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Sinful: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Guns and Glory Book 1)

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by Nina Park

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.

  Sinful: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Guns and Glory Book 1) copyright 2018 by Nina Park. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.



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  Sinful: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Guns and Glory Book 1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Books by Nina Park

  Reckless: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Lucky Skulls MC) (Broken by the Biker Collection Book 3)

  Hopeless: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Damned Devils MC) (Broken by the Biker Collection Book 2)

  Lawless: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Stone Devils MC) (Broken by the Biker Collection Book 1)


  Sinful: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Guns and Glory Book 1)

  By Nina Park

  The mob boss’s daughter is about to learn her place—the hard way.

  A mafia killer, born with blood on his hands.

  The mob boss’s daughter, born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

  Too wrong to let it happen.

  Too perfect to say no.


  Raised by the mob, I'm a protector, a bodyguard…

  And when I need to be, a ruthless weapon.

  But then I find myself assigned to Alina Costa—my boss's bratty daughter, and the forbidden little minx I would never allow myself to be tempted by.

  Too bad my latest mission throws us both in harm's way, and ensures we'll be spending a lot of quality time together…

  I won't be plied by emotion, and I won't give into the animal whims of my body.

  Alina's going to learn one way or another to respect my authority…

  And I'm prepared to do just about anything to stifle that protesting mouth of hers.


  I came to school to kiss boys and cut loose.

  If I happen to learn something along the way?

  More power to me.

  All I really care about is getting away from my overprotective father and his gorgeous, infuriating, dominating right-hand man, Vincent Russo…

  The man I've always had forbidden feelings for.

  I may have fantasized about Vincent taking me in the past, but I never thought it would happen in real life.

  Then he swoops in and takes me.

  He claims he's here to protect me – for my own good.

  But I'm determined to show him that innocent little Alina isn't so innocent anymore…

  Chapter One

  When the crowd at the party cheered, Alina threw her hands up in the air and gave a howl. Whatever was in her red cup splashed down her hand and she cursed idly; Daddy had just given her a new smartwatch to pair with her new phone, and he would be super pissed if she'd managed to ruin it already. Part of her wanted to say to hell with Daddy, but Daddy was also paying for her car and her tuition, so she didn't want to piss him off more than she thought he could stand.

  Alina knew she'd maybe had one too many of the bright red punch, but it tasted good, and she was happy. Everyone here was a friend of hers, so why worry? She was friends with practically everyone she could see, and if there was anything she'd learned from her father, it was how to talk her way out of nearly any situation.

  She saw Johnny walking towards her, and she grinned at him, putting a little extra bump in her grind on the dance floor. She wanted to make him laugh. He had such a serious look these days. Being a senior was clearly no fun. She didn't ever want to be a senior. Seriously, it was like all the excitement just drained out of someone once they declared a major. She wanted it to stay fun.

  Johnny got to her, and Alina put her arms around his neck. She swayed more than she expected she would, but Johnny caught her pretty easily. He was such a good boyfriend. He always went out with her when she went partying, and he always stayed sober enough to keep an eye on her. So good.

  "Hey, babe," she said, pressing her hips against Johnny's. "I hear there are some empty rooms upstairs. Someone gave me a key. Want to get lucky?"

  Johnny sighed and pushed her away just a little bit. He pushed his round glasses up his nose and shook his head disapprovingly. "Alina, you've had way too much to drink."

  Alina shrugged. "So you can only say yes when I'm sober? Come on, babe, you know I love riding your cock while my head spins." She laughed at the joke, but he didn't.


  He was too busy looking around to see if anyone had heard her being lewd to enjoy her the way she deserved to be enjoyed. She tried reaching a hand down to cup his cock, knowing he would be hard. He put up a good face in public, but the truth was that he loved it when she got drunk and freaky. When he could hold her down and go at her as hard as he wanted.

  Johnny was going to be a good guy to marry someday, she believed that entirely, but part of her wished that she'd met him after college. Or even once she was a senior too – absent of fun and ready to be a good little housewife, just like Daddy always said.

  Alina took another big swig of the delicious punch and Johnny made a face. He intercepted the cup and put it down on a table. She made a face; she knew she was silly in a lot of ways, but drinking out of a cup after it had been out of your hands for even a second wasn't one of them.

  "Alina, you've had enough," Johnny said. He sounded so prim and proper and totally boring.

  "No, you've had enough, apparently," she responded. It sounded more adult in her head. It was definitely more adult than blowing a raspberry at him. Sort of. "I'm having fun, and there's a whole song about how you can't ever have too much of that."

  "Okay fine. You can't have too much fun. You can, however, have too much vodka. Come on. We're getting out of here." He put his hand on her arm and tugged on her.

  She pulled back, hard, twisting to free her arm and then slapping him hard across the face. "You are not my father," she snapped. "And don't you dare try to control me."

  By the end of the sentence, Alina realized that she was shouting into silence. The music hadn't stopped, but everyone near them had stopped and was staring at them. She couldn't muster the energy to care; this wasn't her fault. Johnny had no right to try and tell her what she should or shouldn't do.

  But his face had flushed a dark red she'd never seen before. "I said we're leaving," he said and yanked on her arm harder. He applied a twist that made it almost impossible for her not to go along.

  Alina wanted to yell and struggle, but she was suddenly acutely aware that maybe he was right, and she really had drunk too much. Her vision was a little swirly, the floor didn't quite seem stable, and her stomach was turning upside down.

  Johnny pulled her through the crowd and out the front door.
When the cool fall night air hit her in the face, it jolted a little more awareness into her. She pulled back on her arm, but he just jerked her closer, making her precarious balance already worse. She fell into him, and he grabbed her other arm, giving her little to no leverage.

  Johnny snarled in her face. "You will never treat me like you did in there again, do you understand? I won't be hit by a fucking girl."

  She tried to yank away, but every self-defense class Daddy had ever made her take just disappeared from her brain, along with the nastier lessons some of his friends and associates had given her. All she could do was pull and scream. She tried to kick his shins, but she was too far off-balance already.

  "Let me go," she screamed.

  Alina’s heart started to pound. She'd never ever seen him behave like this before; she'd gotten pretty good at reading people over the years – when you were the daughter of the Costa family Boss, you didn't have much of a choice.

  One of the reasons she'd been so eager to go to school out of state was to be away from people who knew who she was and who knew how dangerous it might be to be her friend. Daddy had let her register as Alina Cosman, just to give herself a little extra distance. Honestly, he probably thought it would protect her too. The Costas were powerful enough that sometimes people wanted a taste of that power. As stereotypical as it sounded.

  But she'd never dreamed that this side of Johnny existed, and the fear curling through her body was only partially fueled by booze.

  "Johnny, stop it. Stop it. Let me go."

  He transferred both her wrists into one big hand and pulled her so tight that his wandering hand was probably invisible to anyone walking by. Not that anyone was walking by, everyone was inside the house party.

  "Stop!" she shouted, panic creeping into her voice.

  He laughed at her, his fingers tracing down to the hem of her skirt, which suddenly felt painfully short. "You were so eager to say yes before. What went wrong, Alina? I'm giving you what you want, aren't I?"

  She felt tears on her cheeks and hated herself for crying. "Please, just stop. I'll – I'll do what you want, okay, but not here. Please. Not out here." The words twisted her stomach up in a way she wasn't sure would ever stop.

  Alina saw his dark, angry face begin to grin, and then he was yanked away from her so fast it felt like a magic trick. She cried out from the bruises to her wrists as Johnny's hands were torn away, and at the shock of him vanishing from her sight.

  There was a big, dark shape that threw Johnny to the ground. She heard the sound of fists hitting flesh twice, hard, and then the sound of a skull being lifted and dropped down onto the pavement. Only when it was clear that Johnny wasn't going anywhere did the shape stand and resolve into a man. When the man turned and stepped into the light, Alina saw a face she knew very well.

  "Vincent? What are you doing here?"

  Chapter Two

  Vincent Luoni sighed a little at the boss' daughter's question. Of course it wasn't "Thank you, Vincent, for saving me from assault," or even "Hey, Vincent, long time no see." Instead, it was “What are you doing here?”

  Same spoiled princess she'd always been.

  "Get in the car, Alina."

  She swayed on her feet. He could see that her pupils were blown wide, but whether that was because she was drunk off her ass or because she was in shock – or both – he couldn't easily tell.

  "You're not the boss of me," she said. Her voice was high and tight; better than average odds she was about to burst into tears.

  Vincent looked around the area. It was impossible to defend; they were standing in a bright spot surrounded by darkness. There were hedges and trees. He would have no chance of getting between her and an attacker here.

  "I am tonight. Get in the car, Alina, or I will put you there myself."

  She started to say something else, then coughed hard, put her hand over her mouth with a look of total panic in her eyes, then bent over and threw up on the walkway. He sighed again, but stepped in and pulled her dark fall of brown hair back. Of course the girl got drunk and then puked without putting her hair up.


  When she was done being sick, she was crying. It was disgusting, but it let him lead her over to the SUV he'd rented at the airport and put her inside. He handed her a bottle of water so she could rinse out her mouth and spit it on the sidewalk before they got going. She curled up in the passenger's seat, and within a few moments, she'd closed her eyes.

  Vincent wasn't sure if she had passed out or fallen asleep, but if he could take her to the next place they needed to be without her bitching at him, that would be just fine with him. Either way, he gave it a few minutes, just in case she was going to be sick again.

  Besides, it put off the moment when he would need to tell her that her father had been shot. He glanced at his phone again; still no word from Nick. Nicholas Amato was Vincent's capo, and when Frank had taken the bullet, he'd immediately called Vincent and told him to get Alina. Vincent was normally a wetworks man and a bodyguard; he hadn't spoken to Alina since she was a gawky twelve-year-old playing in her father's shadow.

  He'd had a lot of thoughts on what Alina might be up to at her fancy school while he was driving down here, but none of them had been like this. The little girl he'd known was awkward, buried in books, wearing braces, and flat as a board. This girl – wow. This girl was curvy in all the right places, had long, glossy dark hair, and she was dressed in the most suggestive outfit he'd seen in a while. Not that he was even remotely interested. Nick would kill him if he so much as looked at the boss' daughter, and then the boss would kill him again. No way.

  Out on the pavement, the douche that had been harassing Alina was sitting up. Whether she might get sick or not again, it was time to go. He put the car in gear, but he couldn't resist giving the dick a little wave as he drove away. Maybe the shithead would think twice before he tried to feel up another unwilling girl.

  There was nothing to do but drive for a little while. He needed to get Alina out of the little college town, but he couldn't head back to the city for a while. Vincent had been a city boy for a very long time; he wasn't familiar with too many places outside of the city. He woke up his phone and used the voice commands to ask it to find a hotel nearby. The thing always creeped him out. The slightly robotic voice suggesting a hotel, asking if he wanted to make a reservation, giving him a GPS location... it made him say thank you, even though the device never answered.

  Just creepy.

  The back and forth, however, seemed to have woken Alina up. She straightened in her seat, rubbing her hands through her hair. Her makeup was smudged, her lipstick nearly gone and her eyeliner spread down to her lower lid.

  She looked around, clearly confused. "What's happening? Where am I?" She turned to him, and he could see her body jerk, just a little. "Vincent?"

  "In the flesh," he replied. "Feeling okay?"

  "My mouth tastes like Grandma made minestrone in a dirty toilet." Vincent had to laugh. That gawky kid he knew used to blush when her father's men said "damn" around her. "I was at the party. Johnny..."

  He saw her remember, and he was pulling over to the side of the road even before she started to gag. She shoved the passenger's seat door open and vomited onto the shoulder. He unbuckled his own seat belt, leaning over to pull her hair back for her again.

  This time, when she sat back up, tears were running down her face. She took the bottle of water he handed her again, and this time she was thorough as she rinsed, spit, and rinsed again. He knew from experience that it wasn't enough to get the film off your teeth or the smell out of your nose, but it was a damn sight better than nothing. He wondered how many times Alina had gotten so drunk she puked.

  She sat back in her seat. "Vincent. I'm sorry. I... Fuck, I hate that I'm asking this. I'm going to ask it, and just... please don't ever tell my dad I asked, okay?"

  And the night that was giving a hitman anxiety just kept giving.


nbsp; She shook her head. "Look, I... I remember that Johnny was getting really handsy, and I was trying to make him stop. And then things get... blurry until you were helping me into the car. So I don't... remember if he got what he... and I just feel terrified. So, if you could, you know, clear up that little black spot for me, that would be really great."

  He let out a puff of air. She was right, that was a horrible question for her to ask, but at least he could give her a good answer.

  "You two were outside when I saw you. You were struggling, and he was groping you, reaching down to—" Apparently this wasn't as easy as he'd thought it would be. His cheeks were suddenly bright red, and exactly why was that happening? "—you know, get his fingers up your skirt?" He cleared his throat. "But he didn't. I was already on my way in when I saw that, and I got him away. Put him on the ground and kept him there."

  He felt a wave of protectiveness as Alina nodded, her body sagging gently against the seat. The soft curve of her shoulders did remind him of when she'd been small, and a little smile of relief bent her lips. He knew that too.


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