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The First Modern Jew

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by Daniel B. Schwartz

  Malebranche, Nicolas, 37

  Malthus, Thomas Robert, 160

  Manoah, Yehoshua, 151–53

  Mansvelt, Regner à, 206n8

  Markish, Peretz, 165, 240n47, 241n49

  Marrano Jewishness, 138–39, 229n22

  Marrano of Reason, The (Yovel), 193

  maskilic Hebrew, 86–88

  Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, 39

  Meinsma, K. O., 162

  melitsah Hebrew, 86–87

  Mendelssohn, Moses, 6, 17, 31, 34, 91, 211n5, 213n3; defense of Spinoza, 36–41, 51–52, 58; early influences, 35–36; importance, 35; and Jacobi, 46–52, 211n10; and Jews in society, 41–46; legacy, 55; pantheism controversy, 46–50

  Mendelssohn family, 64

  Mennonites, 16

  mnemohistory, 4

  modernity, 4–5, 77–78

  monism, Spinoza’s, 36, 40, 49, 62, 102–3

  Morning Hours (Mendelssohn), 46–47, 49, 51

  Mörschel, David Ernst, 43

  Morteira, Hakham Saul, 21–22

  Moses, 17

  Nadler, Allan, 196

  Nadler, Stephen, 196, 204n5

  Nathan ben Yehiel, 221n28

  Nathan the Wise (Lessing), 41

  Nathanson, William, 162

  national pantheism, 124–32, 143–46

  National Yiddish Book Center, 190

  Nature and God, 28, 61

  Neoplatonism, 96–97, 145

  Netherlands, The, 15–16

  Neumark, David, 122

  New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age (Posen Foundation), 191

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 130

  Niewöhner, Friedrich, 212n18

  Nordau, Max, 120, 230nn28, 29

  Novalis, 61

  Novick, Peter, 198

  Odessa, 132–33, 140

  Oko, Adolph S., 138

  Old Faith and the New, The (Strauss), 218n89

  On the Civil Improvement of the Jews (Dohm), 41–42

  “On the Concept of Judaism” (Wolf), 63

  Opera posthuma (Gebhardt), 138

  Orobio de Castro, Isaac (Balthazar), 17, 19, 206n14

  Ost und West (journal), 129

  Oudann, Joachim, 206n11

  panentheism, 30, 103

  pantheism controversy, 35, 46–50, 61

  Pereira, Salomon Rodrigues, 151

  Peretz, I. L., 166

  Philippson, Ludwig, 55–56, 58, 78, 213n5

  Philo, 145

  Philosophical Dialogues (Mendelssohn), 17, 35–41, 47

  philosophical modernity, 8–9

  Pillar of Service, The (Kossover), 159

  Pines, Yehiel Michel, 124

  Pinsker, Leo, 116–17, 121–22, 133

  Pittsburgh Platform (1885), 214n17

  Platonism, 145

  Poetisher priv in fir tsiklen (Ravitch), 163

  Pollock, Frederick, 79, 138

  Popkin, Richard, 195–96, 204n5, 209n50

  Posen, Felix, 191

  Posen Foundation, 191

  Posthumous Works (Spinoza), 16

  practical liberalism, 68, 73, 74–75

  preestablished harmony, 36–37

  Principles, The (Albo), 222n44

  Puerta del Cielo (Herrera), 29

  Quakers, 16

  Radical Enlightenment, 9, 23, 83

  Radical Enlightenment (Israel), 9, 204n11, 220nn16, 17

  Rambam, 93. See also Maimonides, Moses

  Rapoport, Shlomo J. L., 87, 88, 94, 221n28

  rational theism, 211n5

  Rav Saadia Ga’on, 124

  Ravitch, Melech, 148, 163–66, 167, 240nn40, 43, 47

  Rawidowicz, Simon, 224n75

  reason, 24, 48

  Reboot, 190

  reception histories, 9

  Réfutation des erreurs de Benoit de Spinosa (Lenglet-Dufresnoy), 208n35

  Reggio, Isaac Samuel, 82, 87, 219n4, 219n5

  Reimarus, Elise, 46

  religion and secularization, 5–6, 15

  religious Enlightenment, 211n5

  Remonstrants, 16

  Renan, Ernest, 137

  Révah, Israel S., 207n21

  Romanticism, German. See German Romanticism

  Rombro, Jacob, 157

  Rome and Jerusalem (Hess), 120–21, 231n37

  Roth, Leon, 148, 235n100, 236n140

  Rubin, Salomon, 225nn88, 96; biography, 89–90; and Hebrew Halaskah, 90–91; influences, 93–99; Investigation of God with the Science of Man, The, 105–11, 226n105; “Mikhtav,” 222n48; New Guide to the Perplexed (Rubin), 81, 82–83, 99–105; on plans to reclaim Spinoza, 85–89, 220n12; A Victorious Reply, 104

  Russian pogroms, 121

  Sabbateanism, 169

  Sachs, Senior (Sheneur), 82, 98, 141

  Saisset, Émile, 225n81

  Sarna, Jonathan, 190

  Schelling, Friedrich, 61

  Schiller, Friedrich, 68, 74

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 61

  Scholem, Gershom, 114

  Schorr, Joshua Heschel, 89–90

  Schweid, Eliezer, 204n6, 220n18

  “Search for Light and Right, The” (Cranz), 43

  secularism, history of, 5–6, 8, 204n11

  secularism, Jewish, 4, 5, 8, 189–92, 196–201, 203n5

  Sefer Yuhasin (Zacuto), 221n28

  Self-Emancipation (Pinsker), 121

  Sephardic Diaspora, 19

  ShaDaL. See Luzzatto, Samuel David

  Shatzky, Jacob, 162

  Singer, Isaac Beshavis, 154; Destruction of Kreshev, The, 174–75; Family Moskat, The, 156, 176–86, 244n111; influence of Spinoza on, 156–62, 165–68, 187; Little Boy in Search of God, A, 158–59, 165; In My Father’s Court, 157, 237n4, 238nn6, 12; Satan in Goray, 167, 169, 241n56; “Spinoza of Market Street, The,” 156, 170–76, 242n78, 243n80; on Spinoza’s Jewish reception, 155–56

  Singer, Israel Joshua, 157, 158, 160, 165

  Singer, Pinhos Menahem, 157, 158

  Skolnik, Jonathan, 73, 217n78, 218n82

  “Slavery within Freedom” (Ha’am), 130, 229n17

  Smith, Steven B., 194–95

  Societas Spinozana, 137–38, 163

  Sokolow, Nahum, 109–11, 128–29

  Sorkin, David, 211n5, 212n14, 218n84

  Soviet Union, 137

  Spaeth, Johann Peter, 29

  Spinoza (painting), 109, 110

  Spinoza: A Life (Nadler), 196

  Spinoza: His Life and Philosophy (Pollock), 79

  Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity (Smith), 194–95

  Spinoza and His Environment (Shatzky), 162

  Spinoza and Other Heretics (Yovel), 192–95

  Spinoza bukh, 163, 167

  “Spinoza on Religion and State, Judaism and Christianity” (Cohen), 136

  Spinozaeum, 148, 236n138

  Stern, Jakob, 89

  Strauss, David F., 66, 78–79, 216n41, 218n89

  Strauss, Leo, 142, 223n63

  Stupnicki, Shaul, 157–58, 236n7

  Sulamith (journal), 55, 58, 215n29

  Surrenhusius, 27

  Sutzkever, Abraham, 163

  Taufepidimie, 64, 215n31

  Tchernichowsky, Saul, 135, 146

  Tetragrammaton, 226n98

  Theological-Political Treatise (Spinoza), 5, 15, 16, 30–31, 44, 45, 62, 66, 99–100, 118, 162

  Thomasius, Jakob, 15

  To Lessing’s Friends (Mendelssohn), 47, 49, 50, 51, 58

  “Tradition and Innovation in Jewish Literature” (Klausner), 145

  Traité des trois imposteurs, 23

  transcendence, 193

  Treatise on the Immortality of the Soul (da Silva), 92

  Triompho del Govierno Popular y de la antigüedad holandesa, 208n30

  Two Biblical Questions (Goethe), 66

  two-hundred-fiftieth jubilee (The Hague), 137–39

  Uganda controversy, 232n54

  Uriel Acosta (Gutzkow), 90–92, 108, 221n33, 222n37

  Uriel da Costa and Sp
inoza (painting), 107–8, 109

  Ussishkin, Menahem, 113

  van den Enden, Franciscus, 25

  van der Spyck, Henryk, 23–24, 27

  van Til, Salomon, 207n18

  van Vloten, Johannes, 206n17

  Varnhagen, Rahel (Levin), 64

  Vindication of the Jews (ben Israel), 41, 42

  Voltaire, 39

  von Rosenroth, Christian Knorr, 29

  Wachter, Johann Georg, 28–32

  Wally, the Skeptic (Gutzkow), 67

  Warsaw, 162–68

  Wihl, Ludwig, 231n37

  Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Goethe), 71–72

  Wissenschaft des Judentums, 55, 63, 69, 70, 87–88

  Wolf, Immanuel (Wohlwill), 63, 88

  Wolff, Christian, 39

  YaShaR. See Reggio, Isaac Samuel

  Yerushalmi, Yosef H., 12, 198

  Yiddish renaissance, 162–68, 240n37

  Yiddish Writers’ Union, 165

  Yiddishkayt, 189

  Young Germany, 90

  young Hebrews, 130

  Yovel, Yirmiyahu, 192–95, 245n29

  Zacuto, Abraham, 221n28

  “Zedekiah in Prison” (Gordon), 222n37

  Zeitlin, Aaron, 166–68, 241n59

  Zeitlin, Hillel, 126–27, 131, 166

  Zionism, 115, 180, 189, 230n27, 232n53, 54; cultural Zionism, 117, 125, 131; and humanism, 135–36; Klausner and, 132–36; national pantheism, 124–32; political Zionism, 116–17; Spinoza’s proto-, 117–24, 148, 194

  Zohar, 29

  Zunz, Leopold, 55, 64, 87, 222n49

  Zvi, Shabbetai, 167, 169




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