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Accidental Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 4

by Lara Swann

  “So what business milestones would those be, then?”

  The question is innocent enough, but I can’t help that I’m still distracted as I look at her, my voice a little deeper and thrumming with the things I can’t quite contain.

  There’s a momentary matching heat in her eyes - and then my question seems to register and it fades as she shakes her head.

  “When I come up with some, I’ll let you know.” Her voice is light, but there’s something in the suddenly serious set to her expression that tells me there’s more behind it.

  That teases my curiosity even more - making me wonder what’s going on there, wanting to know more about the enigmatic woman who literally ran into me tonight.

  After starting my business for scratch and spending the last ten years building it into something sustainable - even to the point we’re at now, where we’re dealing with serious money - I’ve always had a special place in my heart for hearing about other people’s endeavors. It takes something special to try and strike out on your own - well, that, or sheer desperation - and it’s always fascinating to me.

  But before I can say anything - even getting the impression that she probably doesn’t want me to - she raises an eyebrow at me.

  “And yours?”

  I shrug at the obvious attempt to deflect, then reluctantly give up the idea of pursuing it any further. I might be curious, but she obviously doesn’t want to talk about any of that tonight. And I can understand wanting to come out to get away from it all.

  “It’s just a deal we lined up this week.” I finally say, answering her question. “Could take us from being a small-scale niche app to a platform installed across every financial institution in the country. Well, it’s the first step to that, anyway.”

  “Wow, that’s…impressive.” She says, and I think she means it even though her eyes glaze over just a little.

  That makes me smile. I’ve never been able to talk about my work without getting that effect - even with some people who work in the industry.

  “And totally boring to anyone not in the industry.” I say with a grin. “Actually, some of the time, it’s not all that interesting to me, either.”

  “Really?” She asks, looking at me doubtfully.

  “Okay…maybe not.” I admit. It would be hard to ever totally lose interest in the baby I raised from nothing at all. “But I’ve been working on it for years, and that initial excitement only sustains you for so long. I definitely have days I’m not feeling it.”

  “Well, it’s good to know that working on something for years can turn out to be a success.” She says, and the momentary wistfulness there only redoubles my curiosity from earlier.

  It’s more than just business talk. Why the hell am I so interested in this woman?

  “Still.” She continues. “Hitting goals like that must enthuse you all over again.”

  “Oh yes.” I grin, raising my glass and clinking it against hers again in a sudden burst of enthusiasm.

  It’s true - I can’t deny that. I’m excited about this deal. That’s why I couldn’t stay home tonight, even after a very late night yesterday. I just wanted to go out and be around other people full of energy.

  “Well, congratulations.” She says again, her eyes warm as she smiles at me.

  I feel warm, too. There’s something about talking to her like this that just feels good.

  We continue for another few minutes and as we do, Ava’s enthusiasm for the Sidecar seems to increase with every sip. I watch it slowly draining, wondering with some amusement whether she’s drinking it the same way she would her Sex on the beach…but also remembering what she’d said about needing a drink before heading back to the dance floor.

  The more I sit here with her, talking and drinking…the harder it becomes not to think about that, or the pleasant heat that seems to linger between us, making me want more than just this easy conversation. Until I start wondering whether she’s feeling the same thing, her eyes holding mine just a few moments too long and gliding down my body when she doesn’t think I’m looking.

  The moment she drains the last of the drink, I can’t hold back anymore - and I don’t want to.

  “Did it work?” I ask, nodding toward the empty glass.

  She blinks at the question, drawn out of whatever she’d been thinking about.


  “To re-energize you.” I smile, repeating her earlier comment and meeting her gaze as my voice lowers with the offer I’ve been wanting to make for at least half of this conversation. “If you wanted to get back to the dancing…I know the perfect place for it.”

  I can see the flush just under her skin, but she keeps her expression light as she raises an eyebrow.

  “The dance floor?”

  That makes me laugh, but I shake my head with a grin. “Somewhere better.”

  “Oh really?” She says, tapping a finger against the bar as if considering it, but her eyes are already lit up with enthusiasm. “I think I might be energized enough to see that.”

  I smile, not saying anything else as I slide off the bar stool and take her hand, anticipation humming through me.

  I wished the moment I saw this place, that I had someone to show it to.

  And now, I get to - and not just anyone, either.

  The most gorgeous girl in the whole damn club.

  Chapter Four


  The moment Damien takes my hand, a jolt of electricity runs through me. His enthusiasm is obvious and my heart starts beating a little harder as he leads me through the bar, the tingle of energy between us almost intoxicating.

  I don’t know what it is, exactly…this excitement, anticipation, something.

  I’m not sure what just happened, but I know I couldn’t stop looking at him while we talked.

  I mean, daamn.

  He’s probably the only other guy apart from the bartender wearing a suit to a club, but he’s doing it so well. The perfect balance between sophistication and sex appeal, with his half-open shirt giving a tempting glimpse of skin that I couldn’t help thinking about.

  I know it was just supposed to be a conversation - just a drink to say ‘thank you’ - and honestly, I didn’t think he’d be interested in anything more.

  But now?

  Now I have no idea what this is, but I’m not going to think too hard or question it either.

  I’m just having fun. Being with Damien is exciting and interesting and fascinating - not to mention, I’m more than a little distracted by what he seems to be doing to my previously-extinct libido.

  Maybe this is what Vicki meant by flirting. And attention. And just how damn good it is.

  It makes this feel like an adventure, with something inside me feeling giddy and light as he walks to the back of the bar and through an arch I hadn’t noticed. It opens into another room that’s filled with couches and little nooks, slightly darker than the main area behind us. I spot a couple of people making out and find myself flushing again as I look at Damien, wondering what’s on his mind here…and just how I might react if that is what he’s thinking.

  He doesn’t stop, though, instead taking me to a door set into the side of the room, my hand still firmly grasped in his and the contact - as well as the darkness - making my heart thump a little faster.

  “Are we allowed in—”

  “It’s the way I came in.” He glances over his shoulder at me, grinning. “The bar and club have two separate entrances.”


  Before I can comment further, he opens the door - and I suddenly realize why it was closed as the thump of music hits me again. Not as loud as from the dance floor, but still definitely there.

  He takes me further in and the room lightens up a little, with different colors flickering over the walls. It takes me a moment to find the source - and when I do, I gasp.

  One of the walls is entirely glass - and through it, the whole dance floor of the club is spread out in front of you.

h, wow.”

  I step away from him to walk up to the view, the flashing lights and the music feeling like they’re pulsing in time with my heartbeat. I can feel the brandy as well now, the slightly tipsy, happy feeling making me want to dance again.

  I turn to Damien with a laugh. “This is amazing.”

  The laughter fades as I catch his eyes, the way he’s looking at me sending another thrill down my spine.

  He steps closer to me, a smile hovering around his lips that’s not nearly as soft or easygoing as before.

  “Still want to dance?” He murmurs.

  “Yeah.” I find myself breathing in response, unable to stop looking at him as my heart pounds in my throat. “Yeah, I really do.”

  He doesn’t need any further invitation, his hands settling on my shoulders as he draws me closer to him, one thumb stroking the side of my neck and sending a shiver of pleasure through me. Almost breathless, I rest my hands on his chest, the muscles underneath feeling just as hard as I’d imagined - and I start dancing with him. Our bodies sway together and I realize immediately that this is nothing like the way I was dancing earlier.

  It’s a world apart from the crush of people and chaos all around us the little group we’d created.

  This feels like just him and me - and those intense green eyes stirring something warm and exciting inside me.

  I’m sure there are other people in this room too, but I don’t remember seeing a single one as we came in. All I’m looking at is him.

  We get a little closer and one of his hands drops down to my hip, my arms wrapping around him.

  I haven’t been this close to a guy since—

  No. Absolutely not. He does not belong here.

  I’d forgotten how nice it feels, though. The strength and size of Damien’s body seems to completely engulf my own, magiving me the feeling of being overwhelmed and sheltered at the same time.

  Without thinking, I find myself tilting my head up toward him, my eyes following the strong line of his jaw, the sharp cheekbones and aristocratic face he has…until it lowers toward me.

  The kiss takes me completely by surprise - but it feels like the most natural thing I’ve ever done. An extension of the dance - and of being this close to him, with the heady beating of music and lights around us.

  His mouth is warm and soft against mine, more gentle than I’d expected - and I find myself melting into him, my lips opening as we slowly explore each other. My heart feels like it’s jumped into my throat, something inside me spinning with the kind of heat and desire that I’d thought had died a slow death over the last couple of years.

  I clutch at his shirt, tugging on him and he comes forward, closer until I’m pressed back against the wall of one of the nooks in this room and I can suddenly feel the weight of him. Exactly how I want to. We’re still dancing, our bodies still sliding against each other as the kiss gets more intense, but it’s got an edge to it now. Every touch feels electric between us, sparks sliding along my skin and winding something inside me tight until I’m almost aching with it.

  I can’t help myself, I moan into his mouth and my hands start roaming over his body. I haven’t had this for so long and suddenly it’s right here. Overwhelming. Intense.

  Something I didn’t even realize I needed.

  Hell, if this is what Vicki was talking about…maybe she’s right.

  I kiss him back hard, tasting the brandy on his tongue and letting the sweetness of it mingle between us. He responds in kind, his hands tightening on my body until I feel I could melt, the strength and power I feel there affecting me in a way I didn’t even know was possible.

  His hand cups the back of my head, pulling my mouth closer to him and almost lifting me from where I’m standing. With his body supporting me against the wall, I almost feel like I’m flying as my hands grab his head, tangling in his hair and deepening the kiss. I’ve never felt like this before - desperately wanting to taste, to touch, to have more.

  The wall is vibrating from the club behind it, every beat making my heart pound harder and faster and sending pulses of pleasure to my core. I feel alive and electric in a way that I’ve been missing for months.


  Who the hell knows?

  I just know I don’t want it to stop.

  We’re full-on grinding against each other now, and I feel more naughty than I ever have - but I love it. Vicki was right. I am different now. I can be. As much as I want.

  I jump forward, trusting him to catch me as I hook my legs around his hips. His eyes widen and then I settle perfectly against…ohh my…

  His hands grab my ass and make me squirm, but it’s the bulge I’m pressed right up against that holds all of my attention.

  “Fuck…” He grinds out, and the word sends a shiver through me.

  “I think fuck is right.” I murmur, unable to help the way I want to rub myself against what I feel there.

  The sudden ache in my pussy is unbelievable, unbearable, so desperate and needy that I kiss all along that strong jaw, letting the slight stubble tickle me.

  “This is amazing.” I whisper, and I’m not talking about the glass wall or the view of the club below anymore.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe how much I want to. But damn…I do.

  Damn Vicki for being right.

  But also, thank god for her, too.

  He chuckles, and held up like this I’m finally looking down at him. I run a hand under the open part of his shirt, enjoying the adventurous impulse and then the feel of the hard pecs there.

  He groans, kissing me again, and I automatically squirm against the tempting bulge right in front of me.

  He draws back with a curse.

  “Damn it, Ava, you’re making this difficult.”

  “Oh?” I laugh lightly, leaning forward to nibble on his ear. “Seems to me like I’m making it quite easy.”

  His eyes light with a sudden fire and I don’t know if he’s taking that as some sort of permission, but his hand suddenly slides under my dress where he’s holding me - and right onto my bare ass. This time I gasp, my arms around his shoulders clutching him to me as heat shivers through me.

  Oh god.

  Oh god.

  Oh, and thank god Vicki insisted I borrow something sexy to wear. If that had been my comfy granny panties…

  I don’t realize I’m saying ‘oh god’ out loud until he laughs, catching my mouth against his again while his hand caresses my ass, inching closer and closer toward the narrow thong barely covering me.

  I moan, but then I grind myself against his hips again, feeling that bulge rub deliciously against exactly the right spot and send another wave of heat through me. He groans into my mouth, hand squeezing my ass while his hips thrust up to meet me, making my eyes widen with the movement.

  His fingers skim along my thong and I can feel how drenched it is, how slick and wet I am for just the idea of him. God, I have no idea who this guy is, but he’s hitting every button I never knew I had. He’s driving me crazy, and if he goes much further then—

  Well, two can play at that.

  I let my hands fall down to his hips and reach for his belt, trying to figure out the buckle without being able to see it. He pauses, shifting his weight so he’s still supporting me as he takes one hand from where it’s fondling my ass to cover my own, stopping me.


  “What?” I ask, breathy and surprised - and wanting more. If he’s going to—

  “It’s one thing to have you muffling screams as I get you off here against the wall, but if you go any further with that right here in the middle of this club, well…that would be something else entirely.”

  My eyes widen at his words, even as they produce a shudder of desire that seems to heat me all the way through. I don’t think anyone has ever said something like that to me. So dirty. So naughty. Oh, god.

  “But…what about you?” I murmur, more than a little confused.

  He chuckles. “
Believe me, this will fill every fantasy I have for weeks.”

  I get a hot-and-cold shiver again as I suddenly picture him going home, beating off, thinking of—

  “But I want that.” I murmur, my hand gliding over the hard bulge that’s been pressed against me this whole time.

  And I do. I don’t want him to go home and take the thick cock I can feel beneath me in his hands…I want it inside me. I want to feel him.

  “I want to feel you.” I whisper, before I lose my nerve.

  Before my mind can come out from under the hormones and desire and need racing through me.

  I feel him shudder slightly under me, his eyes hooding with matching heat as he takes my mouth again, almost crushing my body back against the wall. I tighten my legs around his hips, grip his hair with the same ferocity, the ache driving through me only getting worse.

  “If…we’re doing…that.” He rumbles against my mouth. “Not here.”

  Anticipation-fear-disbelief surges through me and I have no idea whether I’m being totally stupid, but I can’t help myself. I’ve gone from thinking that this was never going to happen, to being desperate for it.

  Some part of me is secretly thrilled that I’m getting my first experience of a one night stand - my first experience of single life, according to Vicki.

  “There’s a hotel right next door.” He says, finally pulling back enough to look at me, grinning with the same anticipation that’s running through my blood. “Come with me?”

  Oh god.

  This is crazy, impossible, stupid, surreal.

  It’s an adventure, I remind myself, that’s what you wanted.

  “Okay.” I breathe, and he lowers me to the ground. I step up to him quickly, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning into him. “Just…don’t stop. Don’t let me over-think it.”

  He chuckles, leaning down to kiss me again - and he does exactly what I ask for. We hurry through the bar’s exit, too eager for anything else, and he doesn’t stop touching me the whole time. His hand stays tight around my hip, fingers trailing along the outline of my thong strap that I know he can feel through my dress. Enough to tug on it, to have it ride up and make me gasp…and the whole time, I have my hand in the back pocket of his suit pants. Not as snug as if he were wearing jeans, but still…damn, that man has an ass. Hard and tempting and something I can’t wait to see naked.


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