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Just for the Summer (Chasing Carolina #0.5)

Page 12

by Danielle Jamie

  Backing the car out, I crank up Jason Aldean’s My Kind Of Party, and head towards I-95 South.

  May 25th 2011

  WALKING THROUGH THE GARAGE at Charlotte Motor Speedway, I head towards the garage, where my team’s working on my car. This Saturday will be my first official race in my hometown as a full-time NASCAR Nationwide Series driver. We’ve already had thirteen races, and I’ve finished in the top five every time. My dad’s confident I have a good chance of winning the championship at the end of the season if I can get a few wins under my belt.

  If all goes well, I’ll hopefully be burning the tires off my car at the checkered flag Saturday. My crew is saying they’ve built an awesome car for the race. We’ll see once we do our qualifying tomorrow.

  I’ve been flying all over racing since February, and spent all the months before that preparing for the season, so I haven’t had any time to go to Athens to see Ashlynn. I tried to get her to come to a race and spend the weekend with me, but with school and all her charity work, she said she didn’t have any free time to leave school.

  Back at the beginning of March, she asked if I would be able to fly down and stay with her in Daytona for the week, while she and her friends vacationed there for spring break. I had to race in Las Vegas on the fifth, so flew down on the sixth to meet her. When we saw each other, it was as if it were just yesterday we were together. She felt amazing in my arms. I never wanted to let her go. I had the following weekend off from racing, so spent the entire week with her.

  She was the same beautiful, carefree girl I’d met on the beach last summer, but if possible, even more gorgeous. She was so excited to show me her first tattoo when she came strutting out of the beach house in her teeny, tiny bikini. She told me our summer together inspired it and I had to agree; it was the perfect tattoo.

  Along her left ribcage, in fancy script font, were the words Always be wild & free, with a dandelion coming out of the last ‘e’, and blowing along her side, turning into seagulls flying away.

  We agreed to just stay friends, because with my career taking off and her being busy with her junior year of college, there’s no time to focus on a relationship. We both decided it was best to not put false expectations on one another, so we openly date other people. Well, for her, she dates. Me? I just screw. I can’t give a woman more than that, because I lost my heart back in South Carolina and I never want to get it back. It belongs to Ashlynn, as hers belongs to me.

  I try to text her as much as I can, and keep her updated on my career, along with all of my growing fans by keeping up with my Facebook and Twitter.

  Hopefully one day, we’ll have better timing and finally get our chance, but for now, I’ll take what I can get from her. Right now, she wants us to stay this way, because it makes not seeing each other a little less painful.

  “You ready to test out the car?” my crew chief, Elliot, asks as he adjusts his number 10 ballcap on his head. I picked the number when I got my official car for the Nationwide Series. It’s a way for me to show Ashlynn, even on the track, her and the summer of 2010 are always on my mind.

  Zipping up my fire suit, I climb through the window into my car and slip on my helmet before getting to work buckling my harness. My pit crew pushes the car out of the garage so I can test it out and see what we’re getting for each lap’s top speed and time. My goal is to win the poll at qualifying tomorrow.

  Flicking all the switches, my car revs to life. I drive through pit road, pull out onto the track, and begin driving around the circle. I never feel more alive than I do when I’m behind the wheel.

  “She feels a little tight on the corners, but other than that, I think we got a good car for this weekend’s race,” I tell Elliot through my radio.

  After running ten laps around the track, I pull back into pit road to see what Elliot has to say. As I’m climbing out of the car and slipping my helmet off, my mouth hangs open as I spot the most beautiful blonde to ever grace this planet standing behind my pit box wall, talking with a few of my crew members.

  Everyone knows of her, but have never actually met her in person. I talk about Ashlynn all the time, driving my crew nuts, but when they work for me, it comes with the territory.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as I unzip my suit and tie the arms around my waist. It’s hotter than a witch’s titty today in Charlotte, and the humidity is a killer.

  She looks absolutely beautiful in her tight floral sundress and cowgirl boots.

  “I came to watch your ass finally win a race,” she tells me nonchalantly as she holds her hands out to pull me in for a hug and a much needed kiss.

  Giving her ass a squeeze, I kiss her hard and moan into her mouth as her lips part, allowing my tongue access to tangle with hers. She tastes like sunshine and sweet tea, warming my mouth and making my dick harden in my race suit.

  No other girl can hold a candle to Ashlynn. I sound like an asshole, but every time I fuck a girl, it’s her face I picture as I cum. I’d never get it up if I didn’t, but I’m a guy and we need that release, so I make do with what I have.

  “Just so you know, we’re not leaving my house until absolutely necessary, because I plan on fuckin’ that sweet pussy of yours while I can. The Beast has been very homesick.”

  She lets out the cutest giggle as she wiggles out of my embrace. “Well, I’m only here until Saturday night, and then I have to fly back to Georgia first thing Sunday.”

  I give her a questionable glance as I take her hand and lead her into the garage. “I thought you just finished classes this week. Why do you have to rush back home?”

  Her eyes fill with sadness and she quickly diverts them to the floor. Whenever she’s unable to look me in the eye, it’s always a bad thing.

  “I got a scholarship to study abroad for the summer in London, and an internship with a travel magazine based there. It’s a great opportunity for me. Plus, Nikki’s coming too, so I won’t be alone. I needed to see you before I left, because I’ll be gone all summer, and by the time I return, fall semester will be starting.”

  Well, fuck. I got my hopes up, because she showed up here, and it’s just to tell me she’s leaving and going halfway across the fucking world.

  “Don’t go falling in love with anyone over there while you’re gone.” My words come out more bitter than I intended.

  Wrapping her arms around my waist, she hugs me to her. “That’ll never happen. Plus, I already lived the most amazing summer of my life. This one is going to be all work and no play.”

  LYING IN BED BESIDE CHASE feels surreal. It’s been two months since we were together in Daytona. When I got the letter saying I was chosen to study abroad, I had mixed emotions. I was both happy and sad, because I was looking forward to spending another summer with Chase. There was just no possible way I could turn it down. I only have one more year of college left, then hopefully Chase and I will finally have our chance to be together.

  Our situation sucks, but our arrangement has worked so far. I’ve continued writing on my downtime. I finished my first novel almost a month ago. It took me longer than expected, due to my heavy workload with school and all the volunteering I do with my sorority and with cheer. I uploaded it to Amazon last month after having my friend Kayla, who’s an English major at school, edited it. I’ve never been more nervous in my life. I didn’t tell anyone but my sorority sisters. They all immediately added it to their Kindles, and after reading my story, they said it was amazing and I should really start putting it out there on my Twitter and Facebook.

  I’m not sure yet, and want to wait until I hear what Chase thinks. I ordered paperbacks for my family and friends, and saved one for him. That’s one of the reasons why I flew here today.

  Slipping out of bed, I pad across the floor of his master bedroom and find my carry-on bag I brought with me. “Whatcha doin’, baby?” he asks as his eyes focus on my ass in my tiny cotton pajama shorts.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I bite on my bottom lip, trying to hide the smil
e that’s threatening to spread across my face. “Just grabbing a book really quick.”

  “Is it one of those smutty books? I love it when you read those, because you get all frisky.”

  God, he’s such an idiot, and I love him for it.

  Unzipping my bag, I dig out the paperback and nervously climb back into bed. He’s zoned out on SportsCenter, listening to them talk about the upcoming races this weekend. I slide up against him, gripping the book in my hand anxiously.

  “I brought this one for you, actually,” I tell him, holding the book out.

  He lets out a loud chuckle. “You want me to read your dirty romance book?” Taking it, he looks it over, looks at me, and then back at the book again. “The Summer It All Began—by Ashlynn Myers? You wrote this?”

  Nodding my head, I point at the couple lounging on the beach together. “The story came to me after we met. The super sexy bad boy is based kind of on you, and the feisty heroine is sort of based on me. It’s a novel about a couple who meet during the summer at a beach town and fall in love, but then at the end of summer, they have say goodbye and go back to their everyday lives thousands of miles apart.”

  Flicking open the book, he skims through the pages. “You named me Cameron?” he laughs as he continues to flip through the book. “Well, I’m glad you followed your heart and wrote this book. I hope you continue to write more. I know I can’t wait to read about the hot sex we have.”

  Men…everything always leads to sex.

  “Ohh, this one is hot,” I tell him, grabbing the book and flipping to the middle of the book.

  “Great, let’s reenact that scene right now.”

  I toss the book onto his nightstand and lay back, enjoying this time we have. No one can make me feel the way he does. Even after all these months, it’s only him who can give me butterflies in my belly and make my heart dance around in my chest. I hate that the timing always seems to be wrong for us, but we’re doing our best to make whatever it is we are work.

  My friends drag me out with them on the weekends to fraternity parties. I’ve met a few guys I’ve gone out on dates with, and two I’ve slept with after getting really, really drunk. None of them made me feel the way Chase does.

  I hate and love him because of it, all at the same time. Life would be easier if I could just move on and find a guy in Georgia who makes me feel even a fraction of what I feel when I’m with Chase.

  “God, I’ve missed you,” he says between the kisses he’s fluttering across my bare breasts.

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  His mouth works its way from my right breast to my left as he sucks and bites down on my hardening nipples. “I especially missed your tits.”

  “You’re such a guy,” I tease as I slide my fingers into his hair. My girly parts are exploding with excitement, and tingling to the point it’s almost unbearable as his mouth works its way down my stomach, stopping between my legs.

  “Well, I’d hope so, because if I had a fuckin’ vagina, we’d have a problem.”

  “Believe me…you are one hundred percent all man, and there’s no doubt I’ll sure as hell be flying back to Georgia with an icepack in my panties after being locked away in this bedroom for the next few days.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but it’ll be so worth it. Then you’ll think about me while you pack up your stuff for London.”

  “I think about you always. Not a day goes by I don’t think about you.”

  Chase pauses for a moment and looks up at me as his right hand slides up and down the inside of my thigh, sending jolts of electricity throughout my body. His eyes roam over me, stopping at my tattoo. “I want you to know I mean it when I tell you I’ll wait for you, Ashlynn. There will never be a girl who will take your place in my heart, even if we have to wait ten years before we can finally be together. I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

  He runs his tongue over my tattoo, making my skin break out in goose bumps. I can feel the all too familiar feeling of tears welling up in my eyes. I keep repeating to myself, I will not cry. I don’t want to spend my only weekend with him for who knows how long being sad.

  “As I will you.”

  We spend the next hour making love as Chase whispers he loves me and tells me every naughty thing he plans on doing to me over the weekend for ‘research purposes’. I promise him by the time I return from London, I’ll have another book written. He demands I never stop chasing my dreams and repeatedly says he’s so proud of me.

  I don’t know where life is going to lead. All I know is with Chase and me, it’s going to be a crazy ride.


  Thank you for reading my novella Just For The Summer which is a prequel to a new series I’ll be writing! You can read more of Ashlynn & Chase’s story in 2015 when I release their first full length novel Chasing Carolina. Book 1 in the Chasing Carolina Series!

  Enjoy the sneak peek into my new novel Wasted Love out this fall & my friend Nacole Stayton’s new novel Savage out September 12th following my acknowledgement!

  FIRST AND FOREMOST I NEED TO thank my fans! Especially my street teams, Kayden’s Angels, Dixon’s Darlins, Jordons Vixens & now Chase’s Cuties for working tirelessly every single day to get the word out for my books! Without your support, I wouldn’t be living my dream right now. It still feels surreal to think I’m an author! And not just an author, but because of your undying support, I hit Amazon Bestselling Author twice.

  My street teams spend all day every day pimping me out and helping get the word out to new readers, and I cannot say enough how much I appreciate every single one of you. You’ve slowly become great friends, not just fans. I appreciate everything you do!

  A SUPER HUGE thank you to my long distance BFF and editor Kayla Robichaux for being a rock star and editing this book as fast as you did helping me get it to my readers. You are a life saver! If you haven’t LIKED her blog yet Kayla The Bibliophile do so now! Haa!

  I need to give a big thank you to my family. My husband for supporting this dream and doing everything from housework, to cooking, traveling with me to signings and patiently waiting every night for me to finally make it to bed after a long day of writing.

  My girls, Madison and Bailey for being such big helpers! They’ve been a blessing helping keep their little brother Finn occupied and not complaining when I say we’re ordering pizza again tonight.

  I think this is why my beta readers Amy, Kelli,Tammi & Danielle for all the feedback and enthusiastic emails after reading each chapter helped keep me focused and determined to deliver the most amazing novel I could write. I truly appreciated all their feedback and their love for this novella.

  A BIG thank you to Samantha Towel my author bestie for ALWAYS being there whenever I need to just talk, vent or need help with a sentence that is driving so bat shit crazy I’m five seconds away from smashing my freaking laptop!! Haa! I love you ladies HARD!! & All my Author 101 authors for just being awesome and being there whenever any of us authors need help!

  I just want to say THANK YOU! To every single one of you who support me and purchased this book! You will never know how appreciative I am for the support I receive from every single one of you.

  If you can please rate and review this novel on Goodreads and the site you purchase from to help share Ashlynn & Chase’s story with the reader world, I would truly appreciaite it.

  Thank you Eric McKinney for the smoking hot photo of Chase Ketron and Sommer at Perfect Pear Creative Covers for working your magic and making yet again another amazing cover! Thank you Chase Ketron for being on my cover and joining me for this crazy fun series! I look forward to traveling with you 2015 & 2016!

  Follow me on Facebook & Twitter:

  Here’s a sneak peek at my new novel out this fall Wasted Love. It’s book one in my spin off series for Brooklyn Bennett the best friend to Savannah Living
ston in my Savannah Series!

  Chapter One

  STANDING OUT ON MY PATIO beside the pool, I stare up at the Hollywood sign that’s only a few hundred yards away from my home. It’s sad saying goodbye to this house. Savannah and I have made so many amazing memories here since we moved in two years ago. As soon as we graduated from college we rented this house in the Hollywood Hills. I decide I need one more picture before I walk out the door of this house forever. Grabbing my phone, I take a quick selfie with the Hollywood sign behind me and then pull up Twitter. I upload the pic, tagging Savannah and type,

  @Savannah_Livingston Saying Goodbye 2 our bachelorette pad.

  Gonna miss this house & all the memories we made here.

  Stuffing my phone back into my purse, I take one more look around before walking out the front door and locking it. Climbing into my Jeep, I drive down the driveway and head to the closest Starbucks for a much needed caffeine boost. After spending the entire day with movers getting the house packed up, I am in desperate need of a pick me up.

  I never thought in a million years I’d be moving out of Los Angeles. I travel all over the country for work but still always thought of L.A. as my home, and now to be saying goodbye, feels surreal. I was thinking about keeping the house but without Savannah paying half the rent, its way to expensive. I won’t be able to live in Galveston full-time because of my filming in Vancouver and work I have here in the city. I’ll be flying back and forth quite a bit so I plan on staying at my parents’ house in Beverly Hills whenever I’m in town.

  But I’m excited for a change of scenery. I have lived in Los Angeles my entire life and I’m over the whole dating actors and models. They are so pretentious.

  I told Savannah, since we’ve only had a few days together to visit lately, we’re going out as soon as I get back down there. We need to do some cowboy hunting for me. She has herself a sexy ass cowboy, her new boyfriend Kayden Knox, so now it’s my turn to get me one.


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