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The Prophet's Eyes: The Death Prophecies book two.

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  Chapter Five

  “Admiral Connor, I was just about to call you to report to my conference room. The initial results from the analysis have arrived.”

  “Admiral, I want you to excuse yourself and come to my home in Tampa immediately,”

  “You want what?”

  “Admiral, do you really trust my judgment or were you not being truthful?”

  “What’s going on Admiral?”

  “I’ll tell you when you arrive.” Pam looked at the other attendee’s in the conference room. Every department in the building was represented. She shook her head and Steve said, “I am ready to answer that question and you will regret not listening to me if you choose to not listen.”

  “Steve, you need to know what’s going to be said to make a good decision.”

  “Sir, this situation is a clear example of Death Prophecy Five. If you truly have faith in my judgement, you will leave immediately and come here!”

  Pam stared at the people in the room staring at her, “What’s the address?”

  “You have in in your files. I don’t want to say it over an open channel.”

  Pam’s eyes widened and she said, “I’ll be there shortly.” She put the handset in the cradle and looked at the attendee’s. She turned to Admiral Malone, “You will direct the meeting and fill me in on what you learn.”


  “Are you having trouble hearing, Admiral?”

  “No Sir.”

  “Carry on.” Pam walked of the raised stage and exited the rear door.

  Malone looked at Admiral Knott, “What’s going on?”

  “Something serious, Jeff. Do you really think she’s the right one to lead us or not?” Malone stared at him and then nodded. “Then do what she’s ordered and we’ll find out later what’s happened.”

  Jeff looked out at the assembly and said, “We’ll start this meeting with the engineers. What have you been able to determine about the Aggressive Species we’ve found?”

  • • •

  Pam sprinted to the elevator and hit the up button. She waited and then pounded it. The door opened a few moments later and Pam entered and said, “Everyone out, now!”

  “The six people in the elevator got out fast. Pam slipped her ID card through the reader and all the floors that had been pressed were reset. She pressed the button for the top floor and took out her communicator, “I am taking my shuttle off the top floor of Fleet Operations. I want three warships scrambled and have them meet me over Tampa, Florida. I better not get there first, Admiral!”

  Admiral Smythe lifted his communicator and contacted three warships holding station above Earth. They hit their thrusters and moved quickly out of high orbit and detected Fleet Admiral Osborn’s shuttle reaching low orbit and turning south toward Florida. They accelerated and pulled up in formation around her ship. “Who is in command?”

  “I am, Sir. Lieutenant Polo.”

  “You are now a Captain. Follow me and hold station above where I land my shuttle.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Pam had looked up Steve’s parent’s address in her database and entered it in the computer. The standard drive accepted it and flashed toward the south side of Tampa. Captain Polo contacted the airport in Tampa and had every plane rerouted to another airport. Pam brought her shuttle in at high speed and though she tried to avoid it, a sonic boom roared out over Tampa.

  Steve sat in his house and heard the windows rattle. Molly looked up and shrugged, “I’m glad we bought those storm windows now.”

  Stella sat in the chair with the twins and they woke up at the loud boom and started crying. Steve took Cammy and made her look him in the eyes. She wailed until he rolled his eyes in a full circle. She suddenly stopped and started laughing. Kam was crying but looked at his sister to see what was going on. He kept crying but held out his arms to Steve. Steve took both of them in his arms and rolled his eyes as Pam walked in the room. She saw what he was doing and the sheer incongruity of the situation struck her as funny and she started laughing as well. Steve looked at her and shrugged, “You do what you can to stop them from crying.”

  Kam grabbed both of Steve’s cheeks in his hands and said, “Do it again, Uncle Stevey!”

  Pam snickered, “Yes, please do it again Stevey.” Stevey really rolled his eyes and the kids laughed hysterically. Pam shook her head and blew out a breath, “Connor, I really hope you called me here for a good reason.” Kam still had his hands on Steve’s cheeks and he said, “Go in the living room.”


  Steve tried to say it again and Stella said, “He wants you to go in the living room.” Pam looked around and Stella pointed to the right. Pam stared at her and walked around the corner. There was a short pause and then they heard Pam scream, “HOW DID YOU STEAL THIS!!” She came rushing back in the kitchen and Steve handed Kam to Stella and pointed at the cut up box on the floor, “It came in that box along with a message.”

  Pam picked up the box and read, “For our eyes only.” Steve held out the message and she took it and began reading. She continued reading and Steve Sr. stood up so she could sit down. She looked at him, “Is this for real?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  “Are you prepared to go and do that now?”

  “I am.”

  Pam looked around, “Does your family know what it is?”

  “They do. After all, it was given to all of us.”

  Pam looked around the kitchen and said, “This information must be kept secret.”

  Steve Sr. smiled, “We’ll keep it to ourselves, Admiral.”

  Pam looked at Steve, “We need to go.”

  Molly jumped and rushed over to Steve and hugged his neck and kissed him on the cheeks. Stella wrapped her arms around him from behind and hugged him as the twins hugged one leg each. Pam watched them and even saw Steve’s father hug him and kiss him on the cheek. “Hey, I’ll be back!”

  Molly shook her head, “Not for a long time. You love your work too much.”

  “Mom, I’ll do my best.” He tried to walk out the door but the twins wouldn’t let go of his legs. He lifted each leg with a twin attached to it and smiled, “This is like walking in heavy gravity.”

  Stella went and grabbed the twins, “Kiss Uncle Stevey goodbye.” The twins kissed him on each cheek and Stella leaned in and kissed him as well. “Be safe, Steve.”

  “I’ll do what I can.” Stella nodded and Steve picked up an empty box and put the crystal inside it. He folded the top shut and went out the front door. Connor looked around and saw everyone that lived within four blocks of his house was in the street staring up at the three warships hovering a hundred feet above the Admiral’s shuttle. Pam and Connor walked through the crowd with Connor carrying a box in both hands. They arrived at the shuttle and Pam turned around, “I don’t want anyone injured, so everyone please back away at least fifty yards.” The crowd hesitated and one of the hovering warships swept down toward the street. The crowd broke and ran for cover. Pam entered the ship and powered the engines. She lifted the ship slowly and then picked up speed as she rose above three hundred feet. A moment later, all three ships were gone. Pam moved the ship into low orbit and looked at Connor, “You were right that this is a Death Prophecy Six situation.”

  Steve looked at Pam, “Why is it that no open communications are allowed concerning top secret operations?”

  “The Prophecy says that ‘Revealing Less Is More’.” Pam shook her head, “I suspect it has to do with the fact that any transmission doesn’t just remain on Earth but radiates out in space and moves away at light speed. If the Traugh were to find us, they could capture those transmissions and see what we’re doing. At least I think that’s what the Prophet meant by the Sixth Prophecy.”

  “I guess that makes sense but I think it actually applies to what happened at the Loran Planet.”

  Pam thought for a moment as she started bringing the shuttle out of orbit, “Like not showing the full n
umber of warships you had available to see what they would do if they thought they were in a superior position?”

  “Something like that. I have to confess that Prophecy played a role in what I did.”

  Pam nodded and looked at him, “I think your example is probably what the Prophet intended. But it’s never a bad thing to keep secrets hidden.”

  “Where are you going? It looks like you’re headed back to the Fleet Operations Building.”

  Pam looked at Connor and sighed, “You’re right. I’m going to Fleet Operations to pick up the other Senior Admirals. They should be told what’s going on. Keeping the Prophet’s Eyes a secret makes no sense if you intend to use it.” Connor nodded. Pam contacted the Senior Admirals and they immediately adjourned the meeting and went to the roof. Pam pulled up her clearance code to pull up the top secret file on the Prophet’s Eyes and allowed the three Admirals to watch it during the trip out to the Appalachians. By the time the ship landed, they were stunned by what they had learned. Malone looked at Pam, “Does this ship really exist?”

  “It does.”

  Rickman shook his head, “And it will kill anyone that comes into contact with it?”

  “It will.”

  “Why would the Bosrean ever build something that dangerous?”

  Pam sighed, “The Bosrean knew that the Prophet had come to their world and gave them a chance to survive the coming Traugh invasion. They saw his efforts to bring our two civilizations together in a mutual partnership and they grew to respect and love him for it. They also knew that the Prophet worried about his home world and what was happening with his species. They decided to build a ship that could not be detected to allow him to go home. The records show that more than eight hundred of the Bosrean that built the ship died during its construction but they died willingly, knowing the gift they were building was worthy of the risks they took. Their love for the Prophet was the only thing strong enough to get them to do it. The Prophet didn’t know about the ship’s construction until they presented it to him. He made them promise to never build another.”

  Knott looked at Connor, “And you firmly believe this ship cannot be detected?”

  “I do. The metal used to build its hull is unique. The ship can fly at superlight speed without needing a stardrive. It doesn’t cast a shadow or block the light from stars. Light just bends around it as if nothing is there. The hull absorbs energy and feeds it to storage batteries that power the vessel. The hull scoops collect dark energy and funnels it to the thrusters where it is compressed and ejected to move the ship.”

  Ken shook his head, “Are you saying that the blackness of open space provided the thrust material?” Connor nodded. “I thought we were more advanced than the Bosrean; this ship is beyond anything we could build.”

  Pam said, “They actually didn’t know what it was capable of doing before they started construction. Their intent was to build the ship out of superconductive metal so that any form of energy beam could not damage it. They discovered that it bent light after they had assembled the hull. It was when they began installing the thrusters that they found the hull could collect dark energy and redirect it. This ship is one long series of accidental discoveries that happened by chance. One thing is certain, put enough of that metal together in its most purified form and it’s a killer.”

  “Does it have a weapon to defend it?”

  Pam shook her head, “It’s impossible to put anything on the hull that produces energy. The hull would absorb it the moment it entered the weapon. Besides, no one in their right mind would ever attempt to mount anything on that hull. This ship’s only purpose is to go places without being seen.”

  Malone tilted his head, “What are you intending to do with it?”

  “All of you have seen in the file that only one operational helmet remains and that once it’s used, no other person will ever be able to fly the ship again.” The Admirals looked at each other and then nodded. “Admiral Connor discovered another helmet in a box, left to his family by his great-great grandfather.”


  “It appears the Prophet had it made by the Bosrean and it is coded to operate for any direct descendent of Essay Connor. It appears that the Prophet had Essay Connor touch the helmet and code it to his DNA. Essay packed the helmet away against the day it might be needed to help his family escape.”

  Rickman looked at Connor and back to Pam, “Are you saying that he could use it as well as any children he might one day have?”

  “That’s what the message from the Prophet says. I suspect his parents, sister, and her children could also use it.”

  “What are you going to do if it’s true?”

  Pam looked at Connor, “I’m going to take the helmet out of the Eyes and store it in a safe place. I’m then sending Admiral Connor out to scout that new aggressive civilization.”

  “And what if he manages to get himself killed and the ship destroyed?”

  Pam looked at Rickman, “That’s why I’m sending him instead of someone else. I don’t think he’ll do anything stupid to jeopardize the ship.”

  Connor smiled, “Admiral, I doubt there is any weapon in existence that could damage the Eyes.”

  “What about that planet killing weapon?”

  Connor tilted his head, “Now that is something I’ve not considered. However, I’ll have to make sure I’m not if front of it when they fire it.”

  Knott looked at Pam, “Why are you telling us this?”

  “Because we are supposed to be working together to defend Earth against all threats. I just don’t believe we’ll be at our best if I continue to keep important information from you. We’re a team and we need to act like one. Especially me. Do you agree that we should send him out to take a look at our new enemy and where the Traugh are in their ship development?”

  Rickman and Knott nodded but Malone said, “I’ll agree but not if he goes alone.” Pam and Connor looked at him with narrowed eyes. Malone looked at Connor, “You could be gone a long time, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “Well I don’t think we should have to wait for you to return to find out what you learn. I want the new void pulse communication system installed inside the ship and an operator assigned to send what you uncover out to us on a continuous basis.”

  Pam tilted her head, “I like that idea.”

  Connor shook his head, “I can handle the communication system.”

  Malone shook his head, “Trust me on this one, no you can’t. Do you think we’re capable of tying the new system into the computer that operates the ship?”

  Connor thought about it and after a moment shook his head, “No, I don’t think we can modify the computer system built to operate the ship without a huge risk to the crew.”

  “The new pulse system will require someone to operate it, Admiral. It really is that complex.”


  “After listening to the properties of the Eye’s hull, I don’t see any way to extend an antenna through it, do you?” Connor shook his head. “So the operator is going to have to be good enough to connect to the void inside the ship to send the pulses. I understand it can be done but it takes a very talented operator to do it.”

  Connor looked at Pam and nodded, “Admiral Malone is right. I should wait until the new communication system is installed and an operator chosen.”

  Pam nodded and said, “Let’s go try your helmet. It’s all off if it doesn’t work. If it does, then we’ll move forward.” The four entered the cave and an hour later, Connor flew the Prophet’s Eyes out and showed the Senior Admirals the benefits of a ship that could not be detected. They moved less than thirty feet from dozens of warships stationed above Earth and none of them detected the ship. The Admirals agreed to his mission and Connor took the ship to Admiral Hudson’s top secret hangar outside London. Ten workers died installing the communication system. At the end, Hudson agreed with the Bosrean. No one should ever try to build another one of these death traps. This
ship was too dangerous to work around, touching the ship’s hull would lead to instant death.

  • • •

  Connor went back to his Fleet and Promoted Commodore Smith to come back from Admiral Holmes fleet and take command of his. The fleet was not happy with his departure but they knew the new Admiral was one of their own and would continue the traditions that Connor had started.

  “Thank you, Sir. Your trust in me is greatly appreciated.”

  “You’ve earned it. Keep them safe and if in doubt, use the Prophecies to guide you.”

  “Is that what you do, Sir?”

  “It is.”

  “I suspected as much. I will do as you suggest and I started doing that when I went to Admiral Holmes Fleet.”

  “I understand they really hate to see you go.”

  “They’ll be fine, Sir. I’ve been told by a contact in Fleet that Admiral Holmes is coming back to command them.”

  Connor smiled, “Good. They’re getting a good commander. Good luck, Admiral.” Connor turned and started saying good-bye to the crew. He looked around and said, “Where’s Lt. Halekia?”

  “She’s going to really be mad about not being here, Sir. She’s on Earth going through training. I’ll tell her you asked about her.”

  “Thank you.” Connor turned and continued saying goodbye. This was proving to be a lot more difficult than he thought. He was going to miss them.

  • • •

  The large burgundy-colored being looked at the giant monitor as a small warship was being chased by four of his ships. The room was dark, almost to the point of being pitch black. This species evolved on a very dark planet. The monitor would have been hard to see for anyone that used the normal light spectrum to see. “Why were four ships needed to destroy this ship?”

  “If we had only used one, it would have flown out of our domain before it could be fired on.”

  The large being turned its smooth round head toward the monitor, “What have we learned from it?”


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