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Chasing Perfect

Page 4

by Susan Mallery

  Blood sugar, she told herself. She had low blood sugar.

  “Why do you live at a hotel?” she asked, mostly to distract herself.

  “Why not? It’s centrally located, there’s room service and someone else makes my bed every morning.”

  “The ultimate in not taking responsibility for your life?” she asked, then wished she hadn’t. So much for a flip answer.

  Instead of getting annoyed, Josh chuckled. A low, sexy, appealing sound that made her break out in goosebumps.

  “Because taking responsibility is the height of perfection?” he asked.

  “It’s a sign of maturity.”

  “A quality that’s highly overrated.”

  For him, she thought grimly. She’d been responsible for taking care of herself since she was nine or ten years old. She’d always envied those who were carefree enough to not have to worry. Those who knew they would be looked after by others. That hadn’t been an option for her. Her mother had been the free spirit in the family, leaving Charity to make sure their world ran smoothly.

  Charity had always loved her mother and wished she was different in equal measures. Sure it was fun to have a parent who never said you had to go to school or do homework, but there were also times when a kid wanted structure and rules. Charity had learned to provide those for herself.

  They reached the third floor. She hurried ahead, wanting to reach her room and escape inside. Some how, though, he got in front of her and leaned against her door.

  “We should have a drink sometime,” he said, his hazel-green eyes gazing into hers and making every cell in her body sigh in appreciation.

  “I’m not sure spending time with a man who cheerfully declares himself to be immature and irresponsible is a good thing.”

  The low chuckle came again. “I’m not as bad as all that.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  He turned in a slow circle. “Look. I’m completely normal. Practically boring.”

  He was many things, but boring wasn’t one of them.

  Before she could point that out, his door opened. A beautiful blonde wearing one of his shirts and nothing else looked at him.

  “Hello, Josh. I thought I heard your voice.”

  Josh straightened. Charity took advantage of the distraction to slip into her room and carefully lock the door behind her. She leaned against the wall for a few seconds before bending over and turning on a lamp.

  As light flooded the small but elegantly furnished living room, she ignored the sense of defeat knotting in her stomach and told herself she wasn’t even surprised. Of course a guy like Josh would have a woman waiting in his room. They probably came in shifts. From everything she’d heard, he loved women and they loved him back.

  She squared her shouders. Even if she couldn’t control her physical reaction to him, she could control what she did about it, which would be exactly nothing.

  BY FRIDAY CHARITY was more comfortable in the old City Hall building and had learned the name of nearly everyone who worked there.

  Her eleven o’clock meeting was with Pia O’Brian, something she’d been looking forward to ever since Sheryl had put it on her calendar.

  Pia arrived right on time, her brown curly hair tumbling past her shoulders, her well-cut suit emphasizing her long legs.

  “How are you settling in?” Pia asked as Charity led her to the small conference table by the window. “Ready to run screaming back to the big city?”

  “I like it here. Small town life suits me.”

  “You say that now,” Pia said, her voice teasing. She set a stack of folders on the table. “Give it a few months, when you realize everyone in town knows your business and they’re not afraid to talk.”

  Charity laughed. “My life isn’t that interesting. Why would anyone care?”

  “You’re new. Fresh gossip for the ladies in town. Just remember—there aren’t any secrets. Not for long.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” She eyed the folders. “Light reading?”

  “I like to think the information won’t put you to sleep, but I can’t guarantee that.” Pia tapped the pile. “These are recaps of the last two years’ worth of festivals, celebrations and general civic good times. The Fourth of July parade, the Christmas Lights Fantasy Night, that sort of thing. The ever-popular Gold Rush Days. If it needs a booth of any kind and it’s happening in Fool’s Gold, I’m probably involved. Or at the very least, offering advice. So if you ever need two thousand folding chairs at a great price, see me first.”

  “I hope I never do,” Charity murmured.

  “Not planning a big wedding?”

  “Not dating.”

  “Me, either.”

  “I’m new in town,” Charity told her. “What’s your excuse?” She couldn’t imagine Pia being without a man. She was so pretty and outgoing.

  “A total lack of men,” Pia said cheerfully. “I’m sure Marsha explained that you need to focus on male-based businesses. The last thing we need around here is a beauty college. I do my best with male-oriented events. Golf tournaments, car shows.” Pia both looked and sounded serious.

  Charity couldn’t help laughing. “I know this is a big deal, but you have to admit, it’s really strange.”

  “Tell me about it. There were ten percent more girls than guys in my high school graduating class. That made prom time very ugly.”

  “Not that you went without a date.”

  Pia shrugged. “No, but a couple of my friends had to import guys for the dance. Very humiliating.”

  “You grew up here?”

  Pia hesitated, then nodded. “Born and raised. Third generation. Or is it fourth? I can never remember. My parents moved away years ago, but I stayed. The last of the O’Brians in Fool’s Gold.” She grinned. “It’s a lot of responsibility.”

  “Apparently.” Charity leaned toward her. “Living here all your life must be great. I moved around constantly when I was growing up. My mom didn’t like to settle, but it was all I dreamed about. Getting to know everything about a place, putting down roots. You’re lucky.”

  Something flickered in Pia’s eyes. “The disadvantage is that whole lack of secrets thing. Everyone knows everything about you. Sometimes I think it would be very nice to be able to walk down the street without anyone knowing who I was.”

  “It can be lonely.”

  “So can small town life.” Pia shook her head. “Okay, enough with the philosophy and back to business. I have this year’s festival schedule for you to look over. Depending on what kind of business you’re courting, you might want to invite a few executives and their families to experience small town life. Or better yet, single male executives. We’re at our best during the festivals. All friendly and spruced up.”

  Charity scanned the list. “When is the town not spruced up? There’s something nearly every month.”

  “That’s not even everything,” Pia continued. “There are also various charity events. We were going to have a bike race, but that keeps getting pushed off.”

  Bike race? As in Josh Golden’s territory? Charity thought about asking but was afraid Pia would think the question implied interest.

  “There are the charity golf tournaments,” Pia continued. “We have a great golf course. Several, actually, but the pro course is well known. Don’t ask me why—I don’t do the golf thing. And I’m not big on the celebrities themselves. Too high-maintenance.”

  “Good to know,” Charity murmured. “So you won’t be looking there for a husband.”

  Pia laughed. “I’m not sure I’m the marrying kind. I don’t even know if I want kids. I’m still at the keeping-a-plant alive stage of my life. Next, I’ll consider getting a pet.”

  “At least you have a plan.”

  “I’ll let you know how it works out for me.”

  They went through the rest of the festival event schedule. Charity promised to look over the material and let Pia know if she had any questions.

  Pia collected her purse and briefcas
e and stood. “I’m glad you took the job, Charity. I know you were Marsha’s number one choice for it. Which is saying something because numbers two and three were single guys.”

  “I’m all the more appreciative.”

  “As you should be.” Pia laughed. “By the way, there’s a group of women who get together a couple times a month. Sort of a girls’ night out. Want me to call you the next time we get together?”

  “Yes. Thanks. I’d really like that.”

  “Then I’ll be in touch.” Pia gave a little wave and left.

  Charity returned to her desk, where she could see the stack of folders she would be carrying home that evening for review. She’d been so busy with her job that she hadn’t had time to turn on the TV in her hotel room. Probably not a bad thing. Although a case could be made that a social life would be nice.

  Instead of thinking of Robert, a perfectly pleasant and normal single guy, her brain immediately flitted to Josh. The man who had been hitting on her while his nightly entertainment waited in his room. Talk about tacky.

  At least a girls’ night out would be fun and a chance to make friends in town. Over the weekend, she could start exploring the area, maybe find out if the local community college had interesting classes on things like cooking or knitting. She needed to get out more.

  She noted on her calendar to get a catalog, then turned to her computer. But before she could read her e-mail, there was a knock on her open door.

  Charity glanced up to see a forty-something woman wearing a dark blue police uniform walk into her office.

  “Alice Barns,” the woman said as she crossed to the desk and shook Charity’s hand firmly. “Fool’s Gold’s Chief of Police. Thought I’d come introduce myself.”

  Charity motioned to the chair on the other side of her desk. “I’m glad you did. It’s nice to meet you.” She tilted her head and smiled. “What should I call you?”

  The other woman grinned. “Chief Barns in front of the press or my men. Alice when we’re off the clock.”

  “Good to know.”

  “How are you settling in?” Alice asked.

  “It’s been a busy week. Lots to learn. So far, I adore the town.”

  “It’s a good place to live,” Alice told her. “Not a lot of crime. A few teenagers thinking they’re smarter than they are. The occasional break-in at one of the vacation rentals. Tourists speeding. Nothing my force can’t handle.” She shifted in her seat. “There might be a new homeless person in town.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Someone’s stealing from the local grocery stores. Mostly snacks and convenience foods. A few toiletries. Not to worry. We’ll find out who’s doing it and put a stop to the stealing.”

  While Charity hated the thought of someone going hungry, she understood that local businesses didn’t want to be paying for shoplifters.

  “You plan to go exploring around town?” Alice asked.

  “Yes. I want to get to know the area.”

  “Good idea. Just a word of caution. The abandoned mines are dangerous. Don’t go slipping past the fencing and try to hike down.”

  “I’m not much of a hiker,” Charity admitted.

  “You’d be surprised how many people try it. They think an old, dangerous mine sounds romantic. If I had my way, we’d leave ’em lost and let natural selection work things out for us. But Mayor Marsha feels we need to show the tourists a good time, regardless of how stupid they are.”

  Charity couldn’t help laughing. Alice’s lips twitched.

  “Not that I would say that to the mayor,” Alice murmured.

  “Probably for the best.”

  Alice rose. “Well, that’s about it. We have zero tolerance for drunk driving, but you’re not the type to try, so I won’t lecture you.”

  Charity stood and joined the chief on the other side of the desk. “How can you tell I wouldn’t do that?”

  “Am I wrong?”

  “No, but you sound sure.”

  “I’m a pretty good judge of character.”

  They walked out together.

  On the main floor of the building Chief Barns shook hands with her again.

  “You have any problems, you get in touch with me or anyone in my office,” Alice told her. “Mayor Marsha is very impressed with you and your work and that’s good enough for me.”

  Charity felt herself flush a little at the compliment. “Thank you. I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble.”

  “I know you will.”

  The chief put on her blue cap and walked out onto the sidewalk. Charity watched her go. She’d meant her staying out of trouble comment to be a joke, but Alice had taken it seriously. As if she knew that Charity always did the right thing. She was just that kind of person.

  Which was a good thing, right? She’d never believed that bad girls had more fun.

  “Alice trying to scare you?”

  She turned and saw Robert coming down the stairs.

  “I liked her.”

  “Wait until she pulls you over for speeding. She can be very intimidating. She has three sons. They play football in high school, so they tower over her. But I swear they all tremble in her presence.”

  Charity chuckled. “That could be more a mom thing than a police thing.”

  “You’re probably right.” He paused. “I’m heading out to San Francisco this weekend, to meet up with friends. But I wanted to know if you’ll be free next weekend for dinner.”

  Dinner with Robert. It sounded…nice.

  “I’d like that,” she said.

  “Great. We’ll firm up the day and time during the week.” He glanced at his watch. “I need to get going, if I’m going to be in San Francisco on time.”

  “Sure. Enjoy your time with your friends.”

  “I will.”

  He left through a side door that led to the employee parking lot.

  Dinner with Robert would be a very pleasant way to spend an evening, she told herself, then winced. Pleasant? Couldn’t she do better than that? So what if she didn’t feel sparks when she was around him? Sparks were dangerous, not to mention highly overrated. Better substance than flash.

  She returned to the second floor, but before she got all the way to her office, Sheryl came running out to meet her.

  “You’re going to be late,” her assistant told her. “You’d better hurry.”

  “For what? I don’t have any more meetings today.”

  “You have one now.” Sheryl sounded delighted. “Marsha called a little bit ago and put it on your calendar. I’m beyond jealous. Not that I need a tour, but still. I wish it were me.”

  Charity didn’t like the sound of that. “What’s the meeting?”

  “Josh is coming here to show you around town!” Sheryl’s eyes brightened with excitement. “Just the two of you, alone. It would make all my fantasies come true. Well, not all of them, of course, but at least the ones I can talk about.”

  Time with Josh? “Why would Marsha set something like that up? I can find my way around town on my own.”

  “This is with Josh! You’re so lucky. Marsha is doing you a really big favor.”

  Charity privately thought she didn’t need those kinds of favors, but she wouldn’t say that to Sheryl. Not only was the mayor her boss, but she had to assume Marsha was simply trying to be nice. It wasn’t as if Charity could confess her total lack of control whenever Josh was within twenty feet of her.

  Her reaction to him was bad enough, but being a cliché made everything even worse. Apparently every woman in town reacted the same way. The poor man, so overwhelmed by female interest. It was amazing he got anything done in a day. She frowned. Maybe he didn’t. For all she knew, he sat around and lived on his racing proceeds and naked-butt-picture royalties.

  None of which mattered, she reminded herself. She had a meeting to get through.

  “When am I supposed to meet him?” she asked Sheryl.

  “Now,” a low male voice said from beside her.
br />   The sudden explosion of her heart speed took her breath away. Her thighs trembled and she watched the world narrow to a single person illuminated by an almost otherworldly light.

  What was it about him that got her entire body in on the conspiracy to betray her? It had to be chemistry, or a deficiency on her part. Nutritional or possibly mental. Maybe if she went to the gym more. Or at all.

  “Hello,” she said, going for calm and hoping she made it. “Nice to see you again. I understand we have a meeting scheduled.”

  “Marsha thought I should show you the town.”

  “Isn’t she the best?” Charity asked, trying not to clench her teeth. “And while I appreciate the thought, I’m pretty good at finding my own way around Fool’s Gold, so if you have something else you need to get to…”

  He didn’t take the hint. Instead he smiled. “You’re my only priority.”

  He was teasing, she told herself. He had to be. Yet there was something about the way he spoke the words that made her want to moan…or purr.

  “Oh, my,” Sheryl breathed.

  Charity looked at her. Sheryl grinned unapologetically before returning to her desk.

  Charity tugged on the hem of her conservative tweed jacket. “Fine. Good. Then we’ll take our tour.” She hesitated. “We’re not riding bikes, are we?”

  His perfect mouth curved into a knowing smile. “You’ve been talking about me.”

  Charity didn’t like the sound of that. It implied an interest she absolutely refused to acknowledge. “You’re difficult to avoid, what with the posters, screen savers and bobbleheads.”

  “Which is your favorite?”

  She immediately thought of the picture on Sheryl’s screen saver—the one showing Josh in the shower. Naked. His back to the camera.

  “I haven’t given it any thought,” she lied. “Can I get back to you?”

  “I can’t wait to hear the answer.”

  “I’ll bet. Does your ego ever get too big to carry around?”


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