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Owned by Two Alphas (Gay Menage)

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by Krishna Brooks

  Owned by Two Alphas

  By: Krishna Brooks

  ©Copyright Krishna Brooks 2016

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  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author or publisher.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to the author. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.

  Owned by Two Alphas

  I’ve been in hot water before so when a poker game goes south, I don’t think much of it. Shifters are good at healing and I can take a beating like nobody’s business.

  But the alpha I’ve longed for all my life sweeps in after years away, to save me. But there is a catch. Shifter law mandates I am now owned by Barian and his quietly dangerous friend until I can pay off my debt.

  But he makes me an offer I can’t refuse. Should I gamble on my future with him, when he left me before?

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Also Available

  Chapter One

  My heart was drumming in my ears as I ran my thumb over the smooth surface of the playing cards. There wasn’t a whole lot that could beat a full house. I flashed my attention to the pile of chips lying in the center of the table. This was going to be a big win. I did my best to keep my composure.

  My opponent ran his finger across his lip, his numerous tattoos doing little to scare me. A lot of the humans I played with looked like he did—gangsters, bikers, and the occasional businessman. “I heard you are something of a legend around the table, Colby. There must be something to it considering you put everyone to shame.”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m not one to brag.”

  As we eyed each other, I used my shifter senses to tune into his heartbeat. It was steady which was worrisome. He wasn’t nervous. Many were good at bluffing that their body language aligned, but he was completely devoid. It was the reason in part that I was a successful gambler—because I knew when to go for it and when to back down. Unfortunately, this guy was good at cloaking his natural responses.

  But my hand was better.

  “It’s been nice playing with you,” I said cordially. The gangster simply smiled and hushed whispers swirled around me. We’d had an audience for quite some time now.

  A little thrill coursed through me as I laid the cards down. “Full house.”

  The guy nodded slowly, his dark gaze on my cards. I looked to the chips. I could almost smell the ink on the cash coming my way. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, boy.”

  I swallowed hard as he set his hand down, revealing four of a kind. My vision blurred and I looked between our hands, sure I had missed something. It was a one in a million chance and he’d somehow pulled it off.

  “Sorry,” he said and bunched his shoulders up. One of the peacekeepers leaned in and whispered something into his ear. “This man tells me you agreed to pay out your entry fee from your winnings. But it seems the entry fee has eaten into what I am owed.”

  “Uh…” I glanced at the beefy guy who blinked at me blankly. I had relied on winning big, paying off the entry fee and skedaddling with what was left.

  The gangster clucked his tongue. “Colby… really? You want to play with the big boys but don’t have the bills to back it up? What are we going to do with you?”

  I swallowed my fear, refusing to let them see it. The people that had been watching our game scattered like flies. The hired muscle pressed his phone to his ear. Fine. I could take a beating. Shifters were good at healing.

  “Wait,” someone said behind me, his dark, rough voice sinking deep into me.

  I turned to regard the man, my jaw dislodging as I gaped at someone I hadn’t seen in years. Barian. I’d lost count how many years it had been since my pack-leader had thrown him out of the pack. He was as dark and dangerous—and fucking hot—as I remembered. Something tightened deep inside, a sensation I hadn’t felt since he’d left.

  His fiery emerald eyes flashed to me for a moment before settling on the gangster. “I’ll make a deal with you. One game. If I win, you erase his debt. If you win, I’ll pay you double what he owes.”

  “What?” I croaked, taken aback that he was here. I’d missed him something awful when he went away. Barian had always been kind to me and showed me attention when the others did not. Unmated omegas, we were virtually ignored. Unless someone wanted to display their strength, of course. But Barian had always stepped in and protected me.

  “You serious?” The guy asked and laughed. “What, he your boyfriend or something?”

  Barian said nothing and looked to the side. My omega senses fired off as another alpha stepped forward and tossed a backpack on the table. Gangster dude unzipped it and handled the cash. His dark eyes scanned them, his heartbeat rising in excitement.

  “Deal,” he said.

  A rough hand grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me out of my seat. Barian passed me a none too pleased look and took a seat at the table. I backed right into the other alpha, his ice-blue eyes drilling into me. I looked down in submission. I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I wasn’t sure what was worse—being in debt to a criminal organization, or to the alpha I’d had a major crush on.

  The game started off cordially, Barian showing little emotion or concern. I wanted to slink away, but I knew I’d never get out unaccosted. All I could do was watch as the scene played out before me. It wasn’t a surprise that Barian had the cash to back up his bet. After all, he’d been the one that had taught me how to play.

  But I didn’t understand why he was here. And why now after all these years. I did my best to hide it, but when he’d left without so much as a good-bye to me, it had hurt. If he would have asked me to come with, I would have in a heartbeat. I couldn’t help being upset with him and seeing him now renewed that anger.

  I quelled my nerves and focused on the gangster’s body language. He was so sure of himself, his heartbeat calm, his breathing even.

  “I’ve never seen you are here before,” the man said.

  “That’s because you are green,” Barian said simply and arranged his cards in his hand. “I’ve always been around.”

  The gangster laughed. “I see. So, we are to start with the cleverly disguised insults then, fool?”

  “Nope,” Barian said. “Being honest. You see, when you’ve been in the game just as long, you notice certain things. Like you only talk when the dealer is active as a means to distract. Your homies purposely lost decent hands to bolster the confidence of your opponents. Oh, and I’m willing to bet if we loosen the dealer’s collar we are going to find tattoos that match yours.”

  A sudden tension thickened the air and the gangster’s heartbeat accelerated. The dealer looked to him and the hired muscle pressed his phone to his ear again.

  “You are accusing me of cheating,” the man huffed. “Man, that ain’t a good idea.”

  “Mhm,” Barian murmured as several men entered the room. He was unaffected as he played.

; The dealer broke out in a sweat, his hands shaking and he dropped the cards everywhere.

  “I wonder what his problem is,” Barian said simply.

  The gangster yelled at the dealer in his native language and the men came forward. They grabbed the dealer, ripped his collar open and revealed gang tattoos. Everything played out so fast. The gangster pulled out a gun, security scrambled and Barian coolly disarmed the guy, nearly breaking his wrist in the process. It was fucking hot watching him move like that.

  Everyone disappeared into a room and the alpha that was with Barian caged me in.

  “Don’t make things worse by trying to slip away. We will find you and we will not be happy,” the man growled low in his throat.

  What the hell had I gotten myself into? I knew Barian wouldn’t hurt me, but I had no idea who the alpha he was running with was or what he was capable of. A sudden urge to seek Barian’s protection hit me, but I pushed it away.

  I knew I shouldn’t have gone out tonight, I grumbled to myself and proceeded to stare at the door Barian had disappeared behind.

  Chapter Two

  A half hour later, Barian emerged from the door and shook hands with a dangerous looking man in an expensive suit. When the guy left, Barian’s eyes settled on me and I looked to the floor.

  Don’t look at me, I pleaded. Because he was doing something to me I wasn’t comfortable with. Damn it, but why did my best friend, Ben have to go off and mate three bears? We would have been at The Watering Hole now, yapping over a few beers.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Barian said to his friend and retrieved the backpack full of cash sitting on the table.

  They marched me out the door and the moment fresh air hit me, I sighed. I started walking, but Barian stepped in my path. His lips pulled up in a sly grin. “Tell me what you did wrong.”

  “Um…” I looked between the two alphas and fidgeted. “Gamble without the funds to back it up?”

  Barian chuckled, his laughter like a deep purr that stroked me the right way. “You ignored the fact that your opponent was too confident. Every single game.”

  “I missed him cheating,” I admitted.

  “Yep,” Barian said. “Lucky for you, I happened to be in town. Black eyes would not suit you.”

  The other alpha leaned in and inhaled, his cold, ice-blue eyes traveling the length of my body. I shivered and stepped away.

  “Thanks. For saving me. Again. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere,” Barian said and lit a cigarette, the flare highlighting his stark features, the scruff on his face making him look dangerous. There was a reason my pack-leader had kicked him out of the pack. Because he had the strength and balls to challenge him for the role. “I paid your entry fee. Your game with that asshole concluded. It wasn’t revealed that he was cheating until we started so, you have a lot of debt. I covered it with my default winnings.”

  The other alpha inched closer, the heat of his big body stifling.

  “This is Kort, by the way,” Barian said and puffed on his coffin nail.

  I looked to him and curled my nose up in disgust. “Still nursing that bad habit, I see.”

  Barian laughed and looked to his friend. “He hasn’t changed after all these years.”

  Kort laughed darkly. “Pleased to meet you, Colby. My man has told me a lot about you.”

  “It’s late and I’m agitated so I’m going to get to the point. You are indebted to me which means I now own you. You won’t be going home tonight, Colby.”

  My heart jackhammered in my chest as I searched his face for an explanation with wide-eyes. “The pack—”

  “Doesn’t give a shit about you. They didn’t back then and they don’t now.” Barian nodded his head to the side. “My car is this way.”

  I said nothing as I followed. What could I do? Omegas were no match for alphas and there was two of them. Besides, he was right. I owed him for saving my ass. But I was afraid of what that might mean. We rounded the corner of an alley and I gaped as a sleek black charger sat behind some dumpsters. Barian deactivated the alarm and I quietly slipped into the back seat.

  As we drove, I looked out the window, wishing I’d been more careful. My heart wouldn’t stop drumming and my stomach was in knots. I wasn’t sure where he was taking me or how he expected me to pay off my debt.

  Barian steered the charger into an underground parking lot and got out. He opened the door for me and I carefully kept as much distance between us as possible.

  “You know I would never hurt you, right?” he said, tenderness crossing his face.

  I swallowed hard and looked between the two alphas, unable to process what was happening.

  “Let’s get inside and get comfortable and I’ll explain.”

  We took the elevator up to the top floors and Barian slid his keys home. I gaped as we entered what I assumed was his apartment, the roomy place shiny and new and expensive. It smelled like an upper-scale furniture showroom—all lemon and leather.

  “How long have you been back?” I asked.

  “A few months,” Barian said and fished out three cans of soda from the fridge. He tossed one at Kort and set another on the table. He slid it toward me.

  I stared at the can and watched as the condensation slowly formed. “I need a few weeks to pay off my debt but I will get you your cash.”

  Barian shook his head. “You won’t be paying me off with money.”

  I tried to swallow the lump lodged in my throat, but my esophagus was dry. What was I doing here? I knew to my core as omega what he meant but—holy shit. I shouldn’t want it as bad as I did. I really needed to leave.

  “When I returned to Chicago, I wasn’t surprised to find that you haven’t mated. You always had a big mouth and few alphas would put up with that.” Barian sipped at his Sprite, his lips shining with moisture. “Fortunately for you, I like my omegas with a little bite.”

  I looked wide-eyed at him, the room seeming to close in on me. “Why now?”

  “Because I wasn’t ready back then. I was young and unseasoned and unsure. Things are different now. I know what I want and am ready to take it.” Barian’s intense green eyes drilled into me. I connected with them. I knew I should look away but… I wanted to dare him to make his move. Barian took the bait. He set the soda down and approached, his big body caging me in.

  I swallowed hard and did my best to hold his eyes but the need to submit to him was too great and I looked down. His fingers on my chin were firm and warm. He tipped my head back, his gaze running all over me. He leaned in and my muscles tightened, my cock jerking in my pants. Fuck! It was like no time had passed between us.

  I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he ran his nose along my jaw and inhaled. “I can smell your arousal. It was hard keeping my hands off you before. Now, I’m not going to even try.”

  A moan escaped my throat. His lips took mine and I could do nothing but follow his lead, his kiss gentle and exploratory. His lips were like satin, his breath fresh, his scent intoxicating. I melted against him as he controlled the kiss, his tongue darting into my mouth and taking control of not just my tongue, but my body.

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “You want this.”

  Furrowing my brows, I hit his chest. “You idiot! I’ve wanted you back then. Of course, I want you now.”

  The two alphas burst out in belly-shaking laughter and I blushed. Barian passed Kort a knowing look. “Told you. He’s got balls. He is going to round off our duo nicely.”

  I searched Barian’s face, his eyes hooded. “I don’t understand.”

  He took my shaking hand and kissed my knuckles. I couldn’t deny that I liked the way our fingers linked. “I need an omega that can put up with two snarly alphas like us and I can’t think of anyone better than you. It’s why I came back to Chicago. If I were to mate anyone, you are my first choice. I’d argue, my only choice.”

  I couldn’t breathe. The air had been sucked out of the room. Sex was
one thing but was he asking me to mate him? I glanced to Kort who was leaning against the counter, his muscular arms folded over his chest, his eyes filled with lust.

  Barian followed my attention. “Kort is cold and hard on the outside but deep down, he is warm and fluffy. You will see.”

  Barian pulled me close to him, his arms warm and solid and strong. Omegas like me, those that were unmated and on the bottom of the ladder received very little attention. It left us cold and alone and desperate for only what an alpha could provide. But this was different. This was Barian. I trusted him, more than I had anyone in my life. I wanted him, more than I was willing to admit.

  He kissed me again, his tongue stroking mine in long, slow sweeps. His palm dipped under my shirt and spanned my back. I was putty in his arms. He nudged my head to the side and nipped at my neck, sending a shiver through me. It was a precursor of what he wanted to from me and I willing tipped my head to the side. I made it a habit of sleeping with humans often but they couldn’t give me what an alpha could. Not just any alpha, I mused. Barian.

  “I want to be clear,” Barian murmured against my skin. “I want you, yes. But I want you willing and certain. If you mate me, you accept Kort as well.”

  I glanced to the alpha watching us with heated eyes, the tent in his jeans obvious. “I’m still mad at you for leaving me behind,” I rasped. “I would have followed you.”

  “I know,” Barian said gently. “But I needed to find my path. You think being an alpha is easy? Let me tell you.”

  A smile ticked at my lips. I suppose he was right. Back then, I had been just a pup and Barian only a few years older than me. Though I didn’t know what it was like to be an alpha personally, I regularly witnessed their constant struggle for dominance.

  Barian gestured to Kort and he approached. I swallowed hard as the man boxed me in, his unfamiliar scent and icy eyes sending a shiver through me.


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