Book Read Free


Page 6

by Brian Grenda

  I pull into Citrus Oaks through the South entrance, and see that it’s somewhat rebuilt, but won’t be finished until Matt and the guys come back with the supplies from the hardware store run.

  “Thank you for the information dad. I’m glad you are safe and sound. I was worried that they would just kill you. I don’t trust Jacob, but I want to see what is up with these orange badges and his government connections.”

  “Jacob definitely has some connections. I overheard him talking to some military personnel about something big possibly happening with the government in the future. Just keep an eye out for Jacob and Chris when you are on your runs, or when you meet with them. Jacob is all about staying alive and keeping his family alive. He will do that at all costs.”

  “I think it’s over here!” shouts Matt.

  Matt makes a sharp turn onto 19th street and sees the hardware store in the distance.

  “I hope this store is within our borders. I don’t want to have to break this agreement already,” says Matt.

  The guys pull up to the hardware store front entrance and don’t see any Conqueror symbols or markings.

  “Let’s take as many cinder blocks as your vehicles can hold. Don’t put anything in the SUV as we want to load that up with solar panels,” says Matt.

  Shaun and Phil both lead different teams of Warriors into the store.

  Phil leads a group of Warriors into the main entrance of the store, while Shaun leads a team into the outdoor garden section.

  Matt waits in a truck outside of the store near the front entrance.

  Shaun cuts off the lock that is around the metal fence of the outdoor garden section of the store.

  The chain drops to the floor, and Shaun opens the gate.

  The Warrior soldiers aim their weapons as they enter the potted plants area in the outdoor garden section of the store.

  There are two zombies aimlessly walking around the garden section. The Warrior soldiers easily kill them with their spears.

  “The garden section is all clear. We have some cinder blocks on two pallets out here. Matt bring the truck over to us,” says Shaun over the walkie-talkie.

  Phil leads his group of Warriors into the store.

  “How you lookin Phil?” asks Matt over the walkie-talkie.

  No answer.

  Matt drives one of the trucks near the gate of the outdoor garden section.


  A huge explosion goes off inside the hardware store.

  Shaun grabs his walkie-talkie and shouts, “Phil! You okay in there?”

  No answer from Phil.

  Shaun runs towards the store side entrance and pulls open the automatic doors.

  The doors slide open. There is a ton of smoke, and a fire in the back of the store.

  “Phil! Answer me!” shouts Matt over the walkie-talkie.

  “I’m okay. We are okay,” says Phil over the walkie-talkie.

  I shot several of the propane tanks by accident, when we were clearing out the zombies.

  Shaun sees Phil and his group of Warriors walking back towards the front of the store.

  Phil is pushing a flatbed cart with tons of supplies on it.

  “You guys okay?” asks Shaun, as Phil walks towards him.

  The Warriors and Phil are okay.

  Phil and the Warriors make their way outside to the outdoor garden section to get the cinder blocks and other materials.

  The guys load up their trucks with all the supplies that they can fit and that are necessary to repair the South entrance.

  “That entrance is going to be even better than it was,” says Matt.

  “I hope so. I’m tired of building something, and then having to rebuild it,” says Phil.

  Shaun says, “Let’s make our way over to the solar company warehouse and get the commercial solar panels for the Big Club.”

  Phil hops in the SUV and says, “I’ll lead us to the solar warehouse. It’s right up ahead.”

  Matt and Shaun get into the trucks along with the Warriors and head over to the solar warehouse.

  The solar company is less than five minutes away, and the guys make it to the warehouse safely.

  Phil pulls up to the solar warehouse entrance. He sees that the store is full of zombies and has been looted.

  “Should we try our luck inside, or give up on it?” asks Shaun over the walkie-talkie.

  Phil gets out of the SUV and starts killing zombies with his baseball bat.

  Shaun sees Phil attacking the zombies and says, “Guess we are trying our luck.”

  Matt and the Warriors join in, and they help Phil clear out the zombies.

  The Warriors use swords, knives, and spears to kill several zombies.

  Phil is clearing out zombies with his aluminum neon orange baseball bat.

  Matt is using a machete to kill a couple of zombies, and Shaun is using two hatchets to destroy a large group of zombies.

  The guys clear out the zombies and start to search for the solar panels.

  The store has been cleaned out pretty good since the last time Phil and I were there, but there is one group of solar panels in the very back of the store on a top shelf.

  Phil sees the boxes and says, “There are a couple of panels left on the top shelf back there. Find a ladder we can use.”

  Shaun grabs a ladder and brings it to the back of the store.

  Phil sets up the ladder and starts to bring down the solar panel boxes.

  Matt and Shaun load the boxes onto a cart and move them to the entrance of the warehouse.

  “Five boxes? Is that enough?” asks Shaun.

  Matt replies, “Probably not, but it’s better than nothing.”

  “Let’s load these panels into the SUV and get back home. I’m starving,” says Shaun.

  “You are always hungry,” says Matt.

  Shaun replies, “I gotta eat bro. I didn’t have breakfast.”

  The guys finish loading up the solar panels and make their way back home to Citrus Oaks.

  “I really hope this is the last time we need to rebuild our home. No one better destroy our walls again,” says Matt.

  “Just remember that we can always rebuild something, when we are alive. You gotta be thankful for being alive right now,” says Phil.



  Phil and the guys make it back safely to Citrus Oaks with all the supplies that we will need to rebuild the South entrance.

  William, Bruce, and I help Matt, Shaun, Phil, and the rest of the Warriors unload the trucks, but we leave the solar panels in the SUV to take to the Big Club.

  “We could only get five panels. That warehouse is cleaned out now. We’ll have to find another solar panel company if we need more panels,” says Matt.

  “Five should be good for now, I think we will only need three or four more after these five to completely run the Big Club on solar power.”

  Phil walks over to me and asks, “Where is TJ and Odin? I found a dog toy at the hardware store for Odin.”

  “They are at home. They needed to rest, but I’m sure they will be back here today or tomorrow.”

  The Warriors and Matt start repairing the South entrance. The guys got plenty of cinder blocks, wood, steel, and fencing to remake the gate, lookout platforms, and walls.

  Carlos puts down his shovel in the dirt and walks over to his wife Gloria as she stands in the backyard of their home.

  “I’m sorry Gloria. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you and the children,” says Carlos as he tries to hug Gloria.

  Gloria pushes Carlos’ hands away as she stares at the graves of her two children.

  “They were only eight and nine years old. What kind of people are capable of killing children?” asks Gloria with tears in her eyes.

  Carlos hears us rebuilding the walls at the South entrance.

  “Can I go help them rebuild the South entrance, Gloria?” asks Carlos.

  “Help them! You should have helped us!” shouts Gloria.

  Carlos understands that Gloria is upset, but he is getting frustrated at the fact that she won’t stop blaming him for what the Conquerors did.

  Carlos walks over to his wife Gloria and says, “I know you are sad, upset, pissed, and angry at me, at Ryan, at everyone.”

  Gloria tries to interrupt Carlos, but Carlos gets firm with his tone and message.

  “Stop! Gloria, we aren’t to blame for this. The Conquerors are. Be mad at them. Not me and not Ryan. We tried to stop them and protect us,” says Carlos.

  Gloria likes the directness and firmness of what Carlos just said.

  “I’m sorry Poppy, I just miss our children so much,” says Gloria.

  “I miss them too and the Conquerors will pay for this. They are terrible people, and I will never forgive them for what they did to our family,” says Carlos.

  “Go help Ryan and the group Carlos. They need your help rebuilding the wall,” says Gloria.

  “Not today, they are on their own with this,” says Carlos as Gloria and Carlos walk inside their home.

  Suddenly, a big red truck with steer antlers attached to the front grill and a horse trailer attached to the back of it, comes speeding down the road towards Citrus Oaks.

  Everyone hears the roar of the engine and exhaust and stops what they are doing.

  The truck comes speeding down the street outside of the South entrance and then stops.

  Shaun, Phil, Jeremy, and Enrique point their guns at the truck.

  “What do you want asshole?” shouts Shaun.

  The driver of the truck places the truck in park and rolls the driver side window down.

  “Howdy Partner. I mean no harm, just looking for something is all. Do you need some help?” asks the gentlemen in the truck.

  Phil shouts, “Why don’t you turn the truck off and get out of the truck? Slowly!”

  The man replies, “No problem sir. I’ll be right wit cha.”

  Phil and Shaun keep their guns pointed at the man as he gets out of his red truck.

  “I mean no harm now fellas. I’m just looking for my horse. Name is Bo. What’s your fella’s names?” asks Bo.

  “Haven’t seen any horses around here. No horses named Bo either,” says Shaun.

  Bo laughs and says, “My name is Bo. My horse’s name is Sunny. Well the one that got away from my ranch is named Sunny. I got a whole bunch more on my ranch.”

  William walks over to Shaun and Phil after he hears what Bo said.

  “What was the name of your horse again?” asks William.

  “A Chinaman. Nice to meet ya. Sunny. My horse that got away is Sunny. Nervous thing, but quick as lightning,” says Bo.

  William replies, “Describe the horse, Bo.”

  “Well. Sunny is a horse. Pretty big, color is between chestnut and light brown. She has a white strip between her eyes,” says Bo.

  “I believe I have your horse at my home. What’s written on her saddle?” asks William.

  “Well, I believe the last saddle we had on her had the initials TM on it. TM was my grandfather, and the saddle also had her name, Sunny, on it too,” says Bo.

  “Lower your weapons. This man is telling the truth,” says William.

  Shaun, Jeremy, and Enrique lower their guns, but Phil doesn’t trust Bo.

  “Sorry Bo, but I don’t trust you yet. I need to know what you have on you and search you,” says Phil.

  “I understand, but I’m not a threat. I’m a good ole boy from Texas. But you do what you gotta do. I’m sorry, but what’s your name sir?” ask Bo.

  “It’s Phil. Please hold your arms out away from your body at shoulder level. Got anything on you, before I check you out?” asks Phil.

  Bo replies, “I have my two pistols and my knife, but you ain’t taken those. That’s for sure. You can check me, but don’t you go taken my stuff now.”

  I walk closer to Phil and Bo and say, “Phil check him really quick and let’s get back to work.”

  Phil checks Bo and finds the two pistols and knife that Bo said he had.

  William walks over to Bo and says, “I have your horse at my home. Let us finish up our work here, and I’ll take you to get your horse.”

  “Thank you kindly. I can help you guys if you need another hand. I see you are fixing up your wall there. What happened?” asks Bo.

  Phil, Shaun, Jeremy, and Enrique get back to building the cinder block walls.

  Several hours go by, and the cinder block walls are complete. One lookout platform is standing, and a group of Warriors are finishing up the gate.

  “I thought I recognized you. You are Eric Gooden. How are you doing?” asks Phil.

  “I’m doing okay. How are you?” asks Eric.

  “I loved watching you play baseball, man. Shame you guys lost in the series last year. That’s gotta be rough,” says Phil.

  Eric replies, “Yeah. Lost in six games. It’s never easy when you lose, but that’s all gone now. I’m just happy to be alive with my wife.”

  “How’d you end up here?” asks Shaun.

  “I’m originally from here. I signed with Tampa my first couple years in the league and bought a condo here. Then I got traded to Chicago, and I just kept my condo here. Tampa is home,” says Eric.

  Jon says, “Eric use to live in the same condo building my parents did. Kelly and I found him and Julia one day looking for food. I almost stabbed him with my sword.”

  “No way. I almost took you out with my bat,” says Eric.

  “That’s the last cinder block for the walls. We have tons more cinder blocks, but that’s all we need for the wall rebuild. We have to let the blocks and mortar set before we can put the gate on,” says Matt.

  “Looks great guys. Better than it was.”

  William walks over to me and says, “Good work today Ryan. I’m glad we got your father back and were able to rebuild the walls again. Anything else you need from us?”

  “No, William. You and your men did well today. We couldn’t have done it without you and your men. Go home and relax. I will send someone with the badges, if we get them from Jacob.”

  “Very well! Warriors let’s move out! Our job is done here today!” shouts William.

  “William! Do you want to come to World of Trade with us?”

  William turns and says, “No thank you, Ryan. We have plenty of supplies at home for us. Maybe next time.”

  Bo says, “World of Trade. That place is good. I trade stuff there all the time.”

  “Come now Bo. Let’s go get your steed from our stables,” says William.

  William, Bo, and most of the Warriors leave Citrus Oaks.

  As William and his Warriors leave Citrus Oaks, we place two cars in front of the South entrance to block any zombies or people from getting in.

  I look at the South entrance and am relieved at what I see. The wall is higher and stronger than before.

  The lookout platform is big enough to hold five people now, and once we put the gate back up on the walls tomorrow, we will be good as new again.

  I see Jon and Eric walking, and I walk over to them.

  “You guys setup in your new homes alright?”

  “Yeah. Thank you, Ryan. The homes are great. They will work out perfectly for us,” says Jon.

  I wave goodbye to everyone at the South entrance and walk down the street towards Bobby G’s house.

  As I get closer to the house, I see Bobby G smoking a cigarette on the back patio in the chair that he usually sits in.

  I get a big smile on my face at the sight of him alive and well.

  “I never thought I’d be happy to see you smoking a cigarette,” I say to my dad as I walk into Bobby G’s screened in back patio.

  “I know I have to quit, but I’ve had a rough couple of days,” says Bobby G.

  “How many more cigarettes do you have left?”

  Bobby G picks up his box of cigarettes and opens the lid.

  “One, two, three. I have three left, after this one. You making a run to t
he store for cigarettes soon?” asks Bobby G.

  “I didn’t plan on making a cigarette run, but I will try to pick up a box or two if I’m near a drugstore on our next run. I know Lauren and the babies need a couple of things that we don’t have at the Big Club.”

  “Okay. That would be great. I’m just happy to be alive son. I didn’t know what they were going to do to me. Not sure if they were going to kill me, and then use me against you when I turned into a zombie,” says Bobby G.

  “I don’t think I could handle seeing you as a zombie. We don’t need a zombie Bobby G roaming around aimlessly. We already have an alive Bobby G for that.”

  Bobby G says, “You know, it happened so fast. Carlos and I were talking at the Big Club, then suddenly Jacob and his group were inside the store and attacking us.”

  “I’m just glad they didn’t kill you both.”

  “That’s the thing. Why didn’t they kill us both? What were they trying to do by keeping us alive? Send a message or something?” asks Bobby G.

  “Jacob did it for a reason. I doubt he kept you alive because he likes you.”

  “I don’t know what his plan was, but you have to watch out for him Ryan. He put all the bad stuff on his brother Joseph, but I doubt Joseph was working alone. Jacob seems very smart. Maybe he even set his brother up, who knows what people do,” says Bobby G.

  “Well, either way, you are home and safe now. I don’t want you going anywhere, but inside the neighborhood or with a big group. Your days of running the Big Club are done.”

  “You are firing me? Do I get a severance package?” jokes Bobby G.

  “Yeah. My foot up your butt and a pack of smokes.”

  I give my dad a hug and say, “But seriously, I’m glad you are okay. I was worried about you. I wasn’t ready for you to leave me yet.”

  “I’m not going anytime soon, if I can help it. Never fear Bobby G is here. Always remember that, even when I’m gone. I’m not truly gone. I will live on through you,” says Bobby G.

  I say goodbye to Bobby G, and I leave through the backyard white privacy fence gate that is next to my backyard white privacy fence.

  I walk into my backyard and look at the crops that are growing in our makeshift garden.


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