The Congressman's Whore

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The Congressman's Whore Page 7

by Clancy Nacht

  Zane ran his hands over Elton’s legs, squeezing his thighs, raking his nails over the pale skin. He loved Elton’s legs especially for some reason, the slight softness of the inner thighs that suggested Elton skipped leg day, their pallor, the fine blond hairs that covered his skin in peach fuzz.

  Bending over the bed, Zane bit one tender inner thigh, teeth clamped just hard enough to be felt, and then sucked the skin until it pulsed under his tongue. Then he lifted his head and did it again on the other side, moaning approval as he left light marks on Elton’s skin. He was single, after all, and no one would be looking. No one would know but Elton, and they’d be gone in a day or two.

  He worked his way up, leaving a trail behind him, and then nuzzled into Elton’s groin, breathing in the clean, freshly washed scent of him. He drew Elton’s balls into his mouth one at a time, rolling them over his tongue because he liked how they felt, because he knew Elton liked it by the way his breath hitched and his hips arched. He loved the way Elton’s thighs fell apart, giving him room, surrendering his tenderest parts. The feeling of power washed through Zane, fortified him, propelled him.

  Zane might be a cocksucker, but he had Elton by the balls, quite literally.

  Whatever people might think of what he did, Zane knew the power of making a man offer himself up, of getting into his head, discovering all his dirty secrets and everything that made him tick. The rush was dizzying, and if it drew people’s scorn, it was because they feared it.

  As Elton writhed, Zane followed his body, moving his mouth and changing tempo in response to tiny signals, raptly attentive to every breath, every shifting muscle. When Elton held his breath and hollowed his stomach, one hand clutching at the bedspread, Zane finally lifted his head and sucked Elton into his mouth, relenting at last, climbing onto the bed to be closer. He knelt between Elton’s spread legs, sucking him slowly, making Elton beg with his body before he took him deeper.

  When Elton’s hand predictably found its way into Zane’s hair, he looked up to meet that stunning blue gaze and put on a proper show, staring into Elton’s eyes, letting the gentlest pressure of Elton’s hand guide him.

  The way Elton blinked slowly, those large, curious eyes shuttered with long, light lashes... He was almost feline in communicating his pleasure, right down to how Elton kneaded Zane’s hair.

  Elton moaned and hummed around the gag, exuding approval with how his body lifted off the bed, flexing and shifting to get the touches where he wanted. Swallowing Elton’s cock, Zane marked Elton’s pulse through a vein in his forehead, and then, holding Elton’s cock by the base, released him to return to kissing his balls.

  Oh, those exquisite sounds of frustration as Zane squeezed the root of his cock. Zane liked wrenching those sounds from Elton, making his uptight, golden boy facade melt away in the heat of pleasure.

  For all Elton didn’t want out-and-out edging, the prolonged play last time had left him mind blown and wrung out, and Zane wasn’t about to disappoint the second time around. He teased and tormented until Elton seemed desperate and then swallowed his cock all at once, taking it to the back of his throat and gagging purposefully. He watched Elton’s face intently as he fucked his own face on Elton’s cock, moving both hands to grip Elton’s hips and pin them to the bed, holding him in place so he couldn’t accidentally hurt Zane.

  Zane’s perfect control was part of the fantasy, and he maintained it carefully, presenting choices where they were necessary and otherwise making a deliberate show of strength, of authority and precision.

  He sucked Elton’s cock until his sounds changed in tenor from bliss to climactic, then pulled off and away. “Now, honey, I’m going to give you such a spanking.”

  Zane was looking forward to this.

  He moved from the bed to sit on a sturdy chair nearby, taking all the items with him and displaying them on the nightstand. Then he looked at Elton and crooked a finger, beckoning. “Keep hold of the keys, and come stand in front of me.”

  Elton whined faintly, but he rolled off the bed. His cock was shiny slick and hung straight out in front of him. It was a nice cock. Not as big as Zane’s, but generous, a beautiful deep pink with shaved balls and a delicate list to the right.

  The keys clinked as Elton curved his hand around them. His face was pink as he eyed the array of items and stood in front of Zane.

  “Good boy.” Zane smiled up at him reassuringly and then caught his bottom lip in his teeth, anticipating the game. He opened the lube, applied the gel to his fingers, and then coated Elton’s cock thoroughly before rubbing what was left between his own thighs. “Now, lay face down across my lap, ass up, cock between my legs. I’ll take good care of you, I promise. Remember to shake the keys if you need me to slow down, and drop them if you want me to stop. Feel free to struggle and writhe or beg me to stop if it gets you hot. I won’t slow or stop without our signal. Understood?”

  Elton looked at Zane’s lap and then back up to his face. The shock was plain on his face as he squirmed, which made his cock undulate enticingly. He really was endearing like this, vulnerable and surprised, cheeks bright pink, fingers working slowly on the keys.

  He appeared to be doing some sort of calculation, then bent down to set the keys on the floor next to Zane’s feet. Then Elton stretched himself across Zane’s lap, gently wiggling into place so that his cock slotted just where he was instructed. Once Elton had found his balance, he picked up the keys.

  “Mm. Well done,” Zane praised, trailing a fingertip along Elton’s spine just to watch him arch. “Now... Deep breaths for me. Let’s count them together. In, two, three, four, five. All right. Good boy. Out, two, three, four, five.”

  Zane counted off five deep breaths, watching Elton to be certain he was relaxing, stroking his back soothingly as they went. Then he patted Elton’s ass in reward. “Very well done, honey. Now, when things get intense, I want you to remember your breathing. You can breathe through almost anything. The sharper the sensation, the greater the relief after. But if it really is too much, you have the keys. You have the power to stop it.”

  He waited for Elton to acknowledge him, and then he reached for the plug. Zane covered the plug in a condom, lubed it up, and turned it on. Its tinny buzzing filled the air as Zane rubbed it between Elton’s cheeks, applying pressure to his pucker and slowly easing it in.

  The touch made Elton writhe, though he didn’t jiggle or drop the keys. It was difficult to imagine a gay man who hadn’t played with any sort of toys, but then again, Elton traveled a lot, spent so much time in the public eye, being caught with a sex toy would probably be humiliating and not worth the risk.

  Zane teased his opening slowly, letting Elton get used to the sensation as well as the idea. The plug hummed in Zane’s hand as he worked just the tip into that petal pink opening, watching it suck softly and pull away. Beautiful.

  He kept working it in slowly, letting it slide out in a slow fucking motion until Elton finally relaxed.

  “That’s my sweet boy. Look at that pretty hole, opening right up for me. You need this, don’t you?” Zane kept his voice soft, approving, though his cock was hardening against Elton’s side and lust colored his tone. “I’m going to push this all the way inside you now, leave it buzzing on your prostate.”

  Zane waited a beat to make certain Elton consented and then slid the plug in to its base, twisting it to seat it properly. He angled the tip and flicked the vibration off and on a few times as he teased him deeply. Then he released it, leaving it in place, and reached for the belt.

  “Now for the fun part.” Zane smiled and arched his hips a little, grinding into Elton’s body, wanting him to know Zane was enjoying his work. “Remember to breathe if it gets intense, and you have the keys.”

  Watching Elton carefully, Zane trailed the black leather across Elton’s skin, letting him feel the supple length of it trail along his spine. Then he pulled on the fur glove and followed the same path with its softness, alternating the sensations before moving the
touches down to his cheeks. After a long minute of the gentle treatment, Zane gave Elton’s cheek a quick slap with the end of the belt only to chase it immediately with the fur.

  Elton grunted and bucked. His breathing came out in sharp bursts at first, the keys made a quiet jingle, more the sound of Elton adjusting the way that he held them than shaking them. Putting his hands on the floor to steady himself, Elton started to breathe slowly.

  A perfect pink welt blossomed on his lily-white bottom. Zane traced it, monitoring it for heat to make sure that he didn’t hit him unbearably hard; belts could be tricky. It appeared Elton’s skin just marked well, which was going to be a lot of fun.

  “You’re beautiful like this.” Zane smoothed the fur over the welt for a few moments and then smacked him again. Its sound was far sharper than the strike itself, still restrained and careful. Zane caressed the mark tenderly and went on talking, his voice low and full of approval, his cock steadily hardening. “I’d no idea you’d be so gratifying to play with, honey.”

  While Elton squirmed, he didn’t shake the keys or drop them, so Zane smacked him again, laying another carefully placed mark a short distance from the first two. As he soothed them with the fur, he pressed down, urging Elton’s hips lower, and then tightened his thighs around his cock to encourage him to seek pleasure during his discipline. “Fuck my thighs, mm? It’ll feel so good. All that hot, slippery skin snug around your pretty cock while I mark your pert little ass.”

  Elton gave a low, whimpering moan that was beautiful to hear. Each smack caused him to buck, but then he sank back down, rubbing his cock sensually between Zane’s thighs.

  The soft touches after the hit seemed to get the most response, so Zane gave him a good stretch of time to enjoy the sting and ache of the belt as well as the softness. Zane tapped his fingers on the base of the plug, then gave it a gentle nudge. Elton whimpered, then started to fuck Zane’s thighs in earnest, building up slow rhythm. Just as Elton started to tremble, Zane gave him another sharp pop on the ass.

  “That’s good, isn’t it? You’re feeling your ass really work for the first time, aren’t you?” Zane traced the edges of the latest welt with a fingertip as Elton rocked his hips helplessly. Then he nudged the plug again, angling it to press more firmly against his prostate. “Right there, yeah?”

  Elton’s body answered for him, his cock rubbing trails of fresh precum into Zane’s thigh. He squeezed his thighs together rhythmically, working around Elton’s cock as he rubbed the vibrator into that spot.

  “Mm, yeah, that’s it. You’re perfect just like this. This is how I want to see you, honey, inhabiting every inch of this lovely skin, close to the surface and not hiding away.” Zane pressed his fingertips steady against the plug, making little circles, and rubbed his furry palm over the red mark gently. “You need this to be everything you are. You haven’t entirely figured it out yet, but this is part of you. You need to relax, to let go. You’re always wound up so tight, so perfectly in control... Isn’t it good to give me control for a while instead?”

  That was what most of his clients needed. They were wealthy, powerful, constantly balancing empires on their shoulders. And with Zane, they could be vulnerable, they could stop holding up their legacies for an hour or a night and simply be. And as twisted up as most of them were, Elton had to be among the most carefully guarded. He must need this more than any of them, no matter how vanilla his tastes.

  “Mm…” Elton squirmed, ever trying to get more contact, seesawing between the pleasure of the deep prostate massage and the sting on his ass. The sound of Elton sucking back his saliva made Zane smile. Already, Elton was drooling.

  Elton’s back glistened with sweat. It wasn’t surprising that he could withstand the pain. Really, the spanks weren’t much. But how long he was remaining suspended in this state of orgasm denial said a lot about who he was, how dogged he could be.

  Most men would be fixated on fucking Zane’s well-muscled thighs, taking the friction and slickness to get off, offset the burn. Several of his clients brought their ED medication to the sessions so they could get off quick, pop one, and get hard again to go another round before the appointment ended. Elton seemed more like the kind of man to stay the course, go the distance, all those good clichés one wanted in a man.

  Zane liked it, anyway. He only ever had the illusion of control with his clients. It was never about what he enjoyed, even when their fantasy was getting him off. No, it was always about their pleasure first, and his secondary or not at all. Sex for Zane wasn’t about his own enjoyment, not anymore. Not for a long time. Finding something simple to relish kept him sane.

  Moments like this, he really did love his work.

  He carried on, carefully marking Elton’s pristine ass, covering every inch with a glowing welt, rubbing away the worst of the hurt with the fur glove, and from time to time focusing on the plug, on making Elton squirm and groan. When he was done with his work, he set aside the belt, gently removed the plug, and piloted Elton onto his feet.

  Elton wobbled with the head rush from changing position, and Zane slid his arms around him gently, holding him, standing in front of him so Elton could lean against him. Then he deliberately pressed into Elton, walking him backward, steering him toward the full-length mirror on the wardrobe door. He distracted Elton with long, hot kisses until they were in position and then pulled away and pointed.

  “Look behind you. Look how sexy you are like this.”

  “Oh my, am I going to be able to sit?” Elton bit his bottom lip. His expression was somewhere between astonished and aroused. He didn’t look nearly as worried as his words sounded, but he did hold Zane tightly.

  This seemed like the shock of a new discovery for Elton. His cock was hard, slick against Zane’s belly. Whatever Elton was seeing, he seemed to like, at least on some level. Watching Elton grapple with his burgeoning sexual identity was intoxicating.

  Eventually, Elton looked away from the mirror and eyed the bed. Zane smiled wide and stepped back, moving toward it and drawing Elton with him.

  “How do you wanna come tonight?” Sloan asked as he turned them at the foot of the bed and toppled Elton back onto the mattress. Zane smoothed his hands up Elton’s thighs, over his hips, past his straining cock. “Do you wanna come tonight?”

  “I need to come.” Elton’s brows pinched together and lifted, eyes wide and pleading, as if it was up to Zane. He shifted on the bedspread, his ass still tender from the spankings. “With you inside me again. We can… do it how we planned last time, right? With my ass up? I think it would feel interesting having your body slapping onto my ass and… and if when you come…. You want to come on my red ass cheeks? Or if you’d rather… you know, how you want to do it.”

  “Yeah? You want me to come on you?” Zane raised an eyebrow and then settled atop Elton, leaning in over him and kissing him softly. He caught Elton’s lower lip in his teeth and tugged, then murmured, “I’ll come all over those pretty pink cheeks and rub it in.”

  Then Zane pulled back and rolled Elton over, pulling him up onto all fours with rough, eager hands. “Come on, show me you want it.”

  As Elton assumed the position, Zane reached for the lube and a condom. After all the buildup, he was more than ready. Though he’d trained himself to perform on cue, part of him still craved the quick and dirty, doing it on his own time. With Elton’s words, he knew exactly what he needed to do, exactly how to get what he wanted for himself.

  He took a moment to admire Elton’s body, his reddened ass, his sweet little opening already loosened and hungry from the plug. Zane slicked his cock with a little extra lube and then shifted closer, lining up with Elton’s entrance, grasping one of Elton’s hips in a firm grip. He pulled Elton back as Zane pressed forward. That welcoming body took his cock like it needed it.

  “That’s it, honey.” Zane groaned and let his head fall back as he pushed forward more deeply. He rolled his hips, pressing deeper still, easing in until his body crushed against El
ton’s sensitized cheeks. Zane stroked them with his free hand and then pulled out slowly only to thrust deep again. The angle was perfect for nailing Elton’s prostate, perfect for making him moan and arch, and it was a head trip getting such a raw, needy reaction out of a man who was known for restraint and his goody two-shores rep.

  Zane stared down at the shiny little hole stretched so wide around him, rim going white and red as he thrust into Elton’s trembling body. He traced it and then reached up Elton’s body to take him by the hair and pull his head back, forcing his back to arch more sharply. “So good, baby. Just like this. Just take it for me.” His own breath speeding, Zane leaned over Elton’s back and slid the hand on Elton’s hip down to splay across his belly just above his dangling erection. “Want my hand on your cock? Hm? You want me to jerk you good while I fuck your sweet little ass?”

  “Yes, yes please.” Elton sounded so needy, as if he was dying for contact. He hissed at the impact of Zane’s thighs against his ass, groaned at having his hair pulled.

  He seemed lost, flexing and bucking when Zane wrapped his hand around Elton’s cock. God, he was so beautiful like this, moving and grunting, overwhelmed with lust and sensation.

  Elton clenched hard around Zane, his body tense as if he was ready to come completely loose. An instant later, Elton sounded as if he’d been sucker punched. He gasped and writhed, fucking himself frantically on Zane’s cock. Zane barely had to do anything as Elton was wracked with his release.

  “That’s it, baby. Come on.” Zane shuddered as Elton worked himself faster over Zane’s shaft, rippling around it, clenching it, all but forcing Zane over the edge with him already, mind-bogglingly fast. Breathing deeply, Zane fought to hold back, to control the urge to thrust even as he fisted Elton’s cock in swift, relentless strokes, forcing the cum out of him in hot, wet pulses that striped the bedspread and dripped down Zane’s fingers. Zane milked it from him, kept pulling until Elton tensed and flinched away, overwhelmed with sensitivity.


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