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The Wake: Man Booker Prize 2014 Longlist Edition

Page 16

by Paul Kingsnorth

  ha i saes ha well here we is anglisc men in an anglisc wud talcan lic our guttas is gan and it colde be they has for thu does not cnaw what thu is or from where thu is cum. this is scit spoc by preosts and cyngs spoc by all those who wolde put them selfs abuf us and tac our land and our sawols

  sawols saes the gleoman our sawols wolde thy tac

  lysten gleoman i saes lysten the eald gods they is land they is erce they is heofon and fyr and they is us folcs. these new gods they is ingengas this crist he is god of man he walcs lic a man he cums to tac our land and raise men up abuf the land and beorn it blaec. lysten i has been to the hus of the eald gods i has swam down my eages was open i seen it i seen them and lysten i seen the fugol what cum to warn us of this ingenga geeyome none wolde lysten none lysten to the eald and the words

  and this i saes tacan my sweord and holdan it ofer the fyr this is the sweord of weland the smith

  ah now saes the gleoman now here is a tale to be telt for sure

  we has all hierde this tale saes grimcell

  great weland saes tofe

  well let me tell thu another and better i saes for weland the smith he cum to my grandfather one night in the holt near our ham grimcell thu cnaw this and he saes to my grandfather i has ceosan thu and thy cynn for great things and this sweord now i gifs thu to do these great things with so tac it my son and lead men

  ah saes the gleoman is this what he saed buccmaster is this why thy power is now so great

  gleoman i will haf thy guttas lic i has had the guttas of the gerefa

  o saes the gleoman then i will still my tunge

  was this a triewe thing saes tofe to me whose eages is now big

  i does not spec of things what is not triewe cilde

  welands sweord saes the cilde locan at my blaed in sum awe

  and it was weland this daeg cwelled that gerefa i saes for i felt him mofan through me this is what he macd his sweord for this feoht for angland for anglisc folc for the eald hus for the eald times agan the ingenga

  well let us hope it is a strong sweord saes the gleoman for there is many mor frenc ones

  it was at this time that we all hierde the sound of men cuman through the holt near us. it was not fox not boar it was men and we all stood as cwic as we colde though in triewth sum of us was not good now on our feet though not me i was strong. i toc my sweord and it was good that i did for two men cum through the treows then and with scramasaxes they stood before us

  cum to tac a lif has thu i saes to them cum to get wergild for thy esol gerefa well cum then lytel frenc hund boys cum and tac what thu can

  for a time these two men loccd at us saen naht. one was a tall man his haer and cenep red lic a dene his nebb thynne the other was scort and had lytel haer though he was yonger. after a time the man with red haer spoc

  we does not want blud he saes we has seen enough. i is aelfgar this is gamel we is free men of creatas tun. we has buried our gerefa today whose blud is on thy sweord

  welands sweord saes tofe

  this sweord lufs blud i saes

  well we does not luf blud saes this aelfgar and his words is strong but when blud cums to us we will stand agan it

  stand then i saes fuccan stand

  not agan thu saes gamel but with thu

  thu called for men saes aelfgar we is men

  too many sings while frenc cwells their folcs saes gamel we has long thought so we will not sing lic our gerefa

  we has been waitan for thu saes aelfgar

  well for sum time there is naht saed. in triewth the ealu has slowed my tunge a lytel though of course i is still cwic. it is grimcell who specs first

  gif us thy scramasaxes he saes let us see that thu has no mor waepens we will not sitt by the fyr with thu and be tacan from behind

  thu will not saes aelfgar thu may tac them and he and this gamel they puts their scramasaxes on to the ground before us. grimcell he gan to them to see they has no other things but it seems they does not

  well i saes well if thu is triewe thu is wel cum and if thu is not triewe thu is dead

  at this aelfgar he seems ired

  thu wolde cnaw if we is triewe he saes well let me asc thu man how many frenc thu has feoht

  we has cwelled one saes tofe cwic before i can spec and he was a thegn

  one saes this aelfgar thu has cwelled one. well thu sceolde cnaw that gamel and me we has cwelled mor frenc than there is in angland for on sanlac in the south lands we feoht with harald cyng agan the bastard

  well this was sum thing and when we hierde this we telt these men to sitt by the fyr with us and drinc ealu and tell us of this great thing for these was men who moste be loccd at as men

  sanlac saes tofe sanlac then thu is great men

  great men saes grimcell

  we is not saes gamel we is men only and we is lifan when many is gan

  tell us i saes

  aelfgar then he sighs and he saes i has spoc so micel of sanlac that i feels i was not efen born before this daeg. loc i can not tell of it all again at this time not here to spec of it cwells my heorte

  this is triewe specan saes the gleoman for micel has i hierde of the sorness of this daeg

  i will sae only that it colde haf been ours that daeg saes aelfgar. these frenc thu hieres them sae that the daeg was theirs for they is great folcs with great hors well this is scit they was almost gan. we feoht when the sunne cum up in the mergen and all daeg we stood our ground on the hyll and soon it wolde haf been night and if we had held we wolde haf drifen the bastard baec to the sea in the deorc. we was almost there we colde see the deorc cuman ofer the waters but then the cyng fell and all was gan

  we colde haf toc them early also saes gamel for in the mergen we stood on the hyll the fyrd all along the rycg and behind us the huscarls with great axes and behind them the cyng and his brothors and his flag of the golden wyrm on the wind oh it was a sight. the frenc they cum up to the foot of the hyll in the mergen but they stopped for sum time afeart of us for we was callan and singan wafan sweords and axes and sithes we was castan roccs down at them and scotan straels and callan out out out out and they was afeart and they wolde not cum up

  afeart they was saes aelfgar and then our harald cyng he cum up to the front of us all on his hwit hors in his golden scirt and with his flag of the golden wyrm and on his heafod the most cyngly helm thu has seen with boars ofer his eages and the raefn and wulf on his nebb and he riden down the line with sweord in hand callan us to feoht for great angland agan the ingenga and then he stood before the line and he loccd down to these frenc who had cum to his cyngdom and he called to them

  what did he call saes tofe what

  he saed cum then bastard and do thy will and thu will brec on the strands of angland lic the weacest waef in the sea

  these is sum words i saes

  harald was sum man saes aelfgar a great man a great cyng the greatest since aethelstan and had he lifd now all wolde be sweet in this land all wolde be well for our folcs

  but now we is thralls saes grimcell thralls

  and we colde haf toc them early saes gamel and not been thralls for the frenc begun to cum up the dun they sent men to scot straels at us and then they sent these cnihts on hors for the frenc they feohts on hors lic wifmen not on foot lic men well they sent these cnihts on hors with speres thincan they wolde mac us run but we held the line and we toc many of these hors down with speres and axes all the time callan out out out and they fell baec the hors fell baec for they was afeart

  it is triewe they was afeart saes aelfgar we seen it for we stood together in that fyrd and we seen their eages

  and they ran saes gamel they ran these hors half the frenc fyrd they teorned and we ran also we gan down the dun after them we gan down to run them in to the sea and we wolde haf done so but for the cyng

  it was not the cyng saes aelfgar scarp

  he sceolde haf sent all his men saes gamel all of us then down the hyll we wolde haf run them all in to the sea

  we wolde all
haf been cut down saes aelfgar lic so many was

  who was cut down saes grimcell

  half the fyrd saes gamel we ran down after the frenc and many fell and we was thincan all the men and harald cyng was cuman too but they stood on the hyll

  and then we seen him saes aelfgar we seen him call them to stand

  seen who i saes

  the bastard saes gamel the bastard on his hors

  the cyng saes tofe

  he is no fuccan cyng

  how does he loc saes tofe how does he seem

  he seems lic a deoful saes gamel. he is a great man tall and wide and he wears a helm lic that of harald cyng but when he seen his men flee lic wifmen he tacs off his helm and he calls to them he calls in his frenc tunge so i can not sae what his words was but they was yfel words i seen his nebb

  thu seen his nebb

  set lic style it is with no haer on it he is a strong man there is no luf in him

  and what gan on

  what gan on saes gamel well all cnawan what gan on the frenc hors they cum baec at his words they teorned and they cut us down. i was cut and i laid there my scancs was half gan now i can not run nor walc with ease

  sum of us ran baec to the ricg saes aelfgar but most was cut down and that was half of the fyrd gan and the frenc now they seemed lic they had found their heorte

  we colde haf tacan them if the cyng had mofd saes gamel locan in to the fyr

  do not spec this way of the cyng

  we colde haf cwelled the bastard then and all of his deofuls and we did not and now we will be thralls for efer

  not for efer i saes we will drif them from our land

  all then locs at the fyr and there is no mor words for sum time. grimcell tacs the scramasaxes of these men and gifs them ofer and with no words they tacs them and puts them in their belts

  on a great dun a hwit stag runs the dun is high higher than all things abuf it only heofon under it all the clouds that stands abuf the eorth and all around it the sound of great hwit eas foaman ofer clifs that falls down down into the blaec of the world

  on the dun the hwit stag stands and a cilde cums to this stag at the top of this dun and he locs in to its eages and the stag locs in to his

  then the cilde he reacces out and he tacs the stag by its horns what is macd of gold and its heafod mofs in a small way and he specs the cilde he specs to the stag on the great high dun by the clouds and the hwit ea what is fallan down for efer into the blaec places of the eorth

  when will i be free saes the cilde to the stag

  and the stag saes thu will nefer be free

  then when will angland be free

  angland will nefer be free

  then what can be done

  naht can be done

  then how moste i lif

  thu moste be triewe that is all there is

  be triewe

  be triewe

  the winter was longer than any winter there has efer been and deoper. we gan baec to the hus we had macd in the holt and this we macd warm gathran wud and cepan it in the hus cepan the fyrs high cwellan brocs and foxes for mete and for hydes. the foda we toc from creatas tun was gan soon and we toc to sendan tofe out for mor he wolde go to hams around the holt and loc for what colde be tacan for we thought that mor feohtan with anglisc folcs was not to be sought. sum times he cum baec with melu with baerlic or with smocd mete sum times with aeppels once efen with a sceop what he had toc from a barn and there was micel specan among us of whether this was right but it was cold cold that winter and wool and mete was dear to us

  all the time we was also secan frenc folcs to cwell and drif from this scir for now we was grene men triewe and growan in strength. ofer that winter we cwelled six frenc men we toc them from roads where they walced and from hams where they worcced we held them and we slit them and cut them all ofer and we spoc to them as they bled dyan on the ground we spoc to them of angland and its ways of our land and its folc of how they was fuccan hunds hunds and how their ingenga deoful folc wolde be sent to hel. it colde not be cnawan if they hierde us for they spac not our tunge but we telt them we telt them of their synns. when they was gan we toc from them clothes and any foda and gold they had and their bodigs we wolde leaf nacod in the straet or hangan from treows if we had line to sae to all frenc folcs go and to all anglisc rise

  aelfgar and gamel was soon seen to be triewe for they was strong in cwellan and toc frenc lifs lic wihts in ire sum fyr beorned in them and tofe and grimcell they was lit by it. all this time i was leadan these men with my sweord by me always and they was locan up to me as their ealdor yes it was all in their eages in these times we was thincan we colde do all things efen tac the bastard himself from his fatt frenc hors and cut his fuccan throta lic a sceop

  at this time all hams near the brunnesweald cum to hiere of us of the grene men in the holt and sum folcs wolde cum locan for us to spec or loc or tell us of where frenc was and how we colde tac them and cildren wolde cum to see these great feohtan men of the wuds. well tofe he lufd this and was macd great by it his heafod growan and growan and sum times i wolde need to tac him down from the heofon he had gan to. well i was hopan many folcs wolde cum to feoht with us but in that time only one mor man cum and in triewth it wolde be better if he had not for this man was dumb. a great tall man and wide and strong he was but of dumb ways he colde not spec lic other folcs and seemed to spec to the ground mor than he spoc to men

  this man cum to us saen he was a man of the holt and lifd lic the treows and was scunned in his ham and he wolde feoht with us. in the mergen he wolde rise from by the fyr where we slept and gan to the holt and cum baec his nebb all blaec with aesc or eorth and sae i is of the holt and he wolde sae no mor for the daeg. his nama he telt us was was wluncus though i has nefer hierde an anglisc nama lic this it was as dumb as the man what held it

  so we was six now six and the gleoman but the gleoman did not stae when the cold began to cum he gan walcan again as gleoman does to places he colde get foda and ealu and warm fyrs and fuccan for his tales. he telt us he wolde cum baec in sum months when he cum through again and bring us tidans from other parts of angland but i did not thinc he wolde cum again and in triewth i was hopan not for this man was smercan all the time he was not a grene man he was not triewe

  but he did cum baec and though i was not blithe it seemed grimcell was for him and this ulf they was freonds of old and this telt me that grimcell was a man who did not cnaw men and i seen again why i was ceosan. but in the winter on a cold daeg when our fyrs was high and wluncus was locan out for frenc men his nebb all blaec with fyr aesc muttran to the fugols the gleoman cum in to our part of the holt raisan his hand in gretan and bringan ealu. he cum from a place wluncus was not locan and this esol did not efen see so if he had been frenc we wolde haf been cwelled and i telt wluncus this in sum ire and he ran off then to the holt lic a cilde wepan triewely he was a fuccan dumb man

  but the gleoman he brought ealu and so we macd the fyr high and we satt then and dranc for we had drunc no ealu in wices and the gleoman he telt us of what he had seen in angland. he telt us not lic a gleoman ridlan but lic a man specan and we lystened for his tales was blaec. the frenc he saed was in all places now and they was locan to see what they colde get from all anglisc men. they had raised geld in all places and they was macan men gif geld for all free things what had been their rights. geeyome the bastard he had macd a law gifen all the land in angland to him and nefer had there been succ a great synn done and micel of this land he had gifen to his frenc brothors and freonds and the scuccas what cum with him to cwell our great cyng at sanlac and now they was macan their new thralls bow to them

  blaec these tales was for sure. tales of frenc men tacan the ceaps from tuns and hams and puttan them in their castels and tacan geld for efry small thing sold at them. tales of hams torn down to build these castels and of anglisc men macd thralls to mac them lic esols or oxen. tales of men gifan geld to walc their swine in their own holt or to plough their own feld. many wifmen there
was in angland now with no husbonds for they had been cwelled feohtan and these wifmen they had their husbonds land for this is the way of things in angland but frenc men was tacan these wifmen and weddan them at point of sweord so this land wolde be theirs in law. mynsters saed the gleoman was fillan all ofer angland with wifmen runnan from this deorc thing

  and men all ofer was bean thralld. all ofer the scir of lincylene saed the gleoman socmen who was free men who was the freest men in angland was hafan their land toc and bean macd to worc on it for the new frenc thegns lic thralls and this was puttan them in ire and in great deop sadness. one tale the gleoman telt of us a socman he cnawan well from a ham in the north who was a strong and good man worcan always for his folc but the frenc cum they toc his land and they macd him worc lic a gebur for his new lord. they toc his great hus what he had macd and macd him sleep in the byr with the oxen and this man he colde do naht and wolde be a thrall for efer. his yonge cilde a yonge son he died in the cold of the winter slepan in this byr and this man he colde tac no mor and his wifman cum in to the stincan byr one daeg and he was hangan from the beam lic a sacc of baerlic

  there was a great stillness after we had hierde these tales and triewely it was good that we had ealu. for this to cum to socmen of my scir this was a thing what macd my blud rise in my heafod it macd me tac my sweord in my hand there wolde be blud there moste be blud. then aelfgar he spac

  what is being done gleoman he saed what is anglisc folc doan

  well saes the gleoman they is doan many things thu cnawan does thu not what they is doan. sum is in the ground sum still on it rottan in the regn sum is gan from this land gan east of rome where they feohts in the fyrds of ingenga cyngs and dreams of angland. sum is gan north to the land of the scots where malcolm cyng bids them wel cum as free folc. sum stays in their ham and in their hus and macs best of what is gifen to them by their wyrd. then there is them what has ceosan neither to stay nor leaf but who is gan to fenn and holt and becum grene lic the leafs and the grass who lifs lic the fox and the wulf who is wilde lic the hafoc and the crow with teeth what tears from the enemi small bite and small bite and small bite until all the mete is gan


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