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Connected (Twists of Fate #1)

Page 9

by Jolyn Palliata

  I told ya! Rhys pointed out, apparently excited to have someone else confirm what he had thought al those weeks ago.

  “Oh yeah, you two are brothers al right,” she muttered.

  “Look. You seem like a nice…girl, and al . But you have to know I’m not buying al this shit.” He shook a finger at her.

  “There’s some way you know al this…the album, the childhood stuff…but I haven’t quite figured it. I wil though.” He steepled his fingers as he studied her, apparently waiting for a reaction.


  Addison snorted her agreement as she crossed her arms.


  “Not that you’l believe me, but Rhys just cal ed you a dickweed. I concur.” He didn’t seem surprised, just calculating.

  “I thought you two are close?” Addison asked, surprised he wouldn’t have some reaction to the dickweed reference.

  “We were.”

  We are.

  To hear their deep voices answering in unison—one external y and one internal y—was more than she could handle. Groaning she held her head. “Oh great. I get to hear you in stereo now.”

  Xavier suddenly flew out of his chair, grabbed her arms and hauled her to her feet. “Cut the crap, lady. I’ve had it with this shit! What the hel kind of game are you playing here, huh? What the fuck do you want from me? Where the hel do you think this is going to get you? Answer me!” She stared up at him, stunned, with wide eyes as Rhys ranted in her head.

  Xavier, you piece of shit! Back the fuck off! You’re lucky I can’t control her movements or I’d have her pounding on your fucking ass!

  “Now, everyone just hold on a minute!”

  Addison jerked out of Xavier’s grip and pushed her face into his. Just as she was about to put a palm on his chest to shove him back, Rhys started fuming again.

  He can’t fucking treat you like that! If I could get my hands on him I’d fucking—

  The instant her hand made contact, a jolt shot down her The instant her hand made contact, a jolt shot down her arm. Her breath caught in a wheeze as her shoulders lifted and her back arched. It felt like her soul was ripped straight out of her body, then snapped back like a rubber band.

  “Hey!” Xavier barked out, jumping back as his palm flew to his chest.

  Addison staggered in place, holding her arms out as she closed her eyes and tried to steady herself. But her balance wasn’t there. It felt like someone had fisted her shirt and was pul ing her near.

  And that pul was coming from Xavier’s general direction.

  Wait. Something was wrong. She felt…empty.


  Panic flooded her as her eyes flew open and locked on Xavier. He stared at her with a horrified expression on his face, his mouth moving soundlessly. Then his gaze darted from side-to-side as his hands gripped his head.

  Her breath caught as the realization slammed into her.

  “Rhys,” she whispered, reaching out to Xavier as if he held an element of her soul she couldn’t breathe without.

  He jumped back, his eyes going wide. “Holy fucking hel .” Chapter Fifteen

  Xavier’s head was reeling.

  No...that wasn’t even close to the right fucking description for what was going on in his melon. Shit! It felt like it was going to split in two! The pressure was so intense he could hear his own heartbeat pulsating at a deafening level, reverberating between his ears.

  He cringed as that chick, Addison, reached for him. He didn’t know how or why, but he knew she was the source of what had happened to him, and he didn’t want her one iota closer.

  “Holy fucking hel .”

  They were the only words he could manage to spit out. But then others suddenly came to mind…

  …doesn’t watch his damned self, I will find a way to put him in his fucking place! That dickweed sonofabitch has got another thing coming if the thinks for one goddamned minute that I’m not gonna kick his ass for laying into you like that. He’s got no fucking right…

  “Rhys,” Xavier muttered, recognizing the voice inside but refusing to grasp what was happening. Not if he wanted to maintain his sanity.


  He lifted his head to see Addison’s stricken expression before she reached for him a second time. This time he made a no effort to pul away. In fact, he felt drawn to her, wanting her near.

  And what the fuck was up with that?

  Addison got a firm hold of his biceps and he angled his arms up to clamp onto her forearms.

  They stood linked for several minutes, heads bowed in silence, before either one of them spoke.


  Silence was in the air between them, but not inside his head. He could stil hear Rhys’ voice, though it was garbled beneath the stil -thundering sound of his pulse.

  He watched as she final y lifted her head, the panic gone and replaced by an anxious expression that didn’t suit her delicate features at al .

  “Rhys is in there, isn’t he? I can’t hear him anymore. Is he there? Do you hear him?” He could only nod. Was this even fucking possible? How the hel …

  “Is he al right?” She gripped his jacket harder, mashing the leather inside her smal fists.

  He opened his mouth to answer but didn’t know how to respond. He shook his head.

  Taking a deep breath, she squared off her shoulders and nudged him back towards the chair to sit. Once he slumped into it, she kneeled in front of him, stil holding tight.

  “You have to talk to me, Xavier. What do you hear?” He shook his head again. “It’s…loud. I can’t…make out…”

  “Listen to me. You have to concentrate on slowing your breathing. You’re about ready to hyperventilate.” No, he fucking wasn’t!

  He glared at her through the white dots spotting his vision as he listed to the side.

  Jesus Christ, he was acting like some crazy-ass, hysterical woman.

  He let Addison shove his head between his knees, feeling every bit the Nancy as he focused on his breathing. Hot damn if she wasn’t right though. The pulsating faded away as the flow in his veins evened out, and he was left with a much clearer memory of Rhys’ voice.

  At least he hoped it was a memory.

  Addison? Dammit woman, answer me!

  Okay, so maybe it was a hal ucination.

  He cringed as a new pressure blossomed in his head, as if someone was shoving at him from the inside out.

  Al right then—a very vivid, and somewhat volatile, hal ucination.

  “He’s asking for you,” he admitted in what couldn’t possibly be his own voice.

  The voice cut off, then, Xavier?!

  “He knows my name.” His gaze darted to Addison’s face as she broke out into a huge grin and released the sleeves of his jacket.

  “Wel , duh. He’s your brother.”

  Xavier?! What the fuck?! What did you do to Addi?!

  Where the hell is she?! What did you do?!

  His brow creased. “He’s…yel ing. He thinks I did something to you. I… You did this.” Are you talking to her?! Is she okay?!

  She held up her hands, palms facing him. “I didn’t do anything. Rhys did this.” He leaned closer and whispered,

  “He’s stil bitching at me.” Damn straight I am, and I’m going to keep bitching until you answer me! What. The.


  Did. You. Do.

  Tipping forward, she matched his position, and then said quietly, “Why are you whispering?”

  “So he can’t hear me.”

  I can still hear you, asswipe. Jesus! I can’t believe we came from the same fucking gene pool! Were you always this dense? How did I never notice this before?!

  She leveled her eyes at his. “He’s in your head. He’s gonna hear you regardless if you whisper or shout. Hel , if you just think the words, he’s gonna hear you.”

  “Can he hear you?” Xavier asked already knowing the answer.

  Is that Addison? Is she okay? And you better fucking answer me
this time if you know what’s good for you! I’ll give you a brain aneurysm if I have to. I don’t wanna, but I’ll do it. Now, dammit, answer me!

  “She’s fine.” Xavier studied her as if making sure himself.

  “You’re fine.” Jesus-Christ-almighty-thank-God.

  She nodded and straightened. “I feel…weird. But yeah…

  fine. Ish.” Blowing out a breath, she wrung her fingers on her lap. “Is he al right?”

  Xavier leaned back into his chair. “Motherfucker,” he muttered, staring her in the eye.

  “You’re not crazy, are you?”

  Man, you’re a quick one. That’s what she was trying to tell you, Einstein. Way to put it together.

  “No, I’m not crazy. But I feel like I’m getting there pretty damn fast. I can’t believe he jumped into you. I can stil feel him, ya know. Not his presence, but I feel a pul towards him…you.” She rubbed at a spot in her chest. “Right here.”

  “Yeah, I can feel it too. You guys must be…connected somehow.” What can you feel? What is she saying?

  “He… Shit. It’s real y Rhys in my head, isn’t it?” Are you deaf?! Xavier felt a thump in his head. Hello?!

  She smiled, her whole face softening in sentimental appreciation. “Yeah, it is. Talk to him.”

  “He’s berating me.”

  So you can hear me, you stubborn sonofabitch.

  She giggled. “You’re surprised by that?”

  “No, not real y.”

  “He’s probably pissed at being ignored. He doesn’t take it very wel . Go ahead. Talk to him.”

  He looked at Addison uncertainly.

  Hello? McFly?

  “You don’t have to talk out loud if you feel…I don’t know, silly doing that. Think it, and he’l hear it.” She crossed her legs and tipped her head back, closing her eyes. “I’l just sit here and let you two do your thing.” Suddenly lifting her lids, she pegged him with a cautious stare.

  “Just…don’t move or anything, okay?” She rubbed at her chest again. “I don’t think I can handle the distance.” He nodded, knowing he’d feel the distance too, and she closed her eyes again.

  “Here goes nothing,” he muttered, feeling completely ridiculous. Rhys?

  Shit. It’s about time!

  Holy fucking hell.

  Why did you have to be so goddamned nasty to her?

  Here she is, doing me a huge fucking favor, and you shit all over her!

  Why would I believe her?! His defenses shot straight up, and suddenly, it was like Rhys had never been gone.

  The stray thought knotted his gut.

  Okay. Point. Rhys’ tone calmed begrudgingly. But you still didn’t have to go all hardass on her.

  Stone cold reality set in a notch further as Xavier listened to his brother’s voice. He knew there were a mil ion questions needing to be asked, but for the life of him, he couldn’t formulate a single one.

  Jesus, Rhys. Your— He choked on the word, just couldn’t bring himself to say it.

  I know, man. I know. It’s cool. I’m good.

  Hearing his little brother soothe him over his own death…

  I’m not sure I am. Bloody hell. He mental y shook himself out, tossing off the dark thoughts and flat out refusing to acknowledge them. So you’re…good? Um…okay?

  Yeah. Shit, it was an adjustment, right? But Addi got me through.

  Xavier glanced at Addison, appearing vulnerable with her lids squeezed shut and her hands clasped tightly. How did you get her to agree to contact me? She doesn’t seem the type to put herself out there like that.

  A sleepless night, he said with a chuckle.


  Ya know that movie Ghost, when Patrick Swayze sings Henry The Eighth I Am to Whoopi to get her to do what he wants?

  Xavier barely held in a laugh. You didn’t.

  Rhys didn’t bother holding his back. You bet your ass I did!

  She didn’t appreciate the irony, me being a ghost and all, but I thought it was funny as hell.

  The sound of Rhys’ humor relaxed him like nothing ever could.

  Despite that, you little shit, she seems to have taken to you. Or is it just tolerance?

  Xavier felt a mental shove at the comment.

  We’ve progressed. At least she stopped calling me AL.


  Afterlife Leech.

  This time Xavier couldn’t stop the chuckle from slipping through, drawing Addison’s curious gaze.

  “Regular comedian, isn’t he?” she asked, rol ing her eyes, then looking to the floor. She continued twisting her fingers together.

  Jesus. It was total y bizarre having Rhys in his head, and—

  he was man enough to admit—a little fucking freaky.

  Tell me. How does this work with her?

  Xavier listened with genuine interest as Rhys explained how he could hear her thoughts and what she said, that they could feel each other’s emotions, and if she concentrated enough, he could see what she did. They also learned to block each other, although that part was a bit too confusing for Xavier to grasp.

  It just kept growing from there, Rhys said with a sigh. Like right now… I can feel myself tied to her. It anchors me.

  She’s close, right?

  Yeah. She’s sitting across from me.

  Concentrate on her for me. I want to see she’s okay.

  Xavier stared at her al curled up on the chair.

  There she is, Rhys murmured, apparently seeing her image.

  “I’m showing you to Rhys.” Xavier said, trying to maintain his focus.

  She lifted her gorgeous eyes and smiled, giving a shy wave. “Is he good?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” he responded.

  Her smile grew.

  What did she say?

  She asked if you were all right, Xavier said.

  God, look at her. She’s beautiful. He said it reverently, making Xavier half-wonder if he was imagining it.

  This was Rhys, right?

  I bet she’s fucking adorable when she blushes.

  I could see that about her, Xavier admitted.

  You have to do me a favor, X. Tell her I want to dedicate a song on our next album to her.

  Ah…all right.

  Tell her it’s titled Nocturnal Degradation.

  Xavier considered the request. What the hell does that mean?

  Just do it, man.

  “Rhys wants to dedicate a song to you on the next album.” Her spine straighten as a pleased expression brightened her face. “He does?” He nodded. “He wants to title it Nocturnal Degradation. ” Her back lost its solid line as her cheeks flushed. “Oh, my God.” She clasped her hands over her face.

  Rhys’ laugh bel owed in his head, causing Xavier to chuckle in turn.

  “He’s laughing.”

  “I bet he is,” she mumbled. “Ya know what? You keep him.

  He’s al yours.” But she smiled in spite of herself as she dropped her hands.

  Hey, man. While we’re on topic…

  Without him saying the words, Xavier knew what was coming. Rhys, don’t—

  There’s no way you are fucking dropping the band. You can cut that shit right now. Ain’t gonna happen.

  There was no room for argument in Rhys’ tone, but Xavier didn’t know how he could possibly agree.

  He forgot Rhys could hear his thoughts.

  Get over it, Rhys said, and then call Gavin. He’ll help.

  He’s got his own gig. You think he’s walking away from Persevere to join us?

  No. Not as a replacement. The guy’s got connections.

  He’ll hook you up with some talent.


  Don’t even think of going there. Just do it. Tonight. I want this settled. You wil record Scripted Lives. Got it?

  And just how do you deny the ghost of your brother?

  You fucking don’t, Rhys barked out.

  Xavier shook his head. Fine. I’ll call him.

  All right then.
Now…you have to scram. My girl is looking tired.

  Your girl?

  Yeah. And she needs to get some sleep. There’s a little payback I need to attend to. He issued what could only be described as a devious chuckle.

  Do I even want to know?

  Actually, you probably would. But I’m not talking.

  Xavier knew it had to be sexual. Since when don’t you kiss and tell?

  His response was dead serious. Since her.

  Xavier stood, startling Addison to her feet.

  “What’s going on? Where’re you going?” Her budding panic was clear.

  He put his hands on her shoulders.

  “I’m leaving, but Rhys is staying.” His brow lifted. “Um, Rhys? How do you—” His words cut off as a shot of warmth traveled down his arm toward the contact he held with Addison.

  She jolted out from under his hands and grabbed the chair behind her before she fel down into it. “Rhys?” Xavier couldn’t hear his response, but her smile said enough.

  “I got him,” she confirmed, lowering her lids.

  Xavier watched as she just stood there with her eyes closed. He had the distinct impression something more was happening than he could see. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving Rhys a hug,” she murmured.

  He looks at her slack arms by her side. “You know you’re not actual y moving, right?”

  “I know. It’s al done mental y.”

  The realization hit. “You can… feel him?”

  “Yeah, I can.”

  “And he can he feel you?”

  She nodded as she final y opened her eyes.

  Whoa. Kinky.

  “Look, I’m gonna take off. I’l catch ya tomorrow.” Xavier chuckled as he walked to the door. “Have a nice…ah, night.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Throughout the rest of the evening, Rhys whispered threats of payback in Addison’s head; seductive promises that fil ed her mind with explicit images and twisted her gut with lust. She had conflicted feelings about holding back, but knew the longer she did, the greater the reward.

  For them both.

  It quickly became a game of wil s after that.

  To prolong the anticipation of what she knew was inevitable, Addison fought sleep for as long as possible.

  Every time she lost her tenacious hold on consciousness and her lids dropped, she’d feel his hot hands molding to her skin. The sensation would snap her awake, and they’d start their al uring little dance again; he’d whisper, she’d resist…driving them higher, tipping the balance between desire and need.


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