Foxwise: (A Legend of Vanx Malic Short Story) (The Legend of Vanx Malic Book 0)
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“You’ve cast the beckoning, then?” His voice was raw and speaking wasn’t easy. He figured he must have been unconscious for some time.
“Most of a season ago.” The queen touched his brow gingerly.
“Rest, as the medika have told you. Soon you will venture from the Shadowmane again, for the Emerald-eyed Champion will need someone to guide him into the Underland.”
“He’s answered the call, then?” Thorn and a few others around the room grew hopeful. Thorn tried to sit up, but his body wouldn’t allow it.
“Answered isn’t the proper word. His name is Vanx Malic Saint Elm. His father was Captain Marin Saint Elm from the sea tales. He has ridden on the back of a red dragon and saved the Kingdom of Parydon from powerful evil. He knows not why he is drawn to us, or that he is even being drawn, but he has stepped off of a ship and is in our land. I have felt it.”
“Let us pray he hurries,” one of the queen’s Honor Guard said. “The Heart Tree is waning.”
“Let us have hope and faith that he will.” The queen kissed Thorn’s forehead and then ushered everyone out of the room. “Let us have hope and faith.”
The End
Other titles by M. R. Mathias
Short Stories:
Crimzon & Clover I - Orphaned Dragon, Lucky Girl
Crimzon & Clover II - The Tricky Wizard
Crimzon & Clover III - The Grog
Crimzon & Clover IV - The Wrath of Crimzon
Crimzon & Clover V - Killer of Giants
Crimzon & Clover Collection One (stories 1-5)
The Saga of the Dragoneers
The First Dragoneer - Free
The Royal Dragoneers - Now Available
Cold Hearted Son of a Witch - Now Available
The Confliction - Now Available
The Emerald Rider - Now Available
The Legend of Vanx Malic
Book One – Through the Wildwood
Book Two – Dragon Isle
Book Three – Saint Elm’s Deep
Book Four – That Frigid Fargin Witch
And don't miss the huge International Bestselling epic:
The Wardstone Trilogy
Book One - The Sword and the Dragon
Book Two - Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools
Book Three - The Wizard & the Warlord
Follow M. R. Mathias @DahgMahn on twitter