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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 156

by Reece Butler

  “Touch your left knee to my leg, and your right knee to Trey’s.”

  His words sounded far more in control than he felt. She realized what he meant and sucked air. Her hands, fisted on her thighs, shook. She didn’t cover herself with her fingers, which was a good start.

  “What if someone sees me?” she whispered, her voice shaking.

  “That’s the idea,” he replied. “For Trey and me to see. Do you want help?”

  “Oh, God no!”

  “Then do it.”

  Face flaming, she slowly exposed herself. The metal door slammed shut behind Tom’s back. She jumped at the sound, saw he was gone, and let her thighs relax. Sam inhaled her essence. He could easily see her smooth white thighs and belly edged by the green of her dress. What drew his eyes was the fire between her thighs.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Her soft voice trembled.

  “You moved your legs. I’m not doing anything to you.”

  “Yet,” said Trey with a leer.

  Sam shot him a glower to shut his trap. “You are in control, Katie. You are choosing to follow my instructions. Did you feel threatened into opening yourself to us?”

  She bit her lip and then shook her head.

  “You spread your legs because you want us to see, smell, touch, and taste you, right?”

  “Don’t forget hearing,” said Trey. “We want to hear the sounds you make. That little whimper you made before you came…dayam!”

  Sam lifted his hand and set it, slowly and deliberately, on her thigh, halfway between knee and hip. His darkly tanned fingers were stark against her white skin. She trembled, but said nothing. Trey did the same on her right. Both he and Trey trailed their fingers higher. His rough calluses rasped against her smooth inner thighs. Her legs were so short it didn’t take long for their little fingers to touch her thatch.

  Her breathing had increased dramatically, but then so had his and Trey’s. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might pop his shirt open. He caught his brother’s eye. Trey nodded in silent agreement. They investigated Katie’s folds. She was slick. Another wave of essence emerged, along with a whimper.

  “God, Katie, you smell so good.” Sam lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked his finger. “And you taste even better.”

  He reluctantly put both hands on the wheel. Katie panted as Trey’s thumb massaged around her clit. It hurt to sit with a bent cock, but there wasn’t a hell of a lot he could do about it other than get home damn fast and shuck his jeans.

  “Seat belt.” He clicked his into place and looked expectantly at the others. Katie’s face was flushed, her eyes closed and her head back. Her legs were splayed wide, encouraging Trey’s exploration. He doubted she’d heard him. Trey, breathing heavily, took his time adjusting her belt while his fingers trailed over her breasts. He winced as he settled in his seat.

  “How fast can you get home?” asked Trey as he clicked his belt into place.

  Sam didn’t reply, but he figured it would be a new record for him. He started the truck and drove out of the lot. Only after he hit pavement did he remember to look for traffic. This time, he didn’t curse himself.

  * * * *

  Katie kept her eyes shut as the truck roared down the road. It was a good thing her nails were short as otherwise they’d be cutting into her palms. She’d almost come on the truck’s bench seat, legs wide as a man she barely knew played with her soaking pussy. She was mortified, fully aroused, and eager for more. She’d been about to plead with Trey to make her come when Sam had put the truck in gear. She’d heard herself whimper when Trey abandoned her swollen clit. She’d been so close!

  Trey’s shoulder brushed her breast when he leaned forward. She opened her eyes, mere slits to see what he was up to. He peered at the dashboard between Sam’s hands, set at ten and two on the steering wheel.

  “You’re going fifty-five!” Trey settled his wide shoulders against the seat back. “I bet that’s ten more than you’ve done in years. Good. I want to finish the job.” He set his hand on her thigh again. A shiver ran through her. “I bet Katie’s just as eager.”

  She could sit like a hot, wet, silent blowup doll, or she could jump in with both feet. She’d never been a jumper but a lot had changed in the last six months, and even more in the last few days.

  “If you don’t finish the job to my satisfaction you won’t like what I put in front of you at the kitchen table,” she warned.

  “Ooh, I love a challenge,” he replied, sliding his hand up until his fingers tickled her curls. “And speaking of the kitchen table…” He rubbed his little finger against her pussy, purposefully missing her clit. She clenched. “That was a good start last night.” He winked. “Making use of that table is one of our family traditions. Back in the eighteen-seventies our great-whatever granny Beth Elliott would make cinnamon buns on that table, then after breakfast she’d be flipped onto it for her reward.” He winked. “I’ve got a hankering for cinnamon buns…”

  “Katie’s not ready to be sandwiched,” warned Sam.

  Sandwiched! As in one in front and one in…Oh, my! She started to close her legs. Trey placed a palm on each one and drew them apart again.

  “We won’t do anything until you’re ready for it,” he promised.

  Trey squeezed her knees, emphasizing she was to stay in whatever position they put her. He went back to playing with her, idly sliding his fingertips in and around her clit. No matter how she twitched and shifted, his finger never touched it. She vowed to pay him back for the sensuous torture with her tongue as well as her fingers!

  “Who decides what I’m ready for?” she demanded. She’d had to force the words out, breathing harshly as if she’d run a mile.

  “Not you,” said Sam in a low growl. “We keep going until we think you’ve had enough.”

  His eyes met hers for a long moment. He turned back to the road, cursed, and touched the brake, muttering about losing concentration. She grasped her seat belt at her chest when he turned up the lane.

  “I thought I was to be the one in charge,” she blurted out when he’d straighten the wheel. “I can tell you to stop at any time, right?”

  Sam slowed even more to avoid the potholes. “Theoretically,” he said.

  “Theoretically?” She shook her head. “That’s not what Lila and Jane said.”

  “The word ‘red’ will stop us,” said Trey. His little finger finally found her clit! She arched forward, encouraging him. One tap and he backed off, making her growl in frustration. He circled it, not quite touching. “If we stop, you don’t get any more fun.” He removed his hand completely. “So don’t call ‘red’ just because you’re uncomfortable or nervous. Use ‘yellow’ if you must, and we’ll slow down and talk about it.”

  “So I should trust you, just like that?”

  “Have we given you any reason not to?” Sam’s voice was even rougher than before. “I’m not the cowboy who took your pack.” He flicked her a quick look before returning his concentration to his driving. “I want to rip apart the son of a bitch who attacked you. Don’t lump us in with every male who’s ever hurt you.”

  “It’s far easier to get over a stranger attacking you physically, than it is to have your own family rip you apart for years.” She gave a brittle laugh. “I’ve got a lifetime of good reasons not to trust people who say they care about me.”

  The truck jerked when Sam stopped. She realized they were in front of the porch. Trey undid her seat belt, flipped it out of the way, and lifted her onto his lap as easily as if she was a child. He silently wrapped his arms around her. Tears prickled her eyes. His hug said how much he cared far better than words, which were so often false. She leaned into his warm embrace, feeling his ragged breathing and pounding heart. He rubbed her back, soothing her.

  If someone other than Grammie had held her like this when she was young, how different her life would have been. She had to put the past behind her, dumping it to make room for the future. Right now she had two
arousing men eager to give her pleasure. She exhaled, snuggling closer. His strong arms absorbed her fears and apprehension.

  “Having a nasty family must suck basket-sized monkey balls,” said Trey.

  She pulled back, half-laughing at his comment. “What?”

  “Good, it made you smile.” He pressed her head onto his chest again. “Forget them. You don’t need people like that in your life. Not when you’ve got us. I don’t have a hidden agenda.” He shifted her back and forth on his lap. “Other than the one in my jeans.”

  “I’ve never heard it called that,” she replied wryly.

  Trey’s fingers trailed over her breast. She caught her breath. He hesitated then slid them inside her dress, searching for her nipple. He found it and squeezed. She inhaled a gasp.

  “I like you, Katie,” he murmured. “It’s not just your body I want, though that’s a very important part of you.” He slipped his whole hand inside to cup her breast. “Oh, man, you feel good. I thought I was a leg and ass man, but these are pretty damn special.”

  Sam had turned off the ignition. He flipped off his seatbelt and turned to face her. Trey held her with her back to the passenger door, which meant she and Sam were eye to eye.

  “What color, Katie?” said Sam in a low growl.

  His raw hunger caused her heart rate to triple. She went blank, unable to think.

  “Don’t make us wait, baby,” murmured Trey. He squeezed her nipple again. She gasped and arched, thrusting her chest forward. “Are you going to lock yourself in your suite until morning, or do we make you scream?”

  She had no doubt if she went to her room there’d be no need to lock her door. They might ask for the moon and stars, but they wouldn’t take. They wanted her. Badly. And she wanted them. The two men held their breath, waiting for her answer. She slowly moved her knees apart.

  “Scream,” she whispered.

  Sam shoved his door open. He moved so fast, he almost fell out. He slammed his palm on the hood as he came around. A moment later the door opened behind her. Cool air flowed over her bare arms. Trey handed her to Sam. He carried her inside, his long legs making the trip take mere seconds. She pulled herself tight into his chest as he carried her upstairs and down the long hall. Boot heels slammed on the ancient hardwood floor, making their urgency for her obvious.

  Sam gently laid her on the bed on her back, her bottom at the edge. He flipped up her dress, bringing cool air to her overheated pussy. He then fell to his knees, dipping his head so her legs spread over his shoulders. He flicked his eyes up. They were dark, his expression ravenous.

  “Damn, you smell good.” He dipped his head. His tongue flicked over her. He groaned. “So sweet.”

  His tongue and fingers were no less agile than Trey’s. They danced over her pussy, flicking and probing. She heard Trey rip his shirt open. Sam flicked her clit. Her eyes closed as she gasped. When she opened them, Trey was naked.

  Gloriously, unabashedly, naked.

  His long, thick cock rose out of a nest of dark curls to point right at her. She smiled, feeling like Mae West, and curled her hand to him in invitation. Two strides and he was on the bed. She reached for his cock.

  “Oh, no,” said Trey, shaking his head. “If you touch me this won’t last long. I’m going to explore the top end of you while Sam checks out the other.”

  He pulled her dress down so her breasts popped free. His mouth dropped to engulf her left breast. He flicked his tongue on her nipple as he had on her clit.

  “Keep her happy while I strip,” ordered Sam.

  Trey switched to her right. Her wet nipple stood tall, suddenly chilled. A moment later Sam leaned in to grab a pillow. His chest was bigger than Trey’s, though her eyes zeroed in on his cock. Heavy and hard, the tip glistened in the light. She found herself licking her lips, anticipating his taste. She’d only done it once before, and it had not been pleasant. Sam and Trey were a whole different species from the men she’d been with. They cared for her pleasure rather than only themselves. Sam found her staring.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Oh, yes. But I want to do more than look.”

  He made a sound, halfway between a choke and a chuckle. “Then don’t pass out on me.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose!” She paused. She had to know. “Is that why you left me alone? Because I was asleep and therefore no use to you?”

  “What?” Trey gaped at her. “Oh, hell no, Katie! We didn’t have condoms. You were way too much of a temptation. We had to put a couple of doors between us for safety.”

  “Is that what you thought?” asked Sam, frowning. “You were all crotchety because you thought we were mad you couldn’t give us sex?”

  She bit her lip, nodding.

  Sam looked furious. “We treat women with respect, and not only when we play with them. Trey and I had plans to do a lot more with you last night. When we couldn’t wake you, we knew you needed sleep more than anything. We respected that, and you. Let me tell you, it hurt like hell, in more ways than one, to leave you there alone to sleep.”

  “Oh,” she replied softly.

  “You heard that word Sam used?” asked Trey.

  “Which word?” Her brain had turned to mush.

  “Sam said with. As in, we play with you, not do things to you. If you’re not having a good time, then we can’t either.”

  “Enough talk.” Sam grabbed the box of condoms from the bedside table. He ripped it open and pulled out a strip. He carefully separated them and tossed them on the bed beside her. He ripped the top off one and set it near her hip. He added a tube of something from the table. Then he grabbed a pillow, dropped it on the floor, and knelt before her. “Try to stay conscious this time,” he warned her.

  Sam’s hot tongue flicked her clit a second before Trey’s lips closed around her nipple.

  “Oh my God!”

  * * * *

  Sam savored the taste and feel of Katie’s sweet, wet, pussy. He’d never known a woman like her. She’d assaulted him, insulted him, slumped in his arms, and made him so mad he could have punched his way through all his cousins, one after the other. She pushed all his buttons, all the time.

  Last night he and Trey had made the ultimate sacrifice, staying away from Katie when they were desperate to lie beside her. Yet she’d thought they were pissed off because they couldn’t use her. It was past time to show her just how much he wanted her, inside and out, day and night.

  His cock throbbed, demanding action. But not yet. He wasn’t going to have Katie think his oral skills were any less than his brother’s. Trey was alternating between kissing her mouth and her breasts. Sam had a hot pussy and a tight rosebud to satisfy.

  He’d read Aunt Marci's book from cover to cover. Or, actually, he’d read every sex scene in the book. They were easy to find because someone had turned down the corners, folding them twice to note anal and double penetration scenes. There was a damn good chance Katie was open to the possibility of a cock eventually going there as well. Their time together was limited so he had to start prepping her now.

  He reached for the lube with one hand, keeping up the action on her pussy with his tongue. He squirted some on his little finger, spread her ass cheeks between thumb and fingers, and scratched at her butthole. She gasped. The tip of his finger went in easy. She was tight, which meant he had work to do.

  He kept his finger in place as he worked her clit. Her head rolled back and forth. He noted Trey was keeping her breasts from getting cold. Good man. He flicked and nibbled and sucked until she was panting and groaning and twitching. He grabbed the condom and put it on, keeping his tongue busy.

  “She’s gonna blow,” whispered Trey.

  Sam didn’t think Katie would have heard Trey even if he’d yelled. Her fingers grabbed for the bedsheets. A dark flush rose over her breasts and a gush of liquid exploded into his mouth. He rose, keeping his finger on her clit, and guided his cock into that hot channel. Her pussy let him in even as it clamped down in s
pasms. He was so close he wouldn’t last long. But he wanted this to be good for her, not an invasion. She was still quivering around him when he reached bottom. He slowly drew out, then surged forward. Once, twice, three times. She clamped him again and he lost it.

  He grabbed her ass in his hands, lifting and pulling her toward him as he leaned forward. Would she come, again, with him? A tremor squeezed his cock. He thrust hard, again and again. She squealed, her pussy milking him. He could no longer hold back.


  He lost count of how many times he pounded into her, but she met every one. Finally, spent, he set her ass on the bed. Chest heaving, legs trembling, he leaned on his knuckles, keeping his elbows locked to support his body.

  Trey elbowed him aside, already suiting up.

  “You want more, sweetie?”

  “Oh, yes. Again!”

  Sam collapsed on the bed beside her as Trey took his place and slid home with a moan. Though his body still trembled with the massive orgasm, Sam hauled himself over to work on Katie’s breasts. He rasped a nipple with his teeth. Between the two of them, Katie squealed her third orgasm.

  She might be tiny, but she was the right size for them!

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sam didn’t want to wake Katie so he kept his hand still. Not that it was any hardship as his fingers cupped her smooth bottom. It felt too good for him to call it her ass. Her curves were perfect to hold onto, and her breasts, magnificent. He liked her sense of humor, her ability to jump in and get the job done, and the way she laughed. He even liked it when she stood up to him. Not like a brat, but as an intelligent woman who knew herself and wanted more out of life. He especially liked it when she came apart at his touch.

  Trey agreed with him about Katie, which was a surprise in itself. They hadn’t agreed on much for far too long. Of course, they hadn’t really talked that much, either. Somehow having Katie here changed everything.

  When had he been this content? It didn’t matter. He had this time and he would enjoy it. Her soft snores stopped. Her body tensed. He glanced down. Her mouth formed an O of surprise just before a blush flowed. He waited for the condemnation that didn’t come. Instead, she snuggled herself even closer.


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