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The Highlander's Choice (Entangled Scandalous) (Marriage Mart Mayhem)

Page 18

by Callie Hutton


  Penelope laughed. “That seems to be his favorite word. That and papa.”

  Sybil rubbed her nose on Robert’s belly. “Are you giving your mama a hard time, my lord?”

  “No.” He started to wiggle. “Down.”

  Once on his feet, he proceeded to squat and watch a bug wander the path. He pointed to the insect. “Bug.”

  “Yes, sweetheart that is a bug.” Penelope was now holding Esther, making motherly clucking sounds.

  At the warm and loving the scene before her, Sybil placed her hand on her belly, the gnawing anxiety she’d felt since her return washing over her. Dear Lord, what would she do if what she suspected were true? That was another dilemma she’d shared with Sarah.

  “Penelope, where is Junie?” The nanny was another in a string of nurses the Duke and his wife had employed since Robert’s birth. Although she would not admit it, it was generally known in the family that Penelope wished no one but herself to deal with her children. Hence the parade of girls that she’d not found suitable for one reason or another. They’d always left the duke’s employ with a generous severance and a glowing recommendation.

  American-born and raised by an unconventional father who’d taught his daughter botany, Penelope was loved by the entire family. And since the dowager duchess had also broken with tradition in the raising of her children, no one thought much of Penelope’s strange behavior.

  “Junie had a headache, so I told her to lie down.”

  Sarah grinned. “Did you also bring her a cool cloth with lavender?”

  “Yes, that works so well for me.” Penelope reached down and stopped Robert right before the boy put the bug in his mouth.

  “Penelope, you do understand the concept of servants doing for their employers, not the other way around?” Sarah was laughing now.

  “Oh dear, I think this little one needs a nappy change.” Penelope returned Esther to the pram and reached out for Robert’s hand. “Come along, dear.”


  “It is time for tea.”

  “No.” The little boy pointed to the dirt where Penelope had tossed the insect. “Bug.”

  “You cannot have the bug, darling. Now come along with Mama so we can have our tea.”


  “Go ahead and take care of the baby, Penelope. Sarah and I will get Robert into the house for tea.”

  The boy looked up at his aunts. “No.”

  With a great deal of coaxing they got Robert as far as the side door of the manor when a scuffling noise drew their attention to the entrance hall. A carriage stood in front of the manor, the door of the vehicle open, but no one inside.

  With Sarah and Sybil each holding one of Robert’s hands they climbed the few steps to the back door and down the corridor toward the front entrance.

  “I’ll not be leaving here until I see Sybil. Now either call the lass, or you’ll be seeing me searching every room in the place.”

  Drake stood blocking the door as Sybil and Sarah hurried forward.

  “Sybil!” A man’s voice shouted.

  Sybil’s eyes widened. “Liam?”

  Drake turned just enough at Sybil’s words to allow Liam to shove his way in. Sybil dropped Robert’s hand and covered her mouth with her fingers. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to get ye, lass.”

  Drake stepped up to the couple. “I think we should move this conversation to the library.”

  In a daze, Sybil allowed Liam to lead her into the library behind Drake. Their mother, drawn to the racket at the front door, along with Sarah, trooped behind to join them. Once the women were all settled into chairs, Drake leaned against his desk and crossed his arms, facing Liam who stood with his feet spread apart, looking very much like a Scottish warrior.

  Sybil was speechless for perhaps the first time in her life. Even though she’d been overwhelmed with anger when she’d left him, her heart now pounded in an all too familiar and exciting way. She’d forgotten how very powerful and determined Laird Liam MacBride could look. His chin stuck out and his eyes snapped as if ready to take on not just her brother, the Duke, but all of England.

  What had been his purpose in coming here? The only thought in her head was how happy she was to see him. She was hard pressed to remain mad at him. She only wanted to throw herself into his arms and weep for joy.

  “Perhaps you better explain to all of us exactly what went on in Scotland. My sister returned home quite a bit different than when she left to go to Lady Margaret’s wedding. I had a letter from you many weeks ago telling me you were taking responsibility for my sister, she would be visiting your castle where she would be well chaperoned, and you would personally see her home safely. Does that sound familiar?”

  “Yes, Yer Grace.”

  “Yet my sister returns with only her maid, your driver, and an outrider. She is melancholy, will not tell me what went on in Scotland, and now you appear at my front door demanding to see her as though you have some rights where she is concerned.”

  “Aye, ye have the right of it, mon. Perhaps I could have some time to speak with Sybil alone.” Liam glanced at all the curious eyes watching the scene.

  “I don’t believe I trust you to be alone with my sister. I still don’t know what went on in Scotland and nothing you’ve said so far has changed my opinion.”

  Liam ran stiff fingers through his hair. “I asked the lass to marry me.”

  “Then why did she return home? Sybil,” he turned toward his sister, “did you refuse the man?”


  Drake stepped forward. “Then you will please remove yourself from the premises.”

  “Wait!” Sybil jumped up. “I did refuse him at first, but then I changed my mind and we became betrothed.”


  “We had some differences.”

  “What differences?”

  “He insulted my English heritage.”

  Drake narrowed his eyes at Liam, then pulled back his arm and slammed his fist into Liam’s chin. He went down, but was back up in a flash.

  “You maligned my sister?” Her brother rubbed his knuckles.

  “Nay. My mum pushed me into an argument, and Sybil overheard something I said in anger.” He turned to Sybil. “I dinna mean it, lass. You have to believe me.”

  “Since my sister is back here in England, it appears whatever you said, my sister did believe, so I repeat, please remove yourself from the premises.”

  Liam turned to her. “Lass, please. I need to speak with ye alone.”

  Sybil stood and immediately swayed. Liam, Drake, and Sarah all reached out for her. The lightheadedness had been increasing. Which is precisely what she had been afraid of. She was breeding.

  Liam reached her first and wrapped his arm around her, tucking her into his side. “What is the matter, lass? Are ye ill?”

  Sybil shook her head. The dizziness had left, but her stomach gave her reason to believe it would soon relieve itself of her luncheon. “No, I’m fine.”

  Drake glared at Liam. “I suggest you remove your arm from my sister and take yourself back to Scotland.”

  “Nay. I’ll not be leaving without Sybil.”

  “Stop! Everyone is talking about me as if I weren’t present.” Her mind was reeling. Liam was here, he apparently hadn’t married the woman his mother had sent for, and she was most likely pregnant. On top of that, he’d driven her away by blurting out that his children would never be English and would only know their Scottish heritage. They’d parted on not too friendly terms. To say she was confused would be an understatement.

  She took in a deep breath. “Yes, we must talk, but first I need to make a quick trip.” She slapped her hand on her mouth, turned, and then raced from the room, Sarah and her mother right behind her.

  “Lass, I think ye are carrying my bairn.”

  Sybil dashed up the stairs to the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the thud of a body hitting the floor.

/>   …

  Liam breathed a sigh of relief as Drake reached across the desk and shook his hand. “Welcome to the family.”

  They’d been cosseted in the library, just the two of them, for over an hour. Liam worked his jaw that had taken two blows from his future brother-in-law. For a cushy duke, the man had a wallop. Not that he blamed Drake. Had a man taken advantage of Catriona or Alanna, he would have done the same. And more.

  Once the women left the room the two men had faced each other like two snarling animals. Liam was determined to convince the Duke of Manchester that he would be a wonderful husband for his sister. The duke was obviously very protective of his women, and Liam liked that.

  All the agreements had been reached and signed. He didn’t care what Sybil’s dowry was, he only wanted her. He was especially anxious to speak with her now that he suspected she was in a family way. Sobering at the thought of how difficult life would have been for the lass had he not decided to put aside his pride and come after her, he wanted to assure her that he was thrilled at the prospect of being a father. Also, given their last conversation, he had yet to convince her that he would not allow any child of theirs to ignore their English side. He still had a lot of groveling to do.

  “I imagine you and Sybil have a few things to straighten out. I’ll see if she’s feeling up to it, and send her in.” Apparently, once again reminded of what condition Liam had sent his sister home in, Drake frowned and hesitated before striding to the door. “I expect you to keep your hands to yourself until the marriage takes place.”

  “Aye.” Not that it mattered, since the damage had already been done, but he didn’t think it would be smart to mention that little fact to the duke.

  Liam paced the area in front of the fireplace for so long he was amazed to see the rug had not been worn through. He whipped his head around as the door to the library opened. Sybil stood there, still a bit pale.

  She walked slowly into the room. The happiness he’d been hoping to see in her eyes was missing. She looked guarded, on edge, not at all how he’d hoped their reunion to be. Despite him and her brother agreeing on terms, it appeared he still had a problem where the lass was concerned.

  He drew on all the charm he’d used over the years with the fairer sex. “Darlin’, ’tis sorry I am. For everything. For my mum, for what I said about our bairns, and for blurting out about yer condition before yer family.”

  She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. “Why are you here, Liam?”

  He reached his hand out. “Come here, lass, and sit.”

  She took the chair near the fireplace. With a grunt, he scooped her up and settled her on his lap. Her body stiff, she held herself back. “Please answer my question.”

  “I am here to bring you back to Bedlay with me. Where you belong. As my wife, and if I’m not mistaken, as the mother of my bairn.”


  “Because I love you.”

  “Love requires trust and acceptance. You don’t accept the English part of me. Any children we would have,” she paused and covered her belly, “would be half English.”

  “Aye, and proud of them I will be.”

  She gave a very unladylike snort.

  After all this, was he going to lose her? Just because he had blurted out something stupid in the middle of an argument?

  Nay. He would fight for what he wanted. He would not give up now, even if he had to camp outside her door for the next year. “I love you, lass. With my whole heart.” He grasped her chin and made her face him. “Can you honestly say you don’t love me?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I can’t say that. But will that be enough?”

  “If you turn me away, you are basing that decision on a dislike of the English I held all the years before I met you that had been drummed into me since birth.” He kissed the tips of her fingers. “I can learn, darlin’. You can help me.”

  “The first time we have a disagreement, you’ll be spouting off about the English.” She moved off his lap and faced him. “And our children? Will they face your disdain if they show anything other than Scottish ways?”

  “Nay.” He reached out to pull her to him, but she danced away.

  He stiffened his shoulders and regarded her. “All right, Sybil. I will tell ye what we will do.”

  “What?” She viewed him through narrowed eyes.

  “Come sit here next to me.” He reached out again. “Please?”

  She edged over and rested her bottom on the end of the chair.

  He took a deep breath. “I will send word to my cousin Damian that he is now The MacBride. I will relinquish my title and clan to stay here in England with you. I have enough of my own funds that we can purchase an estate anywhere you desire and raise our bairns to be English.”


  Sybil sucked in a breath, her eyes wide, Surely her ears had deceived her? It was not possible that she’d heard correctly.

  “You don’t mean that.” Liam would leave his clan? Leave Scotland?

  “I do.” He took her hand in his. “I mean it with every beat of my heart. If I canna have ye, nothing else matters. ’Twould be difficult, to be sure, but for ye I would do it.” He kissed her fingers. “And I would never regret it.”

  “Oh, Liam.”

  Before she could say another word, he cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his. Gently, he teased her lips, rubbing his against hers until she smiled. Encouraged, he drew her closer and deepened the kiss with all the pent up love and desire in his heart.

  “Ach, lass. Just say the word, and we will be married as soon as yer brother can arrange it. I’ll begin a search for a home here.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her mouth, jaw, nose, eyes, and chin.

  Her eyes burning with tears, she pulled back to stare into his face. “I think I may be carrying your bairn.”

  He grinned at her use of that word. “Aye, so it seems, with ye racing out of the room before, lookin’ as green as the hills of Scotland.” He crushed her to him. “Thank God I’ll be able to take care of ye and the bairn.” Taking her hand, he said, “I promise this is the last time I’ll ask this question, darlin’. Will ye marry me?”

  One lone tear tracked down her cheek. “Yes, my laird, I will marry you.”

  “I feel as though we’ve done this before,” he said as he slipped the heavy ring on her finger.

  “I believe you are right.” Sybil ran her fingertip over the ring and smiled. “This time I will never give it back.”

  “Nay. And I’ll never take it back.” He grinned, relief spreading through him. “We need to plan a wedding again and begin our search for a home.”

  “I’m afraid that, given my condition, Drake will want the wedding as soon as possible. However…”


  “I’ll not allow you to give up your clan.” She raised her hand as he began to speak. “By the mere fact that you were willing to do it convinces me you will try very hard to make sure our children know and appreciate both their Scottish and English heritages.”

  He tugged her to him and settled her once again on his lap. “I really would stay in England with ye.”

  “I know.” She brushed back the hair from his forehead. “And as much as I love you for that, I would not be happy if you did. After all, our son would be the next Laird MacBride one day. How can I deprive him of that?”

  The door flew open and Drake barreled into the room. “I believe you’ve had enough time to get things settled.” He narrowed his eyes. “Get off his lap. You can have time alone together once the wedding is over.”

  Liam and Sybil grinned at each other as the dowager duchess, Sarah, and two other women crowded into the room.

  Sybil stood and drew the women over. “Liam, may I present my sister, Mary, and sister-in-law Penelope.” Taking Liam’s arm, she said, “Allow me to introduce you to Liam, Laird of Clan MacBride. My betrothed.”

  He bowed before each woman, then turned to Sarah. “And since ye look so much l
ike my Sybil, you must be her twin, Sarah.”

  “Oh, I am sorry,” Sybil said. “With all the commotion before, I didn’t realize I hadn’t introduced you to my mother and Sarah.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Liam.” The dowager duchess linked her arm in Sybil’s “My dear, due to the circumstances, we have to put this together rather quickly, I’m afraid.”

  Sybil blushed slightly, embarrassed her mother knew the reason for the hurried nuptials.


  Sybil settled back in the carriage and gave a deep sigh. They were finally married. Her mother had managed to put together a lovely wedding in only two weeks. Drake had allowed Liam to stay in the manor, but walked him to his bedchamber each night, and then roused him at dawn each morning for a “ride.”

  Since she’d never known Drake to be fond of early morning forays, she could only assume he was making sure Liam stayed in his own room each night. As much as she would have liked to wake up with Liam’s warm arms around her, the wedding preparations kept her busy enough to not dwell on it.

  Liam had fit in with her family as if he’d known them for years. Her brother and her betrothed had spent time not only riding at the break of dawn, but also behind closed doors, discussing their respective estates. Her sisters had been charmed by the Scottish burr, and her young nephew had climbed onto Liam’s lap every evening for a story.

  The whirlwind wedding took place in the village chapel with her brother-in-law, Rector Joseph Fox, officiating. Her mother and sisters had wiped tears from their eyes as she said her vows while Penelope had chased Robert down the aisle as he headed for the new friend who’d told him wonderful Scottish tales at night.

  The next morning Sybil had awoken feeling loved and cared for after a wedding night that hadn’t allowed for very much sleep. Despite the desire running rampant through them as they’d fumbled with buttons and ties to remove each other’s clothes, Liam hadn’t rushed, loving every part of her body. He had also spent a good deal of time kissing and talking to her belly where the babe rested.

  She winced at the various aches and pains in unfamiliar places, evidencing their hours of exploring each other’s bodies with no concern about being interrupted. It had truly been a night she would remember all her life.


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