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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 40

by Shannon Barczak

  “That sounds perfect.” Julia said relieved

  “Willa,” said Mathias

  “What Mathias?” I asked impatiently. I had so many conflicting emotions right now. A part of me just wanted to get away from him so I could process everything that had happened tonight. Of course, another part of me didn’t want to let him out of my sight.

  “Before you come back here tomorrow will you please stop by the Guardian offices?” he asked. “We need to prep Gabriel, Sabine and Robert about you. I’m going to need you to unmask your scent so they can get used to it.”

  Before Mathias had left, he had told the Guardians not only about my freaky witch fire that could kill them but he also informed them of my blood that was poisonous to vampires. Mathias was the only one that seemed immune. Oliver still puzzled over that fact, but I was pretty confident it had to do with us being true mates.

  “Good idea. I wouldn’t want to have to kill anyone by accident.” I answered

  Sabine’s musical laughter filled the air. “Kill anyone? That’s ridiculous.”

  This bitch was going to get on my nerves. A future altercation between us was on the horizon, and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “Yes, kill you. Better watch it Frenchy.” I said sweetly

  Her eyes narrowed and Mathias sighed. What did he expect me to do? Was I supposed to stand here and take this chick’s condescending crap? Not now. Not ever.

  “Come on J & J, let’s hit the road. I’m beat.” I said to Jeremiah and Julia. We all grabbed hands, and I teleported us to my house a few short seconds later.

  Cupcake and Oscar met us by the front door more excited than usual. After much patting, they finally settled down in a heap on the floor.

  “Jeez, what is wrong with the two of you?” I wondered aloud

  “I’m exhausted.” Jeremiah said

  “Well before you fall asleep can you please shower?” I asked. “You reek of beer and peanuts.”

  “Remnants of the poker night gone wrong I suspect.” Julia yawned

  Jeremiah disappeared into the guest room to shower. Since Jeremiah had been here almost all week doing research with me, he had plenty of clothes and toiletries stored in the guest room. I had jokingly asked him for rent money yesterday.

  Julia and I headed downstairs to clean up as well. We both slipped on some of my pajamas and went back upstairs to make the couches up with blankets and sheets. We all let out identical sighs when we sat down.

  “It’s been a long night.” Julia observed. “I still cannot believe that grandfather is alive.”

  “It’s bizarre. He’s been gone for such a long time. To find out he’s alive is crazy.” I added

  “It’s strange isn’t it?” Jeremiah asked. “In a six month period, all the family is back on the island. It’s almost like its fate or something.”

  “You think there’s a reason for all of this?” Julia asked

  “Yes, I do.” he answered. “It just seems too much of a coincidence.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidences anymore.” I said

  “Me either.” Jeremiah agreed

  “Well, we should all watch something on the telly and get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.” Julia said

  We all agreed, and Jeremiah set the TV on the History channel and put the sound on low. I tried to tune everything out and relax. Slowly sleep finally came over me, and I drifted off into dreamland.

  I was woken up by the sound of Polly’s voice yelling outside. “Get off me furball. Go piss somewhere else.”

  I shook my head and sat up chuckling. Julia was still fast asleep, but Jeremiah poked his head out from the kitchen.

  “Didn’t you buy eggs the other day?” he asked

  “The eggs are right on the top shelf. Goodness if they had teeth they would bite you.” I said

  “Oh, got it,” he replied a few seconds later

  “People are going to start talking about us.” I said sleepily. “You’ve been spending the night here, going grocery shopping with me. It’s time for you to get a life man.”

  “Get a life?” Polly asked as she came in the house, “More like get a wife. What’s going on? Besides this whole weird kissing cousins thing?”

  I laughed and quickly filled her in on what had happened last night.

  “Poor gramps,” Polly said. “Is he going to be all right?”

  “We don’t know yet.” I answered. “Oliver should hopefully have more information today.”

  Jeremiah and Polly busied themselves making breakfast while I woke Julia up from her restful sleep. An hour later we were all sitting in the living room after devouring eggs, bacon and toast.

  “Talk about girls with an appetite.” Jeremiah muttered

  “You don’t get these hips by just eating salads.” I said

  “OK, Jeremiah. Oh, by the way, ‘Jeremiah was a bullfrog’.” Polly sang. “Sorry, I had to do that.”

  “No problem. Willa did it in the first few days after we met,” he shrugged

  “Soul sista,” Polly said, leaning over to give me a high five. “Why don’t you make yourself scarce for a few minutes? Go take the dogs for a walk?”

  “Fine by me, I have no interest in girl talk,” he said getting up and calling the dogs. The moment he shut the deck slider; Polly looked at me.

  “Spill it,” she said

  I rubbed my eyes and sat there for a moment trying to formulate my words. Finally, it all started rushing out of my mouth. Everything from the time Mathias and I met to last night’s meeting. Julia and Polly listened and let me talk until finally I stopped and took a deep breath while I waited for their reaction.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  “Wow, so you’re like soul mates.” Polly said breaking out into laughter

  “Shut up.” I said, rolling my eyes

  “So did you see this Madame Julia?” Polly asked

  “I saw little things. Not all of that.” Julia answered. “It finally makes sense now. I can’t see true mates. Things would get blurry every time I had a vision of you and Mathias.”

  “That pretty much sum up our relationship.” I remarked. “It’s just so freaking complicated.”

  “It shouldn’t be though.” Julia said. “You’re true mates. It’s not something either of you can run from.”

  “Mathias would disagree with you. He’s determined to keep me at arm’s length.”

  “Didn’t look like that last night. It looked like he was going to strip you down and take you right there on the bar.” Polly fanned herself. “I almost asked for some popcorn and a cigarette so I could enjoy the show.”

  “He’s such a…peckerhead.” I said

  “A peckerhead?” Polly repeated. “I haven’t heard someone call a guy that since I was twelve.”

  “Does that mean a dickhead?” Julia asked

  Both Polly and I started laughing hysterically. To hear that come out of Julia’s mouth was hilarious.

  “So what are you going to do?” Polly asked after we calmed down from our laughing fit

  “I don’t know.” I answered. “I haven’t figured that out yet.”

  “You will.” Julia smiled

  “Do you know that for sure or are you just being a good friend?” I asked

  “Good friend,” she answered

  “Oh, so speaking of good friends, what’s the deal with you lately Jules?” I asked

  “What do you mean?” she shifted uneasily on the couch

  “Umm, let’s see the fact every time Riah’s around you get kind of bitchy?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about this right now,” she said, giving Polly a pointed look

  “It’s cool Jules.” Polly said. “I’ve given up on the man of my dreams. If he can’t see what he’s missing then screw him.”

  Julia was silent for a moment before she started talking. “I’ve been having dreams of Riah.”

  “You too?” Polly asked

I mean, I’ve been having visions in my dreams of Riah.”

  “Oh.” I said. “Were you an active participant in these dreams?”

  Julia visibly gulped. “Yes” she replied softly

  “Were these visions of things to come? Like for real?” Polly asked eagerly

  “I think so.” Julia answered. “Why?”

  “Did you see his penis?”

  “Polly!” I yelled, “Oh my God.”

  “What?” she asked innocently. “Oh, like you don’t want to know.”

  “No, I don’t want to know. OK, maybe a teeny, tiny bit.” I said. “Sorry Julia.”

  “It’s ok. They haven’t been those kinds of dreams, but they are heading in that direction. Then last night, I heard him.”

  “You heard him?” I asked alarmed, “In your head?”

  She just nodded. Wow, Riah and Julia, I have to say, I did not see that coming. Then a thought hit me. Not only was I entangled with a Guardian but Julia and Jeremiah was as well. Winifred was not going to be pleased by this. In fact, it was all a little strange, all three of her grandchildren mating or trying to with the Guardians of the Solas? Weird.

  “Does Riah even have a clue about any of this?” I asked

  “I don’t think so,” she answered. “I’m terrified that one day he’ll realize it and start hearing my thoughts.”

  “It doesn’t exactly work like that. Mathias can only hear what I want him to and likewise.”

  “But how did I hear Riah last night?” she asked. “It’s not like he was trying to make me listen to what was going on his mind.”

  “Hmm, good point.” I mused. Before I could even contemplate this any longer though, something caught my eye on the dining room table.

  “What’s that?” I asked pointing to what looked like a brightly wrapped present.

  “It looks like a present.” Polly answered

  “No shit Sherlock. Where or who did it come from?” I asked as I got up and walked over to the table.

  The square shaped gift was wrapped in paper decorated with cupcakes and had a small piece of paper attached to the top.

  To Willa,

  Happy Birthday


  “Who’s it from Willa?” Julia asked

  “The peckerhead,” I replied, still staring at the package

  “What? Mathias?” Polly shrieked. “When did he leave this?”

  “It must have been last night.” I murmured. “No wonder the dogs were so happy.”

  “Open it!” Polly asked excitedly

  I carefully tore the paper. I wanted to make sure I didn’t tear any part of it because I wanted to preserve it for all of eternity.

  Mathias had bought me a present.

  When I took the gift out, I stared at it for a few seconds. Excitement turned to perplexing silence as we all looked at my present.

  “It’s a digital photo frame.” I stated

  “That’s a very thoughtful gift.” Julia said

  “Yeah, for all of Willa’s amazing digital photos?” Polly snickered

  “Yes.” Julia answered. “He probably noticed she didn’t have her photos around her new house yet and thought this would be a perfect way for her to display them.”

  “That would be thoughtful but if he knew her at all, he would know her photos come out all blurry.” Polly said. “They look like an alcoholic with the shakes took them.”

  “It’s a nice frame?” Julia offered.

  I took the frame out, and we all looked at the boring brown frame with disappointment. When I flipped it over though I noticed there was already a memory card in place. I looked around to find a socket and plugged in the frame.

  “There’s already a card in it?” Polly asked. “Maybe he took some selfies, juicy naked selfies.”

  When the first image came on the screen, I sucked in my breath. It was a shot of my hometown, Yuma, Arizona. Pictures started flittering across the screen changing every few seconds. There were dozens of images of my town, my old school and my cottage. Shot after shot showed all sorts of different landmarks that were scattered throughout the area.

  When the first picture of the bakery came up, tears formed in my eyes. Yummy Yuma Bakery. My baby. Not only did Mathias get a picture of the outside he also took several up and down the street. He was able to get pictures of the inside of the bakery and managed to get a couple of Jon and Eric laughing with a customer.

  The final picture was of the Colorado River. I remember mentioning one time that I loved living near water, and I had missed the rushing waters in the back of my house. I think that’s why I had been so adamant to live near the sea when I came here. It was like the water called to me in a way. I had to be around some form of it always.

  I finally released the breath I had been holding and looked at Julia and Polly.

  “He gave me Yuma.”

  “That’s like the best gift ever.” Polly said amazed. “Yeah, he could give a shit about you Willa. Please, a man does not give a gift like this to a girl he’s trying to keep away from him.”

  “He’s not such a peckerhead, is he?” Julia asked smugly

  I just smiled. “No, he’s not. Well, not at this moment.”

  An hour later we were all ready to go out for the day. I dropped Polly off at the bakery first. She had no desire to hang out at the hospital all day. She was curious about the town but also wanted to check out the kitchen in the bakery right away.

  “Are you really staying here all summer?” I asked

  “Yeah, a girl needs to have a little cash jingling in her pocket,” she replied before jumping out of the golf cart and shooting us a wave.

  I left Julia and Jeremiah with the golf cart at the hospital before I quickly teleported to the Guardian offices. I wanted to get this over with as quick as possible. When you have to tell people about your freaky fire and poisonous blood, they tend to look at you a bit differently. Even though, most of the Guardians had come to accept me, there were some that still were a little wary.

  The first person I saw was Christopher. He gave me a tight smile before addressing me. “Willa, I’m glad you’re here. Mathias has been asking if you’ve arrived for the past few hours.”

  “He told me to come here before I went to the hospital.” I said. “I did just that.”

  “I’m sure you did but let’s just say Guardian Worthing is in a bad mood this morning. Maybe you should keep the humorous, wisecracks to a minimum.”

  “Mathias is in a bad mood?” I smiled. “Excellent.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he muttered before turning around and going the opposite direction of the hallway that housed Mathias’s office.

  I sauntered down slowly. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the sound of something heavy crashing against the wall and the sight of Veronica scurrying down the hall caught me by surprise.

  “Oh, thank God.” she said to me.

  “V, what’s going on?” I asked

  “Guardian Worthing is not in a pleasant state of mind,” she answered. “I think it’s best if you come back later.”

  “I’ll be fine.” I assured her. “I’m not afraid of him.”

  “Willa...” she started to say but was caught off by the sound of eerie silence before Mathias’s voice bellowed, “WILLA?”

  I gave her a grin before walking into his office. Mathias was standing in the center of the room with his arms crossed, and his face screwed up in a pissed off expression.

  He looked at me like he did all the time. I don’t know what everyone was so worked up about.

  “I asked you to come in hours ago,” he stated in a low voice

  “No.” I answered. “You asked me to come in before I went to the hospital. I followed your orders.”

  “It’s almost noon time.”

  “Is it?” I asked. “The morning just got away from me. We didn’t go to bed until almost three. Then we had breakfast and chatted. After we all finally got ready, I dropped Polly off in town and the
two J’s at the hospital.”

  When he continued to stare at me, I rolled my eyes. “What? What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is I have things to do, and I don’t have time to wait around for you while you leisurely go about your day.”

  “Oh whatever,” I asked. “What crawled up your ass today?”


  “You know I’m not going to fight with you. That’s the only reason you’re doing this.”

  “You’re not going to fight with me?” he asked, “How refreshing.”

  “I’m not going to fight with you because I opened your present.” I said. “Mathias, thank you. Thank you so much. It’s like the best…”

  “It was nothing,” he interrupted before turning his back on me to walk to walk around his desk.

  “It was too.”

  “I was near Yuma and decided to take some pictures for you. That’s all, nothing more, nothing less.”

  “You’re lying.” I said softly. “It was something more but God forbid you’ll ever admit that.”

  Mathias and I just stared at each other for several minutes. The air grew thicker and thicker. I wet my lips nervously and was surprised to see him watching me with a look of desire. My legs started to shake when he stood up slowly and walked around his desk to stand in front of me.

  I wanted him. I wanted him so bad and for the first time I could plainly see his eyes shining with the same need.

  “Willa...” he said huskily, but whatever words he was about to say were cut off by the sounds of voices that were coming closer and closer in the hallway.

  “Robert, Sabine and Gabriel are coming,” he whispered

  I almost grabbed his hands and teleported us the heck out of there. The one time I felt like Mathias was going to show some emotion towards me was ruined.

  I thought blaming Sabine sounded perfectly reasonable.

  There was a light tap on the door, and Mathias barked, “Enter.”

  Robert, Sabine and who I assumed was Gabriel came into the office somewhat apprehensively.

  Gabriel was indeed a young man. His dark blond hair looked artfully messy in a shaggy cut, and he still had a slight baby face. His hazel eyes though looked friendly and a little confused.


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