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Tempted by the Gargoyle (a gargoyle shifter romance): Boston Stone Sentries

Page 13

by Lisa Carlisle

  After the incident with the incubus, the last thing he would do was push her for sex. “You sure?”

  Her gaze turned earnest. “Never been more certain.”

  Her words could be interpreted in any number of ways, so he followed her, promising himself he wouldn’t initiate.

  Tiles in various shades of yellow conveyed a warm ambiance around the claw-foot tub, which was already filled with bubbles. Everything in the room vanished when Larissa removed her robe. Although he’d seen her naked, touched every inch of her body, the slow way she revealed herself to him left him speechless. He had a momentary glance of her seductive flesh, a peek of satiny-soft heaven.

  Don’t push.

  He stripped off his clothes to join her. Her appreciative gaze made his cock twitch with excitement.

  Remember to take it slow.

  Getting into the water before he had a full-blown erection would be a good idea.

  When he climbed in, several body parts touched as they adjusted to both fit. It was impossible not to think of how she was naked, and his shaft responded. Luckily, it was already submerged in the warm water, masked by the bubbles.

  Neither spoke for several long moments, but the heat that passed between them pulsed with vibrancy.

  “I’m glad you invited me here,” he said, to break the smoldering tension.

  “Oh?” She raised her brows.

  “After seeing me in my other form, I thought you’d run. Regret everything that happened with us earlier.”

  She closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the tub. He would have thought she was resting, save for the emotions that tugged her features. When she opened her eyes, she leaned forward. “Although there are several things that happened tonight I wish I could undo, meeting you is not one of them. In fact, it’s the only good thing that happened.”

  His chest swelled with hope. “You’re okay with what I am?”

  She laughed and played with bubbles on the surface, popping several. “Hell, you told me I’m a witch, I discovered I can do some freaky-ass finger action—I don’t even know what I am, so who am I to judge who or what’s different? What I do know is you saved my life.”

  “And you mine.”

  Her smile was luminous. “Sounds like we’re not a bad match.”

  This was his moment. He might blow it by pushing her, but he’d start off slow. His heart thundered as he prepared to take a gamble, the biggest wager in his life. “Perhaps we should give us a shot. See where this goes.”

  She bit her lip, staring at the yellow tile. Damn, he was scaring her off.

  “I know we’re different. All you might see is the physical differences. But don’t overlook what I pointed out earlier—what we have in common.” In his nervousness, he was babbling. He’d never done so in his life.

  Larissa turned to face him with a questioning glint in her eyes. “Like what?”

  “I see how caring you are. How much you tried to protect Janie.” As she continued to watch him with interest, he continued. “And not only her. You want to protect others too.”

  She didn’t say a word, but her eyes glistened. Probably because he’d mentioned Janie. Not a good move to bring up what had happened to her friend. He hurried to move past that before he lost her to her anguish. “That’s what attracted you to the police force, isn’t it?”

  “Maybe.” She blinked the tears away. “My Dad retired after thirty years, so guess it’s in my genes.”

  With a grin, he replied, “Mine, too.” Turning serious again, he added, “It’s no different than what we do.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but then her lips curved into a wry smile. “Well, there’s quite an organizational difference. I don’t imagine you deal with half the amount of red tape or paperwork I do.”

  An unexpected laugh escaped him. “True.” A glimmer of hope rippled through him; slowly he was breaking through. Searching her face, he stroked her smooth cheek, ready to take the ultimate risk with a relationship with her. “Give us a chance.”

  Her expression flickered with troubled emotions. “I’m a mess, Roman. Since the bombings, all I do is work.” A sad glint appeared in her eyes. “I was engaged before that happened, but my ex couldn’t deal with my mood swings. I can’t deny how much it affected me.”

  “As it would anyone.”

  “Yes,” she said. “But no. I don’t want to push you away, too.”

  He flashed her a knowing grin. “I’m more durable than I look.”

  She exhaled. “I know. But before tonight, the only power, or whatever you want to call it, I knew about was that I could sense things before they happened.”

  “The bombs?”

  “Yes. I knew something was wrong. Something bad was about to happen. I told Janie to get away from the finish line.” She swallowed. “She still has some shrapnel in her leg.”

  The haunted look showed how much she blamed herself. How could he wash her guilt away?

  “She could have been killed,” he replied in a gentle tone. “But she wasn’t. You saved her life.”

  “And tonight she almost died again.” She glanced at the ceiling. “I’ve gotten her out of bad situations before. Some potentially fatal ones. Why couldn’t I tonight?”

  Compassion swept through him. He’d do anything to take away her pain. “You did. She’s still alive now because of you.”

  Her bottom lip trembled. “Why didn’t I know something was up with that guy she went with, who turned out to be a fuckin’ demon?”

  “Larissa, it’s not your fault.” He cupped her face. “Demons with powerful dark magic operated there tonight, and they were smart enough to cover their scent. I’m kicking myself for not catching on earlier.”

  “Why?” She appeared surprised. “You knocked those bastards to wherever the hell that other realm is, where I hope they’re rotting now.”

  “No. You made that possible. You saved countless lives tonight, yet are ready to take on all the blame for what happened to Janie. You need to be a little easier on yourself.”

  She exhaled. “Will she…make it?”

  “She needs her life force revived.”


  “Time might help. Energy from another might as well.”

  Larissa bolted up. “What am I doing here if I could help her?”

  Roman put his hand on her shoulder. “Let the doctors do what they can. She’s safe right now. They may be able to help her. And if not, we’ll find a way.”


  “Together,” he declared. “With magic, like we did tonight.”

  She sagged back down. “I can’t even process what happened tonight. How will I ever?”

  He gave her an earnest look, and spoke his soul’s greatest wish. “With me.”

  She tilted her head, studying him with wide tormented eyes that now glimmered with hope. “Doesn’t it bother you? All the violence?”

  He thought a long time before responding. “It’s something I’ve been trained to counter my whole life. It seems like part of it.”

  “And it doesn’t affect you?”

  He thought of his parents. “Sometimes. Some situations more than others.”

  “How do you deal with it?”

  After all the years seeking revenge, he wasn’t sure how to respond. “Not as well as I should.” She watched him, waiting for him to continue. “A demon killed my father in Portugal many years ago. My mom died not long after, I think to find a way back to him. What it left me with was a thirst to avenge their deaths and destroy the demons who’d killed my parents. But gargoyles aren’t supposed to be consumed with vengeance like I’ve been.”

  “I’d think anyone would want closure after living with that.”

  “Well, tonight I got it. Achieved what I’ve wanted for over two decades.”

  She’d leaned forward, lips parted as she listened intently. “How?”

  “The demon on the sidewalk, it reminded me of the ones who killed my father. Avenging
his murder threatened to consume me and I always lost myself in that desire for destruction. But I had something else keeping me focused, keeping me in control. You.”


  “I couldn’t have done anything tonight without you,” he added. “We’re all messy and have issues. We simply deal with them in different ways. And help each other get through it.”

  She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she said, “Many cops compartmentalize what happens on the job. I’m not very good at that. Because I file things away and power through, and yet they still pop up.”

  “Perhaps that’s why you have trouble sleeping.”

  “That’s what people say.” She shrugged and gazed at the bubbles. The level had gone down since they’d sat down.

  “We can get through this—” he paused to control his racing emotions, “—together.”

  Her eyes flickered with uncertainty before her lips spread into a smile. “I’d like to try.”

  This was his moment. Now that he had her on board, he wanted to be truthful with her. No more restraint, no more surprises, it was time to reveal what he’d discovered deep in his soul that night. “One thing that became clear to me—is that—you’re the one for me.”

  Her expression froze, etched with emotions he couldn’t read. Fear? Relief? Maybe both. “How?”

  “My response to you was like nothing I’d felt before. And when we went to the hotel earlier—I knew. It’s this inner certainty that I don’t understand, but I feel.”

  Larissa chewed her bottom lip and stared into the bubbles. “It sounds crazy, but crazy seems to be the new normal. Although my brain is bombarding me with rational thoughts on how we’ve only just met, something inside understands what you’re saying.”

  Roman leaned forward and squeezed her hand. “Perhaps some things don’t need to be understood. And you just need to follow what you know is right.”

  She rested her head to the side and closed her eyes for several long seconds. When she reopened them, she swirled her fingers through the bubbles. “I can’t think about it now. I’m tired of thinking. My brain can’t take in another revelation tonight.”

  He opened his arms in invitation. “No need to talk anymore. Come here.”

  She adjusted in the water to rest against him, her head on his chest. As he stroked her hair, his heart beat against her cheek. Having her wet, naked body pressed against his was distracting, but he fought from acting on his base desires. After several moments, she raised her hand and traced slow, languid circles over his torso. Each one stroked him like a thousand sensual feathers. Her fingers traveled down lower each time, down to his lower abdomen, making him grow instantly hard. He took in a sharp breath and waited.

  But then she moved away from his chest and he stifled a groan.

  Picking up an oversize sea sponge from the side of the tub, she glanced up at him and said, “While we’re in here, might as well wash up.” With a slight eyebrow raise, she added, “Besides, it might distract us from—everything.”

  The sensual promise in her tone caught his attention. “I’m already feeling distracted, in an entirely pleasurable way.”

  She poured some purple body wash onto the sponge and circled his chest, leaving a trail of suds. She bit her lip as she concentrated. Mesmerized by her lips, he fantasized what else she could do with them. Hunger consumed him, but it was different from that in the hotel earlier. Pure lust was augmented by an inner compulsion to connect with Larissa, both physically and mentally. The bond with his mate would grow stronger with time.

  “Turn around and I’ll get your back.”

  It wasn’t easy for him to turn his body in the tub, but he managed to do so. No way would he turn down that invitation. The wet soapy trails down his back confirmed that twisting like a contortionist to turn around had been a good choice.

  “I can’t believe how your skin can change. Wings come out of your back. No signs whatsoever.”

  A twinge of disappointment flared. “Are you examining me out of morbid curiosity?

  “Curious, yes, but nothing morbid about it.” Her warm breath tickled his ear, spurring his cock to respond. “Fascinated might be a better word. Especially since I thought I had a thorough introduction to your body earlier. I was looking forward to it again.”

  He’d promised himself he wouldn’t push it, but sensed her raw need was as desperate as his. She didn’t want to think anymore, but feel. Anything he could do to bring her pleasure, he would do. This feeling was new and terrifying, knowing she could reject him at any time. Yet, a strange comfort filled him, as if a part of him that had been dormant suddenly evolved and burst with a craving to live.

  He twisted in the tub, which wasn’t easy with his large frame coupled with his distracting arousal. “Now it’s my turn to wash you.”


  After all that had happened that night, the last thing Larissa wanted to do was think or feel any more. Being mindless and numb would be welcome, so she wouldn’t have to remember. Although she wanted to do something for Janie and felt useless sitting in a tub, both Roman and the doctor had convinced her she couldn’t do anything that night.

  Roman commanded her attention with his strong hands working her tense shoulders. When had he dropped the sponge and started massaging her? “Oh, that feels so good.”

  “Your muscles are so tense; I want to try to work out some of this tension.”

  His masculine touch made her think of other things. He made her feel alive. After what they’d faced earlier, that spark of life meant something. Maybe it signaled hope amid all the chaos and destruction.

  As much as she wanted to progress to the next level, it felt good to give up control for a moment. She’d been going on autopilot for so long, not letting anyone close, it felt like a foreign experience. But with him, it felt right.

  After several minutes, she’d relaxed, feeling as boneless as a jellyfish. The bubbles barely covered the surface and the water temperature had cooled.

  “We should rinse off.”

  He stood first and offered a hand. The soap and bubbles streaming off his sculpted bronzed body made him glisten like a god. When he pulled her to her feet, she had a close look at his impressive package, which jutted out proudly, fueling her fantasies.

  She turned the shower on and pulled the stopper from the drain. When she rose, he gazed at her with smoldering heat. Her gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips, carved with such perfection. Her fingers worked of their own volition, running over the sensual curve of his lips, magnificent with drops of water falling from them. Standing on her tiptoes, she moved in what seemed to be slow motion. Taking this step meant more than one night of hot, meaningless sex like she’d told herself earlier. It was the beginning of a commitment. For a moment she froze, unsure if she was ready. Her gaze returned to search his eyes. They expressed concern through the unconcealed heat in his gaze. In that moment, her doubts liquefied and vanished. She moved up and brushed his lips with her own.

  For a moment the world around her froze. A connection sizzled between them, something deep inside she couldn’t identify, except that it meant this was the real thing.

  Roman eyed her with concern. “You okay?”

  She exhaled, releasing the tension. “I will be when you kiss me again.”

  Her reply spurred him into action, and he claimed her mouth possessively. Their tongues tangled, desperate for a searing connection after a night filled with loss and death. She returned his passion with an ardent need to touch him, prove he was still there and she hadn’t lost him. One of his hands covered her breast, molding the flesh before he rolled his thumb over her nipple, drawing a low moan of pleasure from her. The sound must have encouraged him, as he deepened the kiss, possessing her.

  When their lips parted, both were breathless and panting. His eyes blazed with dark and predatory need, which both terrified and excited her.

  “You don’t know how much I want you, La
rissa.” His hands skimmed down her sides, leaving trails through the warm water. “Need you.”

  He lowered his mouth to her neck, nuzzling her there, which sent need pulsing through her body. Hot water streamed over her face, but she didn’t care. The way her body responded to him was foreign to her, possessing her in a way that defied reason. Rational thought escaped her as her body’s needs consumed her, coiling with fiery need in between her legs.

  She wanted more of him. Kissing him, touching him. And having him buried deep inside her as soon as possible.

  When he dropped his mouth to her nipple, she let her head fall back and moaned. His slow, languid flicks flowed like warm chocolate, driving her near insanity. She pulled him closer, needing more, and he took more of her breast in his mouth. Pure, ecstatic jolts rushed through her, commanding her attention with a sensual hold. Her fingers slipped over the muscles in his shoulders and back, wandering over the hard planes and contours, desperate to get closer still.

  He cupped her mound and she almost came undone. Her breathing hitched as he slipped a finger inside her wet channel, exploring her raw need. With his mouth alternating from one breast to another and now his fingers ratcheting up her desire, she yielded to his skillful lead, relishing how he’d taken control.

  When he pulled his mouth away from her greedy nipple, she whimpered in protest. As he kissed and licked down her dripping-wet abdomen, she leaned back, tingling with eager anticipation. He paused between her legs, his warm breath tickling her thighs, sparking a thousand nerves like a low brush fire.

  “Lift a leg,” he said.

  She followed his command, planting one foot on the side of her tub, exposing herself fully for him.

  He inhaled deeply and exhaled with a low growl. “So good,” he murmured.

  When he licked her with a long, lazy path, her mouth dropped open, yet no sound came out. With skillful deliberation, he probed her with two fingers, instantly shooting her to a level where she thought of nothing except his command on her desires.

  Watching him from above while the water crashed down on him, flowing over his rippling muscles, cast a sensual thrill all its own. She touched his wet hair, cradling his head in her hands and guiding him closer still.


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