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A Wild Woman: Mail Order Bride of Slate Springs

Page 7

by Vanessa Vale

  “I didn’t realize inspect also meant fuck. I’m sure your mistress’ shirrings need hours of your attentions.”

  My mind stilled. “Precious, that’s not true.”

  She stepped out of my hold, looked at Spur. All the color was gone from her face.

  “Don’t call me precious. I’m not your fucking precious. I’m not anything but your damn wife.” She tilted her chin up, her eyes blazing with that cold fire of fury. It had been directed at the bastard at the saloon, but now it was aimed like a lethal weapon right at me. “Go. Go back to her.”

  She’d overheard, but misconstrued and she was angry. Furious. I knew now that she swore when riled. She thought Lil was my mistress, that I was fucking her. If she weren’t so upset, I’d consider it laughable. Why the hell would I have a mistress when she had the sweetest, most perfect pussy in the world? Shit. I’d brought this on myself.

  “I need to explain,” I replied simply.

  “Explain?” She shook her head. “Please. I have enough brothers to know how men work. Their needs are just too great for one woman, right? We never spoke of fidelity. Besides, you’re not really my husband. He is. You get to bed me and any other woman you want.” She glanced at Spur, then back at me. “Obviously, the law of Slate Springs allows for the man to just stick his cock in any woman he wants since he’s already sharing his wife. Isn’t that right?”

  “Piper,” Spur warned.

  I knew his tone, knew he thought she was pushing things too far. But she was right in her anger since I had yet to set her straight.

  I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “Lil… she’s, it’s not what you think.”

  “Yes, Lil. I’ve heard about her.”

  She’d heard? Shit. Celia. Of course. But they didn’t know the truth. “No. She’s—”

  The mine whistle blew, loud and clear, cutting me off. It only meant one thing. Disaster.

  “Fuck,” I all but shouted.

  I looked to Spur. His body tensed. “Shit,” he added.

  Piper looked to us with confusion. “What? What’s that sound?”

  “The mine. Something’s happened. Something bad.”

  I didn’t want to leave Piper, leave this conversation unfinished, but I had to go. There had been a collapse. It couldn’t have been an explosion, we’d have heard it, and based on the issues with the support beams, a cave-in was likely.

  Spur ran down the hall and I followed. He grabbed his bag by the front door, although if there were men hurt, the bag wouldn’t be enough to save them. Luke, Walker and Celia met us, their eyes filled with concern.

  “We’ll come, too,” Walker said. “Celia, you stay here.”

  “I’m not staying here, but I will stand back, away from any danger,” she countered.

  “Piper, stay with Celia. I don’t want a pregnant woman near the mine,” Spur said.

  I didn’t have time to think of anything but what had happened. In the seven years I’d owned the mine, the whistle had only blown once before. A section had collapsed, but no men had been trapped. This time… hell, with the way the beams had been faulty, I could only imagine the worst.

  “No fucking way,” Piper countered.

  I couldn’t stay behind and listen to them argue. I sprinted down the street to the mine, leaving them to fight with the women. Halfway there, I heard someone running behind me, assumed it was Spur, but I didn’t wait for him to catch up.

  The foreman jogged up to me, his face serious. “Collapse in the left vein. We think four men are trapped, but we haven’t gone in yet.”

  I nodded as Spur came up beside me, breathing hard. Sweat coated my skin and a sick feeling settled in my stomach.

  “Get me a lantern. I’m going in.”

  The foreman nodded and ran off.

  “I’m going with you,” Spur said. “If those men are hurt…”

  He didn’t say more. Didn’t need to. I was doing my job and he was doing his. The foreman brought us each a handheld lantern.

  “Wait, you’re not going in there?” Piper asked, tugging on my arm. I hadn’t heard her approach.

  I looked down at her, saw the surprise and worry on her face, her ragged breathing. Thick tendrils of her hair had come loose in her haste.

  “You were supposed to stay with Celia. I can’t have you here.”

  Her head reared back as if she were slapped. “Yes, I’m aware of that. Still, you can’t think to go inside?”

  I glanced over my shoulder at the rustic entrance to the mine. It wasn’t fancy, a big black hole with support beams marking the opening, cart tracks leading deep into the mountain.

  “It’s already collapsed. My men are in there. Spur’s the doctor, so he can treat them.”


  I put my hand over her mouth. “We will talk. Later.” I replaced my fingers with my lips, gave her a quick, hard kiss. “But I need you gone.”

  Looking over her head, I spoke to Luke who stood directly behind her beside Walker. “I need you out here to run things.”

  He had the Trusty mine and knew what needed to be done.

  “And Walker, take care of Piper. No matter what happens.”

  He nodded once. No words were necessary. He’d protect her with his life, just as we’d protect Celia if the need arose. I didn’t see their wife and hopefully that meant they won the argument. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to Celia and the baby. The men in the mine knew the dangers of their job. Celia was an innocent and I wanted her safe.

  “Ready?” I asked Spur, taking a deep breath. I needed to calm my heart rate, but I knew it was impossible.

  The crowd who’d responded to the whistle grew. Women were crying, hugging each other, men running about. Luke joined the foreman and got to work.

  Spur nodded. “See you soon, Piper.”

  I gave her one last look and pointed behind her, indicating I wanted her gone, before turning toward the mine. As soon as we entered the dark cavern, the daylight was stripped away, the warmth of the sun gone. The air was full of dust, the sound of voices echoing eerily off the walls. I paused, looked at Spur, then entered the dark hell of a mine collapse.



  Fuck. Shit. Damn. I worked my way through all the swear words my brothers would yell when angry. I should have been worried for Lane and Spur going into a mine, one that just had a collapse. I was, but it was tempered. I was angry. Seething with it, to hide the hurt. It was much easier to be mad than sad. The men knew what they were doing and I had to trust them with that.

  Overhearing Lane and Spur confirmed what Celia had said. There was a woman named Lil, a woman they shared. Fucked.

  ...of course I’ll keep seeing her. Said you’d continue as well. Together, if Piper can be occupied with Celia.

  Jealousy burned in my stomach at the thought of them with a woman, a mistress, before we met, but I had to resign myself to that. They weren’t monks. To know for a fact that Lane had just gone to see her, during the fucking day while we had guests, ripped out my heart.

  I’d known them for a day. One damn day and I was ruined. Destroyed inside. Was this what my brothers had tried to protect me from? Cruel men or the vagaries of their vows? I wanted a husband, a family. Love. I wanted devotion. I wanted fidelity. Was that too much to ask? Clearly, it was.

  I didn’t have just one husband, but two. One would think with two the chances for cheating to be even less, but no. It hurt twice as much. Spur hadn’t denied he’d share her with Lane and that omission made him just as guilty.

  Was I so lacking that they would keep the other woman, or was it something about her that was… irresistible? Did it matter?

  Once the men were swallowed up by the mine, I spun on my heel and faced Walker. “I’m going home.”

  What was the point of standing there? They didn’t want me there. Hell, they didn’t want me anywhere. No, they did. They wanted me naked and willing, eager for their cocks, although I obviously lacked some t

alent that Lil had. They’d slake their needs with my body, but find something entirely different with Lil’s.

  Walker only nodded and followed me. While his legs were probably twice as long as mine, he gave me some room. Being a married man, he no doubt knew to give a riled woman some space.

  It was good I’d never told Lane and Spur the truth about taking Patricia’s place. I wasn’t really married to them, therefore I could just walk away. I wasn’t trapped with them. If they didn’t want me fully, then I didn’t want them either. They hadn’t deserved the truth. I knew where I stood now with them, had the advantage. My brothers always said, using poker terms, to not show all of one’s cards. I muttered and cursed as I hurried back to Lane’s house.

  Celia was waiting on the front porch, wringing her hands. “Are you all right?” she asked, placing one hand on her belly.

  “Never better,” I snapped. Going into the men’s office, a room I’d only walked past but had yet to enter, I searched for my gun. After I’d given it to Spur in the Pueblo livery, I’d forgotten all about it. They’d certainly distracted me well enough. The discovery of my double husbands, then the epic night of wild abandon, had it slip my mind. Now though, now I wanted the damn thing.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked, Walker behind her, one hand on her shoulder.

  “My gun.”

  “Why do you need a gun?” Walker asked, his voice wary. He moved to stand in front of Celia.

  “She’s not going to shoot me,” she muttered, but Walker didn’t move.

  “Don’t worry, you’re both safe. As for your friends Lane and Spur, I’m not going to kill them,” I assured him. “Not yet, at least.”

  I found it in the bottom drawer of a desk. “Ah ha!”

  Triumph. Smiling, I picked up the familiar weapon, checked it for bullets, then stormed out of the room, both of them moving out of my way.

  When I was halfway up the steps, Walker called to me.

  I looked over my shoulder.

  “We’ll stay here with you until they return. You don’t need your gun. I assure you you’ll be safe with Luke and me staying here with you.”

  I shook my head, rethinking what I’d do. “No. I’m getting my bag and then you’re taking me to Slate Springs.”

  “Slate Springs? Now?” Walker frowned. “Don’t you want to wait for your husbands?”

  I shook my head. “Hell, no. Lane’s just in this marriage for… what was the word he used? Oh, yes, my pussy. Spur’s the husband on the proxy license.” I didn’t tell them mine wasn’t on it. “My real husband. His home is in Slate Springs. If they want me, then they can come to fucking Slate Springs to find me.”

  Besides, if I wasn’t really married to them, I had to go somewhere my brothers wouldn’t find me. If they did, not only would they drag me home and never let me leave the house unchaperoned, but I’d be considered used goods. Doubly used. No, it was time to settle, to make my own life. No overbearing brothers, no cheating husbands. I had poker skills to make money and a town full of miners was perfect. Lots of gambling to be had. Although it wasn’t going to be in Jasper. I refused to stay in the same town as her. Lil. I had some dignity.

  “I don’t think it’s like that.”

  “What? They don’t have a mistress named Lil?”

  “Shit,” he muttered, looking down at the floor. “I won’t lie, I know they did have a mistress named Lil. Lane’s visited her for a long time. Spur, well, that’s a recent addition.”

  Hearing Walker tell it only made me feel worse, if that was even possible.

  “As for now,” he shrugged. “They’re married to you. They don’t need anyone else.”

  Yes, that should be true, but it wasn’t the case.

  “Do you have a mistress, Walker Tate?” Celia asked, her hands on her hips.

  “What?” he asked, looking down at his wife as if she were crazy.

  “You knew about Lil and didn’t say anything, even though I already knew. Do you have any secrets Spur and Lane know?” She arched a brow and waited for his response.

  I saw anger on Walker’s face, then he took a deep breath, let it out. He ran his hand over her cheek, then cupped her jaw. “Woman, why the fuck do I need a mistress when I have you? I just want to be deep inside you. All. The. Time.”

  “That’s what Piper wants from her men,” she countered.

  “Why the hell are we arguing?” His voice boomed. “I’m not the one who’s straying.”

  Celia smiled then, went up on her tiptoes and kissed her husband. Somehow, the kiss ended their little argument, soothed the big man’s ire. “Just wanted to be sure.”

  Walker turned his head toward me. “And you’re sure about going to Slate Springs?”

  I nodded sadly. I wanted what they’d just shared. A closeness, a connection. Trust. “Lane went to her this afternoon while I was occupied with your visit. He said as much, didn’t deny it. Even said he’d keep seeing her and Spur was going to join him.”

  Walker’s eyes went wide and he ran a hand over his beard. “I know them. Your husbands wouldn’t do this. There’s got to be some mistake.”

  “No mistake. I’m going to Slate Springs,” I said, not wanting to continue the conversation. “Where Lil isn’t. I’ll stay in Spur’s house.” I laughed, realizing something. “They pay Lil. After what they did with me last night, I’ve at least earned a few nights lodging in Spur’s house.”

  Walker didn’t look convinced. He’d known his friends longer, but I heard the truth directly from them. It wasn’t rumor. “Piper, I think you’re wrong about this. It just doesn’t make sense.”

  “Do you really want to argue with me about this?” I asked.

  He studied me for a moment. “You don’t even know how to get to Slate Springs.”

  I smiled, although it was without any warmth. “That’s why you’re going to take me there. If they want me instead of Lil, fine. They’ll know where to find me otherwise. Do I need to point my gun at you? I promise, I’m a good shot.”

  He held up his hands in surrender, although I assumed it was less because of my threat of bodily harm than because he didn’t want to continue to argue. He knew I was right, knew that I was justified to be fucking furious that my men would sway.

  “No, ma’am,” he replied, but pointed a finger at me. “Your men are going to spank you so you can’t sit down for a week. Fair warning.”

  “They can try.”

  I took the steps two at a time to collect my things.

  “They can try,” I muttered once again to myself as I walked into Lane’s bedroom, where the bed was still unmade from our night of… abandon. It was quick work to fill my bag; I hadn’t been in the house long enough to take much out. I was out of their life just as fast as I’d arrived.


  It took three hours to climb the narrow road that threaded through the mountains, over a steep pass and back down into a narrow valley that housed the town of Slate Springs. I’d never known I could be so high, see such rugged beauty. Walker had gone slow with Celia on his lap, ensuring the journey wasn’t too rough for her. Watching their connection, even without Luke with them, was hard to watch. It was everything I wanted from Lane and Spur, but would never have.

  Once we were in town, Walker put his foot down and refused to take me to Spur’s house. He refused to even tell me which one was his. I was expected to stay with them as he’d promised my husbands I’d be protected.

  “I can’t protect you from across town. You’ll stay in our house or I’ll take you back to Jasper.” When he saw my angry expression—for I was furious he had tricked me somewhat—he added, “This is the compromise, Piper. It has nothing to do with your husbands. It has to do with me keeping you safe.”

  He was right, my anger wasn’t with him and he was just trying to do right by me. Even with my gun, I wouldn’t win this fight, so I’d relented and they’d showed me to a spare bedroom. It was only then, with the door closed behind me, that I gave in to my fee
lings. I cried. Cried for what I’d wanted, but would never get. Cried for my men’s lies. Even cried for Patricia. I just cried and waited. Deep down, I wanted Lane and Spur to come to me, beg my forgiveness, that they’d sworn off Lil and any other woman and would devote themselves to me. But that didn’t happen.

  After two days, they still hadn’t come and I wondered, had they chosen Lil after all? I thought of my own secret and how it affected the marriage. Hell, there was no marriage.

  But even if my name really were on the marriage license, anger pumped through my body, thick and hot and I was ready to confront the men, shoot them even, to let them know I wouldn’t stand for philandering. Only when they vowed to be faithful would I tell them the truth. Until then, it wasn’t really a marriage either way.

  But it wasn’t Spur or Lane who woke me on the third day, but Luke. He was filthy, covered in dust and grime. His shirt was ripped and he looked beyond exhausted, having ridden through the night to return to Slate Springs. Walker and Celia stood in the bedroom doorway behind him.

  “The mine, it collapsed,” he said, his voice weary.

  I pulled a shawl from the foot of the bed and placed it over my shoulders. At the high elevation, the air was cool in the mornings. “Yes, I’m aware of it. That’s why Lane and Spur went in to help, why you stayed behind as well. Are they with Lil, then? Is that what you’re here to tell me?”

  He sighed, shook his head slowly. “God, I wish it was something as simple to fix as that. The mine collapsed again while they were repairing the bad beams. The entry’s blocked. It’s been blocked since yesterday. Big, big rocks. No way to move them.”

  Bile rose in my throat. From the grim look on his face I knew there was more, that it was so much worse.

  “There don’t seem to be any survivors.”

  I crumpled to the floor. I was the widow of two men I never married.



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