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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 167

by Reece Butler


  “Oh! I, ah, can’t really think when you do that.” Were his eyes blue, or violet? They seemed darker than before. His deep chuckle resonated through her.

  “I’ll remember that, Hildy. I enjoy helping a beautiful lady stop thinking.”

  She stared at him. He laughed and released her hand. She caught her breath.

  “Your secret?” he prompted.

  “Secret. Yes!” She looked around. No one was near. “Katie’s my granddaughter. She doesn’t know I’m here in Climax.”

  “Does your being here have to stay a secret?”

  She thought a moment. How would her presence affect Katie? Just knowing her grandmother was here would raise questions. Questions that might affect how Katie looked at her future. Would having her grandmother nearby encourage her to stay?

  Hildy couldn’t do anything about Walter’s decisions. They would both have to live with the new circumstances. Moving here, even temporarily, had started a new chapter in her life. She would live it openly and honestly, which meant it was time to put her cards on the table.

  “You’re right, it doesn’t.” A laugh bubbled up, surprising her. “I haven’t sung in public since I was widowed.”

  “I bet there’s a lot of things you haven’t done since then.”

  His deep voice lit sparks inside her, something she never expected to feel again. Add the voice to the wicked promise in his eyes and his body, and she was ready to haul him back to her room.

  “Good evening, all.”

  She jolted, turning to the sound. A man not quite her age wearing a tuxedo, complete with red cummerbund and bowtie, stood on the low stage. He lifted his silver walking stick to get the room’s attention. He had his arm around a smiling woman who must be his wife. She was taller even without her heels.

  “For those who are new, I’m Tom White, your Master of Ceremonies. My wife, Dorothy, and I welcome you. We’re celebrating a few things tonight. First, a very successful haying, thanks to all your help.”

  He and Dorothy began clapping, and the room joined in. So did Hildy and Mark. She’d known the valley was totally concentrated on the important work so had timed her visit to start after they’d had a few days of rest.

  “We are blessed tonight with a wonderful songstress. Let’s give a big hand to Miss Katie Winterbourne. Take it away, Katie.”

  Applause erupted as Katie walked in. Hildy inhaled. She’d never seen Katie like this. Her granddaughter absolutely glowed in a white dress covered with cherries. Her curls had grown, and they bounced around her head. She looked adorable. She held her left hand behind her, grasping the mic with her right.

  “You all look so elegant,” said Katie. She motioned for people to get up. “It might take some of you a while to get those bones moving. We’ll start the night with a waltz. Come on, everybody up!”

  Hildy put her hand in Mark’s much larger, callused one. He squeezed gently, put his other hand behind her lower back, and led her to the dance floor.

  “I assume you know how to waltz?”

  “Yes, but it’s been so long,” she admitted. “I might stomp on your toes.”

  “You’re such a tiny thing I doubt I’d notice.” He gave her a wink.

  “Are you ready?” asked Katie. “Our first number is ‘Could I Have This Dance’. You might remember it sung by Anne Murray.” Familiar music swelled.

  “Oh, I love this song!” she murmured.

  Mark only touched her hands, yet he took total charge, leading her into the waltz. Once she was sure she remembered how and could relax, she hummed along with her granddaughter’s lovely voice. Hildy sighed and closed her eyes. Mark brought her closer, until her chest touched his, and guided her across the floor. She’d dreamed of dancing like this, floating around the room with a man who not only knew how, but could lead. Dreams that had not come true, until tonight.

  As we swayed to the music and held to each other, I fell in love with you.

  “Everyone join in for the chorus,” called Katie.

  “Could I have this dance for the rest of my life? Could you be my partner, every night?”

  Mark’s deep voice resonated through his chest, into hers. She quietly sang the same words, wishing they were true. There was more than a spark between them. So many years of being in charge, having no one to lean on, knowing if she faltered she would be shot down. She wanted to be treasured. To have a man put his strong arms around her just like this.

  They were too old to waste time playing games. Honesty was the only way to go. She wouldn’t say she loved Mark, but she was deeply attracted to him. His humor and wit, muscles, and the promise of what was rising behind his belt. They might be old and out of practice but they weren’t dead yet.

  “You sing beautifully,” said Mark. “Open that diaphragm and let it out. You know you want to.”

  With that encouragement she couldn’t not sing. She stood tall, looking deep into his eyes. Her voice rang out, as clear as Katie’s though an octave lower. Mark’s bass added a black velvet depth that made her shiver. Her granddaughter faltered for a moment when she recognized her. Then Katie erupted in a giant smile. She stepped off the stage, beckoning to them. Mark didn’t give her an opportunity to say no. His large, warm hand on her lower back propelled her forward. The other couples swept around the room, most of them light on their feet, beaming. The three of them stood together, Mark in the middle, swaying as they sang. Applause erupted when they finished.

  “Lemonade break!” called Tom.

  “Gran! What are you doing here? I mean, it’s wonderful to see you, but I had no idea!”

  “I had a minor heart attack.” She held up her hand before Katie could speak. “No, I’m fine. But the doctor suggested it was time to step aside and let Walter take over.” She saw her granddaughter wince. “Yes, I know.” She squeezed Katie’s arm. “Honestly, you don’t want to live in that snake pit, do you? I felt I lost two hundred pounds when I crossed the state line into Montana.”

  “I doubt you’ve ever weighed two hundred pounds,” said Mark.

  “I didn’t mean me,” she replied. “I meant my son, Walter. He’s been squashing me for years. And since his daughter is four years older than Katie and perfect in his eyes…”

  “That’s okay, Gran. Maybe you can help me with Uncle Walter. I’ve been working on a business proposal about the wood you had me catalogue last summer. If he knows what it’s for, he may not sell the wood to Keith Adams.”

  “If you’re talking about building dungeon furniture,” said Hildy, “don’t worry. I own the rights to everything you catalogued last summer. Walter doesn’t even know it exists.”

  “Your grandmother is an astute businesswoman,” said Mark. “I’m a master carpenter, working with Keith Adams on this project. He introduced me to Hildy. She told me she knew a little bit about making furniture.” He turned to her, raising his eyebrow. “You should be spanked for that comment.”

  The thought of being put over Mark’s knee had her blushing.

  “Gran, Matilda said all my pay’s been taken.”

  “I have a bank draft for all the money they took, and a bonus for your extra effort. I also had everything in your room put in storage, along with my teacup collection. When you’re ready, they can be shipped to wherever you’re living. And don’t forget, you’re going to take charge of my little company.”

  “Katie has excellent administrative and logistical skills,” said Tom. “She’ll be a very good addition to Climax, and the Tanner’s Ford Valley Association.” He turned to Katie. “Dorothy wants to know if you’ve set a wedding date yet?”

  Tom took Katie’s left hand from behind her back. A large emerald graced her third finger.

  “Oh, my,” whispered Hildy. Tears of happiness leaked. “Oh, Katie, so you’re going to marry Sam and Trey Elliott and live on the Rocking E Ranch with your cowboys!”

  Katie’s face turned almost as red as her cherries. “Gran! How did you know?”

  “My security chief told me.” She pulled Katie into a hug. “I am so happy for you! I hoped so much that you’d find someone to love you. That’s partly why I sent you away.” She pulled back, laughing at Katie’s shocked expression. “Two handsome cowboys is even better. We’ll visit later, when we can share a cup of tea and shortbread.” She frowned. “I heard you were attacked. Was the man ever found?”

  “Sheriff Josh Gibson had tracked him down,” said Tom. “Before he could be arrested he had an unfortunate accident. For some reason he jerked his wheel and ran his truck off the mountain. His foot must have been jammed on the gas because he went right through the guardrail.”

  “Would that have anything to do with Beth Elliott?” asked Mark.

  “Stranger things have happened,” said Tom mildly.

  “Is Beth a relative of Katie’s fiancées?” asked Hildy.

  “Looks like they’re ready for another song,” said Tom before anyone could answer. “What would you like to sing?”

  “Gran loves Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy,” said Katie.

  “I’ll be the third Andrews sister,” said Mark.

  The next two hours were some of the best of Hildy’s life. She had enough resources to live the life she chose, and a new place to do it, one full of potential adventure. Her granddaughter had found love, and a town that wanted her. Hildy had her health, her cat, and a marvelously sexy man who made it very clear she belonged to him. Mark held her when they danced and kept his arm around her back when they sang. When they sat, his warm leg pressed against hers. If any man her age looked over, Mark almost growled. It made Hildy feel special, and feminine, and oh so wet.

  She was talking with Katie at the end of the evening when a tall, dark-haired man with vibrant blue eyes strode into the room. He aimed directly for Katie, who didn’t see him. Hildy watched, fascinated, as he came up behind Katie. He grabbed her around the waist, flipped her over his back, and strode out. When Katie squealed and complained, he spanked her bottom. Instead of being upset, the residents laughed and called out unhelpful comments. Hildy felt strangely jealous of her granddaughter.

  She turned to Mark. “Care to explain that?”

  It was Tom who answered. He looked pleased with himself.

  “It seems Katie didn’t clear this evening out with Trey or Sam. They weren’t there when I picked her up earlier. Looks like Trey will have a bit of discussion with his new fiancé.”

  “Is this ‘discussion’ going to involve words?” asked Hildy.

  Tom chuckled. “Possibly one or two, along with more than a few kisses, I expect. And a spanking, of course.”

  Her mouth went dry. “Of course,” she repeated, her voice faint.

  “The men here have a certain way with their women,” said Mark.

  He patted her bottom, none too gently. Her breasts filled, nipples peaking. Katie’s shrieks had faded. Hildy sighed. It had been so long. Mark’s warm hand now cupped her bottom, his meaning plain.

  “I’d be quite happy to do the same with you,” he whispered. “And perhaps a few other things that might create new memories. Your room, or mine, Hildy?”

  Her heart pounded harder than she thought possible without having a heart attack. This was good stress, the kind that cleared out your arteries and made life worth living again.

  “My cat, Socrates, would not enjoy sharing my bed.”

  “Good. Mine’s king-size. It also has certain, improvements, to the basic design.” He clasped his hand in hers and raised it to his lips while looking deep in her eyes. “You sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Oh, hell, yes!”

  Mark threw back his head and laughed delightedly. “My kind of woman!”

  A ghostly feminine chuckle followed them down the corridor.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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