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Filthy Love

Page 7

by V. Theia

  God, she felt fuzzy and why the hell was her leg bleeding?

  She figured the big, glowering man in jeans and a black T-shirt had the answers.

  “I’m sitting in my panties with Hawk in my house.” She narrated around a vodka-fueled hiccup as though he wasn’t standing right there glaring at her.

  Handsome. Handsome. He made her belly ache.

  She chuckled at his scowl. She loved his scowl, it made him twice as beautiful, and his pastel blue eyes sharper. She gulped him in and watched him stalk out of her bedroom. With a pout she yelled. “That was rude, mister! At least say goodbye when you stalk off. Leaving me here in my panties, my good panties with the lace by the way, you didn’t even look at them! I didn’t pay twelve bucks for you not to look at them, jeez, no manners these bikers.”

  Gia was giggling to herself, leaning back on her hands deciding if she was going to sleep right there or attempt the mega climb into the bed when he strode back in carrying a white basin she kept by the sink. She reared up, gaping.

  “You came back!”.

  How was he so rugged and big and handsome and so fucking handsome?

  She wanted to rub all over him.

  She wondered if he’d lie on the ground while she rubbed all over him?

  He was like a giant mountain bear, she decided.

  A bear with big teeth and snarling jaw.

  God, she loved him so much, so hard, her boobs ached.

  “How did I cut my leg?” Her brow furrowed trying to remember, lifting it out in front of her to gaze at the trickle of blood. “Where are my clothes?”

  “You fell out of my truck before I could lift you out. And you stripped when I got you inside.” His tone tight.

  He was always so angry.

  So sexy and angry, she thought.

  He crouched down by her feet and her heart swelled to see him down there, almost bowing to her. Almost like he loved her.

  As if.

  “You need a haircut.” She mused with a sloppy smile, her hand reached out to touch his messy mop, but he caught it and pressed it back to the bed. Wasn't that always the way, she never got to touch him. Rejection hurt more than ever.

  The bowl was full of water, he wrung out a soaked cloth and began dabbing at her knee more tender than expected him to be.

  “Ow. Fuck, fuck, fuck, ow! That hurts!”

  “Keep still, little bit, I gotta get the gravel out of the wound.”

  “Just…please be careful, I don’t want my knee to fall off.”

  Something like a smile flitted across his face. Was she that drunk she was hallucinating him smiling? Maybe because it was gone in the next blink.

  “I’ll try not to let your knee fall off.” Another gentle swipe then he rubbed antiseptic cream on her knee, she nibbled her lip watching him.

  “I fell over.”

  “I know I was there.”

  “I fell over in front of Hawk! He probably thinks I’m a klutz as well as a sex-pest now. Maybe my knee should fall off, so I can die and be free of mortifi-mortific-whatever that word is.”

  The room spun a little. Those drinks really had been nice.

  She really wanted to touch his hair, despite the mess of it, it looked so soft.

  “There, all clean.” He gruffed with a voice that always did warm syrupy things to her between her legs. She could only ever imagine what he’d sound like whispering gruff, dirty words in bed.

  Did he know he made her heart sing?

  Did he care?

  Gia’s temperature spiked and it had nothing to do with the amount of liquor she’d inhaled.

  “Aren’t you going to kiss it better?” Her bottom lip jutted out as she leaned over to look at her knee. Still there, thank god!

  That great chest attached to the too handsome man she wanted desperately inflated on a big inhale, his animal shaped eyes caught hers, she was ensnared in ice wrapped in blue and found she didn’t want to look anywhere else for the rest of her life. Huge and ferocious on his angled face, she fell in love with his deep, brooding eyes. Gia swore the world tilted, nothing to do with being drunk, he made her world move. “Please it hurts a lot, Hawk. I could die any second.”

  She hiccupped again. Blinked tears.

  He moved towards her rapidly. His big body arching, hands braced on the bed either side of her thighs, he dipped his head and laid a kiss to her knee.

  She swooned so hard her breasts swelled, the place between the thighs turned molten and she moaned reaching out this time and catching his hair briefly.

  It was soft as wool.

  “I think my mouth is hurt too.” She puckered. He rose to a fearsome height, her neck cranked to look up at him.

  “Now you’re just pushing it.” He came back after taking out the bowl and stuck a The Good Dinosaur band aid on her boo-boo. Now she really did feel four years old in front of him. No wonder he didn’t want to fuck her. She’d practically thrown herself at him and he’d tossed her back like day old salmon.

  Gia sighed and rolled over onto the bed, just hanging there half on half off, in her white sleeveless T-shirt and 12 dollar pink panties.

  The next thing Gia knew it was the next morning.

  She woke in slow increments. When she opened her eyes, the light hurt.

  God. She felt ill. Worse. Close to death. Her head throbbed.

  Soon as her mind realized she was awake it info-dumped all the load from last night on her. Everything she’d done, from being pissed off at Hawk, to deciding she would go out, get drunk and forget all about that man.

  Only it didn’t turn out that way.

  Her brain full of memories of dancing on the bar top. Being manhandled by Hawk. Falling over on her ass.

  And kissing Hawk.

  Everything he’d done for her last night. The way he’d taken care of her.

  She danced on a bar for god's sake. She groaned mortified, burying her aching head in the sheets. If anyone in her professional field found out ... turning to alcohol because a guy upset her, wasn’t Gia. She was disappointed in herself.

  And yet pleased at the same time. She never let go. She didn’t go out to have fun and deliberately dance with men and drink until the room was spinning. She’d been having fun when she’d spotted the man himself angrily making his way through the crowd. Oh, when he’d look up at her she’d swayed her hips more. Enticing him to play. She’d watched his nostrils flare and the way his fingers clenched and for a moment Gia was sure she’d influenced every jealous dragon-huff that moody man made.

  After lying in her pit of shame for more than thirty minutes, she finally grabbed her cell phone, brought it under the duvet with her.

  Gia: Thank you for taking care of me.

  Hawk: Any time.

  Gia: Do you mean it? Any time?? I need taking care of now.

  Bolder than usual. Her heart caught in her throat, she waited for his reply. A minute. Then two. Dammit, Hawk. come on. When she thought he was ignoring her, she swung out of bed, stood on her jelly legs, she went through her routine of showering and dressing in simple pink sweatpants and T-shirt, leaving her wet hair to dry naturally, she rubbed on lotion, pulled on socks and headed to the mecca of all coffees to rouse her for the day.

  Thank god, she didn’t have work today.

  It was always one step forward and forty million back with him, she acknowledged.

  It was something she needed to get used to. Accept the way he was.

  He didn’t want her in the way she wanted him.

  She’d given it the old college try.

  Now she was moving on with her life.

  How do you quit a man like him?

  Hawk: Then come downstairs and I’ll take care of whatever you need.



  Gia nearly stumbled her way going down the stairs in her haste to see if he really was inside her house.

  Hawk was not here. Was he? No, he couldn’t be. He would have left hours ago.

  She smelled strong
ly brewed coffee before she tentatively pushed open the door leading to the kitchen.

  And there he was.

  Propped against the sink, boots crossed at the ankle. Arms crossed over his wide, strong chest. Bare arms on display in his cut-off shirt. His hair always a disheveled mess and same for his beard and to Gia he’d never looked as sexy as he did standing in her kitchen. She didn’t miss a thing. Not the veins in the back of his hands, or the way his eyes followed her all the way into her kitchen without a blink breaking the contact.

  His gaze was heated. Unmasked.

  “What are you still doing here?”

  “Making you coffee.” He took a step towards the coffee machine and hooked up her favorite mug, the one that was pink and said, ‘Nerds do it Better’ he held it out towards her. She took it mechanically and because she wanted caffeine in her bloodstream more than she wanted anything else. “I didn’t want to leave in case you choked on your vomit in the night.” he added on.

  Oh, merciful lord, if you think anything of me smite me down now. She prayed.

  With her face pink and the coffee burning her tongue, she sat at the table in the middle of the room.

  She loved this kitchen and would be sorry to leave it behind.

  “Thank you for bringing me home. And looking after me. And patching up my knee.” She mumbled into her mug. And kissing me. Thank you for kissing me and making sure I’m ruined for all other men.

  “You’re welcome, Gia. For it all.”

  Was that a smirk in his deep rumbled tone?

  Did he mean she was welcome for the hot kiss that was scorched on the back of her eyelids? How she’d thrown herself at him and he’d not only caught her but took over the kiss like he was starved for it? She could still feel his tongue in her mouth, stroking over her teeth, enticing hers to dance with him.

  Busying her mouth, she gulped at the coffee and tried not to let her analytical brain take over as to why he was still here looking like a grumpy god in her kitchen.

  He looked good. So good. She couldn’t look at him.

  It was the nature of her job, and just the way Gia’s mind worked to overanalyze, to find a solution or a reason. Her clients relied on her to fix their marital problems in ten easy sessions. She liked to deliver. Helping people made her feel good. If she didn’t have love in her life, then she wanted everyone around her to be happy.

  She’d miss her practice, too, and her clients, but she’d already mentioned her possible relocation to most of her rolodex and some wanted to keep her as their therapist. Thank god for Skype sessions being an actual thing in this modern era. She was happy to take them with her and build up a new practice in Colorado.

  One minute.

  Two minutes.

  The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but Gia was aware she was present with the man who had starred in all her adult fantasies and some before she’d reached eighteen. If she were truthful, and why wouldn’t she be? Because lying to yourself was the first step to insanity. Hawk was the first person she gave herself an orgasm over and now it came back to her in startling lucidity to put color into her cheeks as though he’d see inside her brain and knew just how dirty her thoughts could get.

  Gia breathed, drained her coffee. Fingers fidgeted with her coffee mug.


  Hawk moved off by pushing his hands against the sink before she could say another word. His sleek panther-like glide had her riveted to her seat, her thighs pressed tightly together to put out the forest fire he’d caused.

  “I’m gonna head off now I know you survived the night,” he said seriously making Gia grin with a touch of embarrassment. She still can’t believe he stayed all night. Probably in her bedroom in that uncomfortable chair watching her. And she, dumbass, slept through the entire thing.

  “Did you watch me?” She blurted before she could get a hold of her tongue.

  He cocked a brow under his hair she ached to brush out of his eyes, but his beard appeared tamer this morning. Almost as if he’d been running his hands over it repeatedly.

  “How else would I know if you choked?”

  “Well. Thanks again. And sorry for—”

  “No need.”

  She followed his quick gait down the hallway to the door. He stopped so abruptly Gia almost ran into his solid back. And she knew it was solid because she could still feel him under her fingers from last night when she’d monkey-clung to him.

  “If you’re still serious about wanting office space for your head shrink business,” he spoke. Gia frowned. “Contact Lawless. He can get you a good deal on rent.”

  “I spoke to you about that?”

  Hawk snorted. “Your drunk self was chatty on the drive home.”

  “Oh. well. Yes. I am serious. The other partner in my building is buying me out and I’m seeing a realtor for this place in the next few days.”

  Gia was excited and apprehensive at the same time.

  “How long are you staying in Austin for?” Without conscious thought, she reached out and placed a hand at his wrist. An inconsequential touch to gain his attention and yet it was more than obvious both she and Hawk were affected by it when their breaths hiked in volume at the same time.

  She rubbed her fingers on the fine hairs. Back and forth. Not daring to pull from his eyes.

  She watched his nostrils flare and his lips thin and when she thought he was going to get mad as was his norm, he surprised the hell out of her when he didn’t.

  Just stood there and allowed her to stroke him.

  It was like being offered the keys to Christian Louboutin’s factory and told to go wild.


  “Hm … yeah?” Oh, she loved that rust sounded tone. Like he was turned on. And the depth of his eyes almost eclipsed by the dark pupil.

  “I asked how long you were going to be in Austin for? I assume it’s temporary.” God. She hoped it was or she was moving for nothing. Not nothing, but he was a big part in her decision.

  “For as long as it takes.”

  “As long as what takes?” Dare she hope it was something to do with her?

  When his brow pinched she knew it wasn’t.

  “Just business.”

  “So, you will be coming back to Colorado?”

  “Yeah. It’s where I live.”

  Gia grinned and let him have his wrist back.

  “Good. That’s good.”

  He left. And Gia was smiling.

  Not aware just how soon she’d see Hawk again.

  She couldn’t have known.


  “He’ll have his guts to-go.” - Hawk

  Sweat dripped into his eyes until the salt liquid temporarily hindered his line of vision, but not enough he looked from his opponent. He swept it away with two fingers, rolled his thick neck. Crack. Crack. Bounced on his toes. Filled his ribcage with air.

  Eyeing the man cowering over in the corner like he was the only enemy Hawk gave a shit about staring down.

  “You’re not done,” he announced in a threatening tone. He motioned for the wheezing man to come at him. The prospect was worse for wear holding onto the ropes for dear life as he swayed on spindly legs. One eye almost closed over with a swollen bruise. His lip fat and several purple spots were appearing along his left rib cage. “Hurry up,” growled Hawk.

  His juices were just getting going.

  He bounced and grinned.

  The man visibly recoiled and looked to a point beyond Hawk’s shoulder.

  A loud barked laugh came next. “I think the boy is done, H, you, mad fuck. Go get cleaned up, Jet.”

  “Sure thing, Prez.” The grateful guy said and was out of the ring before Hawk could scowl. Little pussy. Had no staying power.

  Hawk rounded on the club’s president. “You got pussies for prospects, Ty. This one didn’t even last five rounds. Yesterday’s kid was better.”

  “Yesterday’s kid has two broken ribs.”

  Hawk rolled a shoulder and grabbed
his water bottle. Downing it in one before he unpeeled the tape from his wrapped hands. So, what, he had energy to expel. He usually trained with Rider back home. These kids didn’t match up at all. Pitiful really considering he had twenty years on some of them.

  He jumped down out of the ring and wiped his face with a towel and across his chest.

  “We could use you in some fights if you’d reconsider, you know. You’re a fucking animal, H. We’d win big every single fucking time.”

  Certain chapters were involved in underground fight clubs. Mostly mixed martial arts with barely any rules. Back home their fighter was Tag. It made a lot of money as Ty said and at one point over the years Hawk considered it. The violence appealed a lot when his head was messed up. He didn’t care about the money, he had enough already that he hardly touched. He’d thought about it for an outlet and to help his club make more profit. But when it came down to it, he realized if he were ever pinned under someone he would lose his fucking mind. And no doubt at all break that fuckers neck and while there were minimal rules in the underground scene, murder was a no-no, what with it fucking with everyone’s profits if their best fighters were dead.

  “Not interested. I just like beating on your boys.” He smirked darkly. His knuckles weren’t even broken. It showed how much fun he’d had this morning.

  Ty laughed and ran a hand over his dark brown hair. The man was much like Rider in the fact he took no bullshit regarding his club. Hawk witnessed the way his club was run the last months and was impressed. Even told Rider the same. “You always were a mad fuck, H. Coming out with us tonight after the run?”

  He thought of Gia and the way she danced for him. How her hips went from side to side and her tits almost spilled out of the top. He’d thought too much on the way she’d kissed him, her mouth opened wide for him to lick and suck at her with all his depraved longing on show. Three days and he was still juiced hard over it.

  He ached to see her again. If anything, the addiction had worsened.

  He really needed to see Rider about returning home. He’d done as much recon as he could on Rex and his two sons, who as far as Hawk could tell were not involved in whatever scheme Rex had going with the bratva.


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