Book Read Free


Page 66

by Sosie Frost

  “Family’s already started.” He grinned. “Only one thing left.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I gotta make you like me.”

  “Good luck, cowboy.” I hurried off the porch, avoiding a sudden head butt from a very excited Clyde. “Need more than a miracle to pull that off.”

  He’d need me to tell him the truth.

  I liked Julian. In fact…I liked him a little too much. But having a baby with him was enough. Dating my own enemy? What did that make him?

  A complication? A danger? Or just…

  A boyfrenemy?



  If I’d known how easily I could bribe Micah with half of a meatball sandwich and a pint of pistachio ice cream, I’d have gotten my barn weeks ago.

  Then again, if I had known she would have dunked one into the other, I probably would have had second thoughts about sleeping with her.

  Micah was the type of girl who ate her fast food off real plates. She laid out a fork, a spoon, and a wineglass that once held Chardonnay and was now filled to the brim with milk. She settled into her chair at the two-seat dining room table and folded her napkin in her lap.

  Then she smeared the ice cream over the meatballs.

  Sweet Jesus, pregnancy was terrifying.

  “Bon appetite,” I said, considering bolting for the exit if she dared to reach for the squirt bottle of honey mustard sitting on the table. “Glad I could…help.”

  The apartment seemed too tiny for a woman as sophisticated as Micah. Decorations trumped practicality. She’d sacrificed a valuable kitchen shelf to display a vase of fresh flowers, choosing to tuck her pots and pans into her oven instead. The appliances were antiquated, but she hid their age by hanging fancy hand towels from their handles. Ruffled curtains attempted to brighten the tiny kitchen, but the windows were awkwardly small. The evening’s sunset cast long shadows across her counters—mostly occupied by presumably empty porcelain cookie jars and a now dusty coffee pot that hadn’t seen use since before the pregnancy.

  Micah could fill a home and make it beautiful, but at the end the day, the mother of my child sat alone in a damp kitchen, passing the hours until she’d crawl to bed—miserable and nauseous—in a poster bed fit for a princess.

  I couldn’t let her handle this pregnancy alone. But how the hell was I supposed to convince her to let me help?

  “Is this gross?” Micah stared at her food. “It’s good, but I’m afraid if I realize it’s gross, it’ll all come back up. And I’d really like something to stay down.”

  I pulled up a chair and stole a spoonful of ice cream. “That bad?”

  She sighed. “I’m running out of excuses for work. First, it was a stomach bug. Then it was a bad tuna fish sandwich.”

  “All tuna fish sandwiches are bad.”

  “Now I’m inventing reasons. I need a paper towel, or my pen exploded on my hands. Today’s was Does anyone else hear that ticking?” Micah paused. “Pro tip…don’t use that last excuse around the sheriff. We had to evacuate the offices and the senior center in the middle of Bingo. Don’t piss off the little old ladies when they’re armed with knitting needles.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “My Nan used to play. She’s the reason they created the Annie Rule.”

  “No hot beverages served during Bingo?”

  “That’s the one. Nanna had a temper.”

  She took a bite of her sandwich, chewed, then reached for the honey mustard. I couldn’t watch.

  “I got something that’ll cheer you up,” I said.

  Her eyes widened. “Is it a piece of pineapple?”

  Christ, I could barely keep my cock in my pants around this woman. Did she think I could fit tropical fruit in my pockets? “Fresh out of pineapple.”

  She bit her lip. “Could it be a piece of pineapple?”

  “Barlow’s closes at nine,” I said. Her crumpled expression broke my heart. “But, no problem. I can drive over to the Walmart in Cedar Grove—”

  “No, that’s okay,” Micah said. Could tell she didn’t mean it. “I’ll live.”

  “Besides, I got you something better,” I said. “Did you still want some fireworks?”

  “No way.”

  “I found a sponsor.”

  “No way!”

  “They used to do business with my dad. Gave them a call. They said they’d love to be a sponsor, and they’ll front an extra three thousand bucks so you can get the fireworks.”

  Micah bounced to her feet and rushed into my arms.

  Was it wrong to hold her tight? To keep her close?

  To savor the sweet apple-rose of her scent?

  Probably. I did it anyway.

  “Who are they?” Micah smiled, a beautiful, carefree, untempered grin. “As a member of the government, I can’t thank them with a gift, but I can certainly offer a firm handshake.”

  “It’s a little outfit in Sawyer County.”

  “Even better.”

  “Locally source all their products,” I said.

  “We like that. Who are they?”

  “Four Men And A Pig Fertilizer.”

  Micah blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “They’re professional. My dad used them for years. I guess now it’s Four Mens’ Sons and a Different Pig Fertilizer, but the work ethic is still there.”

  “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Uh, how locally sourced is their product?”

  “Suppose the pig does most of the heavy lifting.”

  She pushed her sandwich away. “Well…it doesn’t matter as long as their checks are good…and they wash their hands before signing it.”

  “Only thing they ask is that they get recognition for their donation,” I said.

  “Not a problem. They’ll have an ad in the program.”

  “Actually…I promised them a bit more.”

  Micah frowned. “You…what?”

  The woman had tempted me with sex. I would have paid for the fireworks myself if it meant getting into her bed. But the sponsorship was easy enough to score. A little introduction. An explanation about the potential advertising benefits.

  Plus, they’d seemed far more eager to help after I’d ordered a couple tons of fertilizer to one of my untilled, unplanted fields.

  “I told them they could have a bigger spot,” I said.

  Micah hesitated. “How big?”

  “How do you feel about…Four Men And A Pig Fertilizer Company Presents The Sawyer County Agricultural Fair?”

  “Oh my god.”

  “It got us the money.”

  “No, no, no, no…” Micah shot out of her chair. “That can’t work. We can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because everyone already thinks the fair is shitty this year—this will confirm it!”

  I tugged on her arm before she escaped to the living room—not that there was very far to go. She swung around only to slap my shoulder.

  “Jesus, cowboy.”

  “You said to find you money for the fair,” I said. “Take it.”

  “But it’s fertilizer.”

  “And it’s an agricultural fair. You think unicorns kiss the farmland around here, and everything grows by itself smelling like roses?”


  “Farms need fertilizer. You needed fireworks. It’s a good trade.”

  She squirmed but eventually nodded. “You’re right. Damn it. It’s just…you have no idea why I need this fair to succeed.”

  I didn’t let her escape to the couch. “So tell me.”

  For the first time, Micah didn’t have anything smart to say. “I need to keep this job.”


  She patted her belly. “Why else?”

  And now I felt like an asshole. “You know I’m going to help you.”

  “Do I seem like the type who would accept charity?”

  Why didn’t she punch me in the gut while we were at it? “What charity? That’s my kid in there.”

nbsp; “I can handle it myself. I just need to focus. On everything. The job. The fair. My responsibilities. But…”


  “The morning sickness is a killer. That sandwich was all I’ve kept down in a day.”

  “You hardly ate it. Probably because it was disgusting, but Christ.”

  “I can’t help it.” The frustration edged her voice. “I’m sick when I get up. I’m sick when I go to work. I’m sick in meetings, at lunch, during the afternoon, when I’m eating dinner. The only time I’m not sick is before bed, but God knows I can’t do that at work.”

  Now that piqued my interest. “Can’t do what?”

  A quiet panic stole her confidence. She aimed for the couch. I didn’t let her out of my sight.

  “Nothing,” she said, quickly. “Forget it.”

  “So…you only feel good at night?” I asked. “In bed?”

  “Easy, cowboy.”

  I grinned. “Now what would feel good late at night in bed? Must be something you’re doing.”

  “Don’t start,” she said. “I’m not in a forgiving mood.”

  What else was new? “I’m right.”

  “Don’t embarrass me.”

  Oh, but I liked her embarrassed—all vulnerable, slick, and desperate. “Why would that embarrass you? Masturbating makes the morning sickness go away. So what?”

  “Don’t.” She covered her ears. “Don’t say that word.”

  A vixen and a prude. Nothing hotter. “There’s no shame in thinking about me when you go to bed.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “I’m already in yours,” I laughed. “I won’t tell anyone that you touch that hot little pussy all night. Just one problem.”

  “Only one?”

  “I’m not the one pleasuring you.”

  Micah’s gaze burned, but it wasn’t her usual indignation. She licked her lips, but her words still cracked. “Don’t get excited. It’s the hormones. I’m a mess.”

  Fuck. I loved hormones. “You don’t like being out of control, do you?”

  “Who does?”

  Apparently, not the little authoritarian. “Have you ever let yourself lose control?”

  “Why would I do something that stupid?”

  I frowned. “Nowhere in your life plan or goal journal or motivational planner did you write in some time to let yourself get ravished?”

  “Who would be that irresponsible?”

  I took her hand before she ducked away. “Nothing wrong with those feelings, Micah.”

  “Yeah, but they’re about the wrong man.”

  My cock hardened. “Or maybe I’m the right one.”

  “God help us all.”

  I tucked a stray curl of her hair behind her ear. The woman had the softest skin, a beautiful, sexy darkness that kissed her high cheekbones and teased my fingertips with silk. “Give me a chance to soothe that tummy tonight.”

  She laughed. “You think I’m that dumb?”

  “Not dumb. Desperate, maybe.”

  “No way.”

  “Why not?” I smiled. Pride would be the death of me if my cock didn’t get me in trouble first. “I’m already in your fantasies, aren’t I? Stuck in your mind all night? What sort of terrible, dirty things happen in your head?”

  Micah stiffened, but her lips had parted, puffy and swollen, even without my kisses. “You do all sorts of things—treat me with respect, arrive to the fair meetings on time, leave when I tell you to get the hell out…”

  She could deny it all she wanted. Desire never lied. “What if I told you the real thing is better than anything you can imagine?”

  Micah didn’t slip away from my grasp, but she shook her head. “One problem leads to another.”

  “I’m offering the solution.”

  “How is getting in my bed a solution?”

  “What could go wrong? I already got you pregnant. From here, we can only go up…” I winked. “Or down.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. You were just a means to an end.”

  “But you got a great ending.”

  She groaned. “Pregnant?”

  “It’s thrust us back together,” I said.

  “This is not how I imagined us dating.”

  Ah…but she did think of us dating. “Ask and you shall receive, princess. No strings attached.”

  “No strings?”

  “I can get some rope if you ask nicely.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Who could resist that charm?”

  “You don’t have to resist it. Just enjoy it.”

  I pulled her close, capturing that beautiful woman in my arms and forcing her to meet my gaze. I silenced her with a fierce kiss and swept her into my arms. Her feet kicked, but Micah whimpered a soft coo as I carried her into her bedroom.

  Her puffy, pristine bed had too many pillows and shams and frilly fuckery for a girl to have a good time. Her ass nestled into the comforter, and I tore the rest of the bullshit away. The only thing I’d tolerate separating my cock from Micah was the scrap of panties I’d tease off of her body.

  “You complicate everything, princess,” I said, loving how insulted she got when I scolded her. “Here I am, offering you a night of pleasure—”

  Micah leaned on her elbows, surprising me as her lips crashed into mine. “Shut up, cowboy. You want to fuck me too. Don’t pretend you’re some noble gentleman doing me a favor.”

  “You think so little of me.”

  Her eyes darted down, her gaze burning over the hardness straining in my jeans. “On the contrary. I think a lot about you.”

  “How much of it is good?”

  “About nine inches worth.”

  “And the rest?”

  She teased at the buttons on her blouse, popping two before tempting me with the dark swell of her perfect breasts. “Can’t live with it…can’t live without it, I suppose.”

  “I knew you only wanted me for my cock.”

  “Sure beats conversation.”

  “Good thing I’m not here for pleasantries.”

  I didn’t waste time, ripping at her shirt. Buttons flew. The material tore.

  “You bastard!” She gasped. “That was a hundred-dollar blouse!”

  The bra was probably expensive too. It didn’t take much to tug off, not when her beautiful tits spilled from the lacey cups.

  “What’s the matter?” I took a delirious pride in my work. “In a couple months, you won’t fit in that blouse anyway.”

  Micah was a gorgeous woman. But now? Angry, puffing, and topless—her hair curling over her breasts so plump they must have hurt—the woman was goddamned irresistible.

  “You’re the kind of freak who thinks this is hot, aren’t you?” Micah asked.

  “That I knocked you up?” My growl made her squirm in desire. “That I fucked you so raw, so hard, so good that I left a baby tucked in your belly? Yeah. It’s better than hot. It’s fucking amazing.”

  I dove at her skirt. Micah quickly unzipped the side before I destroyed it too. The skirt tickled over her legs before I cast it off. All that remained was an electric pink thong, contrasting against the lovely black of her skin.

  “This for me?” I snapped the elastic band with my thumbs.

  “Maybe a girl just wants to look good?”

  “Only a girl who wants to be seen…” I pushed her down. Her tits bounced from the crash against the mattress. Those dark nipples tightened into little nubs. She hid them under her arm. Shy little thing. Too bad I was already unthreading the thong from her hips. “I think you want me to see this.”

  “Not everything is about you.”

  “This is…” The peek of her bare slit teased behind the bright pink. My cock swelled, aching in my jeans. “I think you wanted to look good for me. I think you meant to call me to your house tonight—forget the food, you were hungry for something else, weren’t you?”

  Her eyebrow arched. “And here I thought you’d do more eating and less talking.”

  “All the
perks and none of the conversation? Perfect.” The thong slipped over her ankles. Enough was enough. I knelt at the side of the bed and hauled her hips to the edge of the mattress. “Then all that’s left to say are those magic words.”

  She stiffened. Shocked. Mortified. Beautiful. “You expect me to ask?”

  I expected her to beg.

  My cock pulsed, hard and searing hot. I stared at this amazing woman offered before me. Soft curves. A secret, bare slit, slickening with each frantic heartbeat. The dark petals spread for me, inviting me closer to that sacred heat. A lick. A nibble. A bite.

  But not before she said it. Not before she asked me to sink into her velvet folds and savor the silken delight that would ravage both our souls.

  I’d never wanted a woman more than I did at this moment.

  I’d fucked Micah. I’d taken her, jetted my seed inside her, and created a life with her. But she wasn’t mine. Not yet. Not in any sense of the word.

  Micah had refused me every chance she could, even when her lips had parted and her legs had spread and she’d murmured those lovely little whimpers against me.

  How hard did I need to fuck this woman to claim her?

  How fast did I need to make her come to prove she was mine?

  And what would happen when I did take her—when I licked her, fucked her, and came once again deep inside her soft core? Would she still think I was a stranger?

  Or would she know that this was something different?

  “Tell me you want me,” I said.

  Micah shuddered as my breath warmed over her glistening slit. “I…I don’t know.”

  “What’s not to know?”

  “This isn’t easy, Jules.”

  “Only cause you make it—and me—hard.”

  Micah covered her eyes. “We’re having a baby together.”

  And the thought drove me wild. “So?”

  “I just…” She tried to close her legs. Never. She had nothing to hide from me and everything yet to give. I wouldn’t let the shame scare her away. “I need a good fuck right now, cowboy.”

  I grunted, nearly diving into her pussy then and there. “Desperate, huh?”

  “I’m aching…” Her fingers gripped the comforter. “But it’s just sex. Nothing more. Nothing involved. Nothing…”


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