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A Wild Woman: Mail Order Bride of Slate Springs

Page 3

by Vanessa Vale

  “He lives in Jasper.” She pointed at Lane, then to me. “And you live in Slate Springs, as will I with my real husband.” Then pointed back to Lane once more. “Being married to you will be in name only.”

  Lane slowly shook his head and smiled. “Oh, no, sweetheart. This won’t be one of those marriages. I assure you, I take being your husband very seriously. That means wedding and bedding the bride.”

  She gasped.

  “He’s moving to Slate Springs,” I clarified, hoping to move this conversation along before the livery man interrupted us.

  “To sleep beside you every night.” Lane grinned widely and wickedly.

  She looked to me for… reassurance? “I see now why I don’t have my gun,” she muttered. “It can’t even be done. Can it? I mean, it’s not… physically possible.”

  As a doctor, I’d seen and heard more than my fair share of interesting things. This, though, was… fabulous. “As a doctor, I assure you, it is possible to be bedded by two men. At the same time.”

  And I wanted that to be soon. Very soon. I wanted to rid her of her virginity, see if she was as much of a wildcat in bed as she was out and take her with Lane. One in her pussy, the other in her ass.

  Lane nodded his agreement, but she just pursed her lips and turned a bright shade of red to match her hair.

  “You had a long trip from Kansas. I assume it gave you plenty of time to wonder what our marriage would be like. What did you expect?”

  She shrugged. “Besides only one man? Love, attention. Devotion. Fidelity. Attraction.”

  “Thank you for sharing that,” I replied. It wasn’t easy to share, especially to two men, two strangers she just discovered were her husbands. She was actually taking the news of being married to both of us much better than I expected. Based on her behavior in the saloon and the knowledge that she had five brothers led me to believe she wasn’t one to simper and cry. Histrionics did not seem to be her thing.

  “Love, I hope, will come,” I added.

  “As for our attention, you’ve definitely got that, sweetheart,” Lane added. “We can’t take our eyes off of you.”

  “Devotion and fidelity are quite similar. We are both sorry to have missed you at the station, but I assure you we are quite devoted to you, to the idea of a wife.”

  “As for attraction…” Lane pushed off the wall and walked over to Piper. He stood so close that she had to tilt her head back to look at him. His hand came up and stroked over her hair, as if seeing whether the color was actually real. “As for attraction, you need not worry that pretty head of yours. In fact, I’d be happy to prove it.”

  Her eyes widened just before he lowered his head and kissed her. The sound that escaped her throat as his lips brushed over hers had my cock swell. Was this her first kiss? I should have been jealous of Lane kissing my wife, but I wasn’t. We’d shared women before, but Piper was different. Just knowing she was ours made her more.

  I knew the second Lane’s tongue touched her lips, for she gasped and he took that advantage. As was his nature, he wouldn’t be tentative, but kissed her quite boldly. Her hands came to his chest for balance, but she needn’t have worried. Lane wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. And neither was I.

  “My turn,” I said when my patience wore thin, my voice deep and rough.

  Lane lifted his head and smiled, took in her face. Eyes closed, her cheeks were flushed, her mouth wet and swollen. As her lashes fluttered open, I moved to stand before her, Lane shifting out of my way. I didn’t wait, didn’t give her a chance for her mind to clear from the aroused fog that had set in with the kiss.

  Cupping her head in my hands, I leaned down and settled my mouth on hers. Since she’d already been kissed once and she was quite warmed up to the concept, I wasn’t tentative. I couldn’t, not after seeing her stand up to an angry man in a saloon singlehandedly. Not after looking at her pretty face, learning of her prickly demeanor, hearing her colorful vocabulary. Everything about her intrigued me and I wanted to sink into it, into her.

  In kissing, as it seemed in other things, Piper wasn’t tentative either. Her tongue readily met mine and the kiss became carnal fast. My blood heated, my cock swelled, my need for her came on like a steam train without any brakes. I didn’t move my hands from her face, afraid I’d back her up into the dark corner of the stall and rip the dress from her body. That would come, but not until we were at Lane’s house in Jasper. Tonight.

  For now, I could learn something about her that words wouldn’t. My hands roved over her body, feeling the soft curves of her through her dress. Her narrow waist, her rounded hips, then upwards to feel the slight ridges of her ribs and then higher still to cup her full breasts.

  She gasped as I held her in my palms. I felt her corset, the stiffness of it supporting and lifting her up, but I could feel how heavy and lush her breasts were, even sense the hard buds of her nipples. All at once, I felt her body give over, softening and relaxing, forcing me to tighten my hold and keep her from falling to the hard packed ground.

  My cock pulsed and pressed painfully against the front of my pants. It wanted out. It would be easy to do, to spin her about and press her up against the wall. Lane would help me lift the hem of her dress, find the slit in her drawers. He’d rip open the buttons on her dress and play with her nipples as I fucked her, tore through her maidenhead and made her mine.

  She would let me, too. Based on the way she’d behaved in the saloon, she had no fear and it would serve her well when she was with us. We were demanding men and it would go easier for her if she was easily aroused. Wanted it. Wanted us. And thank fuck, she did.

  A horse whinnied in a nearby stall, making me remember exactly where we were. I would not take my wife—my wife!—in the back stall of a Pueblo livery the first time. No. She deserved better than that and I wanted her somewhere I wouldn’t have to let her up. For days. I doubted I’d get my fill of her for a long time. Neither would Lane. I was sure of it.

  After reluctantly lifting my hands from her breasts, I stroked my knuckles down her cheek, then stepped back. Her eyes were open now, her gaze unfocused. I reached down and adjusted myself.

  Lane chuffed out a laugh. “Riding’s going to be hell with a cock stand.”

  As a doctor, I knew we’d survive and that there was only one cure. We could both take hold of our cocks and release the pent-up seed, but that’s not what we wanted. We wanted it all deep inside Piper, marking her as ours.

  She blew out a breath. “Yes, I see what you mean. Attraction isn’t a concern.”

  With that, I took hold of her hand and tugged her out of the stable before either of us changed our mind.



  We rode up to a large house on the outskirts of Jasper as the sun began to set. Actually, being in the mountains, the sun had set behind the western slopes long before, but the sky was only now quickly turning from dark blue to black. I’d never been in the mountains before and never knew twilight could last for hours. Heck, I hadn’t even seen them until this morning when the stage pulled into Pueblo. The beauty and ruggedness of them was incredible. There was even snow still in spots above where the trees stopped. It was nothing like the flat plains of Kansas, where there was nothing to see but waving grass and sky.

  This was where Lane lived? This picturesque town nestled in the valley between steep walls of rock and pines? And the house… so very big. My parents’ house was small, and with six children even smaller. I had my own room, being the only girl, while the boys shared the two others. My parents had moved to a small room behind the kitchen when I was born, but they’d passed when I was two. No one complained of the tight confines, for my brothers and I had known nothing else. Lane’s house, though, told of his wealth by size alone. He had not mentioned having money and dressed simply like everyone else in Pueblo in just sturdy pants, boots and a shirt. Spur was the one who seemed more thoughtful in his attire.

  Our journey up from Pueblo was quie

t, the men allowing me my thoughts, and I was thankful for it. My mind was so muddled. Not only did I feel guilty for taking on a dead woman’s role, I was deceiving two men into believing I was their intended, men who seemed decent sorts. Unbelievably handsome, too.

  How in the world had I ended up married to two men? When I’d spoken with Patricia in the stage before she died, she’d said nothing about two husbands. She would have mentioned that, surely. And while it had been hot in the stage and I’d lost focus on some of her prattling, I wouldn’t have forgotten that little tidbit.

  My brothers would certainly be finding a cold trail. Piper Dare had disappeared somewhere in eastern Colorado. Even if they followed the path of the stage to Pueblo, Piper Dare had never arrived. Only Patricia Strong and I was certainly not her. But Spur and Lane thought so.

  And my thoughts returned to them, a dizzy circle. One thing I was sure of was the attraction between us. We were like oil and water, arguing one minute and kissing the next. And the kiss! No, kisses. The men sure knew what they were doing while I did not.

  As Lane saw to the horses, Spur filled a copper tub set out on the back porch with water from the pump. One bucket was on the stove in the kitchen, and once hot, he added it into the tub with the others.

  I sat on a rocking chair and watched his efforts, his shirt sleeves rolled up. It was pitch black and only the soft glow of lanterns from the kitchen and two he had hung from the porch lit the area, including the nearby pump. I was perfectly capable of hauling water myself, but Spur would have none of it. And so I rocked and stared at where I knew the base of the mountain to be. Lane came around the corner and joined us before Spur’s chore was half done.

  “That was quick,” Spur commented, tipping another bucket and emptying it with a loud splash.

  “Johnny Picket saw us ride into town. Before we left, I arranged for him to take care of the animals and he’s been watching for us. I think he’s eager for some coin.”

  “Wants to butter up the mine owner, most likely,” Spur replied.

  “You mentioned you own a mine. Is it nearby?” I asked.

  “I do. For now at least. It is across town,” Lane replied, pointing further along the base of the mountain. “The Pirate’s Lair.”

  I laughed. “I didn’t realize they had names.”

  He offered me an easy smile. “They all do.”

  “And the story behind yours?” I asked, watching as Spur worked the pump. His arm and back muscles shifted and bulged as he did so. While the air was cooler, sweat dotted his skin and his shirt clung to him.

  “When it was first discovered, it was joked that pirates hid their bounty in the opening.” He shrugged. He lifted his foot so it rested on a higher step, then rested his forearm on his thigh. “It wasn’t my first choice, but the name stuck. I assume you obtained the name Piper somehow as well?”

  “My brothers didn’t like the name Patricia. That had been my mother’s choice, but she and my father died when I was small, so they called me what they wanted.”

  “You mentioned five brothers?”

  Spur poured in the water, set the bucket down beside the railing, went inside.

  “Oh, yes. Five. They took care of me, but they certainly weren’t motherly.”

  “You mean the shooting and the swearing?”

  I felt my cheeks heat, but I would not be ashamed of who I was. I did need to curb my tongue with the foul language, but I was glad to be able to defend myself.

  “Among other things.” I lifted my chin and folded my hands in my lap.

  Spur came back out with a steaming bucket, poured the hot water into the tub.

  Lane chuckled. “Precious, I can’t decide if you’re prim or a wildcat.”

  “Let’s find out,” Spur said. “Bath time, Piper.”

  “What?” I looked around. I could see nothing beyond the soft circles of light from the lanterns, but that didn’t mean someone couldn’t see us. “Here?”

  If I could hear the screech in my voice, then they could, too.

  “There is no one about, I assure you,” Lane replied. “In Jasper, there is only a short amount of time when the weather is warm like this. I enjoy bathing outside when I can.”

  Spur wiped his hands on a cloth he retrieved from the railing. “You never bathed outside before?”

  “When I was small, yes, but with five males in the house, they put the tub by the stove in the kitchen and hung a sheet to give me privacy.”

  Lane came over to me and held out his hand. “We are definitely not your brothers and you don’t need privacy with us.”

  “Oh, yes, I do!” I cried.

  “Where’s that brave woman we saw in the saloon?”

  “You want me to shoot you?”

  “We’re not wearing hats to aim at,” Spur said, tapping the side of his head. “Soon enough we won’t be wearing anything at all.”

  I couldn’t help but lower my eyes to his body.

  “And what’s going to be sticking out, we definitely don’t want you to shoot.” Lane grinned wickedly at his comment, while Spur rolled his eyes. With all those brothers, I knew exactly what he meant.

  “But… but I barely know you.”

  Lane took my hand and tugged me to my feet and right into his chest. With his fingers beneath my chin, he tilted it up. “Before the night is out, you’ll know us very well.”

  “Would you like us to turn our backs while you undress?” Spur asked.

  Lane looked over his shoulder and while I couldn’t see Spur, I could see Lane’s frown.

  “Yes, please.”

  “What happened to the attraction, precious?” Lane asked, stepping away from me, remembering our conversation after the kiss in the livery.

  He’d been so warm pressed against me, I felt goosebumps rise on my arms from the loss.

  “I think my nerves are too great to feel any.”

  Lane and Spur both faced me. They stood side by side, so big and brawny, dark shadows falling making them impossibly menacing looking, but they did not give off that feeling.

  “You should not be nervous with us,” Spur said. “We will never hurt you.”

  I bit my lip, somehow knowing he spoke the truth. Hoping, at least.

  “I’m not nervous because of you,” I said, looking down at the floorboards. “I’m nervous about what we’re going to… to do.”

  “Perhaps it’s like going to the doctor, all worry beforehand.”

  Spur rolled his eyes again at Lane’s words, then punched him in the shoulder.

  Lane winced and rubbed the spot as Spur spoke. “Unlike going to the doctor, fucking is all about feeling good.”

  Fucking. My brothers spoke of it readily enough. While they’d tried to tame their words with an innocent younger sister about, I’d heard enough. I knew they fucked whores at the saloons in Wichita. Other women, too, and knew some carnal details. Although, some of them I had to question if they were possible. Such as putting a cock in your mouth. That seemed… odd. Why would any woman want to do that?

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” Lane added, breaking me from my thoughts. “We’re going to make you feel very, very good.”

  I gulped, knowing the men’s confidence would certainly spread to their lovemaking. And me.

  “Grab the soap, we’ll wash at the pump,” Spur told Lane. He angled his chin toward the tub. “Climb in before it gets cold.”

  He didn’t wait for me to do so, only turned and went down the steps to stand in front of the pump, tugging one suspender off his shoulder, then the other, letting them dangle down by his thighs.

  Lane came from the kitchen, soap in hand, and joined Spur. I stood, frozen in place, and watched as they stripped off their shirts, paying me no mind at all. They even turned away from me, just as they’d said. I gulped when their tapered backs and broad shoulders came into view, the flickering light from the lanterns made their skin glow, the flexing muscles in harsh contrast.

  Realizing I’d been ogling and knowing t
hey’d only be gentlemen for so long with their backs turned, I quickly stripped, eyes firmly on them to ensure they didn’t peek, then climbed into the tub. The water was warm and it felt good. I took the pins from my hair, put the small pile on the railing and traded them for the bar of soap Spur had left. With my hair so long, it floated on the surface, then swirled around me.

  “How’s the water, precious?” Lane asked, calling over his shoulder.

  I startled and stilled my hands at his words. “Quite nice, thank you.”

  Both men turned then and faced me. I gulped. While the hair on Lane’s chest was pale, Spur’s was quite dark and tapered down toward his navel, then into a line that dipped beneath his pants. They were fine specimens of men and I had plenty of brothers for comparison. While I was still nervous, especially since I was sitting naked with only a copper tub hiding me, I felt that strong tug of attraction. Only a dead woman would be immune. Oh, God. Patricia. She was dead and I was sitting in her tub with her men. They thought I was Patricia, that I was legally theirs, when I wasn’t. I wasn’t their wife and what we were about to do was far from right. I was going to give my virginity to not one man, but two, neither of whom were my husband. I needed to tell them the truth.

  The men’s gazes darkened. Lane’s hands clenched into fists as he stared at me. Spur ran a hand over his jaw. From the porch I could hear the rasp of his beard. They wanted me. Me! The woman who’d shot a man in a saloon and swore up a storm. My brothers weren’t here to send them away. No one was here to stop them. For once in my life, I could do exactly what I wanted. I wanted them to fuck me. That made my heart pound and my fingers grip the side of the tub with worry. What if I did it wrong? What if I didn’t please them? I’d only been kissed by these two and just once at that.

  The way they stared at me put some of that to rest. They’d seen me at my most unladylike in the saloon and they still desired me. A few fumbles I might make in bed were nothing in comparison. Should I give up possibly the one opportunity to find out what it was like to be well bedded because I told them I wasn’t the real Patricia? Hell, no. I’d tell them the truth, but not now. I wasn’t going to risk losing those heated looks for anything. I’d have tonight. Tomorrow… well, I’d worry about tomorrow then.


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