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Forsaking All Others

Page 16

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Standing in the doorway wearing only a bath towel, Weston looked over at Jessica. Had she already fallen asleep on him? While his heart was at it again, thumping harder and harder, his manhood throbbed, too. Maybe he should go down the hall and fall into bed in the guest room. He wouldn’t sleep a wink. How could he fall asleep when she was only a few yards away?

  “Wes,” she whispered into the silence of the candlelit room, “aren’t you coming to bed? I’ve been waiting for you.”

  That was all Weston needed to hear. She had convinced him to spend the night in her bed. He didn’t need to hear another word. Allowing the towel to drop to the floor, he climbed into bed, and immediately brought Jessica to him, caressing her bare arms, showering moist kisses onto her sweet neck and ears.

  “Being with you feels so right,” she whispered. “What made you decide to come to L.A. without saying anything?”

  “My love for you. Nothing more. I love you that much, sweetheart.”

  Jessica’s lips softly grazed Weston’s. She then united her tongue with his. As the kiss deepened, she could hardly keep still. Her intimate zone was beyond heated, more like blazing hot. Having him inside her would eventually put out the raging inferno. She was in no hurry, too much passion left to enjoy. “I feel so good.”

  Lifting Jessica on top of him, Weston closed his eyes, his mouth hungry for the taste of her bare flesh. Close to losing control, he stroked and coddled her nakedness. Take it slow. No rush. We have all night long. His last thoughts blew right out the window when Jessica’s soft hands tenderly curved around his manhood. She had the warmest, softest hands, her touch fiery. He couldn’t get enough of the tenderness.

  Weston’s hands locked into Jessica’s hair. In the next moment he rolled her off him and onto her back. His lips roved every inch of her anatomy, his tongue teasing her belly button. As he slowly entered her, she rose, eagerly meeting his throbbing sex.

  Jessica intently watched their shadows on the wall as Weston slowly moved around inside her, taking her so sweetly, so tenderly. Lying with him was exactly where she wanted to be, moving harmoniously beneath him. Sweating palms followed shallow breathing as she surrendered all. This was her utopia. Peace was all around her.

  Jessica’s calm would soon be swept away in the crescendo of their fulfilling lovemaking. A tumultuous climax was sure to come and push her over the precipice of sanity. “Love me, Wes. Yes, yes,” she moaned softly, basking in the climactic buildup. “Take me there,” she cried out, “right now, before I die from the anticipation.”

  Weston increased the force of his deep thrusts, desiring to give Jessica what she’d asked of him, taking from her all he needed. Deeper and deeper he plunged, burying himself in her moisture-filled canal. As the skies opened up and showered a myriad of colors downward, they found glory in the powerful, earth-shattering release.

  Trembling from Weston’s skyrocketing lovemaking, Jessica reached up and wiped the sweat from his brow. “That was good!”

  Leveling a skeptical eye on Jessica, he smirked. “Just good, huh?”

  Grinning, Jessica purred softly. “Marvelous! I have no complaints.”

  “I’ll settle for that.” He pulled her close to him, as close as he could get without being inside her. “Thanks for letting me stay. I can only imagine how restless I would’ve been in a hotel room.”

  “Know what you mean. I hope you’ll stay here the whole time. By the way, I’m taking off while you’re here. We’ll just hang out around L.A., Hollywood and a few other famous and infamous hot spots.”

  “Heard a lot about Venice Beach. Is it on the tour route?”

  “It can be. It’ll be a little chilly, but the folks will be out in force.”

  Weston feathered his finger across Jessica’s brow. “You know something?”


  “You’ve worked up quite an appetite in this old guy. The snacks are long gone. Let’s raid the fridge.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll lie here and bask in our precious memories.”

  “Sure you don’t mind me prowling around in your kitchen?”

  “Positive. Bring me something good. I’m hungry, too.”

  After dragging himself out of bed, Weston headed straight for the bathroom for a quick shower. It suddenly dawned on him he needed to bring in his bags. He’d do that while he was downstairs. Then he’d come back to Jessica, sweet, sweet Jessica.

  Unable to believe her good fortune, Jessica fought back her tears. Things had just fallen back into place for her and Weston so easily, as if they’d never been out of order. This man had everything she wanted and needed in a mate. She felt his dismay over her decision to remain friends with Jarred, yet he had set his feelings aside to meet her needs. She wouldn’t make him regret it. One huge mistake was enough on her part.

  Jarred knew right where Jessica was coming from. She had made sure of that. If he ever dared to overstep the set boundaries, he could consider himself history. He was a good friend, but not the man of her dreams.

  Stopping by the bed, only towel-wrapped again, Weston leaned over and planted a juicy kiss on Jessica’s mouth. Once he had mentioned his bags, she gave him the security code to the alarm, suggesting he pull his car into the garage before unloading it.

  Jessica calmly watched Weston as he strode out the door. He walked with confidence. She liked a confident man, loved the kind of man he was, both confident and sensitive. Deciding she should also freshen up a bit, she slipped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. With enough moonlight streaming in from the domed skylight to provide ample lighting, she stepped in the shower and turned on the hot water.

  Back in the bedroom, Jessica removed from the chest of drawers another sexy nightgown, soft, silky and slinky in baby-pink. As she slid back into bed, she felt so grateful for Weston’s love. She felt secure in it, as she hoped he was in her love for him. They each truly deserved the best. They truly deserved each other.

  Chapter 12

  As far as Jessica was concerned, the smoked turkey on rye was just the right combination to hit the hunger spot. Spicy brown mustard topped off the flavor, making her moan softly with each bite.

  Instead of a lettuce salad Weston had put together a small fresh-vegetable platter consisting of carrot and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes and several slices of jicama. A creamy ranch dip filled the center of the platter.

  The small round table in the corner of the bedroom was the perfect place for a midnight snack. The melon-scented ball candle was aflame, making it an intimate affair. The two bottles of ice-cold mountain water were right there to quench their thirsts.

  Weston awakened to find Jessica’s side of the bed empty. Wondering where she had wandered off to, he sat up straight in the bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, surprised to see one of the candles still burning brightly. Maybe she had lit another before she left the room, he thought, getting out of bed.

  It didn’t take Weston long to find Jessica. Wrapped in only a thin blanket, she was seated in the living room, staring into the flame of a single votive. The candlelight flickered across her lovely face, softening her features even more. It disturbed him that he couldn’t read her facial expression; her eyes appeared dull and blank.

  Weston knelt down before Jessica. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  Jessica looked up at him for the first time since he entered the room. “Just couldn’t sleep. I got up because I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “I wouldn’t have minded.”

  “I know. But you’re tired, traveling all that distance. I was feeling selfish before I left the room, wanting to make love to you again and again.”

  Weston couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face. “I would have been happy to oblige you.”

  “I know that, but not at the risk of your fatigue. I couldn’t do that.”

  “I feel pretty rested right now. Want to give it another whirl?”

  Jessica gave a slight giggle. “Hmm, sounds tempting.” She gestur
ed for him to sit down. He sat at her feet. She reached for his hand. “I’ve been thinking about us, this long-distance stuff. You really think we can handle it?”

  “I do, honey. I’m more than willing to put in the flyer miles. Don’t fret.”

  “I’m trying not to. There’s also the matter of my friendship with Jarred.”

  “We’ve already settled it. Come on. Let’s go back to bed.”

  “You go ahead. Be there in a few minutes. I want to sit here and enjoy the candlelight a bit longer.” She began to stare into the flickering light again.

  “There’s a candle still burning in the bedroom….”

  The look Jessica gave Weston let him know he was way too insistent. For whatever reason, she needed her space. He didn’t necessarily see it as a bad thing, but he didn’t see it as a good one, either. He felt as if she had already shut him out. He wanted to spend every moment with her; she obviously had other ideas.

  Instead of fighting Jessica on this, Weston got on his knees again and kissed her forehead. “See you soon.” He got up and started out of the room.

  Jessica watched as Weston walked away, his shoulders slightly slumped. Had she hurt him again? She hoped not. Would he get used to her need for solitude from time to time? She was a deep thinker, one who needed time alone with her thoughts.

  In the back of her mind Jessica had been wondering how Jarred would take the news of her reunion with Weston. He was convinced that Weston had taken what he wanted from her and had purposely left her high and dry. She hadn’t believed that for a second, not even before he had showed up. Jarred had made every character-maligning statement in the book about Weston. There would definitely be another showdown between her and her best friend. That was a bet she could bank on.

  Breakfast was another very quiet affair. Weston wasn’t too keen on Jessica’s apparently sullen mood. Maybe she was just tired. They had made love when she had come back to bed and also again at the crack of dawn.

  Jessica looked up and flashed Weston a quick smile. “Dinner in or out?”

  “In, if that’s okay with you. We have such a short time together.”

  “My sentiments, too. It saddens me. Is shrimp pasta okay?”

  “Whatever is easy and quick. I’ll help out in the kitchen.”

  “We can make dinner together, then.” She blew him a kiss, surprising to him but also pleasing.

  Weston’s eyes drank in Jessica’s loveliness, following every move she made. The white silk robe she wore made her look so seductive yet sweet. “Breakfast was good.”

  “Just good?” she asked.

  “Okay. I deserved that one. Marvelously good,” he mocked.


  They both laughed.

  The small talk was driving Weston to distraction. Why was she so reserved all of a sudden, a far cry from the wild, very vocal seductress of last evening? Instead of trying to guess at her mood, he’d just inquire about it. “What’s up with you this morning? You’re not exactly talkative.”

  Jessica shrugged. “I’m always like this in the mornings. I guess we haven’t spent enough mornings together for you to know that. Nothing to do with you. I promise.”

  Weston wanted to believe Jessica, yet he still had a niggling doubt. He decided to dismiss it, though. Letting it go was easier.

  “I’d like to take you by my office this morning. Up to meeting the staff?”

  “All the way, kid. What about seeing the Staples Center? Can we get that in, too?”

  “Sounds like you’re not coming back to L.A. We can only do so much.”

  “I am coming back, as often as humanly possible. Are you ever coming to New York City to visit me?”

  “Yep. Sooner than you might think. Don’t know if I can be away from you too long. I’m so addicted to you.” She went on to say how she’d look at her calendar when she got to the office. Although she had just taken a vacation, and was taking a couple of days off now, she told him no one at the office minded her taking off again because she worked so hard and rarely took long vacations.

  Jessica failed to mention to Weston that she wanted to fly back to New York with him when he left, but only if he asked her to.

  Now Jessica was really talking and Weston loved what she had to say. This was good, really good conversation, something he wanted to hear more of. Anything to do with her visiting New York held his keen interest.

  “Why don’t you fly home with me this time? I have plenty of frequent-flier miles we can use. What do you think?”

  Jessica swallowed hard. It was as if she had spoken her thoughts aloud. “Are you serious?”

  “I don’t say anything I don’t mean.”

  Pushing her hand through her hair, Jessica blew out a steady stream of air. “This is kind of eerie. I’ve been thinking of going back to New York with you. If you want me to, I will, but I still have to check the calendar.”

  “Now I have to ask if you’re serious.”

  “If my schedule permits, I’d love to try and swing it.”

  “Girl, we are definitely on. Let’s get the kitchen cleaned up so we can get over to the office and check out that calendar. I may have to work some while you’re there, but it won’t be all day, just a few hours in the morning. Is that cool?”

  “With the time change, it’ll be just fine. I’ll still be asleep that early. I can stay at your place, right? No hotel.”

  “I think you know that answer, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Weston got up from his chair and pulled her up from hers. “I hope this works.” He kissed her thoroughly, still totally surprised by her desire to fly home with him. This unscheduled visit was getting better and better. Each time he’d thought things were going badly, she ended up proving him wrong.

  Both Jessica and Weston felt totally relaxed, dressed in dark jeans and casual oxford-style shirts as they popped into the San Fernando Valley real-estate office. His black shirt carried a red designer logo. Her pink-and-white striped shirt had a logo also, but it was a popular department store brand. She also wore a navy blazer that nicely accented her dark-blue denims.

  In a matter of minutes Jessica had introduced Weston to all of her coworkers. Welcomes and niceties were exchanged. All the staffers were open and friendly to him, which Jessica appreciated. She worked with a great group of people, anyway. It didn’t take her long to bring up the possibility of taking more time off to fly back to New York with Weston.

  Hank Rodman and Tony Anderson told Weston it was okay with them to keep Jessica on vacation. Then they’d get more of a chance to shine. She was often the top-selling agent each month.

  Jessica’s personal assistant, Melissa Wright, said she’d also like to see her boss take more time off simply because Jessica was all work and very little play.

  Weston noticed that everyone in the office seemed genuinely fond of Jessica.

  Jessica wished her coworkers a wonderful, productive day before she whisked Weston off to her private office in the very back of the six-office suite.

  After seeing Weston comfortably seated, Jessica picked up her calendar to peruse the entire week. The date circled in red ink caught her attention quickly, an annual real-estate luncheon. Though she shouldn’t miss it, she had already made up her mind not to go. At least no one from their office was being honored this year. No one would miss her at such a large function.

  As the private line on Jessica’s desk phone rang, she sat down in the high-backed leather chair before answering it. It was her mother, Sahara, and Jessica immediately told her that Weston had arrived in L.A.

  It was unlike Jessica not to have called her parents with the news by now, but she’d been so overwhelmed with his presence. It had been more important for them to get their relationship straightened out than it was to call her parents about what would or wouldn’t transpire between her and Weston.

  Sahara had already known Weston had flown into L.A., from her conversation with his mother, Sandra, but she hadn’t said anything to he
r daughter. Now that Jessica had mentioned it, Sahara insisted they have dinner with the Harrington family this evening. Sahara mentioned inviting Jennifer and Samuel over, too.

  “I don’t know, Mom. Let me check with Weston first. We planned to stay in and have a quiet evening. Can I get back to you?”

  “Isn’t Wes there with you?”

  “Well, yeah, he is.”

  “Then go ahead and ask him about dinner, Jess.”

  Jessica scowled hard. Covering the phone with her palm, she told Weston what her mother wanted.

  “It’s up to you, sweetheart. You know how I am about family obligations.”

  “Mom, we’ll come for dessert. And we won’t stay that long. Okay?”

  “Sure, honey. I understand. See you around seven.”

  The old myth about it never raining in Southern California was blown to smithereens yet again. As Jessica and Weston made a mad dash for her car, trying to dodge the heavy downpour, their screeches rent the air.

  While Jessica fumbled around in her purse for the keys, Weston spun her around and kissed her tenderly. “Are you a brave soul?”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  “Good. Let’s walk. We’re already soaked.” Taking her purse, he popped the trunk and dropped it inside. “I love walking in the rain.”

  The statement astounded Jessica since she also loved strolling in the rain. After putting her arm through his, she looked up at the office windows, wondering if the others were watching. Her coworkers were probably curious about her relationship with Weston. She hadn’t shared any information about him since they hadn’t had any contact post-Aspen. Only their families knew they had fallen in love. Well, she had called her girlfriends, but she’d only given them minor details. It had appeared to be already over.


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