Under the Owl Tree

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Under the Owl Tree Page 23

by Sara Daniell

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  I kissed him before moving off his lap to unbutton his jeans. If I could have ripped his clothes off, I would have. He moved the seat back so it was easier to get his jeans and boxers off. Zach gently grabbed my arm and pulled me back on top of him. As he unhooked my bra, I worked on taking off my shorts and panties. He tossed the bra behind him and then did the same with my shorts and panties. He tried to say something, but his lips were urgently on mine again.

  “What were you going to say?” I asked against his mouth.

  His fingers knotted in my hair. “Fuck it,” he breathed out.

  His lips moved down my neck, and it didn’t matter what he was trying to say because I damn sure wasn’t listening.

  I MOVED MY hair to the side, and Zach hooked my bra back for me.

  He handed me my shirt. “I guess I have to take you home now, huh?” he asked with a pout.

  I slipped it over my head. “I’m eighteen so technically no. But seeing that my parents and I are on good terms right now, yes. But you can’t drive me there. I need to go through the woods.”

  He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. “Alright.” He kissed me when I turned to look at him. “I will be handling practice tomorrow and the game. I guess I’ll see you then.”

  He started the truck and drove back to Coach’s house. I sat as close to him as I could get. I wrapped my arms around his free arm and rested my chin on his shoulder.

  “Dane told me you’re back in college.”

  He made a face. “Yeah. I’m trying to get my business degree. I’m expanding Quinn’s, and I thought people would be more inclined to get in business with me if I had a business degree.”

  “I’m really proud of you.” I kissed his cheek and then put my chin back on his shoulder. “I know this is probably a really weird time to bring this up, but you should know that Dane and I never had sex. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to be weird about us.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask. You never asked about my past. You said my past was in the past. That’s what I was going to do with you.” He smiled a little. “Accept your past isn’t like mine.” His smile faded.

  I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I don’t want you to feel like I’m hiding anything from you.”

  He pulled into Coach’s driveway and parked. He looked at me. “If I think of something, I’ll ask.” He played with my hair. “Do you still have the phone I gave you?”

  “Yeah, it’s dead. I need to charge it.”

  “I’ll text you on that one. I don’t want anything to mess up things with your parents.” He kissed me again and then put his forehead to mine. “You should go.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “I don’t want you to either, but you have to.”

  “Can’t I just stay with you?”

  “What about your parents?”

  “I’m eighteen.” He was right, but I wasn’t ready to say goodnight to him. We were away from each other for too long.

  He rubbed my cheek gently with his thumb. “I want you to stay with me so badly, but I don’t want to be the reason things get messed up with your family. You mean too much to me to do that.” He kissed me. “I can come stay in your room with you until you fall asleep. I’ve climbed down that place before. I can climb up it.”


  He smiled. “Really.”

  We got out of his truck and walked through the woods to my house. He helped me climb to my window then followed behind me. When we got in my room, he took his shoes off and crawled in bed.

  I went to my dresser and pulled out one of his t-shirts. “I may have stolen one of your shirts while I was at the cabin.” I undressed and slipped it over my head.

  He smiled when I crawled into bed with him. “I’ll stay ‘til you fall asleep.” He kissed the top of my head.

  I sighed in content. “I’m crazy about you, Zachary Shaw.”

  He held me close. “I’m crazy about you too, Hales.” He kissed my neck and buried his face against it. “Get some sleep, baby,” he whispered against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

  “You too.” I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

  I reached for Zach as I opened my eyes, but my hand only found the sheets. I looked to my right and saw he was gone. I found a piece of paper folded on the pillow next to me.

  I smiled and folded the paper back up and stuck it under my pillow. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and texted Dane.

  Me: Just wanted you to be the first to know that I’m back with Zach.

  Dane: Good. So, I need some advice.

  Me: Yeah?

  Dane: Should I try to work on things with Sadie?

  Me: But she’s so far away.

  Dane. I know. Is that a no I shouldn’t then?

  Me: It’s not a no. It’s a she’s far away, and it could be difficult.

  Dane: I know... Fuck. Oh, by the way, Trevor is here, and he’s talking about quitting school and going to New York. I need help talking him into not leaving until the end of the school year. He’s really depressed, and this isn’t like him. I don’t know what to do. I need help.

  Me: Do you want me to come over now?

  Dane: If you can. We’re about to eat breakfast. Come eat with us?

  Me: Yeah. I’ll jump in the shower and then head over.

  Dane: K. Oh, and lover boy is here. Looks like he didn’t get much sleep. LOL

  Me: We had a lot of making up to do. ;)

  Dane: Figured.

  Me: It’s not awkward for you, right? Dammit, sorry. We go from making out to best friends again. Tell me when too much info is too much info.

  Dane: Lol it’s fine.

  I got out of bed and got dressed. I went downstairs after brushing my teeth and told my parents what I was doing and then got in my car. I didn’t tell them Dane and I had broken up, but I’d tell them when I was ready. When I got to Coach’s, Quinn and Brink were on the floor, helping Millie put a puzzle together.

  Brink smiled, and Millie jumped up. She ran over and hugged my legs.

  “Dane and Trevor are in the kitchen cooking breakfast.”

  Millie looked up at me and said, “Daddy and Uncle Zach are upstairs.”

  I hugged her before going into the kitchen.

  “Hope you’re hungry. We’ve made a ton of food,” Dane said as he smiled at me over his shoulder. “Can you grab some plates?”

  “Yup.” I grabbed some, and it took me a second to remember not to check out Dane.

  Trevor took the pancakes to the table and then grabbed the bacon. “How’s your morning going?” he asked me without his normal smile.

  “Fine. So, I hear you want to go to New York.”

  “I miss my best friend, and she hates it there. She feels so alone.”

  I wished he knew that I knew his secret. I nodded. “Yeah, but we’d all miss you here. What if we just go for a visit over spring break?”

  “It’s so far away. I’m going to spend Christmas break with her, but she needs me, Hales. We’ve been friends since pre-k.”

  “And a couple.”

  He smiled sadly. “Dane told me he told you the truth, Hales.”

  “Oh.” I smiled when he looked at me. “I wish you’d embrace it and not give a shit about these small-minded assholes.”

  “I know, but it’s hard. My parents don’t even know.”

  “We will be here for you.”

  “Thanks. I know I’m probably overreacting, but it’s hard being away from someone you love.”

  Dane brought the rest of the food over. He had two plates already fixed.

  “Hales, can you take these up to Zach and Elliot?”

  “Sure.” I smiled at him.

  “Thanks. They’re in Elliot’s room. It’s the first door on the right as you come up the stairs.” He put the plates and two glasses of orange juice on a tray and handed it to me. I went up the stairs and
found the door to Coach’s room open. I walked in and saw Zach asleep in a chair next to the bed, and Coach was drawing.

  “Hey,” I whispered as I set the tray of food down on the end of his bed.

  I sat down next to him. “So I’m sure you’ve heard the news.”

  “Yeah. He told me this morning before he crashed in that chair.”

  Coach patted my knee. “I’m glad you two worked things out. He’s happy when he’s with you.” Coach started coughing which caused Zach to wake up. Before I could do anything, Zach helped Coach hold a bottle of water in his trembling hands to take a drink.

  “I’m okay,” he finally got out after the coughing stopped.

  Zach put the water next to the bed. “It’s time for your medicine, and you need to eat.”

  “I’m not really hungry, Zach.”

  My heart hurt so badly seeing Coach this way. I looked at his drawing, and it was of Millie and his wife. I looked at Zach. Zach looked like he was breaking apart as he looked at his brother.

  “Try to eat.” He helped Coach sit back against the headboard then handed him the tray after removing his own plate and glass.

  “Daddy, can I eat with you?” Millie’s voice said from the doorway.

  “Of course, little trouble.” She smiled and came in.

  “You can have my plate.” Zach helped her in bed. He found a lap desk and let Millie use it to eat on.

  Coach looked at Zach. “Why don’t you go eat with Hales and get some sleep.”

  “I’m fine,” Zach said as he tried to smile. He plopped back down in the chair.

  Coach looked at me then motioned to Zach with his head.

  I stood and held my hand out to Zach. “Come on.”

  Zach opened his mouth to argue, but Coach spoke, “Send Brink or Quinn up. You’re exhausted; plus you said you had to go to the cabin today. Do what you have to do, and get some rest.”

  Zach sighed heavily then put his hand in mine and stood.

  We left the room. Zach put his back to the wall when we came out. “Can you give me a ride to my cabin?”

  “Yeah. Of course.” I didn’t know what to say or do. This was so hard on everyone, especially Zach. It wasn’t fair. Coach deserved the entire world.

  “Do you need to grab anything from here before we go?”

  He shook his head. “I just need to tell Brink to sit with Elliot.”

  He kissed my forehead after he pushed off the wall. “Thank you, Tiger.”

  I smiled. “I missed hearing you call me that.” I followed him downstairs. I went over to Trevor and Dane while Zach talked to Brink.

  “I’m heading to the cabin with Zach. And Trevor, you are not leaving us. We should plan a trip to see Sadie soon, but you’re staying here.”

  Trevor smiled a little. “You’re taking Zach to the cabin? Is that code for something? And should Dane be jealous?” He asked teasingly.

  My eyes widened. Shit. I looked at Dane.

  “You can trust him, Hales.”

  “Dane and I broke up, and I’m dating Zach. I dated Zach for a while, and no one knew. Dane can give you the full story.”

  Trevor grinned. “Don’t think no one knew. I’m good at hiding things. I know what to look for.”

  I laughed. “Just keep being good at hiding things.

  My parents and the school can’t find out. Especially now that Coach isn’t going to be able to be around, Zach is stepping up.”

  I looked at Zach when he walked in. I noticed I was standing very close to Dane. In my defense, it was habit. I took a step away from him, putting a more comfortable distance between us.

  “Ready?” I asked Zach.

  Zach nodded. He looked so tired and sad.

  I told the guys goodbye, and then Zach and I headed out to my car. Zach grabbed my hand in his as I drove. By the time we made it to the cabin, he was sound asleep.

  I woke him up when we got to the cabin, and we headed inside. He fell into the bed and was out again. I took off his shoes and then mine. I climbed into bed beside him and rubbed his back until I fell asleep too.

  I walked around the cabin, watching the construction team work. I was shocked at how much had changed in just four days. It was looking more like a home rather than a vacation getaway.

  I had just finished brewing coffee when Zach walked into the kitchen. “You look refreshed.” I smiled and poured him a cup. “Feel better now that you got some sleep?”

  “Yeah.” He took the cup and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. “Thank you.” He started looking around on the kitchen table. “I have something to ask you.”

  “Okay, but give me a second.” I smiled as I took a sip of my coffee and took a minute to appreciate how sexy he looked in his sweats and no shirt. He had no idea how hot he made sweats with them hanging low on his hips and his boxers showing a little.

  He nodded and kept looking through some papers on the table. “Aha!” he yelled when he found what he was looking for.

  I walked over to him. “What is it?”

  He handed it to me. “I want you to have a say in what happens to the cabin.” He pointed at a picture. “Do you like the porch the way it is now, or would a porch that wraps all the way around be better?”

  I stared at him, blinking a few times.

  He looked down at me. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

  I shook my head and smiled. “Are you saying you see a future with me?”

  Zach kept his eyes locked on mine. “Yes. I don’t see any future without you in it, Tiger.”

  My heart was so happy it could burst. I crooked my finger at him. “Come here.”

  He came closer to me and put his hands on my hips. “Yes?”

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “I’ll be okay with any porch, Zach. What’s your budget?”

  I never asked him about money; I knew he had it. I didn’t feel like it was my business. But a budget seemed like an important thing to ask regarding the remodeling. He went to the table again and picked up a notebook. He handed it to me.

  “One line is for decorations, and the other is for construction. If we do the wrap-around porch, we can’t add an extra bathroom. Which do you prefer? One guest bathroom and a better private bathroom or a wraparound porch?”

  “Two bathrooms for sure.” I put the notebook back on the table.

  “Alright.” He pulled me close to him. “Do you want to help me with decorating? I don’t have a damn clue.”

  I laughed and ran my hands over his bare chest. “I’m not good at decorating either, but surely we can figure it out together.”

  He smiled. “Hopefully.” He looked at me. “So do you think you could talk your parents into letting you go on a mini-vacation with all of us during Thanksgiving break? Trevor will be going with us. I’m going to fly Sadie to meet us. He doesn’t know so don’t tell him. It’s a surprise.”

  “Hell yeah! I’m sure I could since they know about Coach. They understand that I will want to spend as much time with him as I can.” Saying that surfaced so many emotions in Zach and me. I touched his face. “I’m sorry.” I closed my eyes and put my forehead to his chest.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around me. He put his head on top of mine, and I felt a tear hit the top of my head. “We’re going to Orlando. Elliot wants to take Millie to Disneyworld and Universal Studios before he... before he dies.” His voice broke. “He promised he’d let me push him in a wheelchair.” He let out a shaky breath and cleared his throat. “I have a gift for you,” he said, changing the subject.

  I wiped my eyes and followed him into the bedroom. He went to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a small, flat box. He smiled as he handed it to me. I opened the box and saw a set of keys. I looked up at him in confusion. I already had a key to the cabin. I didn’t understand what the keys were for. I watched as he pulled something else out of his dresser. He handed me a picture of a beach house. I knew that beach so well. It looked like Gulfport.

; I looked Zach. “Is this what I think it is?”

  He gave me his crooked smile. “I don’t know. What do you think it is?”

  “It looks like a house in Gulfport on my favorite beach.”

  He nodded. “Then it’s what you think it is.”

  I squealed. “Really?” I jumped a little.

  He laughed. “Yes, really. And it’s all yours. I have more pictures of it so you can see what the inside looks like too.”

  How much money did this guy have? Then it dawned on me. Tulane. I looked at him.

  “Zach. Who paid for my schooling at Tulane? I know my parents didn’t. We don’t have that kind of money.”

  He looked like a kid who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. “Well...” He looked down at his shoes and rocked back and forth. “I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad. I appreciate it, but is there something I should know? Are you a drug dealer or something?”

  He looked at me and laughed. He sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. “Sit, and I’ll explain.”

  I sat down and looked at him. “Is it bad?”

  “No, it’s not bad. My father was a surgeon who made a lot of money. When he passed away, his life insurance and everything he had was split between Elliot and me. My mother was an inventor. She made a lot of medical equipment, and she made a lot of money from it. We still get money because of some of her inventions.” He looked at me. “The past five years I have been playing the stock market with some of the money. A small amount of it. I didn’t want to risk losing all of it. The small amount I started with has, on its own, made me a millionaire. I have no debt. Quinn’s is completely paid off, and on its own, it makes me enough money to live off of. I haven’t touched the other money until recently. It has grown a lot.” He shrugged. “Your beach house is paid for, but I will earn all that money back just by opening a Quinn’s in Gulfport. Elliot is the same way. Everything he owns is paid off. He lives off his teaching salary. Quinn and Brink help him pay the bills at the house since they live there too. So nothing bad or illegal.”


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