always by the behavior of liquids in the absence of gravity. He set it adrift well away from them, where it wouldn’t impact anything yet would remain close by for when Cai wanted it.

  In the meantime, Nick had let Cai’s nuts go free as he basked in the pleasure of his climax. Cai shifted, and the hard, engorged head of his penis pushed against Nick’s lips in an unsubtle demand. The lips parted under the assault, and Cai rotated in place so that he could look Nick in the eyes as he continued to thrust deeply into Nick’s mouth, down into his throat, until he was buried balls-deep. Nick looked up at him with utter submission while he sucked and slobbered and gasped in air whenever Cai withdrew enough to permit him to breathe.

  Orbiting globules filled the air around them—Nick’s drool, which normally would coat his chin and chest—a side effect of free fall. If Nick weren’t clamped to him, every thrust Cai delivered would have sent them flying apart. Cai increased his pace as his tension mounted, seeking release. Nick held onto him, lustily sucking and working his lips and tongue on Cai’s cock, until Cai felt the tightness uncoil and he came to a stop, gasping in pleasure as he unloaded into Nick’s mouth. His greedy spouse sucked it all down, too, for Cai didn’t see any of his milky substance floating about.

  Cai withdrew from Nick’s mouth. He reached down and pulled Nick up or himself down, it was all the same in null gee, until they were face to face, chest to chest, groin to groin. Cai kissed Nick deeply as they rubbed together down there, stimulating each other into resurgent erections. Cai’s hands slid along Nick’s strong back; he enjoyed feeling Nick’s large, callused hands on his own back. But his penis, rubbing against Nick’s penis, heating, growing, stiffening, that was even more delightful.

  Nick freed a hand and reached down between them. He grasped their poles, both of them in one hand, and worked them, sliding his hand up and down their lengths. The tactile friction was intense and wonderful. When Cai moaned in enjoyment, Nick plunged his tongue into Cai’s open mouth and another set of deep, tongue-twisting kisses ensued.

  Using psi, Cai collected all the stray globes of fluid and merged them into one giant spitball that he then pushed up into Nick’s ass, using more psi to hold his mate’s sphincter open. Nick shuddered and gasped, his pleasure at being opened rolling off him and right into Cai. Cai thrust his telekinetic hand into Nick, opening the tunnel further as he worked the lubrication in deeper and deeper. From Cai’s perspective, he was only pushing the tunnel apart, but to Nick, it felt like he was being fucked by a very large tool. Cai let the tunnel collapse inward, as if the cock were withdrawing then flared it open again, and Nick rocked his hips, trying to push into the invisible thing using him.

  Cai eased his grip again, but this time, he added the mildly shocking power when he opened Nick again. Via the sensor, he could see right up into Nick, the pink openness, so vulnerable, and the power appeared as a delicate tracery of white electricity and Nick was exclaiming, his toes curling and back arching as he shot another wad of cum, helplessly climaxing from the intense stimulation, unable to control his reactions to what Cai was giving him.

  “Please fuck me,” Nick gasped in the aftermath, his hand still working Cai’s shaft, though he’d released his own member at some point. “I want to feel you take me, feel your cock pounding me.”

  Cai turned Nick in his arms so that he was pressing against the captain’s broad back. His cock slipped easily into Nick’s gaping, well-lubricated hole. “Is this what you want? You want my cock in you, fucking you?”

  “Oh, god, yes,” Nick gasped in agreement, squirming as he tried to push himself back into Cai. “Fuck me, Master. Fuck me hard.”

  Cai pumped his hips in long, strong strokes until he had encased his entire length in Nick’s ass. Nick’s body quivered beneath him as he penetrated, the lack of gravity magnifying even the smallest of reactions. He hooked his heels around Nick’s shins and pulled the long, muscular legs back, causing Nick’s body to arch beneath him. He thrust into Nick as hard and as fast as he could, pistoning in and out of his slave’s perfectly positioned body, anchored to him by his own limbs. Nick could not escape, nor did he try. His own hips gyrated, accentuating Cai’s efforts.

  Nick’s tunnel was a hot, velvety vise grip clamping around his thrusting, straining cock. It was a delicious feeling to conquer another so utterly, to feel the other’s body yielding to his invading spear, to sense the submissive adoration and love of that one who offered himself and opened himself to his master. Cai came with a roar of triumph, his spunk splashing up into Nick’s depths.

  He found himself wishing, weirdly, that there was some way his seed could take root in Nick’s body and give him a baby. The idea of a pregnant Nick had him instantly hard again, so he didn’t stop pumping after his orgasm but expanded on his daydream as he continued to pound Nick’s ass. Nick groaned beneath him, his sexual tension at a peak.

  Cai used teek to stimulate Nick’s shaft and stroke it until Nick cried out with the intensity of his orgasm, his cock throbbing strongly as it ejected his sperm. Cai collected it with his teek and floated it up to Nick’s lips. Via sensor, he watched Nick lap up his own spunk, wondering how Nick could make such a submissive act look so damn sexy. He continued to stimulate Nick’s cock even after the orgasm had passed, synching the telekinetic caresses to his strong, deep thrusts.

  “Ohhh,” Nick whispered. “Ohhh, I like that.”

  Cai could see that Nick liked it—his eyes were rolling back in his head, his toes were curling, his hands desperately caressing what he could reach of Cai, which had the effect of thrusting his chest out. He could also feel Nick’s enjoyment, in the quiver of his flesh, in the counteraction of his ass working to bring Cai off and in the very panting of his harsh, lusty breath. On top of that, he could sense Nick’s pleasure as if it were his own, via their wide-open telepathic bond. Nick’s natural shields weren’t getting in the way today, leaving his mind completely open to Cai and at his utter mercy.

  Cai thrust a little harder. “I keep imagining you pregnant with my child. I find I like the idea.”

  “I would love to give you a child, Cai,” Nick replied. Cai could tell he found the idea almost as exciting as Cai did. “I’ve heard it’s possible.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard that, too.” Cai rewarded Nick with an electric caress over his balls that made his lover squirm and gasp anew.

  “I’ll look into it,” Nick promised.

  Cai stiffened as he shot his second wad into Nick’s ass, imagining as he did so that there was an egg waiting for his sperm and that Nick’s belly would soon bulge with new life as he gave Cai the ultimate submission one man could give another by consenting to bear his children. Nick orgasmed a moment later, and they both slumped into one another, relaxing in the post-climatic haze that was even better, to Cai’s mind, than the drug haze he’d so recently experienced.

  Nick snuggled against Cai lovingly, trustingly. Cai reciprocated the feelings via their bond. Their togetherness was the most important thing of all, Cai decided. If it wasn’t feasible for Nick to bear his children, he would accept that. They could always adopt. Or find a surrogate. So long as they were together.

  The End

  About the Author

  I’ve long since embraced my inner nerd. I revel in my Greekness and in my Geekness. I have two lives—the mundane reality of life here on Earth and the f
ar more interesting life in my head. I love ancient history, ancient forms of combat, target archery, saber fencing, anything to do with horses, organic food and sustainable farming. Most especially do I love science fiction and fantasy of all varieties, especially conventions, which are the only gatherings on Earth where I can find many people just as strange as I am.

  You can contact me at or through my website

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