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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

Page 21

by JK Ensley

  “Enough!” Vareilious yelled. “We’ve no time for such posturing. Feel free to have your little pissing contest once we’ve restored peace, found our Angel, and brought her back into our fold. Act like the mighty warriors you are. Not the barbaric monkeys you seem to be.”

  Vareen called out and the four massive warriors gathered in her parlor.

  “Did you scry her, Mother? Did you find my beloved?”

  “No, Varick. I cannot find her anywhere in this universe.”

  “Then, what is it? Who have you found?” Valadrog asked, impatiently.

  “Apollyon,” she whispered. “And… he’s no longer in hell.”

  Chapter 29



  Valencia saw Apollyon’s giant form sway slightly while a young demon was kneeling before him, speaking.

  She heard not his words, but their effect upon the Prince of Hell was obvious. He grabbed the messenger, dragging the protesting demon toward the pit.

  Valencia knew. Now wasn’t the best time to be skipping through hell. Apollyon was in no mood to be toyed with.

  “Walk in the direction you’re now facing, Mikage. Call out the name I whispered in your ear. He will come to you and hear your confession. Tell him exactly as you told me. Leave out nothing. Your way will be made clear to you then. He’ll decide your soul’s fate.”

  Valencia gave him a little nudge in the right direction before she flew to the Nether and back into the clouds. She had accomplished all she had set into motion. Now, she was free to live as she had before she’d been forced to babysit that whining human.

  Wherever she went, I hope she’s in pain, Valencia thought.

  Mikage Abe had only taken a few steps before he began calling out to the one who would judge him.

  “Vindicus,” he rasped. “Vindicus, I have come to make confession unto you.”

  He hadn’t gone much further when giant hands seized his advancing shoulders.

  “Vindicus, is that you?” he asked.

  “How did you come by that name?”

  “My Death Angel gave it to me.”

  His rough, demonic voice changed into a soft, hopeful plea. “Tell me. Was she tiny? Your Death Angel. Did she have diamond wings and pink hair?”

  “No, Milord. She was much taller than I, all but absent color. Her hair hung as silver threads.”

  Apollyon’s countenance fell. He lowered his head, deflated. “And why did she tell you to call out this name?” he asked. “What were her instructions to you?”

  “I am only to speak to the one who bears this name. Are you Vindicus?”

  “I have claimed that name, yes. What do you wish to tell me?”

  The old wizard recounted the whole of his confession, starting with his brother’s wife and ending with Jenevier’s dying screams.

  The fallen sapphire Angel only stared into the darkness as the most wretched tale imaginable was spun for his denying ears. The accursed news hollowed out his devastated heart, thoroughly erased the precious love he had been blessed with. Thus, returning the Prince of Hell to all his vile, pitiless former glory.

  The tiny light Jenevier had lit inside his deadened soul was mercilessly snuffed out.

  Never have I committed a more egregious injury than the one that damn she-Guardian has accomplished through the delivery of this single, heartless confession. She made certain I would receive it personally. And she claims to be a creature of heaven. Very well, then. I will make certain she is utterly destroyed… and heaven along with her.

  His voice was void all emotion. “Your Death Angel told you to seek me out and deliver these most torturous of all words to mine own ears? Do you know what you now confess to the Prince of Hell, King of all Demons?”

  “I confess my sins,” Mikage said.

  “And you seek reward for confession?”

  “I do not. I seek absolution.”

  At these words, Apollyon began shaking so hard, hell itself trembled.

  “Absolution? Absolution? If such a thing could be granted, why would I bestow it upon the admitted murderer of my loving wife and treasured babe?”

  A wave of terror rocked the old Shinobi.

  “Your wife? But… but the Emperor demanded her for himself. There was no husband there to claim her. Only a lone Guardian stood at her side.”

  “I am her husband,” Apollyon growled. “I will always claim her.”

  Mikage fell to his knees and would have wept, had Valencia left him his eyes.

  “What will you do to me, Milord?”

  “The half has not yet been known.” Apollyon’s answer dripped with venom and ice.

  “All that I did was by another’s command,” Mikage cried.

  “By your own confession you prove lying tongue. You bound the doors, barring any help from reaching her. You killed my wife and son by your own hand,” he roared.

  “Forgive me, Milord.”

  “You have gone far past forgiveness. Your sins exceed all others before you,” he hissed. “Tell me this. Did your Emperor touch her?”

  Mikage was taken aback by the question. “She was only there one day and great with child. I didn’t see him, but I should say he did not touch her.”

  “Where lays her body? Where’s my son?”

  Apollyon’s roar iced over Mikage’s congealed blood.

  “Their ashes would be upon the trash heap outside the palace walls, Your Grace. That’s where I saw them burn her bedding. It’s the only place they dispose of those with no worth.”

  Apollyon staggered. “You say this to me? You confess to the only crime in all eternity capable of causing me infinite, immeasurable pain. And now… you deem my family is of no worth?”

  Mikage could only tremble.

  “Ahriman, take this man and hold him. Do all you wish to him, all manner of hurt, all you can possibly conceive. Chain him in the center of hell. Beckon every creature do with him as they will. Deny none. Heed not his cries. When I return, I will award his true punishment, personally.”

  “Where do you go, Sire?” Ahriman asked. “You know the command. You cannot leave.”

  “Speak not to me of commands. I was forbidden from ever looking upon her again. That’s no longer possible. She is but ash, and my son’s mingle with hers. I go now to demand my pound of flesh in return. No one will stop me in this.”

  “You will exact your revenge upon the ninth layer?”

  “I will exact my revenge upon the universe, upon everything He holds most precious.”

  “He will utterly destroy you,” Ahriman whispered.

  Apollyon turned flaming eyes upon his magical, soul-eating warrior.

  “In the span of a breath, I received message from that damnable Guardian of hers, telling me what had befallen my love. Varick convinced a young demon to carry me word, telling me Jenevier was ripe with our child when she simply vanished into thin air. The Guardians couldn’t find her and God was silent concerning my precious love. The unlucky little demon took it upon himself to withhold this most important of messages for months while he played about upon the layers. I was still in the motion of casting him into the pit, when I heard someone calling out the name I had only ever used with her, with the Angel of my heart.” He turned toward Mikage. “This wretch before me now. He made confession to killing my heart and soul. Seconds after learning of their disappearance, I’m told their beautiful bodies were burned atop a trash heap. Because the only beings in all creation I ever cared for… were deemed to be without worth. Without worth? I can scarce conceive the words. And all this happened, Ahriman, all of it, while Father chose to remain silent in her regard.”

  “So, you now go to seek your revenge, thus sacrificing your existence?”

  “Of course I do, Ahriman.” Apollyon’s shoulders slumped with grief. “You loved her but for a day. Tell me. Would you do any less had you owned her heart as she owned yours?” Tears poured freely down his perfect cheeks. “He told her she was blessed, Ahriman. H
e told her He was pleased with her. He blessed her.”

  “He cannot lie, Sire. This you know.”

  The Prince of Hell stared blindly into the void.

  “I know… nothing. I believe… nothing. And now, I love… nothing.”

  Chapter 30



  “How is it I am so horribly depressed yet gloriously elated, all in the same moment?”

  “Don’t cry, Mama. You’re so much prettier when you smile.”

  “Gratitude, Tenshi. You put that smile on my face, daily.”

  “What is it, Naga?” Daichi asked. “What makes you sad and happy together? I know it has something to do with us. I can see that plainly in your mind.”

  “You are but a few months old and nearly as tall as me.” She sniffed and wiped at her eyes. “I barely had time to hold you and now you’re half grown.”

  “We’re still small children, Mama. You’re just… short.” Tenshi tried to tease a smile from her.

  She chuckled. “Yes. It seems you have been blessed with your father’s height. Your body seems to grow a whole year with each passing month. In a couple more, you’ll be carrying me instead of the other way around.”

  “That is as it should be, Naga.” Daichi wrapped his arms around her. “My whole reason for being is just to take care of you. The sooner the better, I should think.”

  “Jenevier! Princess Jenevier, something’s happened, something terrible.” The young girl ran into the room and paused to catch her breath.

  “Calm down, child. Now, tell me what’s so urgent. What makes you tremble so?”

  “I’m not sure. The Emperor’s mind, it’s… it’s running wild with some horrid news he’s trying to block me from seeing,” Mika said, panting. “But his thoughts of you, they are what cause me to tremble, Milady. He is suddenly very desperate, frantic about having you, about having your powers. He sharpens his blades and his thoughts are upon past battles. I fear my heart races almost as fast as his does.”

  “Calm down, Mika. Go. Find Yui and return to me at once. But do not let Musashi see you or suspect anything.”

  When Yui burst into her room, his eyes were wild with panic. “I am here, Milady.” He was breathless.

  “Yui, the time has come. I need you to take me to your magical land. Can you leave your Emperor?”

  “I can do anything for you, Princess.”

  “Gratitude, Yui. Take Tenshi and Daichi. Mika will follow you secretly and warn you if anything is amiss. I will stay behind for a short while and see that Musashi doesn’t suspect anything or follow you. Do not wait for me. Get my Angels as far away from this palace as you can. Just tell me the direction in which to head. Tarry not. Get Mika and the boys safely to this secret place. Only then, head back this way and find me upon the path. Do not vary from my words, Yui. Do you understand? There’s no time for further explanations.”

  “Yes, Milady. I will do exactly as you have said. When you can leave here, head south from the palace, stay off the main road. There is no clear trail to follow. Just stay upon the southern route and I will find you by your scent alone.”

  “Gratitude, Yui.”

  Jenevier kissed both he and Mika, then hugged her Angels for what she hoped was not the last time.

  “Tenshi, Daichi, you must go with our good friends. Mind them in all they say. Do not be loud upon your journey. Speak only to each other through thought, lest someone hear you and take you away. Mommy will come to you very soon and we’ll live in a magical play land. All of us, together.”

  Daichi firmly took her hand. “I will stay with you, Naga. It is why I was born.”

  She looked at her valiant little warrior. “Daichi, please. Don’t do this to me right now. You will always be my fearless protector, my courageous son. But I beg you, as your honored mother, leave with Yui as I have commanded you. I need you to remain with your brother and guard him in my absence.” She grabbed his shoulders. “Daichi, if you will not leave and protect Tenshi for me… then I will lose the strength I need to face the trial I know is coming.”

  He placed his small hand over his noble chest and bowed to her. “As you wish, Naga.”

  She kissed her beautiful twins goodbye. Yui took them by the hand, leading them out of the palace as she stood look-out, guarding their safe exit.

  I love you! Both her sons called out to her before they turned the corner and were out of sight.

  I love you too, my most precious Angels.

  Jenevier watched from her balcony until Yui and Mika got her sons safely within the trees, heading south.

  She jumped when Musashi placed his large hand upon her shoulder.

  “Did I scare you, Princess?”

  “Apologies, Sire. I was deep in thought.” She smiled weakly. “I didn’t hear you enter.”

  “Where are my sons?”

  He gently ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek, gazing fondly at her sapphire scar as he did. It felt different than his normal admiring touches. It felt somehow… wrong, eerily so. Her stomach twisted in on itself. Her smile was strained.

  “Mika took them for a while. They went to play in Master Yui’s room. She could tell I needed a few moments to breathe. Some alone time, you might say.” Jenevier managed to still her nerves long enough to produce a more convincing type of smile, briefly.

  He laughed. “They are growing so fast. They’ll be grown men before we’ve had the chance to properly enjoy them being little boys.”

  “Yes. It is sad and glorious in the same breath.” She smiled again, trying her best to act as normal as possible.

  “I’m glad we’re alone. Such a thing has not happened since your first day here… when I helped you dress.” He tugged at the sash about her waist. It fell loose.

  She grabbed his wrist. “Do not play upon this dark path, Your Grace. You know what my answer will be.”

  “I’m set upon changing your mind.” His smile was cold, distant.

  “Such will not be an easy task, Sire.”

  “Easy has never interested me.”

  He grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her hard against him. The contrast in his actions and his kiss was unnerving. His lips were soft and tender when they found hers. A tiny shiver ran up his spine, causing his breath to hitch, his eyes to burn.

  “Our first kiss, my first kiss.” He held her cheeks, resting their foreheads together. “My dreams of it are now but rubbish. It was… There are no words, Princess. I desire more, so… much… more.”

  Jenevier pushed him with all her might, struck him upon the chest. His massive form did not budge.

  “Do not do this thing, Musashi, please. Take a deep breath, step away. You are not yourself right now.”

  “I have never been more myself. I have only shown tender restraint at your request, Milady. That’s not who I am. I did not become Emperor of Jinn by bowing down to anyone’s wishes but my own. I take what I want and slay whom I choose. That’s who I truly am.”

  “That may be who you were, Musashi, but that’s not who you are now.”

  He laughed, a cold chilling sound she’d never heard him make before. “The spell you cast upon me is broken, Milady.”

  “I did not cast a—”

  “Oh, but you did,” he interrupted her protest. “I’ve been walking around in a dream world because of you. Real or no, you most certainly cast a spell on me. Tonight, you will get to know your Emperor for the man he has always been. You may not like him, but you will obey him. Love and matters of the heart are tedious things. I’ve removed them from my thinking, thus fortifying my purpose.”

  “I did not wish our relationship to end on such a note as this. But I will not tolerate—”

  “Oh, this isn’t the end, my love.” He halted her threat in her throat. “This night will mark the beginning of our relationship. It will be one of servitude and submission, as it should have been from the start.”

  “What makes you think I will bow to you now?” />
  “You will not only bow, you will kneel and crawl as well. My mind has not yet conceived all the delicious things you will willingly do to save those half-demon spawn you love so true.”

  His words melted her anger away. Swelling fear replaced it, choking her.

  “What are you saying, Musashi? What’s happened to you? What have you done? Where are my sons? Where’s Mika?”

  At the mention of the invisible girl’s name, Musashi stopped his advance, appeared lost in remembrance. Jenevier dared not move. She desperately searched the palace with her mind for any trace of Tenshi or Daichi.

  “Did I ever tell you what that little girl did to me?” He was staring into the waning light, seeing nothing but the past. “When first I met her, Mika cracked the armor surrounding my heart. She didn’t intend to do so. It wasn’t her purpose. Yet the result was the same. I actually felt it when it happened, an aching pain deep within my chest. I’m not certain what it was, exactly. But… something changed inside me. Or rather, something started to change inside me.”

  “The light got in,” she whispered.

  “What?” His gaze fell back upon her terrified face.

  “When your shield cracked, light got in your heart,” she whispered, even though her mind was screaming at her to keep her mouth shut.

  He snorted. “That’s a rather odd thing to say.”

  “I can only imagine how weak and fragile a thing it must have been—your heart. Broken at such an early age, denied the chance it needed to heal. Damaged, locked away in a dark prison shell, never getting to see the sun.” Tears burned her eyes, thinking about the abandoned little boy now standing a titan before her. “It must have been a most morbid type of solitary confinement. Just think about it. Never being allowed to grow, denied the opportunity to flourish, never given the chance to become strong, healthy, normal. Just sitting there wilting away to nothing, shriveling up, all alone. Sad, in truth,” she whispered. “You should thank all that’s holy that little girl let the light in. I fear it would have soon died, had she not.”


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