Book Read Free

Alpha Bully

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “She’s still fat.”

  “I’m surprised she showed her face.”

  Doing everything she could to ignore the cruel jibes, she worked out the sums on the board before working on the ones set in the text. All too soon the bell was ringing, bringing the lesson to a close.

  Slamming her book closed, she looked up as a shadow passed over her desk.

  “Next time, sit in your own place, loser.”

  Her heart hammered inside her chest. First day of school and already she’d fucked up. Pushing the hair off her face, she swallowed past the lump in her throat.

  “Scarlett, I expect you to be on time next lesson,” Mr. Bunkirk said.

  “I will. I’m really sorry.”

  “Get to your next class.”

  Grabbing her books, she made it toward her next class, making sure to take a seat right at the front away from the popular squad.

  “Did you see how big they were?” Cheryl said, moaning. “I’m so going to be fucking one of them by the end of the week, if not the end of the day.”

  “Who are you talking about?” This came from Dawn, the best friend.

  “Marshall and Jack. Both of them were huge. Man, I so want to fuck them.”

  Scarlett winced at the crudeness coming from the other girl. She wasn’t an idiot and knew a lot of her peers had already given up the V-card. There was no way she would be giving up her virginity to any of the guys in school. Not that they’d ever go for someone like her. She was too big, and no matter how much she tried to diet, exercise, or even starve herself, nothing helped. Her size remained the same. It was like she was supposed to be this size.

  “You’ve had both of them.”

  “And I’m going to have them again. They’re huge. Wait until you see them. They’re really O material now.”

  Shutting Cheryl’s comments out of her mind, Scarlett listened to the teacher talk about history. She’d never been fussed for history, but it was one of those really important classes that they made you take.

  In no time at all it was lunch break. Walking to her locker, she grabbed her bag where she’d packed some sandwiches and vegetable sticks. Her parents didn’t know she packed a lunch. She’d learned early at school not to put herself in danger of being in the queues. Exiting the school, she found a tree and took a seat. Pulling out a book, she grabbed her small box, opening it up.

  She turned the book to the page she needed and started to read as she ate her lunch.

  “So, I was hoping to see you.”

  Scarlett recognized that voice. Glancing up, she was shocked to see Trey staring down at her.


  “Ah, you remember my name.” He sat down in front of her, pulling his bag in front of him. “Why are you eating out here?”

  Biting her lip, she looked down at her food. “Erm, I don’t, erm, I never eat in the lunch hall.”

  “Why not?”

  Staring at him, Scarlett wondered if he even thought about what he was saying. “It’s safer to eat out here.”

  He continued to look at her, confused.

  “I’m not exactly popular. It gets boring being called a pig every day.”

  Trey’s cheeks went red. “You’re bullied here?”

  “It’s, erm, it’s a given. I’m overweight, and it’s not really—” Scarlett stopped feeling her own cheeks heat. “I don’t actually know what to say.”

  “May I sit and eat with you?”

  She nodded.

  “Where are your other friends?”

  Staring down at her sandwich, Scarlett started to lose what little appetite she had. “I’ve not really got the best track record with friends.”

  No one wanted to hang out with her in case the bullying turned around on her.

  “Well, I’d love to be your friend.”

  Looking up, she saw he was smiling back.

  “Are you sure? They could bully you as well.”

  “I can handle myself, believe me.”

  Chuckling, she closed her book and stared back at him. “Okay, if you want to risk it.”

  “For you, I will.”

  Heat bloomed inside her. It was nice to have someone who wasn’t calling her names.

  Chapter Four

  Marshall stopped outside of his locker room. Everyone was charging toward the lunchroom. Hunger filled the air, but something caught Marshall’s attention. All of his senses went on high alert at the smell of fresh roses, the earth, and home.


  His wolf came roaring to the surface, demanding he find her.

  “Whoa, Marshall, what the fuck, man?” Jack put a hand on his shoulder.

  Gritting his teeth, Marshall struggled against the need coursing through him. His body was burning up. The need to claim was stronger than ever before. This couldn’t be happening, and yet it was.

  “She’s here,” Marshall said.


  Closing his eyes, Marshall blew out a breath. The scent of his mate was fading. Where was she? Who was she?


  “Holy fuck, for real?”


  “Shit, do you want me to call your father?”

  Marshall shook his head. He didn’t want his father here. It wouldn’t help. His wolf would calm the moment he found the woman meant for him, the woman who’d calm the beast inside him.

  “No. I’ve got to find her.”

  “Shit, I hope it’s not a teacher. That would be totally messed up.”

  Laughing, Marshall slammed his locker closed. He’d find his mate and everything would be okay.

  “Let’s go and find her.”

  “You’re going to sniff her out like a dog?”

  “I’ve got to do this on my own. Get us some food.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Marshall didn’t want to share this moment with anyone else. This was all him, and the thought of having Jack there didn’t ease him at all.


  “I can’t wait to see who it is.”

  He waited for his friend to leave before he picked up the floral scent once again.

  Go. Find her. Claim her.

  Marshall came to a stop at the doors leading outside. The moment he went outside he was at risk of losing her.

  She’s out there. Go now!

  His wolf pounced, and Marshall walked outside.

  The scent increased as he made his way around the building. When he saw a blond guy around his age sitting in front of the tree, Marshall froze. There was no fucking way his mate was male.

  Marshall would rather die than fuck another man.

  Then he heard her voice. It was soft, delicate, and belonged to his true mate. He closed his eyes as he basked in the sound and scent of his mate. She was leaning against the tree. His cock thickened, ready to mate. Stepping closer, Marshall felt his whole world collide, explode, implode, shatter, and fall around him.

  Underneath the tree sat his mate, Scarlett Fields. The one girl he’d spent a great deal of time bullying. Was this the reason he was obsessed with her? His body had known before him that she was destined to be his mate? She was oblivious to his presence, smiling at the mystery guy. He didn’t like it. His wolf growled, clawed, and spat wanting to kill the man who was making their mate smile.

  Scarlett is my mate.

  He stood reeling from the knowledge. There had always been something about her over the years, but he’d never understood what it was. The scent that had clung to her had always been nice. This time, his wolf senses were addicted. Her overweight figure no longer seemed wrong to him. She would be able to handle him, take his cock inside her warm body. Scarlett was built to be his mate, to handle his wolf.

  Without thinking, he stepped closer. He snapped a twig on his way over to her.

  Scarlett looked up, and he was drowning in her brown gaze. Marshall stopped as mixed with her addictive scent was the undeniable smell of fear. She was afraid of him. Her eyes went wide as she stared back

at him. Did she know what he was? Who he was?

  Then the other dawning horror struck him. His mate was human.

  “Scarlett? Are you okay?”

  Her gaze flickered away from him. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”

  Do something.

  He was making a total ass of himself. Walking up to Scarlett, he leaned against the tree.

  “Hello, Scarlett, I was wondering when I was going to see you.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear. The glossy brown length made him want to run his fingers through the locks. Her hair looked so damned soft to the touch.


  Wow, fucking hell. The one word from her lips had the beast inside him calming.

  “Who are you?” The male’s voice interrupted that calm, invading his thoughts.

  Glaring down at the blond, Marshall smelled the human didn’t like him. What fucking ever.

  “Trey, this is Marshall.” Scarlett made the introductions.

  “You’re new here?”

  “Certainly am. Scarlett here is making me feel right at home.” Trey’s smile was filled with so much promise.

  “Scarlett, can I talk to you?” Marshall asked, glaring at Trey.

  “What? Why?”

  “I really need to talk to you.”

  The fear increased, and she looked down at her bag as if looking for an excuse not to. “Erm, okay.”

  She got to her feet, leaving her bag on the ground.

  Reaching out, he went to grab her arm but stopped when she flinched away. She was totally afraid of him. All of his father’s warnings crashed through him as stared into her brown eyes. Not only did his father’s warnings come over him but all the years where he’d been cruel to her, came upon him all at once. He’d done this. His mate, his very reason for living, didn’t trust him.

  His wolf wasn’t happy.

  Marshall didn’t touch her. Stepping away from Trey, he waited for her to stand in front of him. She wore dungarees that hid a great deal of her body. The white shirt underneath was rolled up to her elbows showing her arms. His body responded to the sight of her. This time he wasn’t unhappy about his body’s response to her. He relished it. He’d found his mate.

  “How have you been?”

  She continued to frown, glancing around him. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I just want to know how you’ve been?”

  Scarlett licked her lips, and the very action had a groan releasing from his mouth. He couldn’t stop himself from touching her plump bottom lip. Sliding his finger over her lip, Marshall jerked his hand away when the fear gathered around her. He could think of something else to do with those full lips.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked, looking behind her.

  “Who are you looking for?”

  “I’m waiting for the butt of the joke. What are you going to do?”

  He rubbed at his temple.

  You hurt her, and now she’s waiting for you to hurt her some more.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  His words didn’t calm her down. In fact, she looked more nervous.

  “May I go?”

  Marshall opened his mouth as if to say something more but then stopped when she took a step back. This was a big problem. His wolf slammed against him, and he turned away, going into the lunchroom. Marshall needed the chaos of the school to calm his wolf down. He found Jack sitting alone with three lunch trays.

  “Where is she? Did you find her?”

  Grabbing the carton of juice from the tray, Marshall took a long swig, needing to distract his wolf.

  “Shit, it’s a teacher, isn’t it?”

  He shook his head.

  “What then?”

  Marshall didn’t speak. He took several gulps of his drink. “I found her, and it’s not a teacher.” Part of him wished it was a teacher as it would make life so much easier.

  “Go on then, spill. Who was it?”

  “Scarlett Fields.” The name had his insides twisting and turning. It was heaven to him.

  Jack burst out laughing. “Yeah, right. Come on, stop trying to make me laugh.”

  “I’m not trying to make you laugh.” Marshall glared at his friend. “She’s my mate.”

  The smile on Jack’s face dropped.

  “What? For real?”

  He nodded, grabbing the burger from his plate. Staring at the spare tray that Jack had bought for Scarlett, he couldn’t help but wonder about the guy she’d been sat with. He was new, and Marshall didn’t like him.

  “Fuck me. Isn’t that like—shit, she’s human, Marshall. She doesn’t know about our kind.”

  “Not my biggest problem.”

  “What’s your biggest problem?”

  “She’s scared of me. I’ve just spent the last five years bullying her.”

  Realization dawned, and Jack looked sheepish. “Fuck, man, I’m so sorry.”

  “Please stop saying the word fuck.” He needed to talk to his father.


  For the first time ever Scarlett enjoyed her lunch break. Trey stayed with her throughout telling her about his time growing up within the city. His parents had made a lot of money in some kind of mechanical venture and decided to settle down in the country. He was smart, and his brother liked to tease him.

  She didn’t want to leave him but found that she didn’t have a choice.

  “What class do you have next?” Trey asked.

  “I’ve got English.”

  “Damn, I’m history.”

  “I’ve already had history.”

  “Well, we’ve got gym together, right?”

  She pulled out her class list and nodded.

  “Great, I’ll see you then.” They entered the school again. She saw several girls were watching them.

  “Erm, do you want to leave?” she asked.

  “Why would I want to go?”

  “You’re hot news here. I mean, you’re news.” Heat filled her cheeks as he smiled down at her.

  “You think I’m hot.”

  “No, I mean, yes, no, er, I don’t know.” She pressed a hand to her face wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

  “It’s okay. I’m teasing you.” He walked her to her door. “By the way I think you are,” he said, turning back to look at her.


  “I think you’re hot.”

  She watched him wink at her before turning away. What the hell was happening to her? Marshall trying to talk to her even though she was waiting for something bad to happen because of him, and now Trey. No, she wouldn’t get ahead of herself. Trey was probably being nice to her even though he really didn’t need to. She wasn’t under any illusions about her looks.

  The best anyone could say to describe her was mousy.

  Entering the classroom, she went straight for her seat by the window. Only a few people were in the room.

  “Hello, Scarlett,” Miss Kingry said.


  “Did you have a good summer?”

  She nodded. “Did you?”

  “Yes, I certainly did.” Miss Kingry had a secret smile.

  Scarlett liked Miss Kingry out of all of the teachers. She was always nice to her.

  Opening her work book, she started flicking her pen on the table when she heard Cheryl giggling.

  Looking up, she saw Marshall and Jack entering the classroom.

  Avoiding his gaze, she grabbed her reading book while waiting for the class to start. She was aware of his gaze on her, and when she chanced another look at him, she saw he was staring right back at her.

  “Right, everyone take a seat. We’ve all had a chance to catch up. Come on, I want to get started.”

  Marshall took the desk behind hers where he sat last year.

  “So, are you coming out tonight?” Cheryl asked.

  “No,” Marshall said.

  “Come on, I can make it worth your while.”

  “You’ve got nothing I want.”
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  Tapping her pen on the book, she kept her gaze on the front. Blowing out a breath, Scarlett wondered how much longer she could take of this torture.

  Miss Kingry started her lesson. Behind her she heard Jack constantly talking. His voice was distracting the class, and as the minutes wore on, Scarlett saw he was annoying the hell out of the teacher.

  “That’s enough, Mr. Rowlands, I want you over here, and Marshall, you will sit beside Scarlett now,” Miss Kingry said.

  “But I’ve done nothing,” Marshall said.

  “I don’t care. You’ve got to partner up for the next assignment. I’m not having you work with Jack.” Miss Kingry walked toward the back of the class.

  Scarlett didn’t like her teacher all that much in that moment. Out of all of the people she could have put beside her, Marshall wasn’t the one she wanted to work with. He was a horrible person, a bully. He dropped his book on the table, causing her to jump.

  Biting her lip, she flicked her pen on her notebook. She wanted the class to end.

  Jack was dragged to the front of the class and put beside another boy. Scarlett didn’t see who it was and didn’t care.

  She didn’t want to work with Marshall. He was a horrible person.

  “Right, I want you to read the next two poems and start to make the necessary comparisons.” Miss Kingry started to walk around the classroom handing out the book they needed to read.

  Marshall took the book, holding it between them.

  You’ve got to get closer.

  His breath fanned her hair as they read. He was bigger than she remembered him, but then she tried not to remember all that much about Marshall.

  Marshall moved the book a little closer to his body.

  Glancing up, she saw he was looking at her.

  “I need to read it.”

  “I know.”

  He didn’t say anything else.

  Licking her lips, she let out a breath. She should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to get through this day.

  Leaning closer against him, she read as much of the poem as she could. Scribbling the title and the author in her notebook, she would do the work online. It would be a lot easier than trying to work beside him. Neither of them spoke as they worked through the poem. She heard the rest of the couples in class talking through the poem. Scarlett couldn’t bring herself to speak.


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