The Wake: Man Booker Prize 2014 Longlist Edition
Page 27
Mina and Rohan
John Mitchinson
George Monbiot
Daro Montag
Matt Morden
Benjamin Morris
Kate Morrison
Lindsay Morrison
Matthew Murrell
Meesha Nehru
Gregory Norminton
Dennis North
Mick North
Phil Oakes
Freda O’Byrne
Allen O’Leary
Deborah Orr
Ava Osbiston
Mat Osmond
Daniela Othieno
Gill Parrott & Nick Parfitt
Rupert Parson
Sarah Patmore
Chris Pendleton
Jon Penney
Ian Pettman
Faye Pirie
Duane Poliquin
Dave Pollard
Justin Pollard
Michael Poulter
Arthur Prior
Eddie Procter
Rosy Prue
Huan Quayle
Kate Rawles
Rebecca Rennie
Tracey Riley
Sabine Roach
Francis James Roberts
George Roberts
Nick Robins
Meg Roper
Rose and Crown PH
William Ross
Sean Rovaldi
Claire Rowe
Chris Rowley
Stefene Russell
Sally Ryder
Mark Rylance Waters
Andrew Sadler
Katrin Salyers
Christoph Sander
Bri Saussy
Jonathan Schofield
Adam Scott
Tom Scott
Matthew Sellwood
Emma Seymour
Ayres Simeon
Mark Simpkins
Mark Sleboda
Bradon Smith
David Smith
Jos Smith
Mike Smith
Molly Smith
Laura Sorvala
Jeremy Sowden
AllieK Stewart
Nick Stewart
Joan Stonham
Douglas Strang
Peter Stroud
Mark Sundaram
Linda Swartwout
Mark Sydenham
Graham Symmonds
Clare Symonds
Ashli Szczerbaniwicz
Pete Tayler
James Piers Taylor
Phil Teer
Jim Thomas
Kristine Thompson
Gordon Thorne
Adam Thorogood
Steve Thorp
Beth Tilston
Emma Tinker
Alistair Todd
Martin Togher
Kristine Tompkins
Steve Tooze
Emma Townshend
Rob Tucker
David Turner
Elizabeth Van Pelt
Mark Vent
Lucy Vickery
Ashley Vido
James Vincent
Roger Wade
Ben Walker
Della Walker
George Walker
Gordon Walker
Helen Walker
John Walker
Scott Walters
Rich, Lexi & Rosa Ward
Hugh Warwick
Dave Watson
Jonathan Watts
Peter Webber
Gregory Webster
Stokely Webster
Tim Webster
Francoise Wemelsfelder
Steve Wheeler
Stephen White
Eliot Whittington
Matt Wicking
Rob Widdowson
Andy Wightman
Matt Wilde
David B. Wildgoose
Keith Wildman
Samantha Wilkinson
Heathcote Williams
Dixe Wills
Chris Wilson
Richard Wilson
Richard Wiltshire
Laura Wirtz
Eva Wojcik
Chris Wood
Steve Woodward
Alex Wright
Andrew Wright
Gareth Young
Neville Young
Paul John Young
Susan Zasikowski
Liag Zeppetello
This edition first published in 2014
Unbound, 4–7
Manchester Street, Marylebone, London, W1U 2AE
All rights reserved © Paul Kingsnorth, 201*
The right of Paul Kingsnorth to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with
Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
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Typesetting by Bracketpress
Cover design by Mecob
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
Printed in England by Clays Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk
ISBN 978-1-908717-87-0 (limited edition)
ISBN 978-1-908717-86-* (trade edition)
ISBN 978-1-908717-85-6 (ebook)
Table of Contents
Title Page
About the Author
By the Same Author
William of Malmesbury
The Wake
A Partial Glossary
A Note on Language
A Note on History