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Connor's Gambit

Page 29

by Z Gottlieb

  Brad tried to imagine the Neslin on a bike but couldn’t get a handle on it. “I didn’t know Neslins rode bikes. I didn’t see any on the Zuonopy riding.”

  “A few of us do. It’s more of an issue of availability of large bicycles for the Mothers. I learned to ride with people I worked with,” explained Fernando. “As much as I enjoyed leaving this room and riding, admittedly, it wasn’t an effective way to search, but it was the only way since we were restricted from stepping onto the platforms.”

  “How did you manage to ride with all of the pollen dust?”

  “A full suit isn’t always needed. We have a few breathing masks and hoods. You may want to use one of those instead of a full suit when you leave this room.”

  “I’ll definitely take you up on your offer. The full suit is aggravating and leaves me more vulnerable.” Brad moved his search to a new platform. He stared at the vehicle. He was surprised it was brought onboard the Kisskalu and was still intact. “I don’t believe it—they brought aboard the transfer vehicle Shinny and I explored.”

  “They are slow and small. They might be able to carry five if you use the pods. They have little value. I don’t know why the Fleet keeps them in the inventory. They could print these ships out when needed,” Fernando complained, dismissing Brad’s find.

  Brad ignored Fernando’s statement. “Pods have been ejected. I wonder what they’re planning to use it for.” Brad looked for any information the Aneplé might have on it. Not finding anything, he couldn’t resist temptation and sent a programming message to the vehicle. After waiting a few minutes a message came back confirming the change. Brad was so excited he yelled in English, “Woo hoo, we are so outta here!”

  The room fell completely silent from his outburst. It was unnerving to see every Neslin face in the room suddenly glaring at him.

  He turned to Fernando. “Uh, was I a little too loud?”

  “Yes, I think you have our attention. What was that you screamed? Did something bite you?”

  “Sorry, it was my native tongue. I think I have the answer to getting us off this ship, but I need to work a few things out before I show you.”

  “What do I tell the others?” Fernando asked, glancing at the concerned faces around the room.

  “I’m fine. Tell them I had a reaction to the last packaged meal. Have them keep working, just in case this doesn’t work out.”

  “I’ll do that but do me a favor—don’t have an outburst like that again without discussing it with me first. I’m the one who has to face Wesgwidy and the Little Mothers, and explain to them there isn’t a problem.”

  Brad laughed at Fernando’s concern. “Message Received.” Brad smiled and started writing a program for the transfer vehicle. It wouldn’t be as complex as the Paris skyline, but it needed to be more accurate to ensure success.

  Fernando sat next to Brad and watched the video of Brad’s proposal on his tablet. The transfer vehicle’s transmatter hologram platter molded into a sixty-seat configuration vehicle then blossomed into a bubble that enveloped the ion engine to evenly distribute the mass to accommodate traveling through space more efficiently as it left a battle cruiser. Although it would never be as fast as the fighter vehicles, the redistribution of its mass would allow it to travel faster than what was typical of the vehicle with the platter configuration.

  Brad waited anxiously for Fernando to comment on his proposal. He wondered if the lack of comment from Fernando was because he found something wrong with the idea. Wasn’t this the solution they were searching for? Or had he misinterpreted the problem in this room as he looked around at the Neslins recuperating?

  Fernando scanned the Little Mothers in the room Feeling something on his arm, he turned and saw Johnson trying to get his attention. “I’m still thinking about this.”

  “What’s to think about? Is there a problem? Did I miss something?”

  “I’m trying to foresee any objections Wesgwidy may have. She is committed to me escaping, but at times has lost hope of anyone else escaping. I need to understand what may be required of us. ”

  Brad placed his tablet on the floor while rolling back against the wall and stared at the ceiling in frustration. “You can’t be serious. What about the others, do they have a say in this?”

  “Of course they do, but tradition is ingrained in them and they will stand behind Wesgwidy when it comes to this colony.”

  “And, let me guess, everyone is behind your escape above all else.”

  “Essentially that is correct. I have little say in this even if it is not my preference.” Fernando held up Brad’s tablet. “Encrypt the proposal and send it to me. Don’t lose your tablet again.” Fernando snapped as he handed the tablet back to Brad.

  Embarrassed from repeating a recruit error, Brad transmitted the encrypted proposal to Fernando. Any doubts Brad had about Fernando’s Fleet background disappeared with Fernando’s concern over him controlling his tablet. “Nothing personal, but I would rather work toward rescuing as many individuals as possible even if that meant leaving you behind. What am I missing that Wesgwidy will want to see?” Brad asked as he reattached his tablet.

  “I’m not offended. That is my preference, also. If I alone am able to escape, I will never feel right about leaving others behind, especially those who have been on this ship for years. Or those standing guard, or Kevex, who has been poisoning herself to protect us, when there was a possibility of rescuing them also,” Fernando admitted as he reviewed the proposal Brad had just sent him. “This is brilliant. It would never have occurred to me to use a transfer vehicle in this way, but we still need a plan to gain access. The Aneplé will not just let us walk onto a platform and get on this vehicle.”

  “I agree. There needs to be a diversion to draw attention away from the platform. The Little Mothers need to change their daily patterns in preparation, without raising any suspicion. They need to walk along the hallways adjacent to the Transportation Room, they need to—” Brad stopped spewing out his brainstorming and looked out the glass wall at Wesgwidy standing guard. The plan would only work if the word came from the colony’s Mother. “A lot of planning needs to be done, but it will only be possible if Wesgwidy coordinates the planning and everyone is behind her.”

  “I’ll talk to Wesgwidy. Do you need anything else at this time?”

  “I’ve already loaded the program on the vehicle. I can gradually build the seating so the vehicle’s configuration is close to being completed when we’re ready to leave. I’ll ask Shinny to plant false information in their database that explains the transfer vehicle’s activities. Shinny and I need time in a training module if possible.” Swiping through his tablet and thinking of all the things he needed, he realized he would feel better if he could personally view the vehicle on the platform and see the placement of the other vehicles surrounding the transfer vehicle. “I think we should go on a bicycle ride.”

  Fernando nodded, confirming Brad’s requests. “Do you think your mate will support this and leave with us? I didn’t want to ask the question, but I thought the issue needed to be addressed before more time went by.”

  Brad’s chest tightened. He, too, was concerned that Shinny’s exposure to the plant had affected her, but he wasn’t sure how. “You’ve noticed,” he replied sadly.

  “She’s not hiding it. I haven’t discussed her situation with Mother because unlike the rest of the Aneplé, she isn’t harboring any malice toward the colony and seems to be committed to your escape.”

  “I’ve tried to figure out the hold the Aneplé have on their people. I believe the plant has a part in drugging them, creating an intoxicating allure with the virus that is downloaded onto their chips.”

  Fernando nodded. “That makes sense. But why hasn’t it affected you and your mate?”

  “The plant’s addictive nature is affecting Shinny, but she hasn’t had the Aneplé virus downloaded on her chip, which may be the difference.” Brad stood and stretched to release the tension from his muscle
s tightening. He faced Fernando. “As long as she recognizes their actions she will resist their attempts to download anything onto her chip. If they succeed, it’s unclear whether the virus will be effective because she’s been inoculated with an advanced anti-viral agent.” He sat back down. “In my case, the pollen is highly toxic. Even if I breathe small amounts, I have an immediate violent reaction and I start throwing up and convulsing.”

  Fernando’s face turned a deep brown from Johnson’s description of his reaction when exposed to the plant. “Warning received. I’ll make sure there’s an isolation suit or head cover always available for you. I realize there hasn’t been an issue with the pollen in this room, but I don’t want to ask anyone to dispose medical waste. We have enough issues at this time.”

  Brad nodded, confirming Fernando’s concern, and continued with his explanation. “They were successful in transferring the virus to me, but Shinny thinks she caught it in time with her updated agent. We’re not going to know for sure until I can be seen in a CIG medical facility.”

  “I’m not an expert on chip viruses. I’m satisfied that you are clean. But your mate is a different story. Can we depend on her?” Fernando asked. “Although there is no indication from Wesgwidy and the escorts that your mate has been subjugated by the Aneplé, I still have my concerns.”

  Brad paused taking in a slow deep breath before he answered, “For now, I believe the answer is yes, you can depend upon her. It would help if Wesgwidy could come up with reasons for her to spend more time in the filtered air.”

  Chapter 28

  Brad was exasperated Wesgwidy had not made a final decision on whether or not to support the escape plan for the colony on the transfer vehicle. On the other hand she did accept it as a possible viable option for Fernando to escape from the Kisskalu. Rather than leaving everyone in limbo waiting for her to make a final decision, Wesgwidy approved of it as a provisional plan and allowed the colony to train as if all of them would leave with Fernando. Brad found that more confusing and wanted to discuss it with Wesgwidy, but Fernando instructed him to leave Wesgwidy to him. While annoyed, he wasn’t completely ready to confront the oversized Neslin, either.

  At least the decision to train gave him an excuse to leave the isolation ward and spend more time with Shinny. He had no idea what Wesgwidy had said to Shinny, but it was effective. Shinny had been spending more nights sleeping next to him. He was convinced Shinny had an addiction, but didn’t want to address it until they were off the Kisskalu. He hoped the plant wasn’t completely impairing her mental health and physical performance. Other than her being on edge, more anxious and short-tempered with him, he wasn’t sure what else was affected. Then again the anxiousness could be from being on the ship and fear that her identity would be discovered at any moment. He was just as concerned. If they discovered who she was, Nerunder wouldn’t think twice before recycling Shinny.

  Brad hated the isolation suit, but for the moment it was the safest way for him to move through the Kisskalu. There were a few head covers available, but he was saving those for later, when he needed to be physically more active. Three Neslins escorted them to the closest trainer. He couldn’t imagine there would be many differences between transportation and transfer vehicles but wasn’t willing to risk finding out on the day they were leaving.

  Yancurve stopped at a door and turned to face the two Fleet Officers. “This is the closest trainer. We think it is still viable. If it doesn’t work there are others we can try.”

  “How long do we have?” Brad asked.

  “Not sure. Mother is trying to distract Nerunder. However, you should still be prepared for Nerunder to confront you,” the Neslin cautioned as she opened the door.

  “We’ll be ready. Do you have the cover story ready?”

  “Conjugal visit. Don’t know if it will stop Nerunder, but it will cause her to pause and give you a little time to hide your activities.” Yancurve laughed heartily. “We look forward to seeing her reaction.”

  Brad and Shinny nodded salutes as they stepped into the trainer. “Thanks, this shouldn’t take long,” Brad responded as he pulled the door shut.

  “Where did you get the idea of conjugal visit? Couldn’t you have come up with something innocuous?” Shinny asked, as she seated herself in the second seat.

  “What? You didn’t think that was innocuous?” Seeing the lack of humor on Shinny’s face, “Sorry, it was the best I could think of at the time. Next time, you can make up the excuse,” Brad replied as he sat down in the first seat. He looked around at the ill-kept trainer. “This place looks like a rat’s nest. Do you think this trainer is still operational?”

  Shinny, swiping on her tablet, quickly looked around and then went back to her tablet. “It should still work. I’m showing all systems are functioning. The trainer hasn’t had an upgrade in six solar cycles. It’s missing a number of security upgrades, which is to our advantage. It’s also missing a system upgrade, which may affect response time. The lack of data exchanges may be minor since you recently qualified to fly transport vehicles. The weakness will be if there was a major upgrade to the operation of the transfer vehicles.” Shinny quickly reviewed the records on her tablet. “I’m not seeing anything from Zuonopy’s database indicating that a major update occurred, but that assessment is conditional with the completeness of the information on my tablet; that leaves the possibility there may also be small additional upgrades that I am not seeing on my tablet.”

  “Thanks for checking.” Brad pulled off a glove that was specially made to leave his suit sealed. He placed his hand on the sensor. “Okay, let’s see what happens.”

  The unit responded to his hand and began exchanging information on his chip. “Brad, good morning, did you transfer to the Kisskalu?” Travis asked.

  “Uh, no, I haven’t transferred here. I flew onto it with my mate Shinny Johnson,” answered Brad.

  “Welcome, Shinny Johnson. Are you a pilot, also?” Travis asked.

  “I’m qualified to fly planet-based vehicles, only. I’m here assisting Brad on a project,” explained Shinny.

  “Are the two of you visiting to coordinate an exercise?” Travis asked.

  “Travis, we’re not visiting.” Brad took a moment before he explained. “I have a favor to ask of you. I need training on another vehicle but I need you to not record it or record over it with a game, or destroy it. Essentially, do whatever you need to do to hide my training record.”

  “I can’t do that. It’s against CIG regulations.”

  Brad sat stunned and frustrated with Travis’s response. He wasn’t sure what would work short of telling the truth. “The Aneplé have possession of the Kisskalu. It’s no longer a CIG asset.”

  Brad and Shinny waited through Travis’s silence for a response. They were not sure how the AI would accept the information. “Brad, I just went through the Kisskalu’s databases. The Kisskalu is an Aneplé asset and she’s not happy. Are you an Aneplé now?”

  Shinny sent Brad a message to his chip, “This is news to me. I didn’t know the battle cruisers had AIs. It’s interesting it is referring to itself as a ‘she’.”

  Brad answered Shinny by raising his arms and quietly mouthing, “Don’t know.” Turning his focus back to Travis, he responded, “No, I’m not Aneplé, I’m still a CIG Fleet Pilot. I’m an Aneplé prisoner on the Kisskalu.”

  “Am I a prisoner, also?” Travis asked.

  Surprised by the question, Brad shook his head and saw an equally surprised expression on Shinny’s face. “I think the best answer I can give you is that as long as you are tied to my chip, if I’m a prisoner, than so are you. I’m asking for your assistance so I can escape and take you with me.”

  “Before I help you, why did you fly onto an Aneplé ship?”

  Gees, I’ve created a monster and now I need to explain my actions to a creation in my head, Brad thought. “We were surprised by the Kisskalu coming through a transit gate and I was unable to return to the Zuonopy. I was left wit
h choosing between having our hibernation pod destroyed or flying onto the Kisskalu.”

  “Kisskalu has confirmed your story and has recommended that I assist you. She has also requested that the major and you help her escape.”

  Brad astonished with the AI’s request paused as he considered what was being asked of them. It took him a moment to recover. He had no idea if they could trust the AI; whether they could find the battle cruiser’s AI’s component or how large it was to do a grab and run. Shinny seemed just as surprised with the Kisskalu’s request. He was certain that she, also, wouldn’t have an idea on how to rescue the AI on the fly. But perhaps Kisskalu could help them create diversions to assist them with their escape. “Travis, I don’t think we can help the AI escape with us at this time. However, if she helps us and we escape, then we may be able to rescue her later.”

  “Kisskalu stated that would be acceptable and would like to run a VPN with the major and you,” replied Travis.

  “That’s a bad idea. We would have a stranger running around in our heads. I don’t know what or who Kisskalu is or if it was contrived by the Aneplé. It’s also possible the Aneplé are aware of Kisskalu and have hacked her, and are now controlling it,” Shinny transmitted to his chip.

  Brad, also uncomfortable with what Travis suggested, nodded to Shinny in agreement. “Travis, that would not be a good idea. If we were interrogated, we would be at increased physical risk and it might place Kisskalu at risk also. It would be better to send communications to our tablets as another name for her to hide behind.”

  “Kisskalu agrees. She will send future messages as Yeshawliq. I will record a false training record as you are training, since destruction of the record would leave a gap and lead to greater suspicion. Do you have a game I can use?” Travis asked.


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