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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 102

by Reece Butler

  It was definitely time to get a dog.

  “Danny MacDougal was my cousin,” she said. “They gave him a medal for saving his group and sent him home in a coffin. It hasn’t been long enough for the pain to fade.” She bit her lip. “They tell me it eventually does.”

  “He’s in a better place.”

  She broke out in a bitter laugh. “That doesn’t help. He’s still gone and the rest of us have to deal with it. There’s a part of me that is pretty damn pissed off at him for leaving me.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Not many people realize that, or admit it.”

  “I don’t have time for games, or patience. I say what I think.”

  Jet had to look down to hide a grin. She wasn’t only mouthy, she had a brain. Many men did not appreciate that in a woman. He thought it was great. He’d like to give her enough verbal rope to hang herself with, and then punish her accordingly.

  “What do you think?” she demanded belligerently. He knew she was trying to make up for showing emotion. “The days are long, but the food’s good, and the beds are comfortable.”

  “Comfortable, huh?” He rested his thumbs in his front pockets, knowing his hands framed his cock through his jeans. She swallowed hard, eyes aimed between his fingers. He’d like to get comfortable in her bed. “Sounds good to me. If you point me in the direction of the bunkhouse, I’ll get settled.”

  “There’s no bunkhouse. You’ll be sleeping in the main house, with me.”

  He half gasped, half laughed as she turned white, then red.

  “Oh my God! I meant, across the hall from my room. My brother’s rooms. That’s what I meant!”

  Her nipples stood out like thumbs. He nodded, giving her a smile that was all his own.

  “Sure you did.”

  Chapter Three

  Oh, God, she’d really done it this time!

  Her face and body were so hot from embarrassment, she could hardly breathe. She grabbed a post in both hands and rested her forehead against it. She’d said a lot of stupid things in her life, but this had to take the cake. Right when it mattered the most, she’d blown everything.

  She’d finally found a man whose company she enjoyed, a man who turned her on, and she’d acted like a complete idiot, as usual. First she’d answered the door in her ugly old robe, and now this. Jet would think she was desperate for sex, which she was, but letting him know it totally blew her chance to be respected as a ranch boss.

  She was too big and strong. She got distracted easily and didn’t finish things. She was so disorganized she couldn’t put together a party in a cowboy bar on a Saturday night. Worst was her lack of a filter, which let her blurt out whatever was in her mind. Jet would never respect her now. She tried so hard, yet screwed everything up.

  Holding her breath stopped the sobs, but it didn’t stop her hurt. She’d been so looking forward to proving herself. All she’d proven to Jet was that she was a dumb blonde who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Her faults didn’t matter when she stayed home and worked on the ranch. She hadn’t spoken with anyone other than family and close friends for months, and they accepted her as she was.

  Being a tomboy, or worse, hadn’t stopped her from having girlish dreams of a home, children to love, and a pair of men to hold her in the night. She’d shoved those dreams so deep she’d almost forgotten they existed, until Jet woke her longing for them. Who would want her when she couldn’t do a damn thing right!

  She fought to inhale. She would not give in to pity! She managed a rattling breath, but couldn’t get it out again. Her throat closed. She couldn’t even scream! She barely heard Rascal’s whine over the pounding in her ears.

  “Shh, I’ve got you. Let it go.”

  The deep voice cut through her rising panic. Jet set his hands on her shoulders, near her neck. The weight felt good. She wasn’t alone this time. She managed to get some air, but her throat was still too tight.

  “Stop fighting, Lila,” he murmured. “Trust me to care for you. We’ll take a deep, slow breath, then let it out. Together. Follow me.”

  He gripped her shoulder securely with his right hand. His left reached around to press on her diaphragm, between her breasts and her belly.

  “Feel my chest against your back and breathe along with me,” he ordered. “Slow, to the count of four. Nothing exists but my voice. Do it with me, Lila. One, two, three, four. Hold. Now release. You count.”

  “One, two, three, four,” she whispered as she fought to exhale.

  “Good girl. Again, slower and deeper this time. You count.”

  He stayed with her, holding her in his warm embrace, as she followed his breathing. They shared breaths, again and again, as her panic receded. Finally, he released her and stepped back, but not too far.

  “Better now?”

  “Damn, I don’t know what happened there.” Tears, from relief and embarrassment, filled her eyes. “I haven’t had a panic attack since…”

  She dropped her head in her hands, taking the opportunity to wipe her eyes.

  “It’s over,” he said gently. “You survived. Move on.”

  “Nobody knows about this but my mom,” she managed to croak out, “and she thinks I’m over them. If Dad and Papa find out, they’ll worry, and won’t enjoy their trip. And Mom’s been wanting this forever. They can’t know.”

  “How much sleep have you had lately?”

  She rested her hot forehead on the cool post. “Not much. I was so worried about not being able to find help. I’ve been trying for weeks, and couldn’t figure out why nobody wanted the job.” She released a shuddering breath. “All along, it was that damn son of a bitch Tank. He must’ve warned everyone not to take the job.”

  She stepped away from the post. She wavered, and blindly reached out. Jet made a strange growling sound, then his arms were around her. She rested her forehead against his jaw. Her hands went around his bare chest to his back and held on. He was warm, and solid, and there, in more than a physical sense. She sank into his embrace, wanting nothing but the moment.

  He shifted, releasing his tight hold. She sighed, wanting him to keep her close. Of course, he only touched her because she couldn’t breathe. That’s all he meant by it.

  “You’re so tall,” she murmured.

  “Luckily, so are you.”

  It felt so good to be held. She got lots of hugs from her relatives, but it never felt like this. Danny always hugged her, though TJ had stopped when they were teenagers. Those were friend hugs. This was…more. Better.

  “I know I stink,” he said, “but you needed someone to hold you.”

  She choked out a laugh. “I landed ass-first in the pigpen this morning. That’s why I was in my robe. Believe me, you don’t smell near as bad as I did an hour ago.”

  She inhaled. Yes, he was a bit whiffy, but she didn’t mind. Not when he had his arms around her.

  “Look at me, Lila.”

  She swallowed, her nerves raw from emotion, but once again did what he said. She kept her chin down, though, looking up at him through her lashes. His eyes seemed huge. He raised an eyebrow.

  “Instead of shaking hands, I’m going to kiss you to seal our bargain. You got a problem with that, ma’am?”

  Eager trembles ran through her. She slowly shook her head.

  “No, sir. I do not.”

  His eyes blazed. She didn’t know why she’d called him “sir.” It just came out. Maybe it was an unconscious reply to his use of the word “ma’am.” From the way his nostrils flared, it meant something to him.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  She didn’t need his approval. So why did her heart pound faster at those two words?

  He pulled her snug against him, tighter than before. She couldn’t miss the thick cock pressing into her belly. He kept one hand on her back while the other dropped to her butt. He pushed her pussy even tighter against him. She shuddered as it pulsed in need. This was the most aroused she’d been without Bob at top speed.

mouth descended toward hers. She closed her eyes, keeping her mouth open to breathe. His lips brushed hers once, and then settled. Everything faded but his touch. She melted, her head tilting as she took everything he gave.

  He finally pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. Once more she fought to breathe, but this time it had nothing to do with panic.

  “I’m not very good at kissing,” she whispered. “I haven’t had any practice.”

  “Lila, that was the about the best kiss I’ve ever had.” He gave her a quick squeeze. “I’d like you to practice, on my lips and other parts.”

  A flood of need swelled her pussy. Her nipples ached for his touch. He released her bottom and stepped back, his hands holding her arms. She bit her lip, hoping it wasn’t over. He placed his palm over her belly. Slowly, his fingers descended until his thumb rested over her clit. He massaged it through her jeans. Flames erupted.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered hoarsely as her knees threatened to buckle. “Please!”

  She didn’t know what she was begging for, but it wasn’t for him to step back. She moaned in complaint. She wanted to sift her fingers through the dark curls on his chest. She wanted to kiss him, and she wanted to do it naked.

  “Tom White said he’d be keeping your parents for a long breakfast,” said Jet. His chuckle was rough. “Guess they’re on the way back. I just heard a truck, and Rascal took off.”

  She swallowed hard, then listened. Yes, that was Papa’s truck coming down the lane. Mom would be riding shotgun. She looked up. Jet’s expression was that of a predator, one who would do exactly what he wanted. He had controlled her, helping her breathe. From the possessive way he looked at her, he wanted to control more than that.

  And, God forbid, she wanted it.

  All those years on her own, doing everything she could to prove she didn’t need help, though sometimes she’d wished she’d been forced to accept it. She’d taken on any challenge, no matter how ridiculous. She was tired of standing up to all her naysayers, and tired of fighting for what she’d never have, which was to be respected as much as her male cousins. No matter what she did, their opinion of her wouldn’t change. They thought she was a freak, a woman trying to be a man. That’s what Tank called her. Freaky Frost.

  She had a choice. She could continue knocking herself out to prove she was as good as a man, and failing. Or she could try enjoying being a woman.

  Damn it, she wanted a man’s arms around her at night! She wanted his touch, his caring, his belief in her as a person. Someone who could ease her worries without making her feel she was stupid.

  Which was it to be? Try to find happiness by banging her head against a barn door that would never open, or finding another way in?

  She’d never known the comfort of a strong male interested in her as a person, as well as sexually. Jet made her feel feminine, yet he said he’d take her orders during the day. Wasn’t that what she wanted? She’d privately rolled her eyes at Aunt Aggie, a woman who could do any ranch chore yet dropped her eyes when Uncle Keith told her to toe the line. Was this why Aunt Aggie eagerly submitted to her husbands? Did she get this feeling of being enfolded and cared for?

  What would it be like to submit to Jet? To give up all her worries and concerns, and just be?

  She wanted to be appreciated as a woman by a man who might give her masses of orgasms. Jet certainly knew where her clit was, even through her jeans. What would it be like to have his thumb on her bare flesh, or even better, his tongue? Better than winning the championship gold buckle? She’d never win that buckle now, but there was a damn good chance Jet would make her scream, again and again. She had a month to use up that box of condoms TJ had challenged her with. And dammitall, she was going to enjoy it!

  “Any special jobs you need done, day or night, just ask,” said Jet, interrupting her thoughts. “I’ve got a few skills, and so does Houston,” he added, his voice deep and slow.

  If that look was intended to make her panties damp, it was working. She was not used to having a man look at her as if he wanted to nibble on her for a long, long time. Nor was she used to thinking about nibbling back. He leaned closer. His breath sighed past her ear.

  “Let me make this clear. If you say yes to me, at night I will be in charge. You will submit to me, Lila Frost, and learn what you’ve been missing. Just so you’re clear, Houston’s part of the deal. You take both of us, or none. Your choice.”

  Her knees almost buckled at the thrill of his threat. She needed another shower, this one cold. Her panties were so wet they were useless. Jet’s thigh brushed her bottom as he stepped back. Accidental, or on purpose? She shuddered. Nothing was accidental with this man. She didn’t know what formal education he had, but he knew people, and was damn smart.

  She heard Rascal’s welcoming woof. Truck doors slammed. A quick peek showed Mom heading into the house while Papa strode toward the barn. At least it wasn’t her overprotective dad. Her face was already hot, but the thought of her father noticing she’d been kissing made her ears burn. She stepped aside, into a shadow. She had responsibilities, and would damn well complete them. The half-naked man in front of her would not distract her from her job. She cleared her throat and continued the interview.

  “Have you got references?”

  Jet had picked up his shirt. He held it in one hand beside his belt buckle, hiding what she knew rose behind it.

  “Only reference I have is this one.” He pointed down, where Rascal was again camped at his feet. “He may be your dog, but he knows I’m the Alpha male of his pack.”

  She straightened her back. It was daytime, and she was the boss. “And what am I, then?”

  His answering smile was all wolf. “If you’ll agree, my Alpha female.”

  From what she knew pack dynamics, the mate to the Alpha male ran the pack, bowing only to her mate. Well, this female wouldn’t be doing any bowing when the sun was up!

  “Can you take orders from a woman?” she demanded.

  “As long as I respect the boss, I don’t care if they identify as male, female, or otherwise.”

  “Will you respect my orders?”

  “I’m yours all day.”

  His dark, hungry look curled her toes. Her heart pounded. Her chest was tight, yet she felt no panic. He leaned slightly forward.

  “And at night, you’ll be mine.”

  Chapter Four

  If Jet wasn’t already as hard as he’d ever been, the look on Lila’s face would have sent him there. He groaned, in need and pain. If her father wasn’t about to step in the barn he’d have kissed her senseless. He had no condoms, but there was a lot they could do to pleasure each other without them.

  The clump of heavy boots approaching made him wince. He threw his shirt on, leaving the shirttails hanging out to cover what he hoped her father wouldn’t notice. Lila noticed. He’d held her in his arms a few minutes ago as she fought to breathe in her panic. That terrified woman was nothing like the one now facing him. Whatever had set her off was gone. She held her back straight and her chin high. Her eyes blazed, with lust rather than anger, he hoped.

  He also hoped her father wouldn’t know why her face was red.

  “I’ve hired a couple of hands, Papa. This one’s Jet Quartermain. Houston’s sleeping in the truck.”

  “Your mom took a look at him. She says he needs a bed if he’s to heal.”

  The tall, muscular man in a white T-shirt, faded jeans, and work boots turned his attention to Jet. It was obvious he’d spent his life outside, doing hard physical work. He looked to be in his mid-60s, yet was still fit and trim. Lila must’ve got her coloring from her other father, or her mother. This man had brown hair and eyes, and a weathered face and hands from work.

  “I’m Matt Frost. Tom thinks you might be man enough to take orders from my daughter.”

  Lila’s father set his feet shoulder width apart and set his fists on his hips. Muscles bulged as he scowled. Lila had given him the same look. He’d seen enough of tha
t in his life. It didn’t scare him.

  “We were warned off this job, Mr. Frost. I don’t listen to cowards or bullies, and neither does Houston. We’ll protect both your ranch and your daughter until you get back.”

  “I don’t need protection!”

  Frost’s expression eased, as did his posture. One side of his face tilted up in the beginnings of a grin. Wrinkles appeared around his eyes. No, they were laugh lines.

  “You sure about that?” he asked. “My girl can be a handful. She gets uppity, like her mother.”


  Jet heard Lila’s gasp but didn’t turn away from her father’s inspection.

  “Go help your mother. This is men’s business.”

  Jet pressed his lips together to keep back a grin. He’d just met her, but bet her father had just pressed one of Lila’s biggest buttons, making it obvious. She reacted just as Jet figured she would, by exploding.

  “Excuse me?” She stomped in front of her father. Her furious face flamed. She jammed her fists on her hips, reflecting his posture, and glared. “I thought I was the one making the decisions. I offered Mr. Quartermain a job, and he accepted. The business is done!”

  Frost’s look was patronizing. It wound Lila even higher, but she kept her mouth shut.

  “I’m still your father.” He tilted his head, jerking it toward the house.

  Lila jammed her lips together. She looked from her father, to Jet. Her eyes were narrow and those plump pink lips pouted. She growled something Jet was glad he didn’t hear, whirled around, and stomped away. He tilted his head to watch. The way her ass wiggled in those tight jeans—

  “That’s my little girl’s butt you’re staring at.”

  Watching Lila’s ass had been automatic, a need he hadn’t been aware of. He jerked his attention back to her father. Luckily, his skin was naturally dark, so maybe her father wouldn’t notice the heat burning his ears.

  “It’s like that, is it? About time.”


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