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Page 11

by Becca Fanning

  With a shaky breath, he swept her mouth adrift in a tide of sensation as powerful as the one she’d made him experience by simply moaning at his brother’s caress.

  Her lips were hesitant against his. Her inexperience evident as he tried to teach her what to do.

  In the past, he and Kon hadn’t exactly gone for the virginal partners. Preferring to fuck together, they’d gone for women who knew the score. The score came with a blown out past. Fair to judge? No. But they hadn’t judged, just taken full advantage of their desires to explore their sensuality.

  To be faced with a woman whose purity shone from her like a lighthouse in the depth of the darkest, deepest night, was both overwhelming and exciting.

  He coached her to accept his kisses, and knew her focus was on his lessons when she broke off, lips trembling as another moan escaped her at whatever Kon was doing to her.

  He smiled as he pulled back a little, then rocked his mouth back and forth against hers. She whispered, “What are you doing to me?” The words were broken as he swept them from her, casting her adrift once more as he flickered his tongue against the pursed opening guarding hers.

  With a few more flicks, she gentled, let her lips drift open so he could touch her more intimately. Kon’s hand knocked him, and he realized his twin was massaging the plump mound of her breast. A groan escaped her at whatever he was doing, and wanting to be a part of it, he reached down too and let her experience the uniqueness of both mate’s touch.

  His cock had been hard from that first broken moan she’d released. It ached, so damn badly that it reminded him when he’d been a teenager, desperate for sex and for more than just his fist. In fact, it was worse than that because he had been jacking off. Now, he didn’t’ even want his fist, not when he had he, and his Bear wanted her hands on him so damn badly, he knew they’d go nuts if she didn’t explore them both too.

  With a whimper, she arched her throat and reached higher, not stopping until their lips were connected.

  He soothed her by shushing her, letting the vibrations transfer from his mouth to hers. A hand came out to clasp about his neck, and the other, she spread her fingers through Kon’s hair, holding him against her breast.

  Surprised that she’d let loose so quickly, because he’d expected her to run away screaming at the first inning, he was grateful when she started rocking her hips. It was then he realized the mate bond was helping them out.

  She was scared, inexperienced, and untried. Those were the reasons for her hesitance now. Not that she wasn’t as deeply entrenched in their connected as he and Kon. She was simply out of her depth and needed them to guide her, to help her reach them and where they needed her to be for their mate bond to flourish.

  He let his hand slide from the mound he’d cupped, and went from gently holding her there to delving between her thighs. He simply pressed his hands against her mound, giving her something to push down against as she rocked her hips. At first, she tightened her thighs about his wrist. He knew he’d surprised her with that move, but, and he had no idea why she decided to rock her hips again, her tension dissipated the minute she did that, the minute she felt the pressure, she let out a whimper. He knew what it meant and hesitated. If he went too far, he could scare her. That was the last thing he wanted. The last thing they needed. But she was hungry for them. He wanted to feed that hunger as well as quench it.

  With a sigh, he nipped at her bottom lip, taking the mewl she made as a sign. Letting his index finger rub deeper against her, pushing against her pj bottoms so that he could part her lips through the fabric, he felt her tense and dreaded her reaction… until she widened her legs and let him closer.

  Through the layers of pjs and panties, he couldn’t exactly touch her to the extent he’d have liked. But he rolled with it, just grateful that she was letting him go this far.

  Exploring her pussy was a joy to behold because her reactions were so innocent, so delightful, he was enchanted by her all over again.

  Her hand moved from the back of his head, slipped down, down to grab his wrist. He thought she was stopping him, but she wasn’t. Instead, she mumbled against his lips, “Help me.”

  Eyes widening at the plea, he whispered, “How, baby?”

  Kon let out a grumble that was more Bear than human and began to tug at the thin camisole she tended to wear to bed. He pulled at the hem, not as hesitant as Jay with his moves.

  Before she could do little more than blink, her breasts were exposed to the night air. He saw their pearlescent gleam in the dim brightness and felt his mouth water at the sight. Kon ducked down and went to work on her tits once more.

  Feeling his cock jerk at the sight of them wobbling, the cherry tip jiggling while the other was being nibbled by his brother, he whispered, “How do you want me to help you?”

  “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you,” he replied, answering her plea with an earnest softness that was part lie because he liked hearing that note of desperation in her tone. Hearing it reinforced the belief that she was as starved for them as they were for her.

  “I-I don’t know how,” she bit off, stuttering the words as she kept on jerking her hips up into the air. Needing more. Needing them. “Don’t you?”

  More desperation leaked from her at that. Out and out grinning now, he ducked his head to hide it and pressed his lips to her nipple, unable to stop himself from anointing the cherry with a kiss.

  “I know what you need, sweetheart, but I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “I’m already frightened,” she confessed with a whimper. “I-I don’t understand what this feeling is.”

  He blinked at that, and shook his head at her parents and the Church she’d just left behind. Didn’t they teach the girls anything?

  Sure, he didn’t expect an Orgasm 101 class, but for fuck’s sake, to not know that pleasure could come from this? What the fuck were they doing? Sending brides off to their marriage beds with zero information?

  No wonder she’d been scared. It was the great unknown. She had no idea what was going on, what she was feeling, or what she could feel in the upcoming future.

  Anger bled through him and it took a while for him to speak… well, too long apparently, because Kon grumbled, “You’re supposed to feel like this, Leila. This is good. You’re supposed to feel an ache, deep inside your belly. It will claw at your insides. It will rake at you, and mark you, and burn. You’ll be so hot, so desperate. That’s right. That’s exactly how it should be.”

  “It should?” she demanded, a mewl throbbing from her throat as Kon went back to attacking her breasts—the other one this time. His bro was definitely a tit man, Jay thought ruefully, not sure why he didn’t just put his face between Leila’s breasts and be damned.

  “Why would anyone want to feel this?” she asked, a sob in her throat now.

  “Because the ache can be eased.”

  “It can?” She leaped on his reply with more desperation. “Do it,” she demanded. “Please!”

  He grinned a little, then murmured, “It might be more overwhelming than you can handle.”

  “I can’t handle this! Do it, please. Do it.”

  “Fuck’s sake, Jay, don’t tease her,” Kon grumbled, but he seemed content to let Jay take control of this first time.

  With his hand, still lodged between her thighs, he moved higher, not stopping until he’d pushed his fingertips down under the waistband of her pjs and panties. When he felt the silken hair there against his palm, he had to bite back a groan. His nostrils fared at her scent which bloomed brighter now he’d lifted her pjs away from her pussy. “Fuck,” Kon whispered, pausing his teasing. “She smells like heaven.”

  “You can smell me?” she squeaked, stilling from her wriggling and writhing on the bed.

  “Yeah. You smell like ours,” Jay confirmed with a growl, then slipped his fingers down the crevice of her pussy and quickly found her clit.

  Within seconds, the moans she’d let loose turned into a long wai
ling shriek that nearly hurt his ears. If it hadn’t been a particular music of its own, one that spoke of his mate’s pleasure, he’d have clasped a hand over her mouth. As it was, the sound of her astonished joy was music to his ears.

  Within seconds, she was humping his hand. By the time forty had passed, she was letting out a hoarse cry, her thighs clamping around his wrist once more, and her back bowing as she let the climax wash through her.

  She juddered. There was no other way to describe it. Her muscles shuddered and jerked as she let the glory of the moment wash through her, as she experienced, for the first time, an orgasm. A gift from the two males who were born for her. Made to be with her, to gift her this pleasure.

  A pleasure that was hers by right of a goddess.

  With her juices coating his fingers, he let out a replete sigh as he slipped them between his lips to taste her. “Fuck, she tastes like honey,” he told Kon.

  “Her tits are just as juicy,” came his twin’s retort, one that had Jay snorting his amusement.

  When he looked over at his mate and saw her eyes were dazedly taking in their interaction, he asked, “Feeling okay, baby?”

  She nodded slowly. “What was that?”

  Her breathy voice had his cock pulsing harder behind the tight confine of his fly.

  “It was an orgasm.”

  Her eyes rounded at Kon’s reply. “That was an orgasm? I can see what Cosmopolitan was talking about now.”

  Jay’s brows rose. “You read Cosmo?”

  “No, but when I go to the store, I read the front-page headlines.” She peeped up at them, shame on her face. “I know it’s shameful, but they always have such intriguing titles. I can’t help it.”

  He shot his bro a look, then shook his head. “Babe, buy one the next time you go to the grocery store. Hell, Kon and I will if we’re there first. You need to see what the fuss is about. Let’s just make this a ground rule, okay? Whatever the Church told you not to do, let’s do it. Because they’ve been steering you wrong all these years, going against their stupid dictates might actually make things easier all round.”

  Though he rolled his eyes to lessen the snap in his words, he meant it. That fucking cult had twisted her mind in certain ways, making the perfectly natural seem like a sin, so she was terrified to even kiss them properly.

  Jesus H Christ.

  She bit her lip as her gaze darted between him and Kon, then, she asked, “I saw something about hard-ons once.”

  “You did?” He cocked a brow because if that was the case, Cosmo was certainly getting a bit more daring than he imagined. Or, his little mate was lying and had peeked inside the covers a time or two. “Yeah? What about them?”

  She blinked. “When Devon tried to touch me, he rubbed up against me and I felt something hard then. Was that a hard on?”

  Though rage tried to flush through him, he held it back, knowing now wasn’t the time or the place. He had to keep his cool, had to stay calm, because this conversation was important. If anything, it was vital. They needed to surf through this topic, release any doubts and fears she had about sex.

  It would only be to their detriment if he and Kon blew up every time she mentioned that motherfucker, Devon.

  Though his intentions were pure, it didn’t stop his anger from bleeding into his voice. His words were a rasp as he admitted, “That’s a hard on.”

  She pursed her lips. “Will you show me yours?” When Kon let out a groan, her gaze shot to him. “Will it cause you pain?”

  Kon sighed. “It will make me want to come. I’m not sure if you’re ready for that, Leila.”

  Her head tilted to the side, and his mate, ever curious, licked her lips as though tasting the idea as well as pondering it. “Why don’t you think I’ll be ready for it?”

  He shrugged. “It will involve you seeing something you’ve never seen before.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  “Not necessarily.”

  She sat up, and there was an eagerness about her that had him sharing a glance with his twin. Mutual confusion arced between them. “I want to see.”

  There was an obstinacy to her tone now. One that had Jay narrowing his eyes. “You have to promise you won’t freak out.”

  She licked her lips again. “I won’t freak out,” she swore, then swept her legs under her so she could kneel.

  In the past, Jay would have sidled forward on his knees, so he could watch his lover suck him off. Somehow, the prospect of just getting his cock out in front of his mate was more exciting than a blowjob.

  His hands were shaking as he reached down and unzipped his fly. He let out a hiss, one that Kon mirrored, when their cocks popped through the zipper.

  “You don’t wear underwear?” she asked with a squeak.

  Kon snorted. “Don’t need them.”

  “Isn’t that unsanitary?”

  Jay gaped at her. “Since when were underwear sanitary?”

  She pondered that. “True.” Then, her focus switched to their dicks. Her first reaction was to swallow.

  Out of fear? Shock? He didn’t know. But she wasn’t scarpering off the bed and screaming out of the room—that had to bode well, didn’t it?

  “They’re so big,” she whispered throatily. “Will they really fit inside me?”

  “They really will,” he assured her. “Not at the same time,” he was quick to point out, knowing how the prospect of taking them both on was scaring her and working against them. “But just one will fit.”

  She sucked her cheeks in and he could tell she was gnawing on them as she whispered, “What do you do to make yourselves feel like you just made me feel?”

  Almost as a unit, he and his brother grabbed their respective cocks and showed her rather than told her how they got off.

  She watched, her pink cheeks, flushed from orgasm, growing pinker and hotter as she watched them touch themselves. Her breathing came faster, her tits, still bare, jiggling as she took in their every move.

  It was embarrassingly quick for orgasm to approach. He was so ready to climax, his balls felt like they were about to scream at the torture he was handing them out.

  But, he had to warn her. Around a shuddery breath, he gasped her name. “Leila, when we come, our seed will kind of spurt out.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “It will?”

  He nodded. “It’s white, and kind of thick. But it’s how you make a baby. My seed and your egg come together to make a child.”

  “I didn’t know that,” she whispered, looking astonished by the notion, while he was just as astonished that his twenty-year-old mate didn’t know how babies were made.

  Fucking hell.

  Kon’s voice was terse as he asked, “Leila, would you do something for me?”

  “O-Of course,” she stammered, sounding sincere if nervous.

  “When we come, can we come on your belly?”

  She blinked. “Why would you do that?”

  “It will make you scent of us.”

  The explanation was processed in two seconds, and she answered by approaching them, sliding across the covers until she was less than a foot from them.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked, needing to be certain she wasn’t about to freak out.

  “I’m okay with this,” she confirmed. “I-I want people to know I’m yours.”

  He blinked at that, but then his hand had a mind of its own and began to increase its pace. Within seconds, he was blowing his loud. He kept his eyes open, though they wanted to clench shut, intent on seeing her reaction.

  When her lips rounded into the perfect O, he imagined his dick sinking between those perfect morsels. With a shudder, he felt cum spurt from his cock, and watched, in delight, as it spattered her belly.

  Kon let out a low growl as his own flickered across her abdomen, loading her down with their cum and their scent.

  As they were both gasping, both shaking from the intensity of their first release with their mate, she stunned
the shit out of them by swirling her fingers through the mess they’d made of her stomach. She peered down at it, seeming to test the texture of it, the thickness, then raised her fingers to her lips.

  When he gawked at her, she paused with her fingers in her mouth. She pulled them away. “Y-You did it,” she stuttered. “Shouldn’t I do it too?”

  His voice was hoarse as he confessed, “That’s the sexiest thing you’ve done so far, and all you have to do is breathe to be sexy.”

  She flushed, but her eyes glinted with delight at his words—her confidence was shit, but she was getting better. Gradually, she wasn’t being so hard on herself.

  At his words, her fingers returned to her belly, she scooped more up then tasted their seed.

  Kon let out a low groan. “You’re killing me, Leila. I hope you know that.”

  Somehow, she knew he wasn’t being literal. It was a first—a major breakthrough. Everything they said, she took as red. Like the time Kon had admitted that if he didn’t eat the minute they made it into the restaurant, he’d die. She’d almost had a heart attack when the maître d’ had informed them there was a twenty-minute waiting time for a table…

  He wasn’t sure how her cult had dished out naivety, but she’d received her own weight in it.

  The crazy thing was, though her past was a definite kink on their path to a fulfilled mate bond, he wouldn’t change her.

  She was crazily innocent, so pure he wanted to dirty her up, but so sexy she got his cock harder than even the nastiest of strippers.

  She was his. It was as simple as that. And that tag, as simple as it truly was, meant the world. Meant more than anything else ever had. Or ever would.

  Chapter 9

  Someone got laid last night,” Ava whispered in her Leila’s ear, making her jerk upright in astonishment.

  They were in the common room of the clubhouse. A pool table was ringed with close to thirty riders, and the rest of the room housed at least another two hundred.

  This space was larger than the chapel at her Church. But the numbers were small in comparison to the entire ‘congregation’ of the Clan.


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