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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

Page 23

by JK Ensley

  He had never planned on defiling her. Yet he was but a man. Once Musashi finally tasted her sweet kiss, felt her warm body squirming beneath him, he lost all control. Never had he known such a feeling. It was beyond comprehension, beyond words.

  Being inside her felt like… like… heaven. Why? Why did I hurt my precious Angel?

  Musashi knew he deserved death for what he had put her through. He only wished it would have come by her hand, as was his intent.

  That woman needs to have her revenge. How will she heal if she doesn’t claim my life for my crime against her? Doesn’t stand over me, watching the light go out in my treacherous eyes? The hate will eat her up inside, burn her lovely heart, singe that beautiful soul. How can it not? Oh god… what have I done?

  He sat upon the balcony, staring into the clouds, remembering her pleas for mercy. Pleas he heeded not. Her cries still rang in his ears. Her many tears burned gashes upon his broken heart.

  Musashi had truly fallen in love by her written words alone. When he at last beheld her rare beauty with his own eyes, he was lost. He would have done anything for her. Obeyed any command she may have given him. And waited an eternity for her just to touch him.

  When he heard the words Mikage said he intended to confess to Apollyon, Musashi knew all hope was lost. Any chance of happiness he dared long for had been dashed against the stones.

  Madness and loss consumed him. His plan to push her into donning her wings had gone horribly wrong. Now, he had no idea where to find her, where she’d run.

  Just as long as she stays gone, he thought. Apollyon believes her dead. If I can get him to leave before he finds out the truth, neither will have to know of the other. I shudder to think what would happen to her beautiful sons, once their dark father knows they live. How can beautiful Angels such as those live in a place such as hell? She’s just a woman now. How will she be able to stop his claiming of them? It will destroy her. If I can be strong enough to withstand his torture, hold my tongue for all eternity, she will be safe. I trust Yui. He will see to her now, and her sons. He will keep her from harm, always.

  His fate mattered not to him. He only wished her to be gone when her dark husband arrived. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, the sight of her forever damned Angel would utterly destroy her.

  He cried as he sat there, holding those little dried-up flowers she’d carried into his world on that most tragic of all days, staring at the picture she had cherished above all things.

  She left her treasures. Left her only possessions in her haste to escape her torturer, in her haste to escape me. He rubbed his thumb over the image of Apollyon’s perfect face. I beat her. Never have I raised a hand to an unarmed woman… Yet, I beat her. The only other human I have ever truly loved, and I tore the flesh from her back with my own hands.

  Musashi looked at the dried blood caked under his fingernails and wept bitter tears.

  What kind of monster am I? What kind of man does the wretched things I’ve done? If I had any honor, I would take my own life, here and now.

  But Musashi couldn’t bear to die before he had the chance to look into the eyes of the one who held Jenevier’s heart in the palm of his hand. He had to know the kind of man who could wield as great a power as this. And… he had to make sure that same man left this realm as quickly as possible, without snooping around.

  He looked back to the clouds. What’s taking him so damn long?

  “Why would your thoughts hasten the coming of an eternity you cannot possibly fathom?”

  The voice wasn’t dark and demonic, as Musashi had imagined. The velvety chords floated on the air, landing softly upon his ears. He turned slowly, beholding the whole of a mighty creature—flawless, the embodiment of perfection. He was leaning against one of the gold inlaid pillars supporting the balcony, casually looking out upon the beautiful land of Jinn.

  Leaping to his feet, the Emperor’s chair crashed to the floor.

  Apollyon slowly turned toward the noise as if it were a mere disturbance, an annoyance to his tranquil thoughts. His eyes were bluer than the purest heaven. His teeth—blindingly white. His smile—feral and heart-stopping.

  Musashi’s knees went weak. A sickeningly sweet numbness engulfed him. The wrongness of it was suffocating. He unconsciously dropped the treasures he’d been holding.

  Apollyon’s gaze lazily followed the single picture to the ground, fixing upon the image of his angelic face. His stomach twisted in knots when the glorious day it was taken came back to mind. He reflexively reached for the pouch hanging about his neck.

  “Emperor, tell me. What have you done? What game did you play and how did it end?”

  The voice was so enticing, so warm and magical. But Musashi couldn’t have spoken even if he’d wished to answer the damnable questions.

  Apollyon’s gaze once more returned to the flowing lavender fields before them. “How is it I can still smell my love’s enticing scent on the breeze? It yet mingles with your lovely flowers, making them all the sweeter. If she was here but a day, and long dead for months… how is it I smell her?”

  Musashi remained silent.

  “Can you manage to at least point me in the direction of your refuse heap? The one where you burn the things you consider of no value, the things you deem are without worth.”

  The bitter rage dripping over the mighty Angel’s last few words turned the Emperor’s blood to ice in his veins, causing his sorrowful heart trouble in its purpose. He tried to raise his arm. It wouldn’t obey him. With great effort, he found a ghost of his voice.

  “How did you come to be here?” he rasped. “I saw you not within the clouds.”

  Apollyon laughed. “Why would I be in the clouds, Emperor? I am not heaven’s creature.”

  Musashi swallowed hard. “How is it your voice pulls me to you as a babe to his mother? My mind knows better. But my ears lull my heart to ease.”

  Apollyon’s warm laughter was soothing, almost loving. “My dear man, how would you do your job if your title was Emperor of Temptation? Have you ever been tempted, Musashi? I know you have.” His eyes were cold, piercing. “Were you scared into temptation, or lulled warmly into it? How many would freely follow you if you appeared as a hideous monster, spewing fire and blood from your lips?” His feral smile returned. “A few would go out of fear, perhaps. But they could easily be coaxed away by love. Love will always destroy fear. Every… single… time.” Apollyon turned back to the flowering fields. “As the Emperor of Temptation, what if you appeared before the masses as pure beauty incarnate, flowers and sunshine spilling from your loving, enticing words? What then? How many would willingly follow you? How many would even stand up to defend your honor and glory?”

  The horrible, beautiful scene he described was playing out in the mind of the now broken Emperor. Tears burned the backs of his eyes.

  “I’ll tell you,” Apollyon continued with a smile. “Billions upon billions. They would eagerly snatch your proffered temptation to their bosom, hold it, treasure it, protect it always. Parents who try to scare their children away from the devil by telling them horror stories about pointy tails, black horns and pitchforks, do their offspring no favors… and make my job all the easier.”

  Musashi trembled but couldn’t move. He claimed no power over his own body, none whatsoever.

  Apollyon bent, retrieving the treasured photograph. He sniffed it, inhaling deeply. His eyelids fluttered. Pure joy spread over his perfectly beautiful face.

  “Only once, in the whole of my existence, was I compelled not to lie. Only once. My words to her were as rare gems. The love I held for her could not be matched in all heaven or throughout the universe… will never be matched.” He rubbed his thumb across the picture, precious memories flooding his tortured mind. “Why do you have this? It doesn’t belong to you.”

  “She left it here,” he choked out the words.

  Musashi felt the tremor in the air an instant before Apollyon’s words rang like thunder through the palace hal

  “Show me your trash heap!”

  Now, the trembling Emperor saw hell in all its fury. His knees gave way. He collapsed to the floor, tears streaming from his burning eyes. One tremulous, shaking hand slowly rose, pointing beyond the palace walls.

  Apollyon looked at the blood caked fingernail and flew off in the direction which it heralded him.

  Musashi’s lungs filled with air once more. He fell full upon the ground, as if he had been suddenly released from invisible restraints.

  Rolling onto his back, he coughed and gasped as his lungs fought to refill themselves.

  When the mighty Emperor of Jinn looked around… hell was gone.

  Chapter 32



  Jenevier bit down on the hand covering her mouth and fought wildly.

  It’d been over a year since her last summons and nearly that long ago since her angelic powers had left her. She was sorely out of practice. But this night’s egregious acts fueled her reflexes. She scratched and kicked until something tightly seized upon her wrists and ankles at the same time. She struggled, but there was no freeing herself from what now bound her. Her terrified gaze searched the darkness for her captor’s face.

  Yui emerged from the shadows, his finger to his mouth. “Shhh, Milady. I will release you only when I’m certain you won’t scream. I’ve been searching for you for hours. I feared you were lost.”

  She nearly collapsed with relief at the sight of those friendly lavender eyes and the sound of his soothing voice. He slowly released her. Only when the gag around her mouth slid away, did she realize it was his hair holding her prisoner.

  “Yui, did you just use your ninjitzu on me?”

  He blushed. “Apologies, Princess. I could not hold you otherwise. I have never seen you fight before. I should say I wouldn’t fare well if you were my opponent.” He winked teasingly at her as she threw her relieved arms around his neck. “Why were you going back toward the palace? Did you lose your way? Milady, did you forget I told you to head south?” He ruffled her tangled hair. “Have my hours of searching been only because my beautiful Angel has no sense of direction?”

  Jenevier only squeezed him tighter, holding on for dear life. “Take me to your magical place, Yui. I wish never to leave it.”

  He felt her warm tears upon his neck. “Milady, what happened?” Panic and fear mingled bitterly within his mouth.

  “I never want to look upon another man for the whole of eternity. Promise me, Yui. Promise me now that no man, save you and my sons, will ever be allowed to enter your secret domain.”

  He scooped her trembling body up in his arms, turning back in the direction he’d come. “I swear it, Milady.”


  Dawn was fast approaching when he had finally found her. Yui placed her upon his back and she slept safely there, the whole of their journey. He moved swiftly, but much slower than normal so as not to wake her. He knew, minus her words, she had lived through something truly horrible. He wished now only for her to sleep, to forget.

  “Mika, reassure Daichi and Tenshi. Tell them their mother’s here. Let them see her if they wish. But do not wake her. I believe her body and mind need much time to heal.” Yui whispered his instructions to his sister as he stood by the canopied bed, holding the Mother of Angels.

  “What did he do to her, Yui?”

  “I know not. And I shall never ask. Do yourself a great favor, Mika. Read not her thoughts when they stray to this past night. Some things should remain buried in the dark.”

  Yui stepped through the arched doorway as he left Jenevier’s room, heading out into the vibrant warmth of the nourishing sun. Sitting down heavily upon the natural stone bench edging what could now be called their front yard, he let his weary head rest back against the cool rock. The comforting sunlight caused his closed eyelids to glow red from within.

  “Is she broken?”

  “That is my fear, yes.” He spoke without turning to look at his questioning sister.

  Mika looked back at their new home. Yui had been right. This was a secret place. She had never even seen its like amongst people’s thoughts. The doorway was a giant cave opening covered completely by thick hanging vines. It had been dark when they first arrived. But Mika knew, minus the light, they were in the Badlands.

  Yui had led them through a crack at the base of a sheer rock cliff. The opening was large enough for a man and a horse to enter, dismounted. But the sharp stones jutting from the walls would’ve made it a rather tricky path to tread. Before they emerged on the other side, she could already hear the roar of a great waterfall. It echoed through the tunneled entrance.

  Sunrise had displayed the true breath-taking beauty of their secret abode. When she stepped through the vines that next morning, she was in awe of the vastness. Their cave was tucked back within an alcove. Soft grass and tiny mushrooms carpeted the way down to the pristine river separating their home from the majestic waterfall. They were too far away to be soaked by the constant spray, but close enough to hear the soft roar in the background. To her left the valley spread out as far as the eye could see, carrying the river along with it.

  “Yui, how long have you known about this place?”

  “Since, I was a little boy.”

  “How long have you known we’d be coming here?”

  Yui raised his heavy eyelids, turning his head slightly to meet her questioning gaze. “Since the first time I held Daichi in my arms.”

  “But how?”

  “I may not be able to read minds, Mika. But I can read the warning signs plainly playing out before me. The Emperor is a man used to getting what he wants. I do not fault him for that. Yet never have I met a woman, even amongst the Shinobi, as fiercely independent and resolute as is our Princess. I knew the clash would happen one day. I only hoped I could make ready before it arrived.”

  “So you have been furnishing this place, stocking it for months?”

  “I have.”

  Mika pounced on him, flinging her tiny arms around his neck. “Gratitude, Brother. You have saved us.”

  “All is well now, Mika. Calm yourself. Go. See to the Princess. I fear I may have failed to save her after all.”

  It was well into the evening of the second day before Jenevier stirred. The constant pleas in her mind from her precious boys pulled her from the darkness. After kissing and hugging them at least a thousand times, the twins tired of her attention and sought play elsewhere.

  She ate some of the bread and cheese Mika had placed on her nightstand. Yui brought her some chilled wine, joining her on the edge of her bed. He spoke not, couldn’t even manage to look into her enchanting eyes.

  “Yui, I owe you my life,” she whispered.

  “I should never have let you stay. I should have faced the Emperor, fought for our freedom.”

  “Your blood, even a single drop, is too high a price to pay, dear friend. Things played out as they were always meant to. Now, let us never speak of it again.”

  “What do you wish for now, Princess? What shall I bring you? Name it and it’s yours. Tell me something I can do to cleanse your memories.”

  “My memories are mine. They will always be with me. But the cleansing part is what I truly need. I wish to bathe for days. I wish to scrub until my body is free of haunting filth.”

  “Come.” He held out his hand. “I’ll take you to the springs.”

  The hot springs here were small compared to the ones in Vanahirdem, but she cherished them all the more.

  She noticed the twins tossing stones into the water as Mika watched over them. Yui led her past the trio and up a natural sort of stairway hidden in the mountainside near their lovely little cavernous home. Once they reached the top, the tranquil springs lay in the center of a great basin—sunken down, hidden from the world. There was already a tray sitting by the largest spring, filled with all her favorite soaps and scents.

  “But… how did you know?”

  “I watched you,
Milady. I made ready for the day I longed for, yet feared above all others.”

  “The day you longed for?”

  “Yes, Princess. The day I could rescue you from your palace prison, the day I could finally deliver you to a place where you could truly be free.”

  “You don’t have to tell me why you feared the day. I know the reason… all too well.” She turned to him, smiling, scrunching up her nose.

  I love when she does that, he thought.

  “But, Yui… you did all of this, for me?”

  “Yes, Milady… and your sons.” His lavender eyes sparkled. “And just wait until nightfall. You’ve never seen the true beauty of our moons until you’ve gazed upon them whilst lying in these springs.”

  His joyous smile contained the wonder of a child and the loyal devotion of a true friend. It melted her heart.

  “I don’t deserve such kindness,” she whispered.

  He paused, some of the wonderment now shadowed by tortured thoughts. “You deserve only kindness, Princess. What you do not deserve is—”

  She lightly touched his arm, cutting off his coming words. “Is the thing we are never to speak of.”

  “Yes, Milady.” He bowed respectfully.

  “The manners and customs here are as beautiful as the flowering landscapes and your stunning purple eyes.” She lifted his chin with her bent finger. “I wish to learn more of your ways, Master Yui.”

  He smiled and held her gaze. “It will be my supreme pleasure.”

  She sighed. “I must now ask a great favor of you, dear friend. Do not feel compelled to comply. Mika can help me if you cannot.”

  “Speak the words, Milady, and see it done.”

  “I feel as if I’ve been beaten with stones. My arms are too sore to even raise, much less reach my back. If you cannot, will you please send Mika to help me out of these damnable clothes? Then take them away. Burn them so I may never have to look upon them again.” She looked down at herself. “I only wish I’d thought to grab the dress I came here in.”


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