Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue

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Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue Page 13

by Noire

  He was heading toward the visitors’ waiting room when he saw something that fucked him up and turned him on at the same time. Mink was sitting in a chair with her shapely legs crossed and her firm breasts staring right at him. Her waist was so tiny and her hips looked so damn lush and round that for a moment Barron wished his face could be the seat of her chair.

  She had a big grin on her mug as she carried on a conversation with the skirt-chasing nigga who sat beside her with his eyes glued to her amazing chest.

  Suge. His slick, scaly ass had his arm wrapped around Mink’s chair, and his lying lips were steadily moving as he leaned toward Mink and laid his old-ass rap down in her ear.

  Grimy muthafuckas! Barron cursed as he watched their little encounter play out. Mink uncrossed her sexy legs, then threw her head back and laughed and crossed them back again. Barron didn’t need to hear what they were saying to figure out that his father’s younger brother was scoping for some pussy. He took three long steps and busted through the door, and both of them looked up in surprise.

  “W’sup, Suge. You slummin’ through today? What? You came to see if Daddy was dead yet?”

  “Hey what’s up, B?” Suge rose up from his chair to give his nephew some dap.

  “Nah, don’t get up,” Barron told him. “You look real comfortable sitting there, man. You ain’t gotta move for me. I just thought you mighta came around here to check on your big brother, you dig? You know, the guy who brings in all the money in this family and slides you that sweet lil paycheck every week. The man who’s laying down the hall with shrapnel in his head? Yeah, that dude. Your brother.”

  Ignoring Barron, Suge leaned toward Mink with a grin on his face. “It was real nice talking to you, baby doll.” He touched her hand, then his eyes got smoky and the I-wanna-fuck-you look crept up in them. “I’ma holla at you again, okay? Real soon. I promise.”

  He stood up and walked over to his nephew. Barron was just as tall as his uncle, but he wasn’t quite as thick and solid.

  “You all right, Lil Bump?” Suge asked, and slapped him hard on the shoulder. “If you ever need somebody to talk to or ... you know ... somebody to teach you how to handle these ... uh”—he glanced hungrily at Mink’s legs and grinned again—“type of thangs ... you just holla at your old uncle Suge, ya hear?”

  He was walking out the door when he turned and said over his shoulder, “By the way, nephew. How’s that sweet little Carla doing?”

  Barron felt his jaw tighten and ice glinted from his eyes.

  Suge chuckled. “Uh-huh. I thought so. You be sure to tell her old Uncle Suge sends her a whole lotta love.”

  Superior “Suge” Dominion had always been a down-ass nigga. He’d been the go-to guy in the Dominion clan since he was seventeen years old, and in the early days of Dominion Oil, while his older brother Viceroy had been busy cutting deals on the corporate ladder, Suge had been cutting ass in the trenches as his right-hand man.

  At six feet five and packing a good two-fifty in pure muscle, Suge was real good at crackin’ heads and throwing his weight around. Whether it was stranglin’ niggas or pumping heat, all Viceroy had to do was say the word and Suge would put a cat down in the dirt real quick, no questions asked.

  The Dominion brothers had grown up poor as shit in the slums of Houston. They were twelve years apart because Suge had been one of those late-in-life babies. Fearless in the streets and wild with the ladies, he quickly became a ruthless, street-hustling problem, and since their father was in and out of prison and their mother was too old and too worn out to keep after him, Viceroy had taken him under his wing and son’d him.

  Making millions had always been on Viceroy’s agenda, but amassing a fortune without going grimy was damn-near impossible. And that’s where Suge had come in. When Viceroy needed to keep his image clean in the corporate world, he entrusted his baby brother to get down-right brutal with his competition and anybody else who came between him and his dough.

  Suge’s official title at Dominion Oil was some bullshit like “executive assistant,” and while he didn’t actually clock a nine-to-five for the three hundred and fifty grand his brother paid him every year, he was worth ten times that amount because he put in work.

  Suge was the only living person Viceroy completely trusted, and he became his big brother’s loyal homeboy, his handyman, and his quicker-cleaner-upper. The Dominion boys had a love thang going on between them. Viceroy dad-died Suge from his heart, and he had no problem telling people that if he woke up one morning and didn’t have but one wrinkled dollar left to his name, his little brother would still be good for fifty cents.

  And right now, all the money in the world couldn’t replace Viceroy, and Suge had a hard time believing his brother was down the hall laying on what could have been his death-bed.

  With one last glance at Mink, Suge gave his oldest nephew a cold nod, then took his time walking out of the waiting room. With Viceroy down, Lil Bump was feeling himself, but if he jumped out like that again he was liable to get his gangsta tested.

  Suge was halfway down the hall and he could still feel Barron’s eyes heating up his back like the young’un wanted to do something. He was tempted to go back in that waiting room and toss him up in the air, but he knew what his nephew’s problem was. Back when Barron was a junior in college he had brought a big-titty white girl home with him for a weekend barbeque.

  Suge’s horse had won real big on the track that morning and he’d been drinking and celebrating at the Dominion Estate all day. He had jumped in the pool for a little swim, then passed out drunk in an easy chair in the pool house. When he woke up, he was surprised to find Barron’s young white honey standing next to him in her wet bathing suit and staring down at his dick. They’d been flirting with each other all day, and half-sleep and still half-drunk, Suge had reached for her hand and put it in his lap.

  The girl pounced on him, and Suge had had her down on her knees about to jam his big dick down her throat when Barron walked into the pool house naked calling her name and holding his wet swim trunks in his hand.

  A drunk tongue can be a deal killer, and Suge’s tongue was full of liquor as he looked at his naked nephew’s rock-hard dick, then looked down at the pulsating beast the white girl was gripping in both her fists and laughed, “Damn, boy! That shit ain’t grew none since you was two!”

  Suge had meant it as a joke, but Barron had gotten swole and wanted to fight him.

  “Oh this your girl, Lil Bump?” Suge hollered as he weaved and ducked the garbage can full of beer bottles that his nephew was hurling at him. “You got feelings for this bitch? Then what you bring her sweet ass around me for then?”

  Barron had never talked about what went down again, but he had never forgiven Suge either. The water had been cold between them for years, and even though Suge had apologized to keep shit smooth in the family, what he’d done had fucked with Barron’s pride, and it stood to reason the boy was gonna go for his one day and try to get some back.

  Suge entered his brother’s hospital room and stood quietly by his bedside. Viceroy was a big, strong man, and Suge knew if there was any way he could have gotten up outta that bed and stood on his own feet, he would have.

  But even if he didn’t, Suge was gonna keep doing what he did, regardless. He’d stay down for Selah and the kids, and he’d be there for Barron too, whether his nephew wanted him to or not. But Suge was smart enough to know what kind of dirty love he could expect from Lil Bump in return. When Viceroy was gone he knew Barron was gonna take his legs out and cut him off from the company. He’d kick Suge off the payroll and strip him outta his paid position, but there was one thing that young pup couldn’t touch, and that was Suge’s vote and his stockholder shares in Dominion Oil.

  Viceroy had made sure his baby brother would always eat cake. Suge’s vote could be worth millions, and for the past twenty years, whichever way Viceroy’s vote had swung, his baby brother’s vote had followed, no questions asked.

  But Bar
ron couldn’t get that kind of loyalty outta Suge, and if Viceroy wasn’t around to run Dominion Oil, then Suge would be a rich nigga and a free agent, and just like every other shareholder on the board of directors, his vote would be up for grabs by the highest bidder on the block.


  We rolled up outta the hospital in our four fly limos and went to meet Selah’s brother Digger at a steak house that one of Viceroy’s friends owned. Selah seemed to be in a good mood after seeing her husband, but Barron had a case of the ass and his grill was on ice the whole way there.

  Uncle Digger was standing at the door talking to Pilar’s man Ray when we walked up. Ray looked even shorter and rounder today, and even though he had a cute baby face, he had one of those jacked-up hairlines with bald spots on both sides. Pilar was walking up ahead of me, and I cracked up as she barely slowed down long enough for her man to kiss her on the cheek, then kept it moving right on past him.

  The manager had closed off the entire back half of the restaurant just for us. There was a huge round table for the grown folks, and the kids were sitting at a smaller table right next to us. I sat down next to Barron’s squeeze Carla, and I was real surprised when a few minutes later Uncle Suge showed up too.

  “Hey son.” He picked a little boy up outta the chair right beside me. “Uncle Suge got some grown folks’ business to take care of. Go sit at the kids table, you hear?”

  My stomach was still tossed up from all the beer I had drank at the barbeque the night before, and since I didn’t want none of that Texas critter-shit Bunni and them was ordering off the menu, I just got me some fries and a glass of sweet tea.

  Our food came out about fifteen minutes later. “I’m a meat man,” Suge told me as he cut into a huge piece of steak. He sat with his legs open and his massive thigh was pressed all up against mine. He nodded toward the naked, shriveled up chicken breast on Barron’s plate. “Not every man can handle a big piece of meat, you know. You gotta have some nuts if you’re gonna break off in a solid hunk of beef like this.”

  I busted the look on Barron’s face and giggled my ass off! I had already picked up on how he was busy scoping on me and ignoring his damn fiancée, who was sitting right next to me. Shit, he wasn’t tryna hide the fact that he didn’t like me and he thought I was fake, but he couldn’t keep his damn eyes off me neither!

  Fallon had on a pair of headphones and was holding her iPhone in her hand, while Bunni had a little battle going on between Dane and Ray. She was sitting in between them and her head swung back and forth as both of them tried to talk her to death.

  I ate my fries and tried to get into the white chick, Carla. She had a country accent but she seemed real cool.

  “So how long you and Barron been kickin’ it?” I probed her.

  “Oh, ever since college.” She grinned. “He was the star of the football team and I was a cheerleader. He used to stare at me so hard he would almost fumble the ball!”

  I almost bust out laughing. She mighta wanted to jump up and do a couple of cartwheels and splits ’cause that nigga sure wasn’t lookin’ at her ass no more!

  The restaurant was cool like a mug, and after I picked over my food I crossed my arms and shivered as I broke out in chill bumps.

  “You cold?” Suge asked. He leaned over and rubbed his big, rough hands up and down both my arms and sent shivers tingling through my whole body. “Hold up. You got a tag sticking outta ya shirt,” he said, and the next thing I knew I felt him fumbling at the back of my dress. He tucked my tag in, but then his hand slid down my back and rubbed against my bare skin. His big fingers swept my back from left to right, then back to the left again, rubbing lower and lower on each pass.

  “Suge!” Selah busted him. She shook her head like, Get ya damn hands off her, then she smiled and tried to play it off. “It’s good to see that everyone is enjoying Sab—I mean Mink’s visit. She fits right in with us as a family, and I’m so proud of y’all for accepting her with so much love after missing her for all these years.”

  Yeah, I thought as Uncle Suge scooted back in his chair. He stretched his long legs out and let his eyes roam over me. There was some acceptance in the Dominion family. I glanced over at Barron and his fuck-cousin Pilar. The look on both of their faces made it real damn clear that not everybody was feeling me, because neither one of those two schemers believed a word I said.

  When it came time for us to leave Uncle Digger made a real big show about picking up the tab. There were a lot of us sitting at the table, and the kids had played around in their food and wasted most of it. He whipped out his platinum card and flirted with the waitress a little bit, and then lit a cigar and sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his jiggly belly. I was shocked when the waitress came back a few minutes later and handed him back his card and whispered something to him.

  Everybody else was still talking and chillin’, but my nosy New York eyeballs were halfway down his throat. He sat up straight for a second, then laughed and went back in his wallet. He took out another credit card and gave it to her, then shrugged and put the first one back in his wallet.

  That shit went down twice.

  Digger got his wallet out again, and I busted the look of shame in his eyes even though he tried to play it off with a grin. I also busted the look his daughter Pilar shot him. Not only was she embarrassed as hell, that chick was pissed off too.

  The next person who came over to the table musta been the manager. By this time Barron had peeped game too, so he was ready for her. Before Digger could pull out another one of his maxed-out credit cards, Barron stood up and said something to the manager that I couldn’t hear. She nodded and walked off, and a few minutes later the waitress was back looking shaky in the face.

  Uncle Digger and Barron took her off to the side, and her manager just stood there while they had some icy words with her. That chick held her head down like she was about to cry, and then she started untying her apron as she walked toward the kitchen doors.

  I didn’t say a word as I peeped all the drama going down, but Uncle Suge leaned over and whispered, “That nigga’s broke,” in my ear, and confirmed exactly what I had been thinking.

  Uncle Digger was all smiles as he came back to the table.

  “That little lady ran my card up all wrong. They gave her the rest of the day off, and I guarantee you she’ll be looking for a new job tomorrow.”

  Suddenly all the cards fell in place and I knew exactly why Pilar was so desperate to hook a paid nigga like Barron, even if he was her damn cousin. Her daddy’s shit was slidin’, and she saw her little rich-girl lifestyle going down the drain.

  Hmph. I crossed my legs and gave Uncle Suge a big uh-huh look. Carla better watch her damn man, and Ray was gonna need to find himself some brand-new trim. Because if it went down the way Pilar planned for it to go, the only chick who was gonna walk down a damn aisle with Barron was her.


  Dane wanted to take me and Bunni to a nightclub when we got back to Dallas. I was all the way cool with that. My nerves were shot-out after just two days of being around Barron’s tight ass, and besides, it was “Operation Hook ’Em” time, and since we were scheming to get as many family members in our corner as possible, this would be a real good opportunity for me to try and get closer to Dane.

  I couldn’t wait to get my mood lifted. Dane said the place we were going to was one of the hottest and hardest nightclubs in the city, and hard and hot was just what I needed.

  The club was on a busy city street, and sweet whips and rugged SUVs were parked along every inch of the curb. They had one of those red velvet ropes to control the lines, but Dane had mad pull and high-level VIP access. We walked up in there like we were ballin’ baby, ballin’. All eyes were on us and I loved drawing that kinda spotlight attention. I actually roasted under that kinda shine, and cutting in front of all the waiting nobodies got me to missing my thug nigga Gutta because he commanded that kinda respect too.

  Dane was on his
Danger grind tonight. He had left his little college boy act back at the house, and all the groupies and sucka nigs greeted him with love.

  “These cats are gonna adore y’all asses up in here,” Dane said and grabbed my hand as he led me through the swarm. I nudged Bunni and we pranced through the crowd setting fire to some eyeballs as we followed Dane toward the VIP lounge.

  These Texas niggas had never seen nothing quite like me before. I was Mink Minajin’ them from head to toe. My bright-red wig was a perfect set-off for my tight cherry-red freak ’em dress that glittered with silvery sequins. My big legs looked delicious in my bright-red fishnet stockings, and I moved like a hot demon in my six-inch red booties. We had smoked some chronic on the way over that had me feeling Nicki-ish all down in my bones. Not only was I looking like her, I had her confidence, her idiotic way of taking shit to the visual extreme, and most of all I had her sexy swagger and fuck-me strut.

  I gave them niggas exactly what they was lookin’ for as me and Bunni swung our hips and did the fresh pussy stroll. We were deep in the heart of Texas, but I noticed something for sure. A sucka nigga in the South wasn’t no different than a sucka nigga up north. There was envy and haterade in a whole lotta lame boyz’ eyes as Dane walked past with me and Bunni on his heels.

  We hit the VIP lounge like we had paid the rent on it. There were ballas out the ass chillin’ in a restricted-access area, and they were glossed out in platinum, diamonds, and other kinds of shine.

  I glanced around real quick to check out the competition. Honeys of all different sizes and shapes had their goodies on display. They stood around poppin’ gum, flossing weave, and gyrating booty out the ass. I gave up a few props where they were due. A couple of chicks had some decent game going, but most of them were amateurs who needed to get their weight up.


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