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Hard Roads

Page 10

by Lily White

  “Welcome to my compound, Holly. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Chapter Thirteen






  I should have known something was up when Diablo’s men swarmed the house as soon as the sound of the brothers’ bikes could be heard in the distance. It seemed like they came out of nowhere; appearing from around walls, walking out of rooms I hadn’t noticed in the hallway.

  Three men approached me immediately, but they didn’t attempt to grab me. It was obvious they were surrounding me, but doing it in a way that wasn’t exactly “threatening.” I had no reason to move from where I was standing. If I acted too quickly and I was wrong about what they were planning, I’d be answering to Big John for it, if I lived to see Big John.

  The bikes grew louder and several men walked out through the front door standing in a line in front of it just like they had when I’d pulled up. Dust flew up in the distance and one of Diablo’s men reached over to push a button on a console on the wall. They didn’t question the brothers like they’d done with me, just opened the gate to allow them to enter.

  I couldn’t see once they’d reached the front of the house, so I listened as the engines were shut off and the deep rumbling turned into the sound of boots pounding across the pavement. I shifted my position and from between two of Diablo’s men I could see Bandana and Bandit approach. They both were wearing jeans, white shirts and their cuts. Their hair was long, their beards even longer and once they’d taken the first step up the porch staircase, I saw them reach to their sides and draw their guns.

  My feet were moving before my brain could register that I was running towards them. “No!”

  Shots fired, two of Diablo’s men going down instantly while the other two scrambled for their guns. My shoulders were suddenly locked inside a vice consisting of two sets of arms, a third coming up in front of me. By the time the next shots sounded, I was brought to the ground. They disarmed me immediately, holding me down as I watched the guards fire back at the brothers. Both took hits in the legs and went down, firing back again and moving sideways to find some type of barrier between them and the guards. Their efforts were useless, however, when four more guards ran out onto the porch.

  As quickly as it had began, it ended. Bandit, Bandana and I were captured by Diablo’s men.

  “What the fuck was that?” Glaring at the brothers, I didn’t give a fuck that we had company for this conversation. Both of them walked up here like they were at war and probably fucked up this deal for the MC. I had no fucking doubt they’d be returned to Big John in pieces. Dumb. Motherfuckers.

  Bandana turned to me, the leather texture of his sunburned skin wrinkled in anger. “Maybe you should answer the goddamned phone every once in a fucking while. John’s been trying to call you for the past hour.”

  Fuck. I realized I’d left my phone in the truck when we got here. “What the fuck did he want?”

  Before Bandana had the chance to answer, another voice sounded from the stairway to our right.

  “Probably to tell you that I would be taking Holly off your hands.” I could see Diablo’s white, linen pants through the balusters as he descended the stairs. His shoes clicked heavily against the wood steps. When his face came into view, he was looking towards the front of the house where his two guards lay dead.

  “Sometimes, I cannot believe the stupidity of people.” He turned to the brothers and smiled. “You must be Bandana and Bandit. I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, however you have the manners of a wild boar. Did you really think you could shoot your way into my home?” A lethal cruelty to the tone of his voice, he mimicked polite society. His calm demeanor was eerie, frightening to a point where you remained completely still for fear of drawing his attention. If it was just Diablo, I could easily take the motherfucker in a fight, but given that we were outmanned and outgunned, there was nothing I could do but wait to see what he was planning.

  “Where’s Holly?” Despite knowing that he would never answer the fucking question, it still slipped from my lips when I realized that she was not with him.

  His looked at me, arrogant pride obvious in his eyes. “She’s put away for now. Unfortunately for you, her father’s reach is much farther than you knew. I have three very important rules that I expect people to live by: do not mess with my home, do not mess with my family and do NOT mess with my money. He had three of my men killed off recently which interrupted a very important deal that would have made me an even richer man.”

  Leaning up against a wall, he projected a calm confidence when he said, “Holly is the repayment I’m taking for Joker’s indiscretion.”

  “She ain’t worth it. Why not just go after the bastard yourself? You have enough men to take him out.” My voice was raised and I didn’t care because my life was already over. Once a man was in Diablo’s sights he was as good as dead. I didn’t see any reason continuing with the polite bullshit we always played every time I came over here before a run.

  “Because I’m only interested in money, my friend. She has a price on her head and that price will more than cover my losses. It seems Joker has pissed off an associate of mine more than he has me and that person is willing to pay a lot of money to have her.” His jaw ticked and I could tell that he was angry that I dared question him. But I didn’t give a fuck, so I kept going.

  “Who’s your friend?”

  “You ask a lot of questions.” Clipped and sharp as a razor, the tone of his words matched the cool anger I saw in his eyes.

  “I’m a dead man anyway, might as well know why I’m dying.”

  His laughter shocked me, the kind that shook his shoulders where he stood. Pushing off the wall, he snapped his fingers in the direction of one of his guards. The man walked into a room to the left side of the entryway, his steps echoing through the thick silence of the room. Diablo walked in my direction.

  “Actually, you’re going to live. I have no issues with Hell’s Rebellion and I intend to continue our arrangement as it has been. I’m sure Big John will agree that our issues with Joker aren’t enough to come between the money we can make as partners.”

  My head shook slightly when my brain couldn’t comprehend that he was letting me go. In my peripheral vision, I could see his guard reenter the room, the strap of a duffel bag over his shoulder.

  Diablo waited for me to look over at his guard and back at him before he spoke again. “As I mentioned before, I have your supplies ready. You’re going to be escorted to your truck and you’re going to drive away from my compound on your way to Washington. I’ll be in touch with Big John to explain why his other brothers will not be returning home in the same condition they were in when they left. I’m sure he’ll understand that I can’t have bikers shooting up my property.”

  Fuck. There was nothing I could do. Without the help of the MC, there was no way for me to steal Holly back from him. One man versus one hundred wasn’t very good odds. I needed to get a message out to John. He’d send more men and I’d stand a chance of getting her back. As for Bandana and Bandit, I hoped the reaper was kind to them, but I knew whatever fate they faced wouldn’t be an easy passage to the crossroads. Behind Diablo’s refined mannerisms, a sick mind existed, something so cruel that most men couldn’t even stand the thought of what happened to their fallen brothers when they’d crossed him.

  “Take him outside, give him the bag and ensure he’s gone before you reenter this house.” He looked at the four guards holding me down. Returning his attention to me, he added, “It’s been good seeing you again, JD. I’m sure you can appreciate my generosity for not holding you responsible for the actions of your brothers.”

  His threat didn’t go unnoticed. “Yeah, I appreciate it.”

  With a slow nod of his head, he smiled. “I’ve always known that you were a smart man. I’m glad we’re able to come to an understanding.”

  His guards backed off, giving me the room
to climb to my feet. Rolling my shoulders back, I gave them each a death stare before looking over at Bandana and Bandit as I walked past them. Each man had a knowing expression on their face, obviously realizing that their time on this Earth was now limited. It felt wrong to continue walking, to put one foot in front of the other leaving the brothers behind to face whatever Diablo had planned for them. When I neared the door, I was handed the duffle bag. The only thought I had in my head at that moment was to get on the phone with Big John as soon as I was off Diablo’s compound and have him send in extra men. We didn’t only need to get our hands back on Holly, but also retrieve the brothers before Diablo had the opportunity to carry out whatever fucked up games he had coming.

  When the Nevada sun hit my skin, it felt like it burned against the angry heat I already had rolling off my body. I climbed in my hot as fuck truck, immediately starting it and peeling out of the driveway leaving Diablo’s men in the cloud of dust and rocks kicked up by my tires. The phone was in my hand as soon as the truck was in gear because there was no way in hell that I was letting Diablo get away with this shit. One call to John and Diablo would learn he’s not the most powerful motherfucker on this planet. Once the MC arrived down here, it would be time to show him how shit is handled when you fuck with bikers. I wouldn’t allow the asshole to keep Holly and I sure as fuck wouldn’t stand around while he cut down two of my brothers.

  The phone rang once before Big John’s voice boomed out a curt, “JD. What the fuck is going on?” Chevelle could be heard blasting in the background and I knew that if John was listening to anything besides classic rock it meant that somebody was about to die.

  “Diablo’s got Holly, Bandana and Bandit, motherfucker. What do you think is going on? You need to send the rest of the club down so we can handle this shit.”

  Big John was silent and I knew I’d pushed him with what I’d said, but I didn’t have the time to worry about MC politics. He needed to get the brothers down here and he needed to have them here yesterday.

  “JD, considering we’re knee deep in a shit situation currently, I’m not going to take the time to chew your ass out for what you just said, just understand that we will be discussing it when you get back. I will not be disrespected by my club or your dumb ass. I know that crazy sonofabitch took Holly, but what the fuck do you mean he has the brothers?”

  “How’d you find out he would take the girl?”

  “Boy, I am not okay with you questioning me, you get that? You’re digging a hole for yourself and I’m about to shovel in the dirt if you know what I mean. Now answer my fucking question.” Spoken on a growl, I knew that if I pushed him any further, he’d be sending the club for Diablo and for me.

  “They came up to his house with guns drawn, without fucking thinking about how many men they’d be up against. Diablo’s men took them down within seconds. What the fuck kind of order did you give them? Diablo’s gonna tear them into fucking pieces!” I was pissed and every word I spoke was spit out with the anger I was feeling.

  Big John was quiet and it disturbed me. Normally, he’d be chewing my ass out for talking to him like that. I wasn’t sure how to handle his silence.

  After a few anxious seconds, he sighed heavily into the phone. “I’m guessing that since you’re able to call me, you’ve been allowed to leave the compound. Do you have the supplies on you?”

  “Supplies? Are you fucking kidding me? Who gives a fuck about supplies?” Rage, unbridled and broiling hot, ran along my spine. After pulling through the gates of Diablo’s compound and out onto the long dirt road that led to the main road, I swerved to the side, stopping the truck before I wrecked it. “I’m stopped outside of the fucking compound and I’m not moving another inch until I hear the engines of the MC rolling this direction, do you hear me?”

  He didn’t wait for me to finish the last word before he responded, “Listen here, you little fucking punk. That’s the last time you’re going to disrespect me before I find you and break every bone in your goddamned body. The girl isn’t your concern and neither are the brothers. You want out of the club, remember? Now, bring me the fucking supplies, grab your bike and your shit and get the fuck out before you no longer have that option. What’s done is done and I’m not losing any more men over a stupid bitch and two dumbshit bikers who are too stupid to know when they’re outgunned.”

  I didn’t answer him, just sat in the truck watching the walls of the compound from my rearview mirror.

  “JD, this is your last chance, son. You either bring me what’s mine or you’ll be meeting the reaper with the rest of them. End of fucking discussion.”

  The phone went dead and I punched the steering wheel. I thought long and hard as I sat on that dirt road and after eyeing the compound one more time, I realized John was right.

  Holly wasn’t my problem.

  The brothers weren’t my problem.

  I was too close to getting out of this fucking life to allow myself to get tangled up in their bullshit.

  Chapter Fourteen


  There was no way out of this fucking bathroom. No windows, one locked door and no loose objects that I could pick up and use to bash Diablo’s head in as soon as he let me out of this fucking room. After hearing the scuffle between Diablo’s men and the brothers downstairs, I was quickly dragged down the hall and forced inside this room. Eventually the sounds of fighting subsided and I pounded on the door, hoping in vain that someone would let me out of this hellhole. When that didn’t fucking happen, I searched the room for anything I could use as a weapon and found nothing. There wasn’t a single fucking object in this room that wasn’t screwed down.

  “Goddammit!” Banging my fists against the door, I tried to make as much noise as I possibly could. I wanted out of this fucking house and there was no way in hell I was going to let Diablo keep me. My thoughts raced to my dad and I wondered how many other MCs and drug lords he’d fucked over since my mom died. The price on my head just kept increasing and I realized the chances of me escaping with my life were getting smaller and smaller. I wanted to fucking throttle him for doing this to me and I couldn’t understand why he was pissing off every cold-blooded motherfucker he came across. The only thing I could come up with was that he was trying to get himself killed. Apparently, he’d forgotten to think about me in the process.

  As. Fucking. Usual.

  It felt like hours that I’d been trapped in this room. The only good thing about it was that I finally got to fucking pee. Sitting on the throne, I waited for the bastard to return. Once I heard someone at the door and looked over to see the handle turn, I was on my feet rushing whoever it was that came through. I didn’t expect it to be three assholes and my attempt at forcing my way out quickly ended.

  Diablo stood in the hallway, a smirk plastered to his face at having seen me struggle.

  “Not so polite now, are you Holly? I think I may have preferred you as ‘Munch’. At least, that woman had manners.” His last statement was spoken under his breath as he turned to lead me and his goons down another fucking hallway. This place was a maze and even if I could get free, I wasn’t sure I’d find my way out.

  Shoved into a room, I fell to the floor and was quickly grabbed by two more guards. Binding my arms and legs in cuffs, they dragged me to the side where I was secured to a wall. The room was empty except for multiple power tools, surgical equipment and other devices that spoke of the torture people would endure in this space. All four sides of the floor angled down to the center where a large grate had been placed. I assumed it was a drain and I almost wretched when I realized what it would be used for. Above the grate sat a long metal table; the single and bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling above it, reflecting off the steel.

  A wicked grin slid across Diablo’s lips when he noticed the comprehension and fear in my eyes.

  “Do you like it? I had this specially built for guests of mine who prove to be difficult. I wanted to show you how it works in hopes that it will subdu
e your little bouts of rebellion.”

  “Can you speak English, please?” I didn’t care that I’d just insulted him. I was sick and fucking tired of his bullshit, aristocratic fucking tone. He was a criminal just like the rest of us. Just because he was loaded didn’t make him any fucker better. In fact, after looking around the room, it was obvious Diablo was a lot worse than us. Saying he had a few screws loose would be an understatement. In this guy, all of the screws had fallen the fuck out.

  He was on one knee in front of me and had his hand gripped painfully around my face within seconds. His fingers and thumb dug into my temples and his palm was pressed so tight against my mouth that my teeth cut into the inside of my lips. He glared at me like he wanted to kill me, not an ounce of humanity or humor left behind his brown eyes.

  “You’re just like your father…” He spit out the words, each syllable cutting into me like a sharp blade. “…too stupid and arrogant for your own good.”

  His hand gripped even harder and tears sprang from my eyes at the amount of pain he was inflicting. I knew it wasn’t possible, but it felt like he was going to crush my skull with his bare hand. I stopped struggling against the chains that bound me and he smiled, the fact that he was insane shining brightly from the expression on his face.

  “I’m glad you are finally seeing things my way. I want you to sit here and learn, Holly. I’m going to show you what happens to people who fuck with me.”

  The door slammed open and a man groaned loudly as he was being led into the room. When Diablo released my face, I stretched out my jaw and looked over to see Scooter being led in with a gun at his back and three men surrounding him. He was naked just like before and the blood that had run wet and red previously had now dried into angry black lines down the backs of his legs. His mouth was gagged and when I looked up into his eyes, I saw the same dead expression of Diablo’s other guests. He was obviously drugged and made no move to escape when they laid him on the table and strapped him down using large black straps that crossed over his neck, chest, hips and legs.


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