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Arise (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 3)

Page 53

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  Someone stepped off the stairs and everyone turned their heads to look. It was Finley. Bronson immediately sat up while Ulric, Kemp and Chace moved to the front of their cells. Neo stayed where he was, sulking.

  Before the guards standing on the other end of the prison could question her, Finley lifted her Element and sent two shocks forward, immediately stopping their hearts.

  “We have to hurry!” she said, running over to the first cell and unlocking it with her wristband. If the president was still watching every move she made, it would be quite obvious that she was a traitor. As she moved from cell to cell, she hoped he had better things to do with his time. “Xander and Deryn are trying to get out of the tower and Guardians are everywhere. We only have minutes to get you out of here before they notice.”

  Ulric, Kemp, Bronson and Chace stepped out of their cells, but Neo still didn’t move.

  “Get up!” shouted Finley.


  The voice made Finley jump. She looked over at the very last cell and saw her father standing there. Watching her. Her heart thumped. She slowly stepped toward him.

  “Finley, what’s taking so fucking long?” shouted a voice coming down the stairs.

  Luka stepped into the prison and Neo came alive.

  “You fucking bastard!”

  Neo was out of his cell in a flash and hurling himself at Luka. They both fell to the floor. Luka struggled as Neo proceeded to strangle the life out of him.

  “Fuck you, Luka! FUCK YOU!”

  “Get off him!” shouted Bronson, trying to pull Neo away. But the man was determined. He kept his grip and Luka started turning blue.

  “Fi - Fin -”

  Finley spun toward them. “Stop it, Neo! Odette isn’t dead!”

  His grip on Luka loosened but he did not release him. “Prove it.”

  “Give me one minute.” She tossed a knife at Bronson’s feet. “Stand guard.”

  Finley went through the door leading farther down into the dungeon.

  Neo stayed on top of Luka, his hands gripped around his neck, giving his throat just enough room to breathe.

  Ulric took the knife at Bronson’s feet and stood near the door leading up, listening for any signs of someone coming.

  Three minutes later, the door Finley had gone through burst open.

  “Neo, stop strangling Luka!”

  Neo’s heart jumped, then thumped rapidly. He turned his head, unable to hold back the tears as he caught sight of his wife standing there. Alive.

  “Odette,” he said in disbelief.

  “Yes, baby, it’s me. Luka faked my death and had my body thrown into the underground. He’d already planned an escape. I’ve been with the Resistance.”

  Neo hiccupped. Forgetting all about strangling the life out of Luka, he stumbled forward until he was in Odette’s arms, crying into her hair as he held her tight.

  “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “I know, baby. But I’m here now. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  He nodded and kissed her deeply.

  Luka was coughing and gasping for breath on the floor. Bruises in the shape of fingerprints had formed on his neck.

  “That’s going to be difficult to explain,” said Finley, inspecting the damage.

  “I don’t suppose it’s possible for Anan to come charging through that door,” said Ulric, watching sadly as Odette and Neo embraced.

  Finley sighed. “Unfortunately, no. You can’t fake a beheading. The only way Luka was able to save Odette was because the president didn’t request one.”

  As soon as Luka could breathe again, he looked at Neo and shouted, “Fucker!” He stumbled to his feet, marched over and gave him a hard shove.

  “Sorry,” said Neo. “But you put on a pretty convincing show.”

  Luka rubbed his throat. He had yet to look at Ulric, Kemp and Chace. “It’s called survival mode.”

  “You remember everything?”

  Luka turned. Bronson was standing just a few feet away from him.

  He blushed. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Since when?”

  Luka bit his cheek.

  “He’s remembered the whole fucking time!” answered Finley.

  Bronson took a step forward. “So when you whipped me?”

  “Yeah ... I ... I’m sorry.” Luka was too ashamed to look at him directly. “But I had to be convincing. The president only ordered me to do it to see if I’d crack. But I didn’t do it very hard!”

  Bronson blinked.

  “Well ... say something!”

  Bronson said nothing.

  Luka turned an even brighter shade of red. “I said I’m sorry, okay? I never wanted to hurt you! That’s why I tried to stay away! But you are the most persistent fucking person I have ever -”

  Luka didn’t get the chance to finish before Bronson filled those last few steps between them, took his face in his hands and kissed him. Luka resisted for only a moment before giving in and sinking into it.

  Neo’s jaw dropped to the floor. He slowly turned his head toward Odette, who was too busy cooing at the sight in front of her to notice.

  When the kiss ended, Bronson continued to hold Luka close, brushing his lips against the other man’s one final time before letting him go.

  “Promise me you’ll consider becoming an actor when this is all over,” said Bronson, smiling.

  Luka slowly smiled back. “Yeah, that’s not really my thing.”

  Feeling eyes on them, Luka glanced over Bronson’s shoulder at Finley, who was watching with a disturbingly happy smile on her face.

  “Th’fuck you looking at?”

  “God, I’ve missed that vulgar language of yours,” said Bronson, kissing Luka again. “Should we go then?”

  Bronson took Luka’s hand and pulled him toward the door Odette had burst through, assuming correctly that it contained their exit.

  As Luka passed Neo, he narrowed his eyes and said, “Don’t. Say. Anything.”

  “Wasn’t gonna,” said Neo, releasing the chuckle he’d been holding back.

  Everyone went through the door, except for Finley. She stayed where she was, her eyes focused on her father. He stood with his face against the bars, watching her closely.

  With a groan, she ran to him and unlocked his cell. “This is the last thing I’m ever going to do for you,” she said as she pulled it open.

  Without looking back, Finley hurried after the others.

  They all sped through the dungeons to the lowest floor. Bronson smiled as they moved, realizing that Luka wasn’t even trying to shake off his hand. He was holding on tight.

  The manhole was still open. Odette jumped through first. Neo followed without hesitation.

  “Where does this go?” asked Bronson, staring into the dark abyss.

  “It leads to the underground. There are a few Resistance members down there ready to guide you into the city. They have clothes and shoes for you to change into,” said Luka, his gaze dropping to Bronson’s bare chest. “There are weapons for you too but it’s your choice whether you want to join the fight or head outside to safety.”

  “What about Miki?” said Kemp.

  “She’s at Atticus Ruby’s,” said Finley, standing at the back of the group. “The Resistance know the way. We told them that his place was probably where you’d want to go.”

  Kemp gulped. “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she’s fine. Atticus never touched her.”

  He sighed in relief and dropped down the manhole. Ulric was just behind him.

  “Hold on,” said Bronson, when Luka let go of his hand. “You aren’t coming with us?”

  “Finley and I aren’t wanted criminals,” said Luka. “And we can’t leave yet. We have things to do.”

  “Things,” repeated Bronson. “What things?”

  “We’re more useful on the inside. And we need to be seen before anyone starts to wonder where we are,” explained Luka. “Just go, Bronson. The battle is already starting an
d I promise I’ll find you as soon as I can.”

  Bronson gave in and nodded. He kissed Luka one last time before jumping through the manhole.

  Only Chace was left. Before he jumped, he handed something to Luka. A small vial filled with a green liquid.

  Luka turned it over in his hand. “What’s this?”

  “I found that plant I grew. The one that makes people confess their secrets,” explained Chace.

  Luka nodded. “The priest plant that Veli belly wanted to use on Xander.”

  “Yes, and that’s its essence. If you get the chance, inject it into the president.”

  Luka popped off the lid and, sure enough, a needle was there.

  “If nothing else, it will at least kill him slowly.”

  “How did you get that in here?” asked Finley.

  “I had it in my mouth,” said Chace. “Bronson and I were getting ready to prepare them when Saevus came for us. He stalled for me while I got this one ready. Use it if you can and expose that bastard as the liar he is.”

  “That would be a very long confession,” said Luka, popping the cap back on. He pocketed it. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Chace nodded. He was about to jump into the manhole but stopped and swiveled back. “We all understand. About Anan.”

  Luka gulped. “I wish -”

  “Don’t. You did what you had to.”

  Chace jumped down and Finley sealed the manhole.

  “We need to move.”

  Luka nodded. The two of them hurried out of the dungeons and onto the first floor of the tower. They were lucky no one had checked on the prisoners yet.

  They had barely entered the parlor when several guards came out of the eastern stairwell and rushed toward the dungeons.

  The front door opened and a dozen people stormed inside.

  “Fucking Soren is spread all over the damn sidewalk,” said Wenton, laughing. “I always knew that bitch would be the death of him.”

  “Shit,” whispered Luka so only Finley could hear.

  As the Guardians and guards entered the parlor, they noticed Lona was at the end of the group. Her face paled at the sight of them.

  “I’ll grab her,” said Finley. She’d tried to contact Lona earlier but the girl had ignored all of her messages.

  The approaching Guardians and guards engulfed Luka and Finley, forcing them to step to opposite sides of the parlor. Luka was so busy watching Lona that he didn’t notice someone grab Finley, pulling her out of the room.

  Luka stepped in front of Lona just as she was passing him. She looked down at the floor and tried to step aside, but he moved with her.

  “Please, get out of my way, Luka.”

  “Hold on. I ...”

  Luka looked around, finally noticing that Finley was no longer with him.

  “What are you doing?” asked Lona.

  “Did you see where Finley went?”

  “No.” Lona tried to push past him, but he grabbed her arm. “Don’t touch me!” she spat.

  “But I need to talk to you about something and -”

  “Well, I don’t want to hear it.”

  Lona yanked her arm away and walked on. Luka debated going after her. Stunning her and locking her in a closet or something until he could find Finley and have her explain about Odette. But if Lona was found like that before he got back to her, he’d be in one hell of a mess. And, right then, he needed to find Finley.

  “Finley!” He hurried out of the parlor and watched as Guardians and guards headed into rooms, stairwells and elevators. “Dammit!”

  On instinct, Luka headed up the eastern stairwell. It was the closest to the parlor and he had to start somewhere.

  • • •

  Finley tried to catch Luka’s eye as she was pulled away but he’d been so focused on Lona that he’d completely missed her.

  She stared forward at the back of Atticus’s head as he yanked her down a hallway she’d never been in before. He opened the third door on the right and tossed her in, following after.

  When her feet stopped stumbling, she noticed they were standing in an office.

  “Where have you been?” demanded Atticus.

  “Around,” she answered, rubbing the wrist he’d hurt.

  “Soren is dead.”

  “Yes, I’d gathered that.”

  “They say he must have been controlled by the Leon girl. And now it’s been discovered that Xander is no longer in his room. We can only assume he’s run off with her.” Atticus took a few steps closer. He seemed to tower above her, but Finley would not recoil. She kept his firm gaze with her own, trying hard to be brave. “Do you know anything about this?”

  Finley gave a little smile and shrugged.

  Atticus’s blood boiled. “Listen here, girl. My son is in this tower somewhere and we need to find him immediately.”

  “What about Deryn?” asked Finley.

  “What about her?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Atticus. I saw the security footage used to torture Xander before she rescued him, same as everybody else. Do you feel no guilt?”

  Atticus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I did what I had to, to ensure my son’s survival.”

  “Yes, and I’m sure Xander appreciated witnessing his father take the virginity of the girl he loves to save his life. That wouldn’t be damaging or anything.”

  “He already knew,” said Atticus. “He called me a rapist before.”

  “By his reaction, I’m guessing that he didn’t know everything,” she said.

  “It’s not important. What we need to focus on is getting Xander out and -”

  “Atticus, no!” shouted Finley. “I’m already involved in a plan to get Xander and Deryn out, and you’re not part of it!”

  She tried to head for the door but he pulled her back.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Finley stared coldly at the hand that held her. “It means Xander and Deryn are already on their way out, and we’ll be alerted that the prisoners have escaped any minute now.” A ghost of a smile spread across her lips.

  Atticus’s grip tightened. “You stupid, stupid girl!”

  “No, you’re stupid!” she spat. “Your son, who you claim to love, came back here to save Deryn and you don’t even care! Maybe because you can’t even look at yourself in the mirror when you think about what you did to her, about the horrible fate you condemned her to, but this is not about you! It is about Xander and Deryn, and the two of them wanting to be together! It’s about them wanting a future!”

  Atticus shook his head. “No. Xander is infatuated with her. Nothing more. It will pass and -”

  “No!” shouted Finley. “He wants to marry her!”

  “No, he doesn’t. He -”

  “Yes. He. Does.”

  Finley reached into her pocket and took out the ring she’d forgotten to give back to Deryn.

  “You see this?” she said, dangling it in front of Atticus’s eyes. “This is an engagement ring. I pulled it off of Deryn’s finger when I locked her in the dungeon. I didn’t want Elvira or anyone else to see before Xander got here. He’s going to marry her.”

  Atticus shook his head again. “No. He can’t.”

  “Why not? Because it doesn’t fit in with your plan?” Finley threw her head back and laughed. “Tell me something, Atticus? Why is it that you don’t want to help Deryn get out, too? Is it just because of the guilt? Because you can’t bear the thought of someone whose life you ruined ending up with your son? Or is it simply because she’s an Outsider?”

  Atticus said nothing. His eyes dropped to the floor as he slowly released his grip on her arm.

  Finley huffed. She shoved the ring into his hand. “You disgust me. Of all people, you should have learned years ago to put your prejudices aside. The toxic air is a lie, something I’m sure you’re well aware of, and Deryn deserved better.”

  Atticus gulped. “I know. That’s not it. I don’t care that she’s an Outsider.”

>   “Then it’s the guilt?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “You truly are a selfish man.” Finley headed for the door. “Goodbye, Atticus.”

  Atticus was left standing there, the ring burning a hole in his hand.

  Finley hurried back to the parlor, hoping Luka was still there waiting for her.

  He wasn’t. The room was deserted.

  “Shit,” she whispered.

  She turned and walked toward the closest stairwell but stopped when she heard someone screaming madly down the hall.

  Finley pressed herself against the wall and listened closely.

  It was the president screaming. They had discovered the prisoners were missing and he was furious. He seemed to think that Xander and Deryn had gotten down there somehow to set them free. That was good. The large cracking sound that came next was not. Either he had just killed someone by cracking their skull or left them seriously injured. She gulped and wondered how long until she was on the receiving end of Saevus’s iron fist.

  Loud and angry footsteps marched down the hall. Finley peeked around the corner after they’d gone past, just catching sight of him entering the main elevator.

  As soon as the doors were closed, she went over and watched the numbers rise. It was the one elevator in the tower that went to almost every floor, and it stopped on floor ninety-five.


  A guard down the hall gave her a funny look. She ignored him and pressed the button for the elevator. A green light scanned her from head to foot.

  “Access denied.”

  Another ‘shit’ was warranted, but she kept her mouth shut and ran to another elevator. It only went to floor seventy-something, but it was better than nothing.

  While riding it up, she sent Luka what she hoped was an inconspicuous message. In case the president was watching.

  Just saw my fiancé get onto the elevator looking quite peeved. He went to floor ninety-five so I’m heading there to check on him. Keep me updated on Xander and that toxic bitch.

  With the message sent, Finley took several deep breaths. As the doors opened and she headed into the nearest stairwell, she got the sinking feeling that the false identity she’d built over the years was about to crash and burn.


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