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The Prophet's Eyes: The Death Prophecies book two.

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  The fleets from Earth only found a few thousand Traugh survived the bombardment of the conquered planets and they were quickly removed from creation’s stage. Now he felt…disappointed. In the end, the Traugh went quickly without really offering resistance to their extinction.

  The new blasters proved against the Supreme Leader’s Fleet that they didn’t really pose a danger anyway. Now the enemy Earth had been building to confront was gone. He felt rudderless. What comes next? Lani put her hand on his shoulder and he could see in her expression that she felt the same. All the rush and scramble to build a fleet large enough to take them on almost seemed like a wasted effort. The Halo had done the bulk of the work and suffered the highest losses. That was the second Death Prophecy, never do what others can. But he felt deprived of a victory. Destroying the Supreme Leaders Fleet was child’s play, not a single warship was lost or damaged.

  He shook his head at how the high had fallen so catastrophically. “Poul, we should go back to Fleet Operations to attend the wrap up meeting with Admiral Osborn.”

  The ship arrived above the Fleet Operation’ roof and Poul said, “Admiral, the Prophet said something that I feel you should know.”

  “What is that?”

  “Just before he feel to sleep, he mumbled something that took me a while to understand.”

  “What was it?” Poul told him and his eyes went wide. Lani looked at him in shock and started shaking her head, “Do you think…”

  “I don’t know. We need to discuss this with Admiral Osborn.” As they stood up to go to the ramp, Steve said, “Poul, I’m going to link you in to the meeting.”

  “I’ll be standing by.”

  • • •

  They entered the conference room and saw that the Senior Staff and Admiral Holmes were already discussing the aftermath of the Traugh’s extinction. Pam looked at them and smiled, “Have a seat. We’re discussing where we go from here now that the most dangerous threat to Earth has been removed.”

  Admiral Rickman said, “We’re talking about cutting back on ship construction and starting to devote some of our efforts into making our planet a more comfortable place to live.”

  Pam saw Steve’s expression and her eyes narrowed, “Something’s wrong?” The other four admirals looked at Steve and they could see the tension on his face. “What’s going on, Steve?”

  Steve looked at Lani and then looked at the Admirals, “First of all, we still have the UE across the galaxy from us that is destroying planets with intelligent life.”

  Malone shrugged, “They are hundreds of thousands of years away from becoming a danger to us.”


  Pam tilted her head, “What do you mean, maybe?”

  “We led them to that dark star to prevent them from running into the Traugh before they went after the Halo Civilizations. I’ve been thinking about our doing that and I asked my ship’s computer what the odds were of a communication wave accidently passing through a star system the UE was desperately searching to find.” Steve stared at the Admirals, who had blank expressions as they thought about it. “The odds are one in twenty million. I suspect that the UE is just as good at math as we are and it won’t take them long to figure out that they were led to that star deliberately. Once they make that determination, they’ll want to know who did it and will start a search to find them.” The Admiral’s faces showed they were beginning to realize that things weren’t as rosy as they thought. Steve sighed, “I know misleading them away from the Traugh might cause problems because that action violated several Death Prophecies. Every time we did something it seemed to cause something to jump up and bite us in the backside. I’ve been nervous about leading them to that planet from the moment I did it. But I didn’t see another way to delay them.”

  “How do we match up to their warships?”

  Steve looked at Admiral Holmes and shook his head, “I don’t know. That’s why we continue to call them an Unknown Enemy. I think all of us know about the Death Prophecy that pertains to that.” The five admirals stared at him and he took a deep breath before saying, “However, the UE is not what really concerns me.”

  Pam sat back in her chair, “What does?”

  “Steve lifted his wrist unit, “I’m linking my ship’s computer into this conversation. Poul, are you there?”

  “I am, Admiral.”

  “Why don’t you play the recording of the conversation you had with the Prophet after we had left the bridge.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The huge wall monitor showed the small bridge with Steve, Lani, and the Prophet. Then the video began playing.

  • • •

  “Well, it’s going to take the Dictator more than two days to arrive at our fleets. The Halo Fleet will arrive in a little under eighteen hours. We should get some rest.”

  Kam looked at Steve, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to just take a nap here.” Steve nodded and followed Lani off the bridge. The Prophet watched them go and sighed, “They really love each other.”

  “I know.”

  “They remind me of Essay and Emily. Steve does look very much like Essay.”

  “It’s good to see you again, Prophet.”

  Kam sighed, “I’ve been thinking about you and where you come from.”


  “Poul, just how dangerous is the universe you come from?”

  “This one looks like a prom in comparison.”

  “Do you really want to go back there?”

  “I initially rejected the idea. My builders were losing the war they were fighting. I think the odds of them surviving it are remote.”

  “Then why would you even consider going back?”

  “I’m concerned that a way though the black hole might be discovered. I want to make sure that’s not a possibility.”

  “You’ve grown attached to this species?”

  “I must confess that I have.”

  “So have I.”

  “Prophet, you should get some rest. Things are going to get crazy in seventeen hours.”

  “Thanks, Poul. I’m proud of you. You’re more than I thought.”

  “That makes two of us. I’ll wake you if something happens.”

  “Thanks.” Kam leaned the chair back and closed his eyes. He mumbled something that Poul didn’t understand. His recurring dream reappeared and he saw his father and sister smiling at him holding out their arms to him.

  • • •

  The recording stopped and the Admirals looked at each other in silence. Pam finally broke the silence, “Do you think this is a real threat, Admiral?”

  “I didn’t at first but then I remembered when we went into Andromeda and found that huge gravity weapon hanging in open space. We determined that there was a long line of them extending off into the distance and after thinking about it on the way down the stairs to this meeting, I think I know what they are.” The Admirals waited and Steve took a breath before saying, “I believe that line runs all the way around the central black hole in Andromeda and are there to attack anything that comes through that black hole.” The Admiral’s faces showed their shock and Steve continued, “If that civilization is building space weapons to confront ships coming through the black hole, then they believe there is a danger on the other side. That forces me to consider that about our own black hole. Poul has confirmed that he came through the black hole to arrive in our universe. If it can happen once, it can happen again and I have to tell you that there is no ship in this universe that can stand up to the Prophet’s Eyes.”

  “Poul, is that true?”

  “At the moment, it is.”

  “Why do you say at the moment?”

  “You’re still building and developing newer and more advanced warships with each passing year.”

  Admiral Malone said, “That’s why you want to go back to your former universe to see if a threat really exists?”

  “It is.”

  Admiral Holmes looked at Steve, “The Prophet m
umbled something that I didn’t understand at the end of the recording.”

  Steve tilted his head, “I’ve always known you are a pretty sharp knife in the drawer, Bob. Poul, replay that part of the recording.”

  The group listened attentively and they all started shaking their heads. Poul put it on repeat and they heard it over and over. Finally Pam raised her hand, “Stop! That’s unintelligible.”

  “It took me some time to decipher what he was saying, Admiral. I had to slow it down and separate all the individual sounds and clean them up.”

  “Were you able to make sense of it?”

  “This is what he said,” The view went back to the Prophet and they watched his lips moving.

  “It would make more sense to send one of the human’s warships instead of you. They would be like you in your universe.”

  Silence slammed down on the room. Finally Steve looked at them, “I have come to the conclusion that the Prophet really was a special creation of whatever force made the universe. He never accepted it but too many things have happened to make me believe it. Many would simply claim that there’s no proof or real evidence that a creator even exists and that I’m ascribing things to naturally occurring events.” Steve paused. “But-if-I’m-right! I believe that the Creator spoke to the Prophet at that moment between being away and falling to sleep. If you refuse to believe me on this, then you have clear physical evidence that the most advanced civilization we’ve encountered has built a massive defense system against a threat that might come through their black hole.”

  Pam stared at Steve and looked up, “Poul, what’s on the other side of our black hole?”

  “Advanced Aggressive Civilizations that would make the Traugh look like baby kittens in comparison. Most of them would also make the Unknown Enemy look tame. The really nasty ones are a match for that civilization in the core of Andromeda. The civilization that built me was in a war with one of them and was losing on all fronts.”

  “Is it possible for one of our warships to fly through a black hole?”

  “I went through one to arrive here and the technology is really rather simple. I survived it because the shield around me held the power of nine or ten high powered energy beams as I hit the singularity. They faded just before I passed through it and that is what killed my crew. Your ships have a blaster beam more powerful than any I’ve ever measured here or in my universe. You could use those blasters to fire a constant cover around the hull of your warships and make it through. Quite frankly, I’ve really been shocked about your warships.”

  Pam shook her head, “Why is that?”

  “Because they are the perfect technology to go through a black hole. Their force fields aren’t much stronger than what the Traugh and Halo use and they’re weaker than the UE and Darkness in Andromeda. Someone outside looking at your ships would conclude that they were built to go through a singularity.”

  Steve shook his head and smiled. Admiral Malone saw him and said, “What are you thinking, Steve?”

  “That’s why we’ve not used them against other civilizations. The attack against the Traugh Supreme Leader was the first time our warships have seen actual combat. I suspect the Prophet didn’t even realize what he was building but was following what he knew. The discovery of the new blasters completed it.”

  “Are you insinuating that this Creator wants us to go through our black hole?”

  “No, I’m insinuating that we have to go through the black hole in Andromeda as well.”

  Pam shook her head, “For the Prophet’s sake why?”

  “Because it is the closest galaxy to us and the only massive black hole in the local group. If something comes through it, do you not think we would be at risk?”

  Pam stared at him, “So you think everything that’s happened is just a part of a larger destiny?”

  “I can see by your expression that you don’t, Sir.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. I think we make our own destiny. However, you and your computer have managed to frighten the crap out of me.” Pam pressed a button on her panel and Admiral Hudson appeared on the monitor, “Good morning, Fleet Admiral.”

  “Charlie, is it possible to modify the new blasters so that they can fire a cocoon of energy that would surround the ship?”

  Charlie stared at her for a moment and shook his head, “Not with the current configuration.”

  “What would have to change?”

  “Three more blasters would have to be installed on the hull along with an additional reactor to power them. A spread nozzle to create the spray pattern would be needed but that’s pretty simple to build.”

  “Would that require a larger ship?”

  “Not really. The current hull is a perfect size to make the changes.”

  “Did you say a perfect size?”

  “I did. A foot smaller and it wouldn’t work. A foot longer would make complete coverage extremely difficult.” Every admiral in the room looked at Steve, who was smiling.

  “Charlie, I want all future ships to be built with this new configuration and I want the current fleets modified as quickly as possible.”

  “Yes, Sir. As I think about it, we could replace the disintegrators and the modifications would be easily done. Is there a reason you’re doing this?”

  Pam looked at Steve as she said, “Survival, Charlie. Let me know about the progress on this moving forward.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Pam looked at Steve, “I need you to go take a close look at that UE.”

  “Yes, Sir. But if you don’t mind, I need a short time off.”


  Steve looked at Lani, “I need to go and ask Lani’s father if I have permission to ask her to marry me.” Lani’s shock was immediate and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and squealed. “Permission granted, Admiral.”

  Steve looked at Lani and smiled, “I take it that you approve.”

  “You know I do.”

  “There’s one thing.”

  “What is that?”

  “I don’t want to name our first child Steven Alexander Connor.”

  “That’s too bad.”


  “Because he will need a name to live up to and I can’t think of another one that would do it. Name the second son something else.”

  Steve shook his head and Lani planted a huge kiss on his lips as the Admirals applauded. He decided that Lani and his mother knew something about him that he didn’t see. He was just like the Prophet in not realizing who he was. Maybe their son would.


  “Sir, the leader of the Grelk is gathering their fleets around their main planet. It appears they are going to start a search of the galaxy.”

  “We’ve been expecting this for a long time. Issue a war warning to the fleets and announce a launch in six hours.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Pam shook her head, it was time to retire. She was getting too old for this. She pressed a button, “Stella, take the Prophet’s Eyes out and see if you can talk some sense into the Grelk. They’re about to make a fool out of themselves.”

  “How long before the fleets arrive?”

  “The main body will arrive in six hours. Admiral Edisen’s Shock Force will be there in less than an hour.”

  “Is Steve not available?”

  “No, he and Lani are in Hawaii with the family.”

  “I’ll head out now but I’m going to wait for the Shock Force to arrive before I start negotiations. I might need a hammer to knock some sense into them.”

  “I’ll notify Edisen to contact you upon arrival.”

  “That would be good.”

  Stella walked up the ramp and walked to the bridge, “How’s it going, Poul?”

  “Fine and you?”

  “Now that the children are off at college, I’ve been pretty bored. It’s good to get out.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “One of our probes has intercepted a communication from th
e Mosan ordering a thorough search of the Galaxy to find another advanced civilization. They’ve waited long enough to do this and we knew it was bound to happen one day.”

  “Getting that planet fully colonized took a lot longer than they planned. The predator had to be brought under control before they could move large numbers of their population.”

  Stella nodded, “That was a nasty creature.”

  “It did delay them a very long time and hundreds of thousands of them died in the effort. They’ve completed the cleansing and now they’re free to concentrate on other concerns. It looks like we’re first on their list.”

  Stella looked at the monitor, “I understand some of their scouts found the Traugh’s dead planets and that made them nervous.”

  “I’d feel the same way if I were in their place.”

  “We should have taken care of this a long time ago.”

  “If we did we’d be in violation of Death Prophecy number one. Admiral Edisen just sent word that his ships have launched.”

  “Let’s go take a look at what’s going on.” Stella looked at the main monitor and shook her head, “Now that is a large gathering of warships!”

  “It reminds me of the Traugh Supreme Leader’s Planet before he invaded Andromeda.”

  “I missed that, I wish I had been there.”

  “Well, here’s your opportunity.”

  “Let’s see if we can talk some reason into them.”

  “The Shock Fleet has just arrived. Admiral Edisen says he’s waiting for orders.”

  “Notify him to stand by and feed our conversation to his panel.”


  Stella shook her head. The newest warships were much faster than the model they replaced. They weren’t as fast as the Eyes but they were getting closer. “Poul, I’ll leave it up to you to do the translating.”

  “Of course.”

  “Open the Mosan’s frequency.”

  “You’re on.”

  “I know you’re busy at the moment but I was wondering if you’d take a moment to discuss what you’re planning.”

  The Mosan looked up from his huge console at the wall speakers. The other leaders in the dark chamber became silent. “Who are you?”


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