Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue

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Natural Born Liar: The Misadventures of Mink LaRue Page 15

by Noire

  Selah took us to a mega-church where I could tell at first glance the preacher was a grifter who had him a helluva hustle going down. The joint was gigantic. It ran about three blocks wide and two blocks deep. There were more luxury cars in the massive parking lot than a little bit. Beemers, Mercedes, Lexus, Jaguars, you name it—if it cost over fifty grand, it was there. I tried to figure out how much dough flowed into those collection plates every week and my head started pounding at the sheer absurdity of the numbers.

  I felt like I had just walked into Madison Square Garden. I had never been inside a church so big before. When I was little the only time my grandmother got the Spirit was when she was tipsy, and then she would drag us down to one of those real small storefront joints and foam at the mouth and speak in tongues until she passed out drunk in the pews.

  Rich-people church was a lot like the club. Everybody had a role to play, and you could tell a person’s stats just by where they sat. The con-man preacher posted-up on the stage with his little sanctified posse, and the members who contributed the most cream to his pot got front-row seats in the VIP areas. All the regular folks, the jump-offs, the come-ups, and the posers, sat up in the bleachers.

  I fell asleep almost as soon as the sermon started, and I didn’t wake up again until the choir got to singing. The first thing I noticed was that Bunni was gone, and the next thing I noticed was the size of the collection plates. Those joints were monster-sized buckets and folks were tossing dollars down in them until they started just overflowing all over the place.

  I whispered to Selah that I was going to the bathroom, then I held my pointer finger up in the air and got the hell up outta there. I walked right past the bathroom and snuck outside looking for Bunni, and I wasn’t surprised to find her outside chillin’ with Jock. That young boy was a little pussy freak. He was sniffing deep in my girl’s ass too. I had heard him tell one of his little high school friends that he was gonna run his dick up in Bunni’s gap before she went back to New York.

  “Your little brother is gonna treat us to the movies tonight.” Bunni nudged me and laughed. Jock was looking at Bunni like he wanted to go swimming in her pussy, and the boy damn-near had drool running down his little chin.

  I shook my head. “I thought we was gonna go buy some new cell phones and then hang out with Dane and his friends?”

  “First we’re gonna go buy some new phones, and then we’re gonna go to the movies with Jock.” Bunni pinched him on his cheek. “And after that we’ll go hang out with Dane. Okay?”

  “Cool. I’m down for that.” I elbowed Jock. “Hey, lil brother. What you got good for the head?”

  Jock took us around to the side of the church and we stood huddled between some parked cars. “Y’all want some ’ludes?” he offered us. “Or maybe a little X?”

  “I’ll take some of that X.” Bunni was ready to jump all on it, but I checked her real quick.

  “Fool, we still got a whole lot more church to go! You do not wanna be trapped next to no Holy Ghost choir and tripping at the same time. Just give us some weed,” I told Jock. “We can save the X and shit for when we get to the movies tonight.”

  Later, when church finally let out and we got back to the mansion, I warned Bunni not to fuck with Jock’s head. I knew this was all just a grimy little game for me and her, but dudes always got bent over Bunni, and I knew how much she liked twistin’ up their noodles. Jock was too young to be going through all that.

  “Just leave him alone, Bunni,” I told her. “He’s so fresh off Selah’s titty his breath still smells like milk. If you’re gonna fuck with anybody, then get with Dane. That dude is fine as fuck and he’s fully grown.”

  “But Dane’s ass is broke.” Bunni rolled her eyes and looked real devilish. “Jock ain’t even come into his inheritance money yet.”

  “Just leave him alone,” I said again, and even though I got Bunni to swear off the boy with her mouth, when we got to the movies that night I noticed her promise didn’t stop her from letting Jock drape his arm over her shoulder and rub his long skinny fingers all over her two-inch nipples.


  “C’mon nigga, push this bitch!” Jock’s boy Dre hollered from the backseat of the SUV as they whipped down the streets of Fort Worth.

  Jock was already going eighty in a thirty-mile-per-hour zone, and he stomped the gas pedal even harder as he jumped on the highway and headed south toward the Dominion Estate.

  They were fucked up on some E and had just picked up a fine white chick from a group home in the heart of the city. Sean and Dre were chillin’ with her in the back-seat, while Jock and Glenn rode up front blasting music and passing a blunt back and forth between them.

  The four of them had been on their group home grind for a minute now, and they loved flossin’ Jock’s 2012 Lincoln MKT in front of a bunch of hot ghetto chicks who were practically living on their own. Whether they were prowling around in Dallas or Fort Worth, there were tons of state-run residential houses out there where ten to fifteen teenaged chicks lived together until they graduated from high school and got turned loose by the government.

  Yeah, the girls had a counselor and a curfew, but so what. Rules didn’t mean a damn thing to most of these honeys, and as soon as the state-paid baby-sitter turned her head they climbed outta the window and jumped into whatever whip was waiting at the curb.

  The white girl they were partying with tonight was riding solo. There were usually enough out-the-window chicks to go around for all of them, but there had been two other whips parked outside the group house tonight. The honeys they usually banged it up with had giggled and walked right past Jock’s ride as they jumped in some other nigga’s car.

  The white girl had come straight at them though, and it wasn’t until Jock got a good look at her in his rearview mirror did he realize he’d seen her before. Her name was Gina. She was cute and had a real nice body, and best of all she was down for the ride.

  Jock kept peeping her as she slurped down beer and Henny with his boyz. She laughed a lot and sucked on the blunt he’d passed back there like it was a big brown dick. Less than thirty minutes after picking her up they were chillin’ in the Dominions’ pool house and getting lifted. The coffee table looked like a buffet line. There were pills in all shapes, sizes, and colors spread all over that bitch, and no matter what it took to get your head nice, between Jock and his boyz they had copped plenty of it.

  “You know I’ve been here before,” Gina said as she glanced around the large room then sat down on the sofa between him and Dre. “It was around Christmas.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jock knew. He remembered seeing her with Barron’s girlfriend, Carla. She mentored all kinds of kids from disadvantaged backgrounds, and she had brought Gina out to their Christmas dinner last year.

  Jock leaned back on the sofa next to Gina and turned on his laptop. He logged into one of those hot webcam chat rooms and they smoked some Ls, popped some E and some xanies, and drank a few rum and Cokes while watching complete strangers fuck live on-screen.

  Gina really got into that shit. She gripped Jock’s thigh with one hand and popped xanies like they were gumdrops with the other one.

  “Yo, this shit right here is all me,” Jock told his boys as he put his arm around Gina and claimed her for himself. He slid closer to her on the sofa and she grinned, then picked up two more oval tablets from the table and washed them down with Dre’s beer.

  “You better watch that shit,” Jock warned her. “That ain’t no candy you eating, baby. Those are one-point-zeros. The good shit, you feel me?”

  Jock put his hand on top of hers and immediately she took his cue. She slid her fingers over his rocked up crotch and squeezed him through his pants. He pulled her to him and covered her thin pink lips with his. Their tongues darted everywhere, and the acrid taste of pills and the slightly sour taste of beer filled Jock’s mouth. He ran his hand up her bare arm and let it trail over her breast. She moaned as he fingered her nipples, and Jock’s dick
grew about two more inches in the confines of his pants.

  “Let’s go in the other room,” he whispered. He stood up and held his hand out to her, and she took it. They walked past his boyz who were still getting lit and watching the action on the webcam.

  In the darkness of the bedroom there were no need for words. All Jock wanted was some wet pussy, and he knew all Gina wanted was the drugs he was dishing off and the two hundred dollars he was gonna slide her when they were through.

  They stripped down naked and got ready to mash it up. Gina was out of her clothes first, and she jumped on Jock’s bone like a playful little doggie. Jock wrapped it up and let her have it. At eighteen, he had more cum in his balls than a little bit, and he banged Gina up with nothing but getting his nut off on his mind. It took him a minute to realize that she was just laying there beneath him not doing shit. She wasn’t wiggling her ass or moaning or clenching her pussy muscles down on him or nothing.

  Fuck it, he thought as he pounded into her real deep and got his. This wasn’t no damn romance. For two hundred dollars she shoulda been sucking all on his dick and getting him ready for round two, but he could tell the chick was pretty fucked up, and he lost his load after less than five minutes anyway.

  Jock rolled over. He was embarrassed for cumming so quick, and he didn’t wanna go back out in the living room with his boys so soon, but now that his joint was soft he had no desire to be up under the strange chick neither. She lay there with her legs wide open and breathing real deep, and once or twice she reached over and rubbed his wilted dick halfheartedly, then snored a little bit.

  Jock forced himself to lay beside her for as long as he could.

  “Yo, get dressed,” he told her after a few more minutes. He felt around on the floor for her clothes and then handed them to her as she struggled to sit up.

  “You finished already?” she slurred like she hadn’t even realized it was over. She pushed her long blond hair out of her face and started putting her shirt on backward.

  They walked into the living room together, and Gina plopped down on the couch next to Dre and reached for the blunt he was smoking.

  “Where’s Sean and Glenn?” Jock asked.

  “They left,” Dre said and went back to a conversation he was having with two naked white chicks on a Skype video chat. “Yo, man,” Dre told Jock, “call that old fat lady who keeps burning up your kitchen and tell her to bring us something to eat.” He laughed. “This chronic got me, man. I need me some fuckin’ hot wings.”

  “Who, Katie? Hell nah, man.” Jock looked around at the mess in the room. “Do you see all this shit up in here? Man, I ain’t waking her old ass up so she can smell this yay and have Bump getting in our asses.”

  “Fuck your corporate-ass brother,” Dre yapped, even though his father was a millionaire financial analyst and as corporate as they came. He licked his lips as the two white chicks started kissing and touching each other on the screen. “Ga’-head, J! Barron don’t scare nobody. For real. I’m starving! Go in that big-ass house and get us something to eat, man!”

  “A’ight, cool,” Jock said and nodded at Gina, who was now leaning on Dre’s shoulder and killing his blunt, “but don’t forget we gotta ride back to Dallas and take her home.”

  Jock jogged around the swimming pool and down the path that led to the main house. After punching in his pass code, he pushed through the side door and jetted into the large, spotless kitchen. He slipped into a bathroom on the other side of the wall and took a quick shit. When he was done he reached under the counter and got a washcloth and wiped his dick and balls with some hot, soapy water.

  Back in the kitchen he found a tray of lunch meat in the fridge and took a bag of rolls from the breadbox. He got a bunch of mayo and mustard packs from a basket in the pantry, then put all that shit on a big serving tray and headed out the door.

  Jock had only been gone for about ten minutes, but by the time he got back to the pool house it was already too late.

  “Help me!” Dre screamed the moment his boy pushed through the door. “Come get this stupid bitch!”

  Gina was slumped over on the sofa. The two white girls Dre was Skyping with were making worried noises as Dre shook the girl violently and tried to wake her up.

  “What the fuck did you do?” Jock dropped the tray and jetted over to the sofa. Foam was coming out of Gina’s mouth and her eyes were rolling back in her head.

  “I didn’t do shit!” Dre hollered.

  The white girls watching on the screen were busy saying stuff like, “Oh my God, is she okay?” and “Maybe you should call an ambulance!”

  “Man, what the hell did you give her, Dre?”

  “I swear, man. As soon as you walked out the door this crazy broad scooped up about twenty tabs and throated them shits! Ask them!” He pointed at the girls on the computer monitor. “She said something stupid like, ‘See ya on the other side’ and then she just started eating, man! How was I supposed to know her ass was suicidal?”

  “Oh shit!” Jock said as he slapped Gina’s cheeks over and over and called out her name real loud. “I knew something was off about her ass!”

  “Gina!” He grabbed a handful of her hair and held her upright. Then he used his thumb and forefinger to try to hold her eyelids open so he could see if her pupils were dilated. His hands were shaking and sweating so bad he poked her dead in the eyeball a couple of times, but on the third or fourth try he was able to peer into her fishy gray eyes.

  “Oh shit! Wake up, Gina!” Her head lolled from side to side as he shook her and tried to get her to respond. “Gina! Wake up, dammit. Open your eyes, girl. Wake the hell up!”

  “Do you think she’s dead?” one of the chicks on the video chat asked real loud.

  Jock had been thinking the same fuckin’ thing, and his first instinct was to throw the laptop across the room and get up out of the chat completely. But then he realized that these chicks had already seen Gina, and they could see and identify him and Dre too. If this crazy white girl really was dead, then all roads would lead directly to his pool house door.

  “Nah,” Jock chuckled a little bit even though his gut was gripped with panic and sweat had broken out all over him. “She’s straight, everybody. Just relax, y’all. She ain’t dead. Hell nah, she ain’t dead.”

  Almost right on cue, Gina arched her back and groaned. Her eyes flew open, and her body lurched as she spewed hot, stinking vomit all over the coffee table full of drugs.

  “See?” Jock shouted happily as Gina upchucked beer and stomach sludge and the Skype girls made eww, vomit noises. “I told y’all she wasn’t dead! I told y’all!”

  “Yay! She’s alive!” Dre hollered. “Now let’s get this crazy bitch up outta here!”

  Jock reached down and flipped the laptop closed and cut off the Skype connection, but as soon as he turned back to Gina he knew the shit wasn’t done hitting the fan just yet.

  She had slumped over again. She wasn’t throwing up no more, but now she wasn’t breathing either. Jock shook the shit out of her and slapped her cheeks a few more times too. He ran over to the small freezer and him and Dre took turns sticking ice cubes down her panties and in her bra, and they even rubbed them all over her neck, face, and wrists, but they got nothing out of the girl. Nothing. Not only wasn’t she breathing, but it felt like her body was starting to get kinda cool under their hands, and it hit Jock like a roadside bomb when he realized the girl really, really, really was dead.

  Him and Dre spent almost an hour trying to come up with a lie that would keep them both out of jail. “I don’t understand it,” Jock just kept saying. He felt so bad for the fuckin’ girl, but he just couldn’t get his head around what she had done. “What would make a chick do something like that? And why would she wanna go out right here in front of us? Fuck! We’re in trouble, man. We’re in trouble.”

  “But we didn’t do nothing,” Dre insisted. “Didn’t nobody force-feed that girl nothing. She swallowed all that shit on her own. At
least you fucked her, man. I didn’t even get none.”

  “Shut up, Dre! It don’t matter who the fuck did what!” Jock barked. He had closed Gina’s staring gray eyes and covered her up with the sheet they had just fucked on, and her body lay on the sofa getting colder by the minute. “They can still tie her to us, man. Not only did the chicks at the group home see her getting in my Lincoln, but Sean and Glenn and them two white girls on Skype saw her here with us too.”

  “Man,” Dre mumbled, “I ain’t going to jail because of no dumb-ass girl. Nobody made her do shit, my dude. They can’t hang this on us.”

  Jock wasn’t planning on going to jail behind no girl either. He had no idea how many different kinds of pills Gina might have had mixed with all that beer and liquor, and he felt real sick knowing he had just busted off with the chick and now she was gone. But like Dre had said. Nobody had made her do shit.

  “Look dawg,” Dre stood up after a while. “What you gonna do about this, man? I gotta get up outta here in a minute, yo. I need to get back to the crib.”

  Jock stared at his boy. They had been tight since the elementary days, and while Dre had always been one of those typical whining-ass rich kids, Jock couldn’t believe his boy was gonna leave him out there like this.

  “So what? You just gonna leave me hanging, dude? What? I’m supposed to get rid of a dead fuckin’ body all by myself?”

  Dre shrugged. “I don’t know what you gonna do, man. But I know this. That chick was alive the last time those two girls I was Skyping with saw her. She was sitting up and tossing vomit everywhere, yo. And that’s the last thing I remember about her. I got outta here right after that, and when I left the broad was still breathing. That’s my story. You need to come up with yours.”

  Jock jumped to his feet as Dre walked outta the pool house. His whole body was shaking as he rushed to follow his boy outside.


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