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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 58

by Shannon Barczak

  “What are you Mathias?” she asked softly

  Several Guardians joined us in the street. They all stayed back. I cursed to myself when I realized that they must have seen everything on the security cameras.

  “Mathias?” Winifred asked again

  “I don’t know.” he finally answered. Winifred stepped away from him and looked at Robert. He barely spared me a glance when he walked by me. He stopped in front of Mathias and flicked his wrist. Suddenly about twenty more Guardians joined him. I saw him hesitate before he slapped silver chains around his wrists, and that’s when I lost it.

  “What are you doing?” I yelled. “This is Mathias. He’s not a criminal.”

  “Willa…” my grandmother started to say as she took my arm. I pulled out of her grasp.

  “This is insane.” I shouted. “Release him at once.”

  “Willa, you need to calm down.” Winifred said

  “Fuck off. Now let him go!” I screamed

  “Willa!” she said in shock but I was beyond any reasoning. My mate was being chained, and I wanted blood.

  Willa, you need to calm down. If they were going to hurt me they would have killed me already

  This is crazy. I won’t let this happen

  Please, you’ll only make this worse

  “Worse?” I shouted. “How can this get any worse?”

  Robert flew at me and grabbed my arms. I felt my fire tingle on my fingertips but pushed it down when Mathias yelled my name in my head.

  “Willa. I know you’re mad right now but listen to me. Mathias is going to be detained and questioned. That’s it. We are not going to hurt him.”

  “Let him go Robert before I kill all of you.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” my grandmother shouted. “You saw his eyes. We need to find out more about what Mathias is and what he has kept from us.”

  “You don’t need to chain him like some kind of fucking animal.”

  “Willa Cecilia.” Winifred admonished. “You will leave at once. This is ridiculous.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I sneered. “I’m not leaving Mathias.”

  All of a sudden I felt a trickle of magic come over me. I turned around in shock when I spied my mother standing behind me.

  “Stop,” I said weakly. “I have to help Mathias.”

  “Willa, you have been through a lot this evening. You need to rest and let your body replenish its magic.”

  “Don’t tell me what I need.” I said softly. “The only thing I need...Is…”

  Those were last words I could force out of my mouth before I slumped to the ground and let sleep take over my body.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I struggled against the darkness that was pressing down on me. I tried to break through, but my whole body felt paralyzed. Sometimes I would almost wake and hear voices around me. I had a vague recollection of waking and screaming Mathias’s name but then I was being sucked back into oblivion of my forced sleep. Finally, I felt my mind and body connect at the same time. I cracked opened my eyes and assessed my surroundings.

  I was lying in a hospital bed with my arms were strapped down. Riah and Julia were sitting at a table across from me playing cards. I sat up as best as I could, but the restraints made it difficult. I yelled out in frustration drawing their attention.

  “Willa?” Julia asked cautiously. “Willa, it's ok, you’re in the hospital.”

  “Get these fucking restraints off of me right now.” I said through gritted teeth

  “Well, it seems like she is back to normal.” Riah muttered before leaning over to release me. He paused for a second and looked at me.

  “What?” I asked. “Get me out of here now Riah.”

  “I’m not sure if I should Willa.” he said uncertain

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I wasn’t some mental patient that was going to hurt myself. I had to get out of here. I had to see Mathias. When the door to my room opened, I stiffened slightly when I saw it was Oliver and my parents. I was so mad at my mother right now I couldn’t even look her in the eyes.

  “Oliver, would you please tell Riah I’m not suicidal.” I said

  Oliver cleared his throat before speaking. “Willa, how do you feel?”

  “How do I feel?” I repeated incredulously. “I feel pretty pissed off right now. Not only was I put under a spell by my own mother but I woke up to being restrained to a goddamn hospital bed.”

  “You became somewhat violent, so we felt it was best for your protection as well ours.” Oliver answered

  “If you don’t untie me, I am going to become even more violent than you can imagine.”

  My father sighed and walked over to my bedside. “This is ridiculous.”

  He undid the restraints, and I threw back the covers.

  “Willa…” my mom started to say but stopped when I glared at her. I was not getting into this right now. I had more important things to focus on at the moment.

  “I want everyone to leave, except my father.” I said. I walked over to the window and tried to ignore the silence that had come over the room. I heard my dad try to comfort my mother, but I blocked out his words. Finally, I turned around and faced him.

  “Where is Mathias?” I asked

  “Mathias is being held in a cell.” he answered

  “Why?” I asked

  “Willa, Mathias is fine. No one is treating him as a criminal or an enemy. All we want are answers. We just want to figure out who and what he is.”

  “He’s the head Guardian on the Isle of Skye.” I said

  “Did you know he was the Rau?” my father asked softly

  “Mathias is not the Rau.” I replied. “This is crazy. I need to see him.”

  “There is going to be an informal hearing in a few hours…”

  “There’s going to be an informal hearing?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “I thought he wasn’t considered a criminal?”

  “Winifred wants to have a meeting to ask him questions.”

  “So she’s holding a meeting in front of everyone?” I asked in disgust. “Why doesn’t she meet with him privately? This is ridiculous.”

  “We just want answers.” Cormac said

  “Well, I have to go get dressed.” I said. “I’m assuming it’s at the Guardian offices?”

  “Willa, I’m not sure that is a good idea. You’re highly volatile right now. Mathias doesn’t need you to come in to cause any more chaos.”

  I was quiet for a minute. I understood where my dad was coming from, but he didn’t seem to grasp how I was feeling.

  “I’m not going to cause any disruptions. I just need to see him.” I said again, almost in desperation. “What would you do if this were Mom?”

  My father sighed and drew me in for a hug. I responded stiffly for the first time in my life. I didn’t want nor need any affection or comfort. I wanted to see Mathias and make sure he was all right.

  “We need to talk about what happened with you as well,” he said when he released me. “What you did Willa was astounding.”

  I had no desire to go over my actions. I knew that what I had done was pretty powerful but none of that even mattered to me.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours. “ I said before teleporting to my house. I stripped off the hospital nightgown and went right into to the shower. I stood underneath the pounding sprays and picked up the soap Mathias used. When the spicy scent hit me, I started to cry. I knew I was teetering on the edge of sanity.

  You can’t perform that much magic without it leaving some kind of mark. I felt both drained and anxious all at the same time. I could still feel my fire lurking under the surface, as well as the air gently pulsating around me. I called upon the earth to ground me. I needed the calming effects that it would bring me.

  After a few minutes, I finally stopped crying and felt a wave of peace settle over me. I knew marching into this hearing with my guns blazing would be of no help to Mathias.

  I threw on some clo
thes and headed upstairs. Cupcake greeted me exuberantly as usual, but Polly sat on a stool by the counter quiet.

  “Hi.” I said to her as I sat down next to her at the counter

  “Hi.” she returned. “So is it safe to talk to you?”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” I asked. “Are you afraid of me as well Polly?”

  She laughed. “Of course I am. You turned yourself into a nuclear bomb and then went postal when they arrested Mathias. You’re the mother fucking guns of the Navarone girl.”

  I snorted before I finally began to laugh. “I was just a little high strung from the spell I did. I don’t why everyone is making such a fuss. I will admit I got a little upset when they wrongly incarcerated Mathias but give me a break.”

  Polly had smiled before she sighed. “I suppose you want me to go with you to the hearing?”

  “Yes. I would appreciate your support.”

  “Well, I’m just letting you know I am not joining you in a padded cell. You’re on your own sister.”

  “Thanks sweetie.” I said. “I always know I can count on you to have my back.”

  Polly made me a little breakfast which I obligingly choked down. My stomach was so tied up in knots. I had no idea what was going to happen. What if they kept Mathias locked up?

  We made our way over to the hearing in my golf cart. Polly wisely suggested I chill out using any magic for a while. When we pulled up Cuddy and Jeremiah walked over and greeted us.

  “How are you doing?” Jeremiah asked concerned

  “I’m fine.” I answered. I wasn’t going to start talking and getting myself worked up into a frenzy.

  “Willa, what the hell is going on with you?” Cuddy asked

  “I’m good Uncle C.” I replied. “I just had a little freak out. It must have been some remnants of the spell I cast.”

  “To think Mathias is the Rau,” he remarked. “I just can’t wrap my head around the fact he is a traitor.”

  “He’s not a traitor.” I said loudly. I felt Polly grab my hand and give it a squeeze. I took a calming breath before adding. “This has all been a giant misunderstanding.”

  “I hope so.” Cuddy said. “I like Mathias.”

  We made our way down to the offices and were ushered into a large conference room. It seemed like almost every Guardian was present. My grandmother sat behind a small table on the dais, and the rest of the family was seated in the front row. I started to make my way down the center aisle but was immediately waylaid by Robert.

  “Willa, how are you feeling?” he asked formally

  “I’m fine.” I answered

  He leaned in and whispered. “Mathias has requested you not be present.”

  “Mathias can kiss my ass.” I replied. Robert rolled his eyes and let out a big sigh.

  “Fine but you are to sit in the back with Veronica and do not interfere with the proceedings.”

  “Why is everyone treating me like I’m a loose cannon?” I wondered aloud. “I do know how to act appropriately in public.”

  Robert just stared at me until finally I turned around and made my way over to where Veronica and Polly were sitting. I sat down in a huff and tried to ignore the fact that every single person in the room had seen me. I was shocked when all the Guardians turned to me one by one and stood up. Even Veronica stood and when she started clapping the rest of the room joined in her applause.

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I didn’t want to any accolades for my actions. I did what I had to do. I might not understand all the ins and outs of exactly what I had been able to conjure but I was very much aware of the fact that what I was able to accomplish was a pretty big deal.

  I glanced up at the stage and saw my grandmother had also risen, but she was not clapping. She was watching me with a careful expression. I wasn’t certain if it was because of my power that she had witnessed or my utter freak out over Mathias. Either way, she was wary of me yet again.

  When the room finally quieted down the side door opened. Mathias walked in surrounded by Guardians. My grandmother nodded to Christopher, and he led Mathias to a chair near where she sat.

  I froze at the sight of him. Even though, he looked like he normally did, stoic and in control, I could tell he was uncomfortable.

  Are you all right? I asked

  Mathias’s head shot up, and his eyes locked onto mine.

  I’m fine. You shouldn’t be here. You should be home resting

  Like that was going to happen, I replied

  Willa, please do not make a scene. I’m begging you to let me handle this

  I can’t promise that but I will try

  Mathias shook his head and returned his attention to my grandmother who was watching him curiously. She finally began to speak after a moment.

  “Mathias we are not here today to convict you. All I am asking for is the truth.”

  “I will answer whatever questions you have honestly and to the best of my ability.” he said

  Over the next twenty minutes, Mathias told his story on how he was turned. He showed no emotion when he spoke of his father and brother. I could see the whole room was enraptured when he finished explaining on how he became a vampire.

  “You had every intention of turning into the Rau?” my grandmother asked

  “When I saw what they did to my sister, I welcomed their desire to turn me into one of them,” he answered

  “You state that at the last moment, something happened. A light from another source was poured into your soul?”

  “I can’t explain it.” he said. “I felt the darkness of the Rau come over me and I embraced it. Then small patches of light, stars I guess started to appear and entered my heart. I tried to fight it. I didn’t want to hang onto to the light.”

  “So you admit that you wanted to be turned Rau?” she asked

  “Yes.” he answered honestly

  Murmurs from the crowd filled the room. I can see that everyone was staring at Mathias. They were stunned by his admission.

  “How did you end up in Fairlia?” She continued

  “I woke up in a small cave. There was an older man sitting next to me, and when I smelled him, I tried to bite him. He used magic on me, and I was thrown against the wall. He then gave me several cups of blood and explained who I was now.”

  “And what did he say?” Winifred prompted

  “He said I was neither light nor dark but somewhere in between.” Mathias said. “I asked him why I wasn’t turned into a monster I so desperately wanted to become and he said I was exactly who I was fated to be. Mostly he spoke in riddles. To this day I’m not sure what he meant. The only thing I wanted to do was leave. My mission was to find my father and brother so I could kill them.”

  “How did you end up as a Guardian then?” she asked

  “He brought me to the castle and told me that I needed to become a Guardian. That it was of the utmost importance that I arrive on the Isle of Skye and protect its residents. I still resisted. I had no desire to protect anyone. All I wanted was to avenge my sister and then figure out a way for me to die.”

  “He convinced me otherwise though and that is how I came to be.” he finished

  “Did you ever experience any bloodlust towards the clan?” Winifred asked

  “No.” Mathias said.

  “Did you ever feed or try to feed off a Gypsy or Fae?”

  LIE, I screamed in his head

  “I have never felt the need to feed off of an unwilling person nor have I ever wanted too.”

  My shoulders sagged in relief. Trust Mathias to twist the truth. I didn’t have to prompt him. He was in complete control.

  “Have you ever acted inappropriately towards any member of the clan of Skye?”

  What? I asked to myself. Where the hell was she going with this?

  Mathias smiled. “I’m confident that every single person in this room, both Guardian and Gypsy, can attest to the fact I have never been gracious or appropriate.”

  The Guardians a
ll chuckled but my grandmother still was looking at Mathias intently

  “Have you ever been romantically involved with a member of the clan? Conducted a relationship that is strictly forbidden?”

  Oh my God, I thought, so that’s where she was going. She knew that something was going on between Mathias and me. She may not know the full scope of our relationship, but she was suspicious. Even Mathias looked startled by the question. I was just about to jump in when Robert spoke up.

  “Your Majesty, Mathias is not on trial for his personal life. He is here because we are trying to figure out what kind of vampire he is. I think that he has answered the questions honestly, and I also want it on the record that I do not believe Mathias is a threat. He is dedicated and fair. I recommend that he assume his duties at once.”

  I’ve never wanted to throw my arms around another person and kiss them than I did right now.

  My Uncle Cuddy stood up. “Hell, I could care less if Mathias screwed half of the island. The fact is he’s a damn good Guardian. There’s no one else who I feel safer watching my back.”

  My grandmother looked contemplative for a few minutes. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as we all waited for her verdict.

  “I believe Mathias’s story but I still think that there are a few more issues to address before I release him. I would like my son Oliver to run some blood tests, as well as observe Mathias’s control in regards to bloodlust.”

  “For the time being he will remain held until these tests are complete,” she finished

  The room erupted in protest. I jumped to my feet and walked purposely to the front. I could see Mathias warning me with his eyes, but I ignored him.

  “This is bullshit.” I said. “Mathias should be released at once. We still are under attack and are at war. We may have thwarted Sabine, but the Fae Lord, who threatens us, is still out there. He’s not going to stop. We need Mathias. We need his help to lead the Guardians for whatever may come.”

  “I have already expressed my judgment.” Winifred answered. “We will talk more in private, Willa.”

  “Thanks but I’ll take a rain check.” I spat before turning to leave. I teleported down to the cells and waited for the Guardians to take Mathias back down.


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