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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 35

by Shannon Barczak

  He left but not before dropping off his dog Oscar and plying me with Chinese food.

  I alternated daily between feeling longing and hatred. I was well aware that he left to protect me and all the other island residents. Julia who was a sightseer and I both had visions of a Fae Lord and witch planning an invasion of the island with the Rau sometime during the Fae spring visit. They were going to drop the barriers to let the Rau into either kill or capture our clan, and then they were going to kidnap me and suck out my powers for their own use. Mathias went to recruit new and old Guardians and also try to find out any information he could.

  I understood all this, but part of me was still pissed.

  My freaky hybrid powers were seriously becoming a pain in my ass.

  I turned and walked up the few short steps into my almost finished new bakery and stopped dead when I swung open the door.

  I’m going to kill her, I thought. I slowly took in the sight of my newly painted walls, my newly painted hot pink walls.

  “Pink?” I asked my cousin Julia in disbelief as she came into the front part of the store from the back. “You seriously painted the inside of my bakery pink?”

  “It’s not pink. It’s purple,” she answered innocently

  “No, Barney the dinosaur is purple. This is pink.” I replied

  “It’s purple, trust me.”

  “A Concord grape is purple. An eggplant is purple. This is pink! I picked out a lovely gray color. Not a Barbie princess power hue.”

  “Willa, that gray color you chose was so depressing. I mean a bakery is supposed to be a fun place to come. Not to wallow in misery.” Julia said

  “I like the color I chose. I think it goes wonderfully with the outside cranberry color of the building.”

  “About that...” Julia hedged

  “About what?” I asked suspiciously

  “I was thinking we should change the outside color to coral or even yellow.”

  “Oh my God, really? Should we use glitter paint too?” I asked sarcastically

  “Surprise!” A chorus of voices rang through the air. Out of the kitchen came my whole family, as well as my Guardian Riah. My mother was holding a small two tiered cake.

  “Very funny,” I said. “Now can we please get rid of this hideous color?”

  “That’s not the surprise silly.” said Julia, her blue eyes sparkling

  “That better be or I am going to go ape shit, or all dinosaur on your ass.”

  “You don’t like the color Willy Dilly?” asked my dad Cormac. Tall, dark hair, green eyes, my dad was the most handsome 55 or should I say 255 year old man in the world.

  “Yeah, I like it as much as I like the color of Cupcake’s diarrhea after he eats turkey.” I replied, referring to my big, dumb, lovable St. Bernard.

  “Oh Willa, was that necessary?” Cecily, my mother asked with a sigh. Short, wavy, dark red hair framed my mother’s beautiful porcelain skin and her dark brown eyes looked on me with her usual resignation.

  “Cupcake’s diarrhea? Was that necessary? No, Uncle Cuddy needs to stop feeding him table scraps.”

  “It was only a little piece Willa,” my big, hulking uncle said sheepishly

  “It was a freaking brontosaurus turkey leg!” I said loudly

  “I have to side with Willa on this one. It was a monster, dad,” agreed my cousin Jeremiah. He flashed me his dimpled smile, and I was momentary sidetracked as I took in his sad brown eyes. I made a mental note to talk to him later before I turned my attention back to Julia.

  “Julia. I love you. To be honest, you’re like the sister I never wanted but please can we change this color because I’m going to throw up if I have to look at any longer.”

  “It’s not that bad,” replied my aunt Gussie, Julia and Jeremiah’s mom. “It’s just a little bright. We could tone it down a bit.”

  “Tone it down to what?” Riah grinned making him look more sinfully handsome than usual. “I think a Pepto Bismal pink shade would be fantastic.”

  “Oh, enough already,” my grandmother Winifred said. She closed her eyes and muttered under her breath. A little breeze fluttered my hair and I watched as the color on the walls changed.

  “Better?” Julia asked as she flipped her long, blonde hair over her shoulder.

  “Hmmm, this wasn’t the color I picked.” I said as I took in the new paint that stained the walls.

  “No, but before you say anything, I thought that this was a more sophisticated color. It’s still gray, but it also has hints of purple and silver.”

  Everyone waited while I walked around and took in the room. The black and white checkered floor had been polished to a shine. The three glass display cases gleamed under the new can lights, and the old black and white photos of the town and bakery on the walls were strategically placed. In one corner an old, bronze wire mannequin stood swathed in a 1930’s flapper dress. The arms held a small tray with a few art deco cups and cigarette case.

  The wall on the left as you walked in had been sprayed in a perfect square with chalkboard paint and gold, glittering chalk read “Happy birthday Willa."

  It looked beautiful.

  “It’s...” I started

  “It’s what? Come on Willa!” Julia groaned

  “It’s fucking perfect.” I answered

  Everyone but my mother chuckled. Cecily set the small, ivory two tiered cake down and lit a silver candle.

  “Make a wish darling.” she said

  For a moment, I froze. After all there was only one thing in this world I wanted, one thing that I ached for more the anything.


  I would give up everything I owned just to see him walk through that door and give me one of his infrequent smiles that set my heart into a tailspin. He may have only been gone for almost four months, but it was like 400 hundred years to me.

  Instead of bursting into tears as I so wanted to do every time I thought of him, I swallowed it back and plastered on a smile. I blew out the small candle and wished that my family would all be safe and healthy.

  After that everyone took a small plate of cake, and we hung around chatting for a few minutes.

  “So what are your plans for today Willa?” Jeremiah asked

  “Well, after checking on the bakery I was going to head to the Guardian headquarters and see if Milton’s turned up anything.” I answered

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll join you.” he said

  “I do mind.” I smirked

  “Get over it,” he replied with a grin

  Over the past few months, Jeremiah and I had gotten pretty close. We had both been working on researching the Fae Lord and this evil witch together, along with Milton, the head of the Guardian geek squad. Everyone else in the family had also been helping out but not as much as the three of us.

  They all thought the majority of our research was a waste of time. We were not only trying to figure out the identities of these two lunatics who wanted to break down the barriers to let the Rau come in and kill or capture the clan, but we were also looking into clues of the four Fae Sanctities.

  The Fae Sanctities were four weapons supposedly created to destroy each faction of the Fae. These weapons were fabled to be hidden in each of the realms, but nobody had any clue what they were or where they were located. The Earth realm could hold the weapon to kill the Fire Fae. The Air realm could hold a weapon to kill the Water Fae and so forth.

  Since we had no clue who or what faction of the Fae this Lord belonged to our brilliant plan had been to find the weapons so we could be ready for whatever element he turned out to be in control of. Unfortunately, we weren’t sure if these weapons existed. Considering we hadn’t been able to uncover any information on the weapons or the Fae Lord we were all starting to feel the strain.

  In a few short weeks, the portal from the Fae world of Fairlia to the Gypsy Isle of Skye would be opened. Two weeks of celebrating and visiting would commence between our people. That didn’t leave us a lot of time to plan.
Since Mathias had taken off in search of any clues he could find and as well as look for any random, roaming Guardians for extra security, we were on our own.

  “Julia?” my aunt Rhoswen voice which was laced with concern cut through the air

  “Julia? What is it?” Gussie asked

  I looked over and saw Julia standing in the middle of the shop. Her eyes were glazed over, and her hands shook. The plate she had been holding crashed to the floor smashing into several pieces.

  “The cove, the cave, the mountain, and the forest,” Julia muttered

  “Julia, what do you see?” asked my uncle Oliver gently

  “The cove, the cave, a mountain, the forest,” she repeated before shaking her head and sitting down on the floor.

  I rushed over and sat by her side. I grabbed her cold hands and rubbed them. “Are you all right?” I asked

  “Yes,” she said in a soft voice. “It was strange. The vision felt like it wasn’t real.”

  “Ok.” I replied confused

  “What do you mean?” Winifred asked

  “Well, usually I see real places and real people. This wasn’t like that. It reminded me of a picture or a painting. They just flashed before me.”

  We all were silent as we gathered our thoughts. Why would Julia, who could see the future, have visions of paintings?

  “Julia saw clues.” Jeremiah said suddenly

  “Clues?” Oliver asked. “Clues for what?”

  “The Fae Sanctities,” he answered

  “Jeremiah, we have talked about this a million times. They are a myth, a legend. No one alive has ever seen them,” my dad said

  “Think about it, a cave, a cove, a mountain, and a forest. All places in each realm where we need to look.”

  “Yes.” I said as my mind raced. “He’s right.”

  “Not you too Willa,” Cuddy groaned

  “What else could her vision mean?” I asked. “Dad you visited all the realms growing up. What are they like?”

  Cormac sighed before answering. “The Water realm, of course, is an island. A flat, picturesque village surrounded by a beautiful sea. The Earth realm also shares its borders with Woodlia, the Nymph sanctuary. It’s very pretty in a dark way. The forest is so thick there. The memory that stands out the most is the smell. The Earth realm has a clean, crisp, scent heavily fragranced with evergreen.”

  “How poetic Cormac.” Winifred said. “Is there anything useful you can tell us or shall I get you some quills and paper?”

  “Mother,” Cecily admonished

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I totally agree with her.” I added

  “I’m trying to explain what I remember. You have to understand I haven’t been there since I was a child.” said Cormac

  “Sorry. You’re right. I guess I was hoping for a lay of the land. Are there any maps available?”

  “Maps?” he asked. “Well, the one place I can tell you that will be very difficult to get the lay of the land would be the Fire realm. It’s a smoldering desert of ash.”

  “With caves?” asked Jeremiah

  “Yes, the whole place is riddled with them.”

  “Sort of like an ashy Afghanistan?” I asked

  “Well, that’s one way to put it.” My dad grinned

  “What about the Air realm?” Oliver asked

  “The Air realm is quite breathtaking. It’s like the Swiss Alps on steroids.” Cormac answered

  “Jeremiah and Willa are right.” Julia suddenly said. “It has something to do with the Fae Sanctities. A quest, maybe?”

  “Well, the only quest Willa has now is to accompany me to place the protective spells around the island.” Winifred sniffed

  “Can’t Mom go with you today?” I asked

  “No your mother cannot go with me today,” she replied

  “But I still haven’t gotten anything done here and I want to focus on this vision that Julia had.” I whined

  “Cormac and Cecily, a status report for Willa, please.” Winifred barked

  “Everything is coming along wonderfully. I interviewed a few people today to work behind the counter, and I may have found someone that we can use for extra kitchen help. I also received photos from our work in Yuma for our portfolio. Aside from finishing up ordering a few more things we are ahead of schedule. Well on this end anyway.” Cecily frowned

  “What do you mean on this end?” I asked anxiously

  “The ovens are going to be another four to six weeks.” Cormac answered ruefully

  “Four to six weeks?” I asked in disbelief. “You told me that last week?”

  “There was a problem with the shipment,” he answered

  “Well, undo it!” I yelled. “I wanted to be open in two to three weeks.”

  “I realize that sweetheart but these things take time. It’s not like we can have a normal delivery here on the island. There are certain channels we need to go through.”

  “Can’t you just conjure them up?” I asked

  “We discussed this already. Not with anything metal, you know that.” Cormac answered

  “Willa?” Gussie asked

  “Yes? What?” I replied sharply

  “Perhaps this is for the best? After all, you have so much on your plate right now. The Fae will be coming here soon, and the Fae Lord and witch’s identity still needs to be solved.”

  I looked away for a minute. Aunt Gussie had a point, but I desperately wanted to get this bakery up and running. I realized a while ago that I couldn’t fit my old life in with my new one, but I still wanted to try. I needed the normality of running my own business and having a purpose every day.

  Of course if the Fae Lord and witch have anything to say about it all of this will be a moot point.

  “You’re right. I should just focus on research right now.”

  “Excellent.” Winifred said. “Riah, will you join us, please?”

  “I am but a mere humble servant, your majesty.” Riah said with a bow

  “Oh please.” Julia and I both said. Only mine was more in a joking manner, Julia’s was much more catty.

  I stared at her for a moment before she walked away and busied herself with helping my mom and Rhoswen with the cleanup. Why on earth would Julia be bitchy with Riah? Apparently he didn’t have a clue either. When we exchanged glances, he just shrugged and walked over to the front door to wait for me and granny Winnie.

  “All right, let’s get going. I have a lot to do today. I have to chase myth and legend which could be this island’s only salvation.” I said. “Oh and it’s my birthday in case you have forgotten.”

  “I actually did there for a minute.” Cuddy mused

  “Thanks Uncle C, feeling the love.” I retorted

  “Can we go now?” Winifred asked impatiently

  “One sec. Jules, we still on for a Hugh Grant movie marathon tonight?” I asked

  “Yes, yes, yes! I can’t wait to watch ‘Four weddings and a Funeral,' ‘Bridget Jones’ and then ‘Love Actually.'”

  “Oh, I want to come.” Rhoswen added

  “Me too,” said my mom enthusiastically

  “What a great idea to have a girl’s night. Will you join us grandmother?” asked Julia

  “I suppose I have nothing better to do.” said Winifred casually

  “You have nothing better to do? You have nothing better going on in your busy life than to celebrate your favorite granddaughters twenty-sixth birthday?” I asked feigning hurt

  “You’re not my favorite,” she scoffed

  “Awww, thank you so much,” Julia said gently

  “Neither are you. I have no favorites. I love you all equally,” she said

  I snorted. A few months ago she wanted to ship me off with my dad to Fairlia, never to be seen again, now she was professing love.

  “Shut up Willa.” Winifred said stiffly as she walked out the front door regally.

  “Hugs and kisses to you too.” I returned. “See you girls later. Bye dad, bye Uncle Oliver
and Cuddy. Meet you at the Geek Squad Headquarters in an hour J.”

  I took one last look at my new bakery before I turned and joined Granny Winifred.

  It was the first smile I had in a long time.

  “You’re worried.” Winifred stated a half an hour later. Winifred, Riah and I were standing on the northernmost point of the island. Once a week my grandmother came out here and cast enchantments around the island. There was an impenetrable protective barrier that surrounded the island that for several hundred years had held out any enemies.

  “I am.” I admitted. “We still don’t know who this Fae Lord is or the witch he’s working with right now. We don’t know if they have made any plans with the Rau to come here. We don’t know jack shit about anything and the time is quickly dwindling down. The Fae will be here in a few weeks, and we are horribly unprepared.”

  “I feel the same way,” she said. “We have to have faith though.”

  “Faith?” I asked. “I don’t know if faith is enough.”

  “Mathias will be back soon. I’m sure he has come up with a plan or even discovered some information.” Winifred said

  “Maybe,” I said. “He hasn’t been in contact, so I have no idea what he’s found.”

  “I’m sure Mathias has everything under control.” Riah said

  “What was your take on Sidra and Kelvin’s visit?” I asked Winifred. “Do you think they realized we were holding some things back?”

  “Sidra I’m sure knows that something is up. She is probably waiting for us to confide in her.”

  I was quiet for a minute while I remembered my Fairy grandparents visit. My father’s parent’s Queen Sidra and Prince Kelvin arrived shortly after Christmas. Although the visit went well it still seemed very formal. They were both charming and were genuinely interested in meeting me and reconnecting with my father.

  Winifred had decided to keep the news of their arrival as secret as possible which is why only Winifred, my parents, and I met with them. Everything seemed to be going well until the topic of Gussie and Julia’s miraculous rescue came up in conversation. Mathias and I had both decided that keeping Sidra in the dark was in the best interest of everyone involved.

  We didn’t want anyone tipping off the Fae Lord that we were onto him. Mathias and my grandmother also believed that keeping some of my more unusual powers, like my freaky fire and lethal blood, to ourselves played more in our favor.


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