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Soul Of A Man (The Dark Souls)

Page 7

by Jamie Begley

  “Did you? Then you must replace it your next payday, shouldn’t you?” Grimm caressed her hip, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Yes, that’s a good idea. I will replace it when I get paid.” Tammy closed dazed eyes when Grimm pulled her even closer in approval.

  Jericho thought Tammy would climax from the gesture, disgusted with the turn of events. He didn’t care about losing Tammy for the sex, what he did care about was getting rid of Cara.

  “Now that I know she has relatives to take care of her, why should I take her back to my cabin? You can collect her when you’ve finished with her.” He gave a curt nod in Tammy’s direction.

  “Well, that may take some time, and we don’t want Cara sitting here all alone, do we? After all, the enemies who are responsible for her vacation are looking for her.”

  Cara stiffened, afraid not for herself, but for her sisters. If their unknown enemy was looking for her, it only made sense they would be searching for her sisters also.

  “Besides, I would hate to make a phone call back to the Sheriff in Hardin to let him know that you’ve been with the woman he’s been searching for. I don’t know how these things work, but he might put you in jail for interfering with police business.”

  Jericho knew when he was beat. He was stuck with her until the road opened and he could get her a room at the inn. How long could it take? A day at the most. Jericho was man enough to admit when he was outmaneuvered. However he simply couldn’t let Grimm leave without one final shot.

  “When we meet again, I won’t be stuffed into a booth, unable to move,” Jericho threatened the last man he would ever want to make angry. Cara cast Grimm an imploring look not to hurt him.

  Grimm turned back with the woman who was now whimpering with desire in his arms. He stroked her cheek. ”Just a few more minutes, kitten.” He turned his black eyes to Jericho. “The next time we meet, I won’t be there to protect Cara; it will be because I’m doing my job.” He hesitated long enough until he knew Jericho understood his deadly message. When Jericho met Grimm again, it would be because he would be there for his soul. Grimm couldn’t resist a taunting grin before he led the now panting waitress out of the restaurant.

  Jericho turned backed to his now cold food. “Eat. I know you’re hungry.” Cara didn’t say anything, afraid he would leave her behind. He was furious with Grimm and Cara couldn’t blame him. In all fairness, he had seen that she was taken care of and she had repaid him by letting Grimm treat him abominably. He had broken into the privacy of his past, taken his woman and had threatened him in a roundabout way with Hell.

  “I’ll get him. He can help me find a place to stay.” Cara started to rise from the booth and go after Grimm. She only hoped she could catch him before he got busy with Tammy.

  “Sit down.” His harsh voice stopped her and she sat back down. “Eat.” Then his voice softened. “When you’re finished, we’ll head home.”

  Cara nodded and dropped her head, shoving a forkful of food past the lump in her throat when he had said they would go home. Cara knew he hadn’t meant it the way she had taken it to mean, however she felt the warmth spread to her now human heart.

  Chapter Eight

  The ride back to the cabin didn’t take long. When they entered the cabin, Cara expected Jericho to leave her to her own devices, but she was pleasantly surprised.

  “Would you like to watch some television?”

  “Yes, thank you.” They settled on the couch and Jericho used a small remote to change the machine on the wall. Cara was fascinated as the glass-front machine changed pictures.

  “What kind of shows do you like?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jericho laughed at her. “I guess you don’t have television where you’re from.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Then you’re in for a real treat.” The pictures changed several more times before it stopped. Cara watched as two women talked then started eating something really fast.

  “This is called reality television. Real people do things and people watch them at home.” They watched for several minutes until the program went off then Jericho turned the pictures again until another show appeared. “This is called a comedy.” It didn’t take long before her soft laughter filled the small cabin.

  “Would you like a beer?”

  “Yes.” Her throat did feel dry.

  Jericho got up from the couch while Cara kept her eyes on the screen, trying not to notice how his faded jeans emphasized his well-shaped ass.

  “Here you are; ice cold.”

  “Thank you.” Cara took a small drink from the cold bottle. She knew she had discovered her second favorite thing about being human. It tasted slightly like ale, but a much weaker version. She could never stand the taste of the strong brew, but this was like a paler version and the coldness only accented its wonderful taste.

  “Pretzel?” Cara took one of what looked like sticks, though it tasted crunchy and salty.

  “I think I’m going to enjoy a few things about being human.”

  Jericho laughed at her obvious enjoyment of the snacks. She even imitated him by putting her feet up on the small table before them, sinking back in a comfortable position on the old couch. He slid closer to her on the couch, letting his thigh brush against her softer one.

  “What would you be doing if you were at home?”

  “I would be riding or working. I often rode when I was bored, or watched the sky. My sisters each had their own pursuits. Zerina attends births, she loved walking; she would disappear several times only to come back with tales of lands she would go exploring. Broni loves to fight. She would watch past battles and replay them over and over again. She spends a lot of time exercising her body into exhaustion.”

  “You had no interests to keep you occupied?”

  “No, not really.” A small blush colored her cheeks.


  “I would often watch and play with the servants’ children.”

  Jericho had seen the images of her playing with the children when Grimm had touched him. She had been running in a green field with the children chasing behind her. She had looked beautiful, from the few seconds he could remember, with her long, black hair flying around her face and her laughter filling his mind.

  “I love children.” A soft look entered her eyes as wishful dreams swirled within.

  Jericho had seen that look before on other women’s faces, so he did the only thing any normal, single, red-blooded male would do. He changed the subject by flipping the television channel until he found what he was looking for to distract her. A blood-chilling scream filled the room as a monster chased a man across the screen.

  EWW! Cara was enthralled. She didn’t take her eyes off the television as the horror movie became even more gruesome. Jericho was surprised she didn’t cringe away and shudder at the massacre taking place. Instead, she was absorbed and started yelling suggestions at hiding places for the hapless victims. Jericho could not help laughing at her antics.

  “Would you like another beer?” She nodded without taking her eyes off the movie. When he was in the kitchen, he put a pizza in the oven for later.

  They sat for several hours, silently watching television and eating pizza. Cara was enjoying herself and so was Jericho.

  “What are you smiling about?” Cara looked at him, seeing the smile. It was the first genuine one she had seen on his stern face.

  “Nothing really, I was just thinking that this is a typical date for mortals then I realized it was a first for me also.”

  “You never sat and had a movie date before?”

  “No, I had other things on my mind,” Jericho confessed wryly.

  “Such as?”

  Jericho simply lifted a brow at her question.

  “And you are not interested in me that way?”

  “I definitely wouldn’t say that.” Jericho reached out and touched her creamy cheek, thinking that it could not possibly be as soft as it looked. H
e was wrong; it was like touching a piece of Heaven.

  He knew this was a terrible idea, tried to draw back, but it was as if an irresistible force drew him towards her. He had never felt this way before and that in itself made his stomach clench in fear.

  Determined, he forced himself away from her. He would have succeeded if he hadn’t looked into her eyes. She wanted him. He knew what that look meant and it had been a long time since he had a woman underneath him. He swore to himself that she wouldn’t be any different than any other woman he had taken to his bed. As long as she played by his rules, there was no reason they could not have an enjoyable time together. His reasoning took away the last of his restraint.

  Cara sat still as Jericho slowly reached out and traced her lips with a gentle finger. His touch made her stomach clench with a feeling she had never felt before. When his lips replaced his finger, she enjoyed the feel of his firm lips against hers. She was surprised at the gentleness he showed as he pulled her closer into his body at the same time as his tongue parted her lips and showed her what a real kiss was; compared to ones she had only been able to imagine.

  Her mother had been overly strict, and with a Saint for a father, she had been given no opportunity to have a sexual relationship.

  Jericho took control; it was as if he knew her inexperience and took his time building her desire. He was patient.

  When Jericho felt her body soften, and she began to timidly return his kisses, he let his lips trail down to her neck. He showed her how her body could shake in need when he reached her breasts. She hadn’t even felt him opening the buttons until he pulled the cups of her bra down and took her nipple into his mouth. There was not a hesitant bone in Jericho’s body.

  Cara let out a small scream at the unbelievable pleasure. She felt herself getting wet between her thighs. She clenched them together, trying to regain her shattering control.

  Jericho’s hand slid down her taut stomach and when he reached out to unbutton her blue jeans. Cara reached out to stop him, shy that he would find how wet she was for him. His lips left her nipple to return to her mouth, his tongue thrusting deep at the same time his hand slid inside her jeans, finding the wetness she had tried to control.

  Her embarrassment slid away as his fingers began moving within her folds of silky flesh, coaxing her to move urgently against his hand. The heat building within her flew out of control. Cara felt her breath catch and her body tightened in a spasm that relieved the pressure he had built carefully within her inexperienced body.

  “What happened?” she whispered in utter bliss.

  “You came.”

  “Oh. Is there more?”

  “Yes, if you want me to.”

  “Show me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Cara nodded her head eagerly.

  He removed her clothes, and when she was naked, he pushed her back until she was lying on the couch. His lips once again covered her nipple and his hand slid up her thigh, moving it until she was spread open to him. His lips traveled down her stomach, slowing as he placed gentle kisses on his path downwards.

  When he nuzzled the curling hair between her thighs, she attempted to twist away, but his hands tightened on her small waist, holding her still as he found her wetness. His tongue discovered every slick fold and hidden crevice, making her burn even hotter, while her hands gripped the material of the couch to prevent herself from burying her hands in his hair to pull him closer. Jericho pulled and tugged at her with his tongue, creating suction with his lips that had her butt lifting off the couch, grinding herself against his tormenting mouth.

  When his finger slid inside her, her inner muscles clenched, forcing him to withdraw and lubricate his fingers with her slippery moisture before once again sliding inside of her, easing through the tight sheath purposefully. With every twitch of her hips, his finger slid deeper until he withdrew it once again only to replace it with two fingers. When he was able to easily slide his fingers within her, he sat back on the couch. The cold air-cooled her heated flesh, bringing a moment of clear-headedness.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He was making sure she knew what she was doing. She had drunk several beers and her first orgasm had swept her away. He wanted no recriminations thrown his way later.

  Cara looked at Jericho. She knew he was giving her a chance to change her mind, yet Cara knew she wasn’t going to. The color of his soul seemed to mock her decision, but she wanted him. Her body even now craved for his touch to return.

  “Yes.” Her voice was firm.

  “Then come here.” Jericho stood.

  Cara thought he would take her into his bedroom. Instead, he unsnapped his jeans and removed them. Next, he pulled his shirt over his head before sitting back down on the couch then he pulled her until she was sitting astride him. He leaned forward and gave her his mouth. She loved his kisses; they made her hot and achy.

  She rubbed her bare breasts against his chest as Jericho gripped her hips and lifted her slightly until his penis nestled at her wet entrance. Slowly, he pulled her down onto him, entering her inch by inch. Cara winced as the tight tissues fought his strokes.

  Jericho’s lips left hers to take a nipple in his mouth. Gently, he suckled and nibbled until Cara felt a rush of liquid flowing from her cunt, allowing him to push the head of his cock passed her tight entrance. He held Cara above him with hard hands that controlled each tiny movement of his cock.

  When he felt her hymen, he wasn’t surprised. Grimm had shown him flashes of Cara’s life and a lover had not been among them. He moved to her other breast, making her squirm harder against him. When he broke through her hymen she moaned in pain, but he gave her a moment to adjust before he removed his hands and let her weight force her down on his massive length.

  Cara moaned in pain again, quickly using her knees to catch the brunt of her weight. She pulled herself up until only a few inches off his hard length remained inside her tight depths.

  His hand cupped her cunt, his thumb working her until moisture gushed and her muscles relaxed around his cock. Jericho crooned to her in a soft voice, easing her anxiety as he sat completely still, letting Cara set her own pace.

  Afraid that the pain would return, Cara began to move up and down his cock, at first going slow and awkward, however within minutes, her knees gripped his hips and she moved faster and faster. She never allowed him to enter her more than halfway, catching her weight before she took him full length. Jericho didn’t mind, he was inside her and he was about to come. It would have been cock heaven if she could have taken his size, but she was still giving him pleasure. Even women who had been sexually active had trouble with his size, so he had known Cara would be unable to take his dick without too much pain.

  Cara felt as if she was once again in the clouds as she moved faster and faster above him, sliding up and down his slick length. Her cunt burned at the sensation of having something so huge shoved inside the tight confines. The feelings grew until she could no longer hold onto her response. She barely caught herself from letting her weight fall down on his penis and only the pain of his first entrance gave her enough control to hold her body above his as another, harder orgasm shook her body. As she rode the orgasm, she felt Jericho spasm inside of her and knew he had also come. With a groan, her head fell forward and lay on his chest.

  Jericho allowed her a few seconds to catch her breath before gripping her hips and lifting her off him to lie on the couch next to him. She was still shuddering as he casually bent over her and brushed her breast with a steady hand. A satisfied smile curved his lips when her nipple hardened and her hips lifted toward him.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” Cara nodded happily. Jericho nodded before getting up and getting redressed. When he was done, he bent over, picked up her clothes and handed them to her.

  “You might want to take a hot shower; it will help with the soreness.” Cara blushed as she raised herself into a sitting position and then frowned as he started gath
ering dishes and empty bottles.

  “I will.” She watched as he carried everything to the kitchen.

  She then dressed as she heard running water, knowing he was doing the dishes. Cara was unsure of what to do, having never been in this position before. When Jericho reentered the room, she was still sitting on the couch waiting for him. She had royal blood in her veins and too much pride in herself to hide herself away in her room.

  “I thought you were going to take a shower.”

  “I was hoping you might like to take one with me.” Cara gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile, but having never given one before, she could not be sure.

  “No, thanks, I have one in my room. I think I’ll go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”


  “Don’t do this, Cara.”

  “Do what?”

  “Have a postmortem of what happened.”

  “I don’t understand.” Cara tried not to be hurt at his attitude, but it was really hard when he was staring at her with such cold eyes.

  “What’s to understand? We had sex. It’s over now, so like all men, I would like to go to sleep.”


  “Yes, alone. I don’t share my bed with anyone.”


  “Look, Cara, I really don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I didn’t want anything except sex. Now that the need has been taken care of, I’d like to go to bed.”

  Before he could continue on, Cara interrupted him. “So you got what you wanted, now you’re done with me?” Desperately, Cara tried to keep the anger out of her voice.

  “You’re sounding more like a mortal woman by the minute. Cara, I gave you a good first time, and I made damn sure you got what you wanted. Something you can remember, hopefully with pleasure. But do I want to make it permanent or have sex with you again? The answer is no.”

  This time she couldn’t keep the hurt out of her face. “Was I that bad?”

  Cara was sure that people heard his sigh in town. “No, you weren’t bad, just inexperienced. I prefer to have more experienced women.” His voice took on a hard tone. “As soon as there is a room free at the hotel, I’ll take you into town.” He then turned to leave the room.


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