22. Fanin (1871), xviii.
23. Veyne (1992), 202.
24. Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Julius Caesar 1.49.
25. Ovid, Amores, 1.5.
26. Ovid, Tristia, 2.207.
27. Epictetus, Enchiridion, 33.8, quoted in Brown,The Body and Society (2008).
28. Galen, On Affected Parts, 6.5.
29. Ovid, Amores, 1.13, 1–3.
30. Macrobius, Saturnalia, 2.5.9.
31. Pells (2016).
32. Horace, Odes, I.9. The usual translation “Seize the day” doesn’t quite catch the flavor of the Latin. “Carpo” is a much more delicate action—it’s what you do to a flower, or to fruit: to pick it, savor it.
33. Ovid, The Art of Love, 1.1ff.
34. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 15.871–79.
35. Ovid, The Art of Love, 3.779ff.
36. Romans 1:24. As ever, Brown,The Body and Society (2008), 44ff., is brilliant and this section is much indebted to his observations.
37. Romans 1:26–27.
38. 1 Corinthians 6:9.
39. Romans 7:24.
40. Clement, The Instructor, 2.1.
41. Clement, The Instructor, 1.8.
42. Clement, The Instructor, 3.9.
43. Clement, The Instructor, 2.1.
44. Clement, The Instructor, 2.1.
45. Clement, The Instructor, 2.2.
46. Chrysostom, The Homilies, On the Statues, XV.4.
47. Chrysostom, The Homilies, On the Statues, XV.4.
48. Ovid, The Art of Love, 1.229ff.
49. Ovid, The Art of Love, 3.764ff.
50. Ovid, The Art of Love, 1.518ff.
51. Ovid, The Art of Love, 1.523–24.
52. Ovid, The Art of Love, 3.133ff.
53. Ovid, The Art of Love, 3.193.
54. Ovid, The Art of Love, 3.199ff.
55. Clement, The Instructor: hair curling etc., 2.11; sandals, 2.12; makeup, 3.2.
56. Clement, The Instructor: cups, 2.3; bedsheets, 2.3.
57. Clement, The Instructor: jewelry, 2.13; fabrics, 2.11.
58. Clement, The Instructor, 3.3.
59. Jerome, Letter 14.10.
1. MacMullen (1990), 150: “The only sadistic literature I am aware of in the ancient world, is the developing Christian vision of Purgatory.”
2. Anon., Apocalypse of Peter, 22, 28.
3. Anon., Apocalypse of Peter, 24.
4. Anon., Apocalypse of Peter, 30.
5. Anon., Apocalypse of Peter, 26.
6. Libanius, Oration, 11.218, quoted in Hall and Wyles, eds. (2008), 18.
7. Libanius, Oration, 64.116, quoted in Hall and Wyles, eds. (2008), 397.
8. Pliny the Younger, Letter 9.17.
9. Augustine, City of God, 1.32–33.
10. Tertullian, Apology, ed. Sider (2001), 99 n. 67.
11. Tertullian, Spectacles, 10.12, 10.5.
12. Chrysostom, AGT.
13. Severus of Antioch quoted in Sizgorich (2009), 116.
14. Chrysostom, AGT.
15. Chrysostom, Homilies on Matthew, 7.7.
16. Jacob of Serugh quoted in Sizgorich (2009), 116–17, to whom these paragraphs are indebted.
17. Arnobius, Adversus gentes, 42.
18. Ovid, The Art of Love, 1.135ff.
19. Chrysostom, AGT.
20. Martial, Epigrams, 2.42.
21. Quoted in Veyne (1992), 183.
22. Seneca, Epistle 56.
23. Martial, Epigrams, 6.93.
24. Chrysostom, The Homilies, On the Statues, XVII.9.
25. Tertullian, Spectacles, 8.9.
26. Tertullian, Spectacles, 18.3.
27. Clement, The Instructor, III.V.
28. Jerome, Letter 14.10.
29. Malalas, 18.18.
30. See MacMullen (1990), 142ff., for a very interesting discussion on this general question to which this paragraph and others here are much indebted.
31. Tertullian, Spectacles, 30.3ff.
1. Chrysostom, Homily 14 on I Timothy v. 8.
2. Athanasius, Life of Antony, 14.
3. Bedjan, The Life of Simeon Stylites, 154.
4. Maillet, Description de l’Égypte (1735), quoted in Lacarrière (1963), tr. Monkcom (1963).
5. AP, Zacharias, 1.
6. AP, Euprepius, 4.
7. Smith, A Smaller Latin-English Dictionary (1955).
8. Rhetorical manual of Theon, the sophist, quoted in Wilken (1983), 99, to whom this paragraph is indebted.
9. Libanius, Oration, 2.32, 30.48.
10. Libanius, Oration, 2.32.
11. Libanius, Oration, 30.11.
12. Quoted in Lacarrière (1963), 92, to whom this paragraph is much indebted.
13. AP, Antony, 10.
14. AP, Dioscorus, 1.
15. Jerome on Hilarion, quoted in Lacarrière (1961), tr. Monkcom (1963), 142.
16. Evagrius quoted in Brakke (2006), 58.
17. This observation is indebted to Brown,The Body and Society (2008), 220.
18. AP, Isaac Priest of the Cells, 7.
19. AP, Apollo, 2.
20. AP, Evagrius, 1.
21. Palladius, Lausiac History, 26.2–4, quoted in Brakke (2006), 140.
22. AP, Evagrius, 4.
23. AP, John the Dwarf, 9.
24. AP, Theophilus the Archbishop, 1.
25. AP, Gelasius, 6.
26. Chrysostom, AGT.
27. Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis, 6.6, quoted in Chadwick (2001), 486.
28. Constantine, Oration to the Saints, 11; for the genuineness or otherwise, see Drake (1985), 335ff.
29. Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors,
48.3; C. Th., 16.10.6; see also C. Th., 16.10.7.
30. C. Th.,, and C. Th.
31. Chrysostom, Demonstration Against the Pagans That Christ Is God 11, quoted in Rohmann (2016), 192.
32. Chrysostom quoted in Sizgorich (2009), 40; Chrysostom’s policing of the boundaries of Christian life is discussed brilliantly in Sizgorich (2009), Chapter I, to which these paragraphs are indebted.
33. Chrysostom, Discourses Against Judaizing Christians, 8.5.2–4, quoted in Sizgorich (2009), 40.
34. Chrysostom, AGT.
35. Chrysostom, Discourses Against Judaizing Christians, 7.6.8.
1. Augustine, City of God, 19.17.
2. John Chrysostom described in EH, VIII.4, quoted along with the above in Gaddis (2005), 192, to whom these paragraphs are much indebted.
3. Layton (2007), 62.
4. Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists, 423.
5. Theodosius quoted in Ambrose, Epistle 41.27.
6. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1.5.
7. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1.6.
8. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1.2.
9. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1.4.
10. Bagnall (2008), 31. Bagnall points out that this could have been a statement of Arian tendencies or similar.
11. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1–2.4.
12. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 2.1–4.
13. Shenoute, Let Our Eyes, 1.3–2.12.
14. In Shenoute, Open Letter to a Pagan Notable (1961); translation from Gaddis (2005), 1.
15. Layton (2007), passim, to whom this section is much indebted.
16. Layton (2007), 60.
17. This observation and these paragraphs are indebted to the excellent Layton (2007), passim.
18. Wealth: Layton (2007), 60; shaving: 60, 62; desire: 47; cucumber: 51; sexual laws: 63; washing: 50; desirous feeling: 69; sitting: 62.
19. Jeremiah 23:24.
20. Layton (2007), 47 n. 4.
21. This paragraph is much indebted to the excellent observations in Lacarrière (1963), 131ff.
22. Account in Shenoute’s In the Night, described in the excellent Brakke (2006), 3–4, 115–16; retold in Besa, Life of Shenoute, 73.
23. Augustine, Letter 93.II.4.
24. Augustine, Letter 93.II.5.
25. Augustine, Letter 185.2.
26. John Chrysostom, The Homilies, On the Statues, 1.32; Aphrarat writing of Numbers 25, quoted in Gaddis (2005), 182.
27. This paragraph is much indebted to Thurman (1968), 19–20.
28. On Buildings, 1.1, quoted in Thurman (1968), 17.
29. For punishments, see Apocalypse of Peter, 22–24; on appositeness: Gaddis (2005), 127–28, to whom this paragraph is indebted.
30. Augustine, A Summary of the Conference with the Donatists, 3.II.22, quoted in Shaw (2011), 684, to whom this and the following paragraphs are much indebted.
31. Augustine, Tract in Ioh, 5.12 (CCL 36:47), quoted in Shaw (2011), 698.
32. I am indebted to the as ever brilliant observation of Shaw (2011), 674; see Augustine, Against the Letter of Parmenianus, 1.10.16.
33. HC, 5.1.20.
34. Gaddis (2005), 216.
35. Libanius, Oration, 45.26, For the Prisoners, quoted in Gaddis (2005), to whom these paragraphs are much indebted.
36. Gregory Nazianzen, Oration 43.57.
37. Libanius, Oration 30.25–26.
38. Luke 14:23 KJV.
39. Augustine, Letter 104.2.7.
40. Jerome, Letter 109.2.
41. Chrysostom, AGT.
42. Augustine, Sermon 279.4, quoted in Shaw (2011), 682: “Ubi terror, ibi salus. Qui faciebat contra nomen, patiatur pro nomine. O saevitia misericors!”
43. This observation is much indebted to the brilliant essay by H. A. Drake (1996), 3–6.
1. The manuscript of the Justinian Code is corrupted at this point, making precise dating difficult: AD 529 is the generally accepted date of this. There are two laws that are relevant here; I focus on the second.
2. For Damascius’s enthusiasm for her, see PH, 106A.
3. Zachariah of Mytilene, The Life of Severus, 26–33; PH, 53.
4. Zachariah of Mytilene, The Life of Severus, 30.
5. PH, 119.
6. PH, 106.
7. PH, 124.
8. Athanassiadi (1993), 4; Marinus, Life of Proclus, 10; 26.
9. Simplicius, epilogue on commentary on Enchiridion, quoted in Cameron (1969), 14.
10. Isidore, quoted in PH, 150.
11. PH, 145.
12. Agathias, Histories, 2.30.2.
13. According to Cameron (1969), 22.
14. Strömberg (1946), 176–77.
15. C. Th., 16.10.22 of April 423.
16. Geffcken (1978), 228.
17. Cf. C. Just.; 1.1.8;
18. C. Just. 1.11.10.
19. C. Just. 1.11.10 and
20. C. Just.–7.
21. C. Just.
22. Gibbon, Decline and Fall, Vol. IV, Chapter 40, 265.
23. Athanassiadi (1993), 342–47.
24. Shear (1973), 162.
25. PH, 43A–C.
26. PH, 85A.
27. Cameron (1969), 17.
28. Athanassiadi (1993), 21.
29. PH, 36; Olympiodorus in Commentary on the First Alcibiades, quoted in Cameron (1969), 15.
30. Marinus, Life of Proclus, 30.
31. Vultures: Marinus, Life of Proclus, 15; PH, 117C; “the tyrant” is in Olympiodorus, Commentary on the First Alcibiades, quoted in Cameron (1969), 15.
32. PH, 45.
33. Plato more dangerous: Chadwick (1966), 11ff.; Cameron (1969), 9; see also Wilson (1970), 71.
34. PH, 63B.
35. Photius, The Bibliotheca, 130.7–12, quoted in Watts (2006).
36. C. Just.
37. Cameron (1969), 18, to whose observations these paragraphs are much
indebted; Cameron (2016), 222.
38. Simplicius in Cameron (1969), 21.
39. PH, 158.
40. PH, 146.
41. PH, 119C and 121.
42. Homer, The Iliad, 1.2–5.
43. Agathias, Histories, 2.28–2.31.2.
44. Agathias, Histories, 30–31.2.
45. Agathias, Histories, 2.31.2–4.
46. Cameron (1969/1970), 176.
47. Al Mas’udi, Les prairies d’or (ed. and tr. B. de Meynard, P. de Courtelle, C. Pellat), ii 741, 278, quoted in Athanassiadi (1993), 28.
48. Damascius, ed. Athanassiadi (1999), caption to Plate III.
Agathias, The Histories, tr. with intr. and short explanatory notes by J. D. Frendo (Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 1975).
Ambrose, Epistles, in Some of the Principal Works of St. Ambrose, tr. H. De Romestin, E. De Romestin, and H.T.F. Duckworth (Oxford: J. Parker & Co., 1896).
Ammianus Marcellinus, The Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354–378), tr. W. Hamilton, intr. A. Wallace-Hadrill (London: Penguin, 1986).
Anon., The Acts of the Christian Martyrs, tr. H. Musurillo (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972).
———, The Apocalypse of Peter, in The Apocryphal New Testament: Being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypses, with Other Narratives and Fragments, ed. M. R. James (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924).
———, Apophthegmata Patrum, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: The Alphabetical Collection, tr. B. Ward (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Cistercian Publications, 1975).
———, Expositio totius mundi et gentium, tr. J. Rougé (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1966).
Antony, The Letters of St. Antony: Monasticism and the Making of a Saint, ed. S. Rubenson (Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, 1995).
[Aristeas], The Letter of Aristeas, tr. H. St. J. Thackeray (London: Macmillan, 1904).
Arnobius, The Seven Books of Arnobius adversus gentes, tr. A. H. Bryce and Hugh Campbell (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1871).
Athanasius, Life of Antony, in Early Christian Lives, tr. C. White (London: Penguin, 1998).
Augustine, City of God, tr. M. Dods (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1913).
———, City of God, abridged from the translation by Gerald Walsh et al., ed. V. J. Bourke (New York: Image Books, 1958).
———, City of God and Christian Doctrine, tr. M. Dods and J. F. Shaw (Buffalo, N.Y.: Christian Literature Co., 1887).
———, Confessions, tr. R. S. Pine-Coffin (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961).
———, Exposition on the Psalms, vol. 4, Psalms 73–98, tr. M. Boulding (New York: Augustinian Heritage Institute, 2002).
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