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Laura's Secret

Page 13

by Lucy Kelly

  “No, I’m okay. I know enough. I’ll fill Alex in on making love to someone with my issues. If Frieda’s right and this speeds up my healing, after awhile I’ll be able to participate more. I just hope he doesn’t mind being mated to someone with my problems and is willing to stick it out,” she said, letting Mara in on her biggest fear.

  “Honey, you don’t understand. When true mates bond its forever. No divorce, no fooling around. He’s going to want you and only you for the rest of his life. You’ll feel the same way. You won’t even notice other men in a sexual way. It’s kind of weird but I’ve seen it over and over again.”

  Laura looked at Mara carefully, judging her words. She didn’t think Mara was just saying words to make her feel better. Finally she gave her a smile of relief.

  “I’m glad. I don’t think I could take it if he rejected me, especially if he wasn’t happy with me in the bedroom department.”

  Mara leaned over and patted her hand. “You have nothing to worry about. You’re going to have a mate that loves you and is devoted to your happiness. The two of you will have something special. I’m actually a little jealous. I’d like to settle down with a mate. I’ve just never met anyone special or my true mate.”

  “Does everyone have a true mate?” Laura asked.

  “I like to think so,” said Mara.

  Before Laura could ask any more questions the door opened and Frieda poked her head in. “What are you two doing in here? Come on, we have to find the sacred place. I know there must be one here somewhere.” She started talking to herself in German as Mara and Laura followed her down the hallway.

  When they reentered the living room both Marshall and Alex looked up. Alex stood and walked over to the end of the couch where Laura had parked her chair. “You and Mara disappeared. Is everything alright?” he asked her as he picked up her hand. He couldn’t help but want to touch her all the time. She hadn’t been gone very long but he’d missed her the minute she left the room.

  “I’m fine, just needed a little girl talk,” she told him, trying not to blush. She wasn’t ready to have a conversation about sex with him. She knew they were expected to have sex that night, talking about it just made her more nervous. At this rate she’d be breaking out in hives before they got into bed.

  “Alright everyone,” Frieda said, clapping her hands. “We need to get started. We don’t know how long this is going to take.

  They all dutifully followed her out of the room. She went through the kitchen into the pantry. The room off the pantry was where the tram stopped. A second entrance for visitors where they could take the large freight elevator down into the complex Laura had built without coming in the house. Now Frieda stood in the large area surrounded by the others. Tom and Ben came too. Only Lola stayed in the house. She was determined to make a bonding feast for all of them to have after the ceremony. The other alphas would be attending too so she had a lot of cooking and baking to do.

  Frieda handed the large blanket she was carrying to Mara. “I may be able to go outside now, but I can’t go hiking all over the mountain. I’ll stay here and act as your base. If you’re planning a grid search, I have maps,” Laura said, wishing she could go with them.

  Frieda gave her a sympathetic look and glanced at Alex before she spoke. “I’m sorry, dear, this will be a magical search and not as methodical as you believe. I’ll need to change into a magical creature. The blanket is so no one can see me from above. Hopefully there won’t be any hikers. The last time…well let’s just say I’ve learned that lesson. I’m sorry you won’t be there with me; you need to know how to perform this type of search. Places of power are links to our ancestors and the other realms. Our changeling abilities always get a boost when we spend time there. We’ll want to have your lessons there as well so I hope it’s not too far away.”

  Alex got the hint and offered to carry Laura on his back. An offer which she quickly accepted, she didn’t want to be left behind. Alex picked her up and held on to her legs as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He quickly realized that she couldn’t grip him at all with her legs, so Mara helped by lifting each leg to the side so he could support them properly. When he felt how light she was, he worried for her health. He made a mental note to find out all about her physical condition.

  Marshall called Tom in from the security room so there would be four to hold the blanket over Frieda’s head. Lola and Maggie would hold down the fort while they were gone.

  Laura was excited, she waited not so patiently to see what was going to happen next. But even as she watched Frieda, she was completely aware of how her body was reacting to being so close to Alex Marasov. She hoped he didn’t feel the way her hardened nipples were stabbing into his back! He’d removed his leather jacket, she was holding on to his knit shirt. She had to consciously stop herself from rubbing her hands over his chest. Only the thought of losing her grip and falling backwards kept her from it. Her head rested on his shoulder, she put her face into his neck and breathed deep. She couldn’t stop herself from tasting his skin just underneath his ear. She felt his whole body shudder and at that moment, discovered her womanly power.

  When he turned his head, she looked forward, unwilling to meet his eyes just yet. “Keep torturing me and I’ll end up bedding you before the bonding ceremony,” he whispered before taking advantage of her turned head to nip at her earlobe.

  Frieda, who seemed to see everything and know everything, winked at her and then shifted. One second she was a little old lady in a flowered housedress and next she was a white unicorn with a gold and silver horn. Mara and the others instantly realized why any visual of Frieda would be a bad idea. They lifted up the blanket and stretched it over her. Frieda walked out the wide door into the open area at the top of the tramway. While the tram itself was covered, there was also a stone paved patio area where people on foot could gather. Laura had wanted her house to be for her family too, so there were plenty of outdoor places. The large patio had a fire pit in the center and benches made of stone and wood that blended into the surrounding forest. She had been planning on evenings and nights by the fire. Now she eagerly looked around at the sun-dappled forest.

  Frieda started moving back and forth, swinging her horn up and down, side to side. She walked in a circle and the blanket holders scrambled to keep up. Laura watched everything with avid eyes. She was shocked when Frieda shifted back to her human form and walked back into the house. They all followed her, wondering what she had discovered.

  Alex was reluctant to let Laura out of his arms but he knew she felt more in control when she was in her chair. He carried her over to her chair and let her guide him on how to best help her. When she was back, he wasn’t able to stop himself from leaning over for another kiss, which quickly became heated.

  He felt someone tapping on his shoulder and had to stop his bear from taking a swipe at them. Swinging around, he looked into the sparkling eyes of the little changeling. He hadn’t been this close to her, looking into her eyes he was amazed at the power he saw there. Somehow he knew if he had swiped out at her, he was the one who would have ended up hurt.

  “I need to speak to Laura. You can kiss her later,” she said in a placating way.

  “Laura dear, what can you tell me about the caves below your house?”

  “They were hidden by the old house that stood here. I think maybe he was a miner? I don’t know any other reason why the cave entrance would be kept secret,” she said.

  “Well, maybe you’re right. But I’m beginning to think there might be another reason. Is there any place in the cave you haven’t gone?” she asked next.

  “There’s only one place where the engineers and builders wouldn’t go. They posted it as dangerous and even boarded up the entrance to that part of the caverns. Do you want to go there?” Laura asked.

  “Yes, we need to take a look. I think we may find something interesting,” she said. Marshall sent Ben and Tom back to their posts in security and the rest of them got in
the freight elevator. Laura pressed a button and the doors closed. The elevator stopped on the third level and they all got off, Laura leading the way and the rest of them following.

  “There were six large caverns here. I had the engineers partition them off, so we could have full utility access,” she explained because except for the lack of windows, you might have been inside an office building complex. She rolled to the end of the hallway and to a large door set in the wall on the left side. She ran her hand over the biometric scanner and then punched a code into the panel next to the lock. At the click she turned the knob and pushed. Alex stretched an arm over her to push the door wide. Inside the door, they could all see the rough stone of the cavern wall on their right and a manmade wall on the left.

  Concrete had been poured to smooth over the rough floor and stopped about five feet in. Twelve or so feet down the rock wall was a closed off opening. A frame of four by fours had been anchored to the floor and walls. Then two by eight boards had been nailed up crossways to block the opening.

  Frieda walked up to the boards and stretched out her hands. “Mara, Laura, come here and see if you feel what I’m feeling,” she said.

  Laura approached the boards. She’d never felt anything from this location in her prior visits. She hadn’t bothered showing this area to Alex in their earlier tour. Now though she felt the tiny hairs on her arms tingle. Energy, like a low level of electricity hummed through her body. Wait! She could feel tingling along the skin on her thighs. Trying to keep the movement casual, she dropped a hand from the arm of her wheelchair into her lap. She lightly scratched with her nails. She felt that!

  Tears sprang to her eyes. She no longer paid any attention to the people around her. Instead, she concentrated on her body. Leaning over she stared at her feet and tried to move her right foot. Sweat beaded her brow, someone was talking to her and she waved them away. There! She moved her foot!

  She started shouting, laughing, and crying. The others probably felt she was going nuts and she didn’t give a damn, she’d moved her foot!

  Chapter Eighteen

  Frieda smiled a secret smile as Mara and Alex crowded around Laura. She knew what had happened. Laura had been slowly healing ever since her blood exchange with Alpha Marshall. Her kisses with her mate helped speed up her healing and being exposed even at this limited distance to a place of power seemed to have completed the job. She knew Laura hadn’t really believed her when they spoke the previous day, now she had the proof. Laura was ready to start becoming a changeling.

  It took awhile for everyone to understand Laura’s garbled and excited speech. When they did, they were all just as happy as she was. Alex especially was pleased his mate was going to be healed. He didn’t have a problem with her being in a wheelchair for himself. He was ecstatic her health would no longer be compromised.

  Mara stepped away and let Alex comfort her when she understood what had gotten Laura so excited. He had pulled her from her chair and she was wrapped up in his arms. She probably didn’t even notice Mara leaving to go and speak to Marshall.

  “It’s wonderful, Frieda said this might happen but I don’t think Laura believed it. I barely believe it myself,” Mara said.

  Marshall waved Frieda over. “Will she be able to walk again?” he asked.

  “Oh yes. And she’ll heal faster and faster. Building back muscle will take time and effort. Does she have a physical therapist?” she asked and Mara was quick to reassure her on that point.

  “Yes, she was actually planning to set up a visit to the therapist every other day or so. We should probably arrange for her to consult on a new program of therapy. The therapist is married to a shifter so we don’t have to worry on that score,” Mara explained.

  “Good. While I’m happy about her healing, it’s going to raise a lot of questions, especially with her family. They aren’t shifters. Before, I believed they could visit from time to time and we could keep everything a secret. Now that won’t be possible. We’ll need to discuss this,” he said.

  “Her mother was changeling. Her brothers aren’t shifters now. However, if we perform a blood ritual with them they will be. Then the only one you need worry about is her father. And if all of his children are shifters, he isn’t likely to cause a fuss,” said Frieda.

  While the three of them were talking Alex held Laura in his arms and let her cry out her happiness. If he knew anything about women, it was they cried when they were sad and they cried when they were happy. A smart man didn’t try to stop them he just provided a shoulder and strong arms to hold them. Alex was a smart man.

  When Laura was calm again Alex put her back in her chair, but he kept one hand in his. He gestured for Mara to push so Laura wouldn’t need her hands, he didn’t want to let go.

  Frieda waved everyone away from the boards and then quickly shifted into a Sasquatch. It gave her both the strength and the dexterity she needed to pull the boards away from the opening. She also didn’t get much chance to be a Sasquatch. There was that one time in Washington and she had missed the hiker with a camera. Thanks be to the Goddess he was a lousy photographer. Once again, the others were impressed with her abilities. She made quick work of pulling the boards down and tossing them into a corner. Once she was done, she shifted back and took a deep breath. Swaying a little, she steadied herself on the wall.

  “Frieda, are you alright?” Mara cried out, going over to the older woman.

  “I’m fine, child, just feeling my age a little. I haven’t shifted this much in a long time. I’ll be fine in a moment. I just need to take down this last barrier and then the power here will rejuvenate me,” she said. “Now step back, all of you, and give me some more room. I’m going to need the unicorn again.”

  She quickly suited action to her words as she shifted back into her unicorn shape. It looked as if she was dancing in the small space. She kept waving her horn at the opening. Finally she grew still and holding her head down, she pierced the opening and walked through. Laura gasped, a couple of feet inside that opening was a deep crevasse. She would fall to her death! Laura wheeled forward to call a warning and was shocked at the feeling of power that swept over her.

  It was ten thousand times more than what she had felt before. She rolled her chair forward, she was being pulled in and couldn’t resist it. She barely gave a thought to the crevasse that was so dangerous they had to block off the opening. It didn’t surprise her in the least when she saw the crevasse was gone. Instead she saw Frieda lighting torches around a large circular chamber. There was room for about fifty to a hundred people. Stone seating, like bleachers, were around the edges of the chamber but the seats were much wider and taller, not for humans. The floor was tiled in a colorful mosaic, as she looked closer she could see concentric circles, each one filled with animals. Different colored stones had been used to render each animal image down to the last detail as well as the background of alternating black, white, brown, blue, and green. In the center was a circle about three feet in diameter filled with colored tiles in a sunburst pattern.

  That circle pulled at her and she found herself rolling toward it. Once inside light shot up from the edges of the circle and surrounded her. Alex leapt forward only to be halted by Frieda. She had quickly shifted into bear form, large enough to hold back another bear. When she did, he understood Laura wasn’t being hurt and settled down. Frieda shifted back and they all watched as Laura continued to be bathed in the white light.

  After a long time the light faded and Laura turned to look at them. She had a huge smile on her face. “Did you know?” she asked Frieda.

  “I suspected after you showed us this place,” she said.

  “Know what, suspected what?” Marshall growled. Alex walked over to where Laura was and pulled her chair away from the circle. Once again he took her hand.

  Laura squeezed Alex’s hand and then explained. “It was amazing. The light was more than energy, it was a story. The last changeling closed it off to protect it. Another changeling had to u
nlock the chamber. Her daughter married a human and it had to be kept a secret from humans. If Mara or another priestess came, they might have been able to see but to others it appeared as a place of danger with the bottomless crevasse in the floor and all that other creepy stuff. Only there were no more changelings in this line and after awhile the shifters in this area must have forgotten the property owners were descended from a changeling. Through ritual they could be shifters. I’m not sure how that happened, the light only knew what was revealed in this room.”

  “Well that explains how old man Pritchard came to own twenty acres in the middle of shifter territory. I wonder why he sold to you and not us. It’s not like he knew we were shifters,” said Marshall.

  “There might have been some long-lasting distrust leftover from an earlier time,” put in Alex.

  “It doesn’t matter now. Everyone is where they need to be and we have found our sacred place of power. Now we need to plan your bonding ceremony,” pointed out Frieda. “I’m also going to do some more research on your chamber. This is the first place of power I’ve seen underground. It’s also much more elaborate with these mosaics and seating. Most are just special clearings in a wood or a stone circle. Yes, this bear’s looking into,” she said halfway under her breath.

  Laura couldn’t help it, she blushed again thinking about what would come after the ceremony. Alex noticed and once again he went down on one knee by her chair. “We don’t have to go through the bonding ceremony tonight if you don’t want to. It can wait until you’re more comfortable with me,” he offered. It would be extremely hard for him to hold off on claiming her and completing their mating bond, but for Laura he would do it.

  Laura took a close look at his face. She knew when a strong man was fighting his emotions and holding back. Her father and six older brothers were all strong men and growing up with them had taught her a lot. She could see the fine lines of strain in his face. He would wait, for her, and it would be incredibly hard for him. She didn’t understand, not growing up as a shifter. This wasn’t an area she and Mara had covered. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Marshall start to step forward and Alex stopped him with a raised hand as he continued to watch Laura.


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