Book Read Free

1 Carpe Bead'em

Page 14

by Tonya Kappes

  “Sir, if I may introduce my assistant Beatrice.”

  He interrupts. “Yes, I have heard about her.”

  We look at each other inquisitively. Who in the hell told him about Beatrice?

  “The girls told me about her. I understand she’s been fielding your phone calls.” I completely forgot about the time I was late and Beatrice came up with the wonderful idea about Fox 19 doing a story on the boutique.

  “Yes, sir, and she’s doing a fantastic job.” I confirm.

  I believe Beatrice is a true Gucci manager and loves the G’s as much as me.

  “As a matter of fact, Beatrice is the one who knows the good people of Fox news and set up the interview. She comes in early and stays late. She even suggested a few of the outfits that made it into the magazine shoot.” There is silence which allows me to continue. “She is the fastest learning associate I’ve ever worked with. She has the potential, with the right grooming, to make it to the top.”

  “Grooming?” Beatrice mouths in a pissy sort of way. She mutters under her breath, “I’m not a dog.”

  “It sounds like you’ve put Gucci above your needs and thought about the future when you leave.” Charlie is pleased. “Very good, Hallie. Everyone please join me in applause for how well Hallie has made a success out of our boutique there in Cincinnati.”

  “Five weeks left?” Piper is curious.

  Why? Is she planning something? I don’t trust her.

  “Yes. And I’m going to miss Cincinnati, but I’m ready to come home to my associates.” I want her to know she’s still treading in my territory, even if Bo isn’t in the picture.

  “Maybe you should take a staycation when you get back.” She suggested.

  Beatrice scribbles, Vacation when you stay home.

  I don’t understand all this combining-word stuff. What happened to Webster’s Dictionary straightforward words? Vacation, no matter where you are. Frenemy? Just say enemy. V-log? Just say videotape.

  “I don’t think you should worry about me.” I’m tired of her trying to one-up me. “I’m not planning on staying in Cincinnati.”

  “I’m sad to announce that Hallie has declined the regional manager position we offered her.” The voice comes through loud and clear.

  “I was just saying we’ve all heard how hard you are working and maybe when you get back you should take in your city.” I don’t like the way she emphasizes your. “You can take a few days to relax.”

  Charlie chimes in. “Piper.” He is trying to interrupt her as she babbles on. “Piper!” The phone goes silent. “Gucci would like to thank you for your contribution, but you’re no longer a regional, as Hallie is. Remember, she’s your boss now.”

  Yeah! Take that! I want to yell into the phone, but refrain and let Charlie take care of me.

  My spirits lift. Beatrice’s eyebrows arches up in a V and she’s tiptoeing around the room in a happy dance.

  “Sir, I’m empathizing with her. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to put her complete heart and soul into this company. And .…”

  “Yes, Piper, and we thank you for that. Now we need to move on to the item on the agenda. We have fall preview coming up and ….” Charlie continues with the meeting.

  The rest of the meeting I’m on cloud nine. You can’t knock me off with a bat. At the end of the conference call, Charlie asks to speak with me offline.

  My heart races because I‘ve never talked to him. I mean I’ve talked to him, but never one on one. I’m probably stepped over the line with Piper and he’s going to scold me for it.

  “Hallie?” He questions whether I’m still on the line.

  I’m going to start right out of the gate. “Sir, I’m sorry for the banter between Piper and me. I know better, being the regional.

  “Don’t worry about that. There is a reason we didn’t offer the Cincinnati boutique to her.”

  What did he mean? We didn’t offer…OMG! She didn’t want to give up her regional? They demoted her.

  “Kudos to her for wanting to take the Michigan Avenue store, but as you can read the numbers I sent you.”

  I look at Beatrice and begin shuffling papers on my desk to find the numbers page he’s talking about.

  Beatrice put the pages in front of me. She scribbles on her pad Day you left early.

  Of course the numbers come in on the day I left. Wonder which day it was, because I seem to be leaving a lot lately.

  “What do you think?” Charlie asks. But I don’t hear a word he utters. I’m trying to find the numbers page.

  “May I?” Beatrice places her hand up to her chest.

  “Sir, let me introduce you to Beatrice. She and I have gone over and over these pages.” Beatrice nods, letting me know she’s got some good ideas, “I think you’re going to like what she has to say. I know I like her ideas.”

  Beatrice and Charlie go on and on about the flagship store. Charlie agrees with everything she’s saying. She’s been accepted in the family and her face shows it.

  “I can’t believe he loves my ideas.” She clasps her hands together after the phone conference. “Are you mad that I studied your pages?”

  “No. I’m actually glad. You saved me again. I want to thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. I don’t know. I feel like my life just took a turn in a different direction.” She smiles. “I think I want to be bigger than a regional. I’ve got so many good ideas for all the stores.”

  My heart wants to jump out and kiss her. I’m so proud of her. She’s grown so much in the past seven weeks. I have no doubt she’ll go straight to the top.

  “I almost forgot.” She hands me a note. “The manager at Saks needs to see you.” I roll my eyes. The manager has never wanted to see me before, I wonder what’s wrong? I put it in my drawer. I’ve already put out more fires than I want to this morning and there’s no water left in the hydrant. The Saks manager will have to wait until another day.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  By the end of the week, Wilson is raring to go. He’s standing outside on the porch waiting for me to get home with Henry attached to his leash.

  “Let’s get going.” Wilson throws his bag in the back seat of the car.

  Henry yaps in delight. He loves going for rides. I look at my phone, thinking I should call Aunt Grace. But I’m still angry about last weekend and need a week off from them. I know she can’t help what Uncle Jimmy does, but she can try to restrain him.

  I look back at Wilson, who’s motioning for me to go. “I need my Prudence fix. Let’s go.” He desperately pleads.

  Aunt Grace is going to have to wait. The boutique is in good hands with Beatrice. I have beaded enough bracelets to replace the ones sold by Dee. My samples are neatly tucked in cute Beadnicks boxes I made, my business cards ready to go and my accounting is in a folder for Monk take a look at.

  Lucy is in Mason Crossing with Beck and her family. The condo will be empty. Perfect for Bo and I to spend some more alone time.

  The drive isn’t too bad with Wilson and Henry to keep me company. We pull into Tower Place. I don’t think I can take another minute how wonderful Wilson thinks Prudence.

  Obviously the feeling is mutual, Prudence squeals with delight when she opens the door to find Wilson standing there with three dozen roses and a big grin.

  She rushes me and Henry out, shutting the door behind us. I realize I’m not going to be spending any time with her this weekend.

  “Welcome home! I’ve missed my southern belle.” Sam tilts his hat.

  If feels great to be home and going up in the elevator to the fifty-first floor. I laugh watching Henry dart around, smelling all the nooks and crannies he can fit into. He runs out on the balcony when I open the door. He jumps on the chaise and lays down, letting the sun warm his belly.

  “Like mommy, like son.” I smile watching Henry bask in the heat.

  Everything is in order. All my stuff is the way I left it just a few weeks ago and the smell of familiar is a welcomi
ng scent. I put my overnight bag away and pick up the phone to dial Bo’s number. Quickly I place the receiver back down. What am I thinking? It’s Friday night and he won’t be home. He’ll be at the bar. It’ll be sweet to surprise him.

  I pull my long black hair up in a bun tight to my head and carefully put on minimal makeup with dark eyes. My black four-inch heels with my Lela Rose white silk halter dress outlined in black with a thick black belt to accentuate my waist complete the perfect outfit.

  “Bo won’t be able to keep his hands off me,” I say. Henry wags his tail in approval.

  I give him lots of kisses before I catch the next elevator, and hail a taxi. No way can I walk all over downtown in these heels.

  The bar is packed when I get there. My heart skips when I see Bo behind the bar, doing what he does best. His hazel eyes gleam from the bar lights. I make my way across the room, keeping my eye on him as he works his magic.

  There’s something very seductive how he handles a bottle of Jack and the way his fingers twists and manipulate the lime. My mouth waters with the thought of his hands on my body.

  “Excuse me?” I yell over the noise, trying to get his attention. “Excuse me?”

  “One sec, honey, lots of others in front of you.” Bo swings around when he registers my voice. “Hallie!” He drops the bar towel on the bar and turns to an employee. “Hey, take over. I’m leaving.”

  Bo picks me up and kisses me harder than he ever has. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to come home,” I say after I come up for air. “Here to surprise you.”

  “Let me take you home.” He leads me out of the bar into the alley. He pins me up against the wall. His kisses are soft and gentle. My legs fill with goose bumps as he kisses my neck.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you.” Our mouths deepen longing for more of each other. I don’t care that my Lela Rose dress is probably getting ruined. All I can think about is Bo and getting him back to my place.

  “Let’s go,” I whisper.

  Holding his hand, I drag him out of the alley and hail a cab. I can’t stop touching him. He’s like a fine piece of rare Italian leather.

  Bo and I can’t keep our hands off each other—all night long.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  “Meet me for a run.” Bo brings me a cup of coffee, shielding the morning sun piping through the window.

  I roll over, remembering the night before. My heart soars at the fact he’s here.

  “I’m going home to get some running clothes on. Meet me.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “Lincoln Park Zoo. One hour.”

  His smells lingers even after he leaves the room. I hug his pillow and smile. It’s everything I dream of and more. He’s gentle and sweet. He works his way around my body better than I can.

  I put on some shorts and a tee, take a few minutes to walk a happy Henry, and I’m off.

  We run, then return to my place. Henry enjoys the balcony. Bo and I enjoy each other.

  The few hours we spend together are better than my dreams. He wants to know more about my plans for Beadnicks and my future with Gucci. It’s electric when you share your dreams with someone you love.

  “I think it’s great you’ve found something you really enjoy.” He rubs my back as we lounge on the chaise with Henry at our feet.

  “It’s amazing,” I gush. “I’ve never felt so passionate about something in my life. It makes all the bad things in my life melt away.”

  “I know.” He agrees. “That’s how I felt when I opened the bar. It’s my baby and I’ll do anything to nurture it.”

  He’s right. Beadnicks is my baby and I’ll do anything in my power to keep it alive and well.

  After Bo left, I take Henry on another walk and visit a couple of my favorite boutiques that happen to be dog-friendly.

  I take my samples, and copies of the photos from the Fit Pregnancy shot. The photos have a great view of my designs paired with Gucci. I even added my Beadnicks logo. This is a great brochure to hand out to perspective boutiques.

  I might try to hit up a couple of the local dog boutiques if I have time.

  “Hallie, your back.” Kiki, the owner of the first boutique we stop in, is happy to see us.“Are you here to stock up or are you back for good?”

  Before I left for Cincinnati, I complained to anyone and everyone that would listen about the transfer and purchased all my favorite products to take with me. Including my moisturizer I get from Kiki’s.

  “Actually, I’m good. But I’m only back for a weekend visit.” I smile as Kiki pets Henry. “I want to know if I can pick your brain.”

  Kiki looks curious. “Sure.” She motions for me to follow her to the back room in the store. “Sit down.”

  Henry jumps in my lap, and I put my bag of goodies on the floor.

  “I discovered a new talent since I’ve been gone. One that’s become a lucrative part of my life.” I pull out the brochures, some sample bracelets, and hand them to her.

  “Where did you get these pieces?” Kiki takes her glasses out of the case and puts them on. She looks a little closer. “Quality work.”

  It doesn’t hurt that the bracelets are paired with one of the most expensive designer labels in the world. Gucci makes a monkey’s butt look gorgeous.

  Okay, here goes nothing

  “I design and make them myself.” I pull out my marketing-plan notebook with pride. “I’ve sold this many in the bead store. Here you’ll see my profit and loss. Fit Pregnancy used Beadnicks in a photo shoot that will be out in two months.”

  “How will the readers know where to purchase the jewelry?” She cuts to the chase, trying to figure out how much business Beadnicks could bring to her store.

  “On each page of the photo layout there is a caption of the clothing, plus accessories.” I take out a Fit Pregnancy magazine to show her what I mean. “In the back of the magazine, the retailers are listed.”

  “So what’s in it for me?” She picks up a sample I lay on her desk and carefully inspects it.

  “I’m going to offer my favorite boutiques a marketing plan to debut my new jewelry line. I came to you first, but others are expecting me.” I feel that I need to put urgency into the deal before she slips away.

  “Plus, I have a line of dog collars that aren’t out yet.” I take out a copy of Sheila Gray’s news video. I made one for each boutique. “A Cincinnati’s Fox News anchor ordered several pieces to wear. She’s received several emails asking where they can buy my designs.”

  She puts her hand up to stop me. “Enough said.”

  Nervously I watch as she puts the samples back in the boxes.

  What? I knew it. My jewelry really does suck and Kiki is the only decent person to tell me.

  “One hundred pieces to start with. A good mix of colors and designs. I hold all the rights to say no to any design I feel won’t sell.” Kiki smiles at me, as I’m practically shitting my pants. “I love it, Hallie.”

  One hundred pieces?

  I take a deep breath, coolly stand up, and hold my hand out. “I’ll have my accountant send you the paperwork.”

  “I want it by the end of the month.” She’s testing my coolness.


  Of course I said done. Forget that I’m not living here, forget that I don’t have all the supplies, forget that I have a real job and forget that the end of the month is in two weeks.

  I got orders from three more boutiques, including Tails in the City, a dog boutique. Since I don’t have any samples, I have to pitch the concept using Swarovski crystals and incorporating the dog’s birthday month. They love the idea and order twenty. A good start.

  Henry is exhausted by the time we get home, and he heads back out to his favorite spot on the balcony. I jump online and order an insane amount of beads. It’s hugely expensive, and that’s without the overnight shipping. All had better go well with Monk, because I just put thousands of dollars on my credit card.

  Monk is a little stra
nge and not especially chatty, but I pull out my marketing notebook and hand it to him shortly after I arrive at the bar.

  “I think you can guide me in the right direction.” At least I’m hoping he can.

  His eyes scan the pages. Then he turns and heads to the back of the bar.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Calculator.” One-word sentences appears to be his specialty.

  He returns, punches in some numbers, and jots down some calculations on a spread sheet. “First suggestion,” he says, “get a tax ID. Do an LLC using your social.”

  I grab my notebook out of my purse and start making notes.

  “Secondly, you have to make over five hundred pieces of jewelry within the next two weeks. I suggest you hire someone at this rate.” He points to a number. “And get the orders filled.”

  I write faster, using abbreviations. I can smack myself for not learning shorthand because I’m going to have one heck of a time trying to figure out what I’ve abbreviated.

  “Thirdly, you need to take a long hard look on the future. Do you want to make this your hobby or job? Because you have a lot of interest, that can make you a career. Especially when this magazine ad hits.” He holds up my brochure. “When you’ve seriously thought or done something about my three points, call me and we can discuss this further.”

  Leaving, my head is a boggle bag of crap and is messing with me, because I know I don’t see Bo’s arms wrapped around Piper, across the street.

  Quietly I hide behind the dumpster in the alley. He hugs her again. I rub my eyes. A cab pulls up and Bo opens the door. She graciously pulls her legs in the cab just before Bo shuts the door. He watches the cab leave before he turns and runs in the front door of the bar.

  I make sure he’s out of site before I hail my own cab—home.

  The ride back to my condo is definitely not as good as the one last night. The one I need to forget.

  I throw myself on the bed. Henry is desperately trying to get to my face to lick my salty tears. I push him aside.


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