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Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

Page 29

by Stacey Mewse

Matthew turned and broke into a jog, the others followed suit. Their condition would gift them the stamina to keep up the gait for miles before beginning to feel any kind of fatigue. Though it did mean that conversation ground to a halt for a while.

  As they jogged Hunter watched their misty breath evaporate into the night and a deep frown etched itself into his face. He could clearly smell both Audra and Varulv, and he wanted nothing more than to finally get his teeth and claws into the both of them. Imagining he was tearing into Varulv and finally getting his revenge for the crimes the old beast had committed; Hunter sped his pace and drew level with Tobias.

  ‘I can’t wait to get my teeth into this fucker.’ He growled sideways at the beta male.

  ‘Down boy!’ The beta joked ‘We need to formulate a plan to deal with him, we can’t just throw you in.’

  ‘I can take care of him.’ Hunter insisted.

  ‘I don’t doubt it.’ Tobias laughed. ‘But I have a feeling you’ll be wanted alive after this, so how about lay your hackles down and share the burden.’

  Hunter grunted begrudgingly in response. They jogged on in silence, covering good ground and slowly edging closer to their target.

  Chapter 33

  Varulv skulked through the grass in the greenbelt that bordered the city, the darkness almost completely hiding him in the shadows beneath the trees. In the crook of his arm he held tightly onto Audra’s hand, leading her along in the pitch-blackness. Every now and then he would turn to look at her, shrouded in his overcoat and looking vulnerable and weak. Her face remained calm and neutral as she allowed herself to be led by a notorious murderer. This almost brought a smile to his lips, that she trusted him so completely down to nothing more than his scent. Little did he know that she was also taken in by his appearance, his smartness of dress and sharp Nordic features. Once she had laid eyes on him in human form she had been lost beyond hope.

  They walked down little used pathways in the greenery made by deer and foxes. No human feet had trodden the route they took in quite some time. If he concentrated Varulv could smell very faint, old scents of mankind but nothing newer than two years old. It seemed even ramblers avoided the area immediately surrounding the city. He could not blame them. The woodland was dense and unkempt, and brambles clawed their way along the ground and up the tree trunks. It was like something out of the fairytale about the woman who slept the long sleep… He could not remember the name, but he vaguely recollected hearing the tale once, when he had been a young werewolf.

  When they reached a point where the brambles began to become denser and snag at his trouser legs, Varulv held out a hand to stop Audra. She looked at him in surprise, somehow so completely affected by her longing for him that she had not noticed the thorns catching at her naked ankles.

  Varulv moved to her side and quietly informed her of his intentions. ‘I’m going to pick you up now my love. You cannot walk through this without causing yourself injury, and I cannot have that.’

  Audra nodded passively as he lent forward and tucked one arm behind her knees, scooping her up off her feet. His other arm supported the weight of her back, and she wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck. Breathing in his scent deeply she pressed herself closer to his body and let her head rest beneath his chin. She did not see the dark smile that crossed his lips but never reached his eyes.

  In this way he carried her through the forest, feeling her slowly melt against him in the exhaustion left in the wake of her change. This was something he had not felt himself in a very long time, and it amused him to think of how much physically weaker she must be. He could have fun with her once she had outlived her uses. In time she had begun to breathe deeply, and smell faintly of sleep. He used that time to examine her almost naked body hanging limply in his arms. He could not help but focus on her feet. They were shredded on their bases after walking amongst the thorns, and blood dotted and smeared her lower legs. He let out a shuddering sigh. He would have to find ways to keep his mind occupied in the nine months that her inevitable pregnancy would take. Human women would be nothing compared to the satisfaction of rending her limb from limb, but they would do as a pale substitute until the time was right…

  In his arms Audra slept on, blissfully unaware of the danger she was facing. Even in sleep her brain was fogged by her longing to be his; and her dreams were filled with images of his naked body pressed against hers.

  Varulv walked with her for miles, careful not to wake her so that she would see his route. He did not want it to be easy for her to escape if for some reason the effect of his pheromones on her suddenly wore off. He skirted around the city border under the cover of the trees. Eventually he came to an area where he knew he would be able to utilise back alleys and rougher area’s to get to where he needed to be without interference. There were some areas of the city where even carrying the prone form of a half naked woman would not get you stopped and questioned. So long as he managed to avoid the police.

  He had no doubt that he would be being followed by her pack, but was willing to gamble that they were not particularly close or he would have scented them. He had been keeping an eye on scents and sights on his way to the city, and had seen no evidence of them being directly on his tail. In light of that, he deemed it worth the risk to head back to the derelict old house he had rigged up for his amusement. It would serve as the perfect setting to seduce his new mistress, and that was what was foremost on his mind.

  Realising that he would need to find her some clothing for her lower half, he kept his eye open for a particular flavor of woman that the city was not exactly short of. As the grubby alleys widened into rubbish-strewn streets, he began to see unfavorable characters of the human variety pop up here and there. There were few streetlights in the area, but the dirty streets were reasonably lit by the coloured signs in club windows and the dim lights of the flats above them. As they got further into the city, more and more people could be seen roaming the streets. At the roadsides women strolled up and down in skimpy outfits that left nothing to the imagination. Varulv would examine these women as they passed them, ignoring their judgmental stares as he carried Audra’s half naked body by them. They would not report him; they’d only be arrested themselves. Eventually he saw one who bought a sly smile to his face, she was young and pretty, not yet worn to ugliness by her trade. Her hair was long and bleached golden, and her body slim and athletic but still feminine enough to interest him. All thoughts of finding clothing for his captive vanished, his focus suddenly on other things entirely.

  He had been musing over what he would like to do to Audra for long enough that he had worked himself into frenzy. Though his exterior was calm his mind was a whirlwind of rage and lust. He needed to become intimate with an unfortunate’s insides as soon as he could, or he would soon succumb to his desire to rip Audra to shreds… He could not risk that.

  Still with Audra in his arms he walked up to the young prostitute, who saw him coming and smiled an attemptedly alluring smile. All she managed was something akin to a sneer; false niceties were clearly not something she did well.

  ‘Your girlfriend looks a little worse for wear?’ She stated with an uncaring cackle, it was more an observation than a question. She looked at Audra’s sleeping form and smirked at her, then looked up to Varulv’s face and fluttered her lashes. ‘You look like you could do with a more active companion.’ Her tone was sleazy and direct; she pushed out her small breasts to emphasize her point.

  Varulv smiled ‘that’s exactly what I was thinking, and how could I pass by such a beautiful creature?’

  The woman laughed with mock coyness ‘Well aren’t you a charmer… But what will we do with your friend there?’

  Varulv smiled down at Audra before turning his attention back to the young hooker, looking deeply into her blank grey eyes. ‘Oh she’ll be no trouble. I know a place we can go that has plenty of space for all of us.’

  The prostitute looked perplexed for a moment before regaining her composure ‘It’s ex
tra for couples, and more again for kinky shit.’

  Varulv nodded ‘I quite understand, but I’m sure she’ll be quite taken with you. If you follow me I’ll take you to a safe place to get down to business.’ He smirked at her, a filthy expression that she was used to but despised.

  ‘Ok’ She nodded ‘Are you looking for a quick job or an all nighter?’

  Varulv smiled and began to walk away, knowing she would follow. ‘All night, and I’ll be tipping handsomely if the lady is satisfied.’

  That was all the incentive the hooker needed. She jogged after him on her stacked heels and followed him like the proverbial lamb to the slaughter.

  Varulv noticed as they headed towards the spot he had in mind that she scratched at her arms frequently. There were needle marks there that looked sore and inflamed. He also noted that she had not taken out a phone to contact anyone when she had left her spot with him. Both of these observations pointed to her being a lone worker. Nobody knew where she was or who she was with, and most likely she was plying her trade to pay for her drug habit. That was perfect for Varulv. Nobody would notice that she was missing until it was too late.

  ‘What is your name my love?’ He asked her as they turned down a darkened side street.

  ‘You can call me Roxy.’ She answered sharply.

  ‘Your real name?’ He asked again ‘the lady likes to be able to talk to you by name.’ He liked to know the identities of those he killed, it made things more personal and enjoyable for him.

  ‘You can have my first name I guess… It’s Holly.’

  ‘Beautiful’ He mused quietly. ‘Well Holly, here we are.’

  He stopped in front of a run down old house that looked as though it might fall down at any moment. It was an old Victorian terrace, with deep cracks running up its walls and rotten wooden window frames. The glass in the windows was murky with filth and there was rubbish strewn in the street outside. Varulv had found the place on his first day in the city, but had been saving it in case his barn was discovered. When he had first entered the building it had been crawling with rats, and there had been a homeless man passed out drunk in the filthy bathtub upstairs. He had enjoyed hunting the rats in lupine form and had frightened out the old man easily. He had not attempted to return. Varulv had cleaned up the bedrooms and tidied where he could to make his time there more bearable. However when he opened the door the place reeked so badly of mould and damp that Audra stirred in his arms and Holly pulled a face of disgust.

  ‘I’m renovating it.’ He stated flatly, stepping behind the young woman and steering her into the building. ‘Up the stairs and on the left.’ He instructed, closing the door and locking it behind him.

  Holly looked about her in the gloom and worry began to start creeping in. They were well out of the way and the street was derelict.

  Varulv did not give her time to bolt. ‘On the left’ He insisted again, moving forward until he bumped her back with Audra, who yawned widely. ‘There’s something nice in there you can put on for us.’ He hoped this would spur her into movement and he was right. Her drug-addled mind had latched onto the possibility that there would be valuables in the room that she could steal to sell. She strutted up the stairs with Varulv following closely behind her.

  Once they reached the top of the staircase Varulv stood behind her firmly until she was inside the bedroom. Once she was inside he closed the door quickly behind her and called out ‘I’m just going to put the lady in the other room, I’ll close the door to give you privacy to change.’

  Without waiting for a response he darted into the master bedroom across the hall and gently laid Audra down on the bed. He had managed to scavenge a mattress which was not rotten and had stolen fresh bedclothes, so the room smelled fresh and looked inviting.

  ‘I’ll be back’ he whispered, kissing Audra’s forehead before quickly making his way back to the other room.

  Varulv opened the door just as Holly was slipping off her shocking red mini dress. She turned, shocked and completely naked and gasped. He closed the door behind him and held a finger to his lips. This seemed to settle her, perhaps she thought he was going to have a little fun with her himself before taking her to his girlfriend. That would mean extra money.

  She was half right.

  Varulv crossed the room in silence, looking his victim up and down with obvious lust in his eyes. Holly caught his intentions, or thought she did… Cocking one hip to the side she pushed out her chest and smiled seductively. Varulv mirrored her smile, and as he got closer it grew larger and larger. Suddenly his mask cracked and the smile broke into a snarl. He grabbed her wrists, she struggled but he easily overpowered her.

  Transferring both of her wrists into one of his hands he clamped the other over her mouth and pulled her close.

  ‘If when I move this hand you make a single sound, I will tear out your dirty whore tongue, do you understand?’ His voice dripped with menace.

  Holly nodded, her eyes wide with terror and rolling in her head to try and see his face.

  Varulv shoved her to the bed and threw her down on it. She whimpered in fear and he slapped her hard in the face with the back of his hand. She went abruptly silent as blood began to trickle from one nostril.

  ‘Stay.’ He commanded angrily, keeping one eye on her as he opened the drawers by the bed.

  Holly looked on in silence with tears streaming down her cheeks as he pulled a ball gag and two blindfolds from the drawer. He threw these next to her on the bed and pulled a heavy-duty chain restraint from the drawer. Turning to face her he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her across the sheets towards him, blood starting to rush to his groin. She did not resist out of sheer horror, and he smiled wickedly as he dragged her head up level with his face to look into her terror stricken eyes. A small sound escaped her, and he released her hair only to strike her in the chest with the chains in his hand.

  ‘Shut your disgusting little mouth.’ He spat as he grabbed her and forced her to sit upright. Dropping the chains onto the bed he picked up the ball gag and pulled the ball into her mouth. She resisted but it was no use, he was too strong and knew the pressure point to press on her jaw to spring it open. He pulled the strap painfully tight, and caught her hair in the clasp as he buckled it on. Then before she could sink back to the bed he wrapped one of the blindfolds over her mouth and tied it tightly. He had honed the art of being careful over the many years he had spent murdering his way across Europe. He could not risk her making a sound, and the blindfold would muffle any noise which managed to make its way past the gag.

  Tears streamed down her makeup caked cheeks and he smiled broadly, a sigh of longing escaping him as he tied the second blindfold over her eyes. His cock was throbbing insistently, trapped against his leg by his underwear. He rubbed at it and groaned, working at it until it was standing upright and tucked beneath his waistband.

  He grabbed her and shoved her over, flipping her onto her belly and pulling her arms behind her back. She resisted but had no hope of breaking free and he soon had her hog tied on the mattress. The bedclothes were soaked by her tears, and when he rolled her onto her side blood was smeared across her face.

  Tucking her long hair behind her ear he whispered into it menacingly ‘I’m coming back for you.’ As he fished around in the drawer for a needle and a small vial he had tucked under the blindfolds. Finding it easily he drew some of the solution into the needle, and deftly injected it into a vein that was bulging out of her arm. She squealed from behind the gag and he threw the needle to the floor and slapped her hard on the face.

  His erection was so engorged it was almost painful, and he unzipped his trousers to ease the sensation. Letting them fall to the floor he tugged down his underwear and ripped off his shirt, throwing it’s tattered remains down by the bedside.

  Completely naked and full of lust he stood over Holly, his throbbing manhood bobbing over her as blood rushed into it. He looked down at this for a moment, and enjoyed the view. He lent forward, his m
uscular torso almost touching her quivering, naked body and he whispered into her ear. You’re mine now you disgusting little bitch… Just wait.’

  Holly was drifting into the blackness induced by the anesthetic he had injected her with, and she barely heard him. But she did feel the heat of his breath against her skin and the warmth of his arousal just millimetres from her. He groaned in ecstasy as he imagined what he was going to do to her and had to fight with himself to leave her there… But Audra was waiting in the next room and he had her to attend to.

  Stepping backwards off the bed he lent forward and nipped the soft, pale skin on her side. Then he turned and left the room, strutting naked across the hallway and throwing open the master bedroom door.

  Audra lay naked on the bed waiting for him, having shed his coat and dropped it to the floor. When she caught sight of his naked body and his throbbing erection she was visibly stunned. He reeked of arousal and she was powerless to resist.

  ‘I want you Audra’ His voice was full of lust ‘I’ve wanted you since the moment I scented you on the breeze following my trail.


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