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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 88

by Shannon Barczak

  We all smiled and turned when we heard a noise in the hallway. Lucian ran to the door and yanked it open. I had caught a glimpse of lady Lucia before she was swept up in her son’s arms. They both spoke in soft tones, and Lucia cried into his shoulder. Mathias and I exchanged a look before we quietly walked out of the room to give them a moment of privacy.

  I was just walking down the hall when I heard two more voices coming around the corner. The man and woman both smiled at Mathias and looked at me in curious friendliness, but I stood there frozen when I saw the woman’s face.

  I had never met her in person, but I would know her heart shape face and long mahogany hair anywhere. I had seen her in Machall’s soul.

  Machall’s mate, the woman he loved more than anything was standing right in front of me.

  “Willa?” Mathias asked concerned. “This is Egon and Tricy.”

  “How do you do Princess Willa,” Tricy said. “We heard so much about you. I am honored to meet you.”

  “We’ve met,” I said in a daze as my mind raced

  “What?” Mathias said

  “I’m sorry,” Tricy said confused

  “I’ve seen you in your mate’s mind,” I said. “You’re Beatrice and from the Water realm of Fairlia. You were kidnapped from your mate, and your mind was erased by his enemies.”

  Tricy had looked at me in horror before we all turned around at Lady Lucia’s cry. “Beatrice? Is that you? Willa? What the devil is going on here?”

  Everyone stood still. Nobody had a clue what was going on or how to react. I shook my head. “Well, apparently Lady Lucy it’s all one big karma clusterfuck.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “All right, what’s going on here?” Tricy asked. “How do you know me and why are you calling me Beatrice?”

  “Lucian,” Lucia said angrily. “Why is she here with you?”

  “That’s a long story Mum,” he said

  “Why don’t we all…” Mathias started saying but Lucia interrupted him

  “Lucian, do you know who she is?” Lucia asked angrily before turning to me, and her expression softened. “Willa dear, it’s so good to see you. I was so worried. I hope you’re acclimating better now. Machall told me everything, and I was very frightened.”

  “I’m better Lady Lucy,” I said before I started to shake slightly. There was a definite hum of magic emanating from Lucia. It didn’t freak me out as much as it did almost comfort me. “So you’re half Fae Witch, right? I can feel it from your energy. It’s different from the Fae or Gypsy’s magic.”

  “Yes, I am,” she said in surprise. “Have you never met a …”

  “I’m sorry but who are you people? I’ve met Mathias before, but you two ladies are strangers to me.” Tricy asked. “How did you know I have no memories? You also said I had a mate?”

  I looked at Lucia, and we both exchanged concerned looks. I had been so shocked to see Beatrice that I had blurted out what I was on my mind before I could stop myself.

  “I’m sorry for throwing that at you,” I apologized. “Maybe we should go sit down?”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea,” Lucian said. “I for one would like to know what is going on here.”

  We all went back into the living room and sat down. A dead silence had come over the room, and I think we were all relieved when Mathias took charge.

  “Ok, let’s start with the basics,” he said. “Lucian, can you tell us when and how you met Beatrice.”

  “Tricy,” Beatrice said. Mathias cocked his eyebrow at her, and I tried not to laugh when she corrected him. It was nice for someone else to be on the other end of his frustrated look now and then.

  “Beatrice was brought to me by Lord Fonn four hundred or so years ago,” Lucian answered. “He told me she was important and that I needed to keep her hidden.”

  “You never questioned this from him?” I asked. “I mean seriously, the man threatened to kill your mother and you just take some random chick in because he said so?”

  “Willa, let Lucian finish,” Mathias said

  “I’m finished with my story actually,” Lucian grinned. “How do you and my mother know Tricy?”

  I gave Lucia an encouraging look. I figured it would be best coming from her considering she had met Beatrice. I had only seen her in Machall’s mind.

  “I met you a few weeks before your mind was wiped clean,” Lucia said. “I know that you are from the Water realm…”

  “Which, by the way you still have a cottage there,” I interrupted, “It’s super cute.”

  Everyone turned to me for a minute, and I bit my lip. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Lucian chuckled, and Mathias just shook his head. “Please forgive Willa, Lady Lucia, continue.”

  “You were turned only for a short time before you were found and brought back to Fairlia. I believe you did go home and try to acclimate back into the Fae realm of your upbringing, but people there were not very friendly. You came back to court, and that’s when you met my son Machall, who is the Lord of the Fire realm. You fell in love and became true mates. Machall introduced you to my husband, and I and we were very happy for you both.”

  “I have a mate?” Beatrice said. “I have a true mate?”

  “Yes, and you also were engaged to be married,” Lucia said. “A week later my husband was killed by Lord Fonn, who is the Lord of the Air realm. He did it because Machall refused to join in his desire to overthrow the Queen. Machall, of course, decided to turn him in regardless, and that’s when Fonn kidnapped you and had your mind wiped of all memories.”

  “Did he try to look for me?” Beatrice asked softly

  “Of course he tried to find you,” I jumped into the conversation. “He kicked Fonn’s ass but he still wouldn’t talk. He has done nothing but wait for me to come along so I could help him.”

  “And you’re the Princess Willa we have heard so much about?” Beatrice asked

  “Jeez, do you have to ask like that?” I sighed. “You sound like you’re having a hard time believing that I’m really her.”

  Lucian stood up and grabbed my hand. “This is Princess Willa, Beatrice. She is the daughter of Prince Cormac of Fairlia and Princess Cecily of the Clan of Skye.”

  “Ah,” Egon finally spoke for the first time. “So this is the girl who has the Rau hiding in fear.”

  “I have heard of you but why are you so important to Machall?” Beatrice asked, stumbling over Machall’s name slightly

  “I’m sort of, well kind of, the Fae Sanctity,” I said

  “Oh my God,” Egon breathed. “Do you not mean you’re the chosen one who can wield the power of the weapons that can kill the Fae Lord’s?”

  “No Egon, I am the weapon,” I answered

  “She’s a weapon of mass destruction and a bad mother fucker,” Lucian offered with a smile

  “Thanks Luce,” I smiled in return. “So Machall was waiting for the ‘chosen one’ to come along so he could offer his help in taking down Lord Fonn and hopefully get him to squeal like a pig before I kill him.”

  “This is unbelievable,” Beatrice said. “To think I’ve been hiding out with his brother, wait I thought you said everyone thought you to be dead Lucian? How did Fonn know that you were alive?”

  “I have no idea,” answered Lucian. “If I knew you were my brother’s mate I would’ve never kept you from him.”

  I leaned over to Lucian and whispered, “Please tell me you and her never…”

  “No, not for lack of trying though,” he whispered back wickedly. I giggled and tried to stop as soon as I saw Mathias’s expression.

  “Good, I’m glad you’re not down with OPP,” I said

  “Yeah you know me,” Lucian retorted to my delight

  “What the hell is OPP?” Beatrice asked, her face scrunched up in confusion

  “Oh, for fucks sake Willa,” Mathias sighed

  “Never mind,” I said in exaggeration

  It’s just a joke, what’s your
problem? You don’t like ‘Naughty by Nature’?

  Mathias just shook his head in disgust

  Oh God Mathias, what did I do now?

  I don’t like you to sit so close to Lucian

  Why? Are you jealous? That is so sweet

  I somehow doubt Lucian will think so when I rip his head off and set it on fire

  Oh please, you know you’re the only one for me. We go together like peanut butter and jelly

  Sandwiched together?

  You know it; I smiled. Speaking of being sandwiched together…

  Soon, he said

  “Are you two talking to each other in your minds?” Lucian asked

  “Was it obvious?” I said

  “You and Mathias are mated?” Egon asked incredulously. “But he’s a vampire and you’re a Gypsy.”

  Mathias and I shared a secret smile. I’m sure for the next several years we would have to deal with people’s shock at our relationship.

  “Yeah,” I finally said. “It’s kind of hot, the whole forbidden love thing. I highly recommend it if you get a chance.”

  Mathias rolled his eyes. “I think Machall has a right to know that his mate is alive.”

  “Wow, you must be evolving, did you just think of Machall and his feelings?” I asked

  “Do you and my brother have an issue Mathias?” Lucian asked

  “Let’s just say, he owes me an apology,’ Mathias answered

  “So when Machall came to the island a few weeks ago he tried to make a few questionable moves on me because he wanted to speak to me alone. Mathias took issue with…” I started to say

  “You’re the one that broke his nose,” Mathias said

  “You broke his nose?” Lucian’s mouth twitched

  “It was a minor misunderstanding,” I said. “We’re all good now.”

  “The question is how do we get in touch with him?” Mathias asked. “I’m sure Fonn is aware Lucia has left the Fire realm, and he has probably put a trace on Machall’s phone.”

  We all sat there until I had an idea. “Let me call Jeremiah. I have a feeling he may know how to get a hold of him.”

  “Are you sure?” Mathias asked. I knew what he meant. I hadn’t talked to anyone, but my mother, and that was before I found out about my father becoming a vampire. I had tried to push it out of my mind for a while, but I’m sure talking to Jeremiah it would probably come up in conversation.

  “I’m sure, besides I miss him,” I said. I did miss him. I also missed Polly, Julia and Riah horribly. They were my four best friends, and I needed them but I was also hesitant. I knew that they might get a little freaked out by my abilities. Jeremiah though had been with me in Fairlia. He had seen me at my absolute worst, and I knew he was probably worried sick about me.

  I took Mathias’s phone and walked out of the room and into a quiet corner of the hallway. I took a deep breath and sank to the floor before I found his number and hit send.

  He answered on the second ring.

  “Mathias?” he fairly shouted. “Mathias, how’s Willa? What’s wrong?”

  I had smiled before I answered. “Hey J, it’s me.”

  “Willa?” he asked hesitantly. “Are you…are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m ok. I’m not one hundred percent, but I’m feeling about as normal as I can at the moment.”

  “God, Willa it was so scary seeing you like that,” he said. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You were there for me Jeremiah and I am so glad that you made it home safety.”

  “Are you ever coming back to the island?”

  “I hope so very soon.”

  “Do you know about…”

  I sighed before answering. “I heard about Rhoswen and my dad.”

  “Veronica is worried that you’ll hate her forever and Riah, forget about it, he’s pacing around like he has Mexican jumping beans in his trousers.”

  “Well, tell them both that I am not totally happy about the situation but I am glad that Rhoswen is doing good.”

  “What have you and Mathias been up to wherever you are?” he asked

  “I took Mathias to Wal-Mart,” I said. “Oh and he liked it.”

  Jeremiah let out a laugh. “I wish I could’ve seen that. That’s almost as funny as meeting Holly and Forrest.”

  “I cannot wait to tease Polly about her dear old mom and dad for like…ever.”

  “So what’s up?” he asked. “Did something happen?”

  “Ok, well long story short,” I said before explaining about Lucian and Beatrice. Every so often I heard him sputter but he didn’t interrupt until I finished explaining.

  “Machall has a brother who he thinks is dead, but is really a Fae vampire. He’s also the one who turned Sabine and then Fonn asked him to hide Beatrice, who unbeknownst to him was his brother’s mate. Fast forward to the here and now, he kidnapped his mother because he was worried about her safety, and you both happen to see Beatrice at the same time in Lucian’s home and of course she has no clue who she is or who Machall is?”

  “It’s so as the world turns, it’s not even funny,” I remarked

  “As the world turns?” he asked confused

  “American soap opera or it used to be,” I answered. “So that’s what’s going on with me, can you text me Macky’s number so I can give him a shout?”

  Jeremiah laughed. “Well, I could but you just happened to be unconscious when the two funniest things happened while we were in Fairlia.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Machall told Patcoena and I, if we wanted to get in touch with him, do not call his cell because it might be traced, so he said to use the old way of communicating which just happens to be by using crystal balls.”

  “Shut the front door,” I said. “Use crystal balls? Are you kidding me? Shall we wear head scarves and a bunch of jewelry too? I can see it now, Madame Willa’s Bull Shit Emporium.”

  “I was a little sorry you weren’t fully there to hear that conversation.”

  “What was the second thing?” I asked

  “Oh, so when I had to take you thru the portal to the castle, well you know I’m not a vampire. I don’t have super strength.”

  “Why is that Jeremiah?” I asked, “Because you would need to be a strong vampire to carry my fat ass through the mirror?”

  Jeremiah ignored me. “When Kelvin and the guards arrived he requested one of his men take over holding you. His name was I kid you not, Brutus. His name was Brutus Willa, and he was huge.”

  “Fuck,” I said. “I can’t believe I missed that. I am so sending him some cans of spinach as a thank you.”

  “Do you think he’ll get it?”

  “Do I think he’ll get the Popeye reference?” I asked. “I’m going to take a wild guess and say no, but you and I will get it and that’s all that matters.”

  We both had laughed before Jeremiah spoke. “I’ll go get Patcoena and we’ll get in touch with Machall. Where are you?”

  I told him the area of London we were in and then told Jeremiah to have Machall buy a cheap cell phone so he could call Mathias’s phone when he got here. I was almost sad to say goodbye but when I hung up the phone I smiled. I got off the floor and went back into the living room where everyone was sitting quietly.

  “I talked to Jeremiah, my cousin, he is going to get in touch with Machall,” I said. “I told him to tell Machall to call us when he gets to London.”

  “How long will it take him?” Beatrice asked anxiously

  “I don’t know,” I said

  “Willa, you’re the Fae Sanctity and a powerful Gypsy Caster, surely you can help Beatrice and lift this spell that has wiped away her memories,” Lucia asked

  “Um, I don’t…” I stuttered as I was completely caught off guard

  “Willa is just learning to use all of her powers,” Mathias said. “It might be too soon.”

  “But it’s just a spell,” Lucia said. “I can help after all I am part witch.”

/>   I was mulling it over when Mathias’s phone beeped in my hand. “Jeez, that was fast.” I muttered before answering. “Hey Macky, what took you so long?”

  “You found her?” he asked anxiously. “She’s there with you now?”

  “She’s right in front of me as well as your mother and long thought of dead brother.”

  “What the f…” he started to say before lowering his voice. “Does she have any memories of me?”

  “No,” I answered. “Your mom just brought up something though. She asked if maybe I can perform some reversal spell on her.”

  “Do you think you can do it?” he asked excitedly

  “I don’t know Macky,” I said. “I can barely stop pissing in my pants and drooling over all myself.”

  “What?” he asked alarmed

  Lucian and I both laughed while everyone, particularly Mathias, stared at me with concern.

  “That’s not funny Willa,” Machall said. “Do you have any idea what we went through when we saw you…?”

  “Go fucking nuts?” I supplied

  He sighed. “What’s the address?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Here, talk to your brother.”

  He went completely silent as I handed Lucian the phone. He stared at it for almost half a minute before going out of the room to talk to Machall in private.

  Mathias walked over and steered me into a quiet corner of the room.

  We should be going Willa. You need to rest.

  What and miss this reunion? No freaking way, besides I think I can help Beatrice.

  I don’t want you overextending yourself. You just killed over three hundred Rau using all of the elements. I think you need to take some time to recover

  I’m good Mathias. I’ve honestly haven’t felt this good in a while. I feel almost normal

  Be careful. Know your limits.

  Does that apply to the bedroom?

  We both looked up as we heard a shout coming from the hallway. Everyone but Beatrice rushed out the door to see Machall and Lucian locked in a tight embrace. I don’t think I had ever seen Machall look so raw and human before. Lucia started crying and walked over to put her small arms around her sons, and I had never seen anything as touching as when she did that. She was a mother whose children were finally all together and you could feel her joy.


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