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Devoted Defender

Page 15

by Rachel Dylan

  He took a step toward her and she lifted her gun, which had been obscured by the dark spot she was standing in the room.

  “Hey now,” he said. “You’re not going to shoot me again, little Annie.”

  “I’d prefer not to, but you’re not giving me much of a choice.”

  He sputtered out some foul insults at her. Then he lunged toward her. She hesitated, not wanting to pull the trigger. Not again.

  But a gunshot rang out loudly. It wasn’t from her gun, though. Damon staggered a few steps and then stumbled to the ground holding onto his right shoulder.

  Caleb walked further into the room with his gun still drawn. “Annie, are you all right?”

  “Yes.” She tried to understand what had just happened. She didn’t have the will to pull the trigger again, but she hadn’t needed to because Caleb had been there.

  He went over to Damon and pulled out his handcuffs. Then he started reading Damon his rights.

  “Is he going to make it?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “Yes. I shot him in the shoulder. Should be clean through and through.”

  Damon lay down on the ground moaning in pain. But immobilized by the handcuffs and no longer any threat to her.

  Caleb strode over to her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t act any faster because I needed a clear shot.”

  She let out a breath and then flung her arms around him. “I was so afraid.”

  “You faced him down like a battle hardened warrior. But why in the world were you even in here?”

  “I saw them walking down the street. I knew it was two of them and I wasn’t sure what was going on inside with you and Gabby. So I felt I had to come and warn you.”

  “That was so brave of you, Annie. I wish you hadn’t risked your life for mine, but I appreciate your courage.”

  “I had to risk my life because you would’ve done the same thing for me.” She took in a deep breath as she tried to steady herself. “But what about Gabby?”

  “She’s not here. I got a text from Mac saying it was a trap. So I don’t know what happened to her. Mac should be here any minute.” He paused. “And I found out my deputy Mike Ramsey is the mole. We’ll have to track him down.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  She heard voices from the outside. Mac and Gabe rushed into the building with their guns drawn.

  “It’s okay,” Caleb said.

  Annie stood for a moment by herself as Caleb recounted the events of the night. Gabe took Damon out of the building for medical attention and to place him into FBI custody. They were calling backup to retrieve Silva’s body.

  Caleb came back over to her.

  “Any word on Gabby?”

  “Yes. Mike took her. He was the one that made her make that phone call. But Gabby being Gabby was able to finally convince him that he shouldn’t be working on the dark side. He turned himself in and let Gabby go. She pulled off an amazing feat.”

  “Wow. I’m so glad that she’s okay.”

  He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “When I heard your voice tonight, and I knew you were walking into the line of fire, I realized that I didn’t know how I’d ever be able to keep living my life if you weren’t in it.”

  “What?” she asked, as she felt the tears start to flow.

  “I know that you worry that we’re incompatible, that we come from two different worlds. But Annie, if that’s true, then I want to leave my world and step into yours.”

  “Caleb, no. You don’t have to leave your world. I don’t want you to change. You’re a special man. I’ve never met anyone as noble, caring, and strong as you are. And even though I tried to convince myself otherwise, I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else.”

  “I’ve fallen in love with you, Annie Thomas.”

  Her heart felt like it was going to explode hearing those words. But even more than the words, she could feel the love that he had for her. “I love you, too. I thank God that he brought you to me. That you have shown me that no matter what we’ve been through, we can push through it.”

  “Together we can.”


  Caleb took in a deep breath of the Georgia spring air mixed with the smell of the steaks sizzling on the grill. It had only been a week since Vaughn’s arrest, but so much had happened.

  And now in his backyard surrounded by his friends and family, it was time to start over in so many ways.

  Mac, Gabe, and Kane were all hanging out around the grill with him. Many of his officers were there and some FBI agents that Mac knew. But it still ate at him that his deputy, Mike Ramsey, a man with a lifetime on the force, had betrayed him. Mike had taken Silva’s money and done the dirty work in return. He finally understood exactly how Annie could have trust issues with law enforcement. Because he now felt the sting of betrayal in a very personal way.

  “So has the FBI been cleared of the possibility of a mole?” Kane asked the group.

  “Yes,” Gabe said. “Every indication we have is that Mike acted alone, and he put out misinformation about the FBI having a mole to throw people off the trail. We were so focused on the FBI angle, we didn’t even think it could be someone that close to us. Mike used his relationship with Mac and Caleb to get information. He also passed on the information about the DEA safe house to Silva.”

  “It’s sickening,” Mac said. “And last I heard, he’s trying to craft a plea deal. That dirty cop kidnapped our sister. I think he should rot.”

  “What could he trade? Silva is dead and Vaughn is behind bars waiting for trial,” Gabe said.

  “He still has intel,” Caleb said. “Information about the rest of the Silva organization, the remaining higher ups. I understand why a plea could be on the table. And even as much as what he did hurts, we will just have to accept a deal if one is struck. But regardless, he’ll see prison time. It’s just a question of how much.”

  “Not enough in my book, brother,” Mac said.

  “Well, word on the street is that the Silva organization is in complete disarray right now,” Kane said. “With the two top ranking guys out of the picture, either someone will rise up and take over or they’ll all become free agents and latch themselves onto the next big thing. Or one of Silva’s competitors.”

  “Today isn’t the day to rehash all of this.” Mac looked at Caleb. “Let’s be thankful for what we have and enjoy this day.”

  Mac was saying exactly what Caleb was thinking. Then Caleb noticed that Mac’s eyes diverted over to the backyard gate. And that was because Jen Spencer and her little girl Cindy had just arrived. Jen was carrying a cake plate. Mac had been in love with Jen since high school. “Mac, why don’t you go help Jen. She’s got her hands full.”

  “Yeah, of course.” Mac walked off to go help Jen.

  Caleb hoped that one day his brother could find happiness like what he had found. As he looked over at Annie with her long hair blowing in the wind with Buddy right beside her with his Frisbee, he thanked God for sending such an amazing woman into his life.


  Annie took in the festive atmosphere as the barbeque was in full force in Caleb’s backyard. Caleb had insisted on having everyone over. There had been so much darkness and fear, it felt amazing to sit in the sun with a big glass of lemonade and hear the laughter from the people surrounding her—friends and family. Things she didn’t really have before. And now it all seemed like it could be possible.

  Caleb looked over from the grill and gave her a big smile. He loved her. That much she knew, and she loved him back. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced in her life.

  She glanced over and saw Hope approaching with Sasha close by her side. For a moment her pulse kicked up, but then she had to remind herself that this nightmare was over.

  Hope grabbed her in a big hug. “How’re you doing?”

  “Much better. I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in a long time.”

  Sasha smiled at her. “I wanted to apologize again for causing you any distr
ess. That was never my intent. I am so sorry for everything you’ve gone through.”

  “I appreciate your apology, but Hope helped me understand that you were just trying to do your job.”

  “And that’s what I plan to do. I plan to prosecute Damon Vaughn to the fullest extent of the law. He will never be able to hurt you again. I feel like justice will get served. And to me that’s very important.”

  Gabby walked over to them. “Can I join you ladies? I feel like we’re kind of outnumbered by the guys here.”

  Caleb had invited all of his officers except Mike. Who, according to Caleb, was currently in jail.

  “Who is that handsome dark haired mysterious man talking to Gabe?” Sasha asked.

  “That’s Kane. He’s with the DEA,” Annie said. And she could tell by the look on Sasha’s face that Sasha might have taken an interest in Kane.

  “I could introduce you,” Hope offered.

  “Sure. Maybe later,” Sasha said.

  “Annie, can you help me out with something in the kitchen for just a quick minute?” Gabby asked.

  “Sure.” She followed Gabby inside the house.

  “I actually just wanted to get you alone for a minute,” Gabby said.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I know I was kinda hard on you when we first met. I’m pretty protective of my brothers. As you know, we lost our parents, and we’re a tight knit unit.”

  Annie smiled. “Believe me, I know that.”

  “But I wanted you to know that I want you here. I’ve never seen my brother this happy. When he’s around you, there’s real joy in his eyes.”

  Hearing Gabby’s heartfelt words touched her.

  “I have to tell you, Annie, when he came back from Afghanistan from his final deployment, we thought for a while that we might not ever get our brother back. I know he dealt with many things during the war. And he bounced back eventually. But now he seems like the fog of war has finally lifted off of him. And I think I have you to thank for that.”

  “Well, it works both ways, because he helped me get over the fears of my past. So we are growing stronger together.”

  “I’m not much of a hugger,” Gabby said. “But for this, I’ll make an exception.” Gabby reached out and gave her a tight hug.

  “Thanks, Gabby. It means a lot.”

  Caleb walked into the kitchen and his eyes widened. “Uh oh. What’s going on in here?”

  “Nothing. Just a minute of girl talk,” Gabby said as she looked at Annie.

  “Good. Cause I’m about to serve up the food. So come back out and grab a plate.”

  “I’ll go and see if Mac needs any help.” Gabby walked out of the kitchen leaving them alone.

  “Seriously, was she giving you a hard time?” Caleb asked her.

  “No. Just the opposite, actually.”

  “Great, because I can’t have my little sister giving my girlfriend grief.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Now let’s go celebrate. We have so much to be thankful for.”


  Ten months later

  “Buddy, sit.” Annie held up the treat and the black lab sat dutifully. She’d been spending a lot of time with Buddy and had come a long way with his training. But more than anything else, she just enjoyed his love and company. Even more than that, she enjoyed the love and company of his owner.

  “So you ready to take them on a walk?” Caleb asked as he walked into the room.

  “Definitely.” She’d settled down very easily in Maxwell. She had a small apartment and had been working full time at Pa’s Diner. It was nothing that she thought she’d ever wanted, but turned out to be everything she needed.

  Caleb leashed up Buddy and Bailey and handed her Buddy’s leash. “So I saw Mitzi when I was in town. She mentioned that your lease would be expiring in three months.”

  “Yes. But I already talked to her, and she said I could renew it if I wanted. I really like it there, so I think it makes the most sense to stay put. I hate moving, and it’s big enough for me.” They headed down the sidewalk walking side by side with the dogs. She didn’t think things could get any better than they were.

  “About that. I don’t want you to renew the lease.”

  “Why in the world not? You thought that apartment was the perfect fit for me.”

  He shook his head. “I did think it was perfect. But it’s not anymore.”

  “Why not?”

  He stopped and turned toward her. “Because of this.” He dropped down on one knee, and when he did, both dogs sat down beside him.

  Her pulse thumped wildly as she realized what he was doing.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple, but elegant square cut diamond. “Annie Thomas, you’re everything that I never thought I could possibly find in one person. You’re strong, beautiful, smart and talented. But most of all, I love your caring and devoted heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you will have me. Annie, will you marry me?”

  As he said the words, Buddy lifted his big furry black paw up in the air and that did it. Tears of joy fell down her cheeks. “Yes. Absolutely, yes.”

  He stood up and slid the ring on her finger and the dogs barked in approval.

  “I love you so much, Caleb.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He kissed her with the promise of the rest of their lifetimes together. No longer weighed down by the past, she opened up her heart fully to the man she loved.

  Danger in the Deep South Series

  Book 1: Lethal Action (Hope & Gabe)

  Book 2: Devoted Defender (Annie & Caleb)

  Book 3: (Jen & Mac)

  Excerpt from Lethal Action: Danger in the Deep South Book 1

  Five years. Hope Finch was celebrating her fifth year anniversary as an attorney at the prestigious New York law firm of Rice and Taylor by chugging down another cup of lukewarm coffee. She’d lost count at mug number six. As a fifth year associate, she still had a lot to prove. Not only to the firm, but to herself as well.

  She glanced at the clock on her computer screen and saw that she’d worked late into the night and skipped dinner again. Nothing unusual for her. The Wakefield trial was taking up all of her time—and then some. But there was no way she was going to say she couldn’t handle the workload. As a midlevel associate, she should be able to run with the big boys. Or at least pretend like she could. If that meant coffee would be her only source of sustenance then so be it. If she wanted to make partner within three years, then she had to stick to the game plan.

  Hope shutdown her computer and grabbed her laptop bag embroidered with the bright red R&T logo. It was very possible she’d still put in a little bit more time working tonight at home. Also part of her normal routine.

  The big New York City law firm was relatively quiet for a weeknight. Only a couple of other associates were working away in their offices. She felt a tiny shred of guilt for leaving, but then quickly dismissed it. She was still on track for getting all of her work done in time for trial and sleep was necessary. She couldn’t afford to make any mistakes right now. There was too much on the line. Both for her client and for her.

  When the cold winter New York air blew against her face, she was glad to be headed home to her cozy apartment. It cost her a good chunk of her lawyer salary, but it was worth it. She paid a hefty price to be close to her office, and she still lived in a five hundred foot box.

  Cinching her pink pea coat tightly around her waist, she walked quickly down the dark street. Even at this hour, there were still plenty of people walking around. She loved the anonymity and hustle and bustle of the city. It gave her the freedom she felt like she’d earned. She never understood how people could live in small towns where everyone knew every detail about your life. If she had it her way, no one would know anything about her. Except what she chose to share with them.

  When she arrived at her high-rise apartment door, she turned the key in the lock, and dropped her bag on the floor. Immediately, she
kicked off her tall heels and unbuttoned her grey suit jacket. Home sweet home. It wasn’t much, but it was hers, and for that she was proud.

  She started to reach for the light switch but a strong hand grabbed her wrist throwing her off balance. She screamed as her pulse thumped wildly. The hand moved to her mouth and the other wrapped securely around her waist pulling her into him. The intruder stood behind her, and she couldn’t see him.

  This was it. This man was going to kill her. He was strong. She was no match for him. In that moment, she found herself clicking back through the events of her life like a movie reel. Her horrible childhood front and center. Not enough time to make all of her dreams come true and to fully recover from her past. Wondering how much time she still had left. And filled with regret. She fought harder.

  “Stop struggling. I’m not here to hurt you,” he said. “I’m Special Agent Gabe Marino. I’m a federal agent. I work for the FBI.”

  The FBI? What was an FBI agent doing in her apartment? She didn’t believe him, so she kept fighting. She bit down hard on his hand, and he let out a groan. Unfortunately, he didn’t let go. Not willing to give up, she gathered up her strength and stomped on his foot.

  Nothing was working though.

  “Listen to me, Ms. Finch. I am going to drop my arms and step away from you. Don’t scream.” He slowly pulled his hand away from her mouth and loosened his grip. Then he turned on the lights, and she got her first look at her assailant. He was tall with short dark hair and chocolate colored eyes. He wore a dark suit and a striped navy tie. He looked the part of an FBI agent, but he could be anyone.

  “Here, let me show you.” He slowly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his credentials. He showed her his FBI badge and identification.

  His identification looked legitimate, but she also knew it was easy to forge credentials if you had the right resources. She didn’t believe him yet. “Why would an FBI agent resort to breaking and entering?” she asked.

  “I didn’t break into your apartment. Actually, I have a warrant.” He reached into his pocket and handed it to her. “Go ahead, take a look.”


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